The time you stole candy from a baby?
Just because it's in the thesaurus doesn't mean it's a good idea.
And why isn't 'dethesaurisation' in the dictionary?
Lynk Former Wrote:LOL XD That just reminded me of something hilariously funny.
Oh please share ^^ I miss Lynky's Wacky Adventures.
~ You're gonna die screaming but you won't be heard. ~
It was a gathering we were having at work, just one of those bbq type ones outside, it was quite awhile ago. Peter and I had gone outside and we saw Jess standing there with an ice cream in hand and she kinda jumped up a little to greet us... and the ice cream fell from the cone she was holding XD the expression she had was priceless, it was exactly like what a little kid would be doing in that situation XD We laughed our asses off, it was just too priceless... then she started hitting me, telling me it was all my fault XD
You've read it! You can't unread it!
5 March 2007, 10:50 PM
(This post was last modified: 5 March 2007, 10:52 PM by Kiai.)
Asshole... it is your fault.
Humour me for a moment, why is it my fault?
4chan, not letting you leech off of them  or a crappy photoshop job of Artoo and Threepio.
You've read it! You can't unread it!
LoL. Let me vent you bastard *shakes fist* I totally beet you up if I spilled my icecream!
Kiai Wrote:LoL. Let me vent you bastard *shakes fist* I totally beet you up if I spilled my icecream! No you wouldn't cause I'd buy you another one
You've read it! You can't unread it!
I'd totally buy you a milkshake.
Lynk: The Ice Cream Man.
Sounds like a porn thing...
~ You're gonna die screaming but you won't be heard. ~
I'd like to make sweet sweet pr0n with that guy any day of the week.
Kiai Wrote:I'd totally buy you a milkshake.
Kelis - Milkshake
I like that song.
Milkshake > My Humps
~And they're like, it's better than yours ~
~ You're gonna die screaming but you won't be heard. ~
That song XD
Anouther story from Lynk, that did sound pretty funny when it happened XD
What type of icecream would Lynk get though?
How about "Lynk: The Hot Cream Man"?
Anyway, this is the Nerdz thread right? Anyone have a simple to convert octal to decimal, then back to octal and to binary? Without using a program or calculator to do all the work? Can't seem to find any sites that help.
Kiai Wrote:Anyway, this is the Nerdz thread right? Anyone have a simple to convert octal to decimal, then back to octal and to binary? Without using a program or calculator to do all the work? Can't seem to find any sites that help.
Kim whats that in non geek terms o.O
I can't simplify it anymore then that.
Kiai Wrote:I can't simplify it anymore then that.
then alas i am clueless ^^
Oh well, at least my sig and avi work now.
6 March 2007, 2:09 AM
(This post was last modified: 6 March 2007, 8:03 AM by Chimasterwang.)
I made this table going "Binary-ASCII-Decimal-Hex-Oct" without using any tools or calculator 
I dont realy have a technique to converting to Oct quickly but i know how to for binary =P
Edit: Ok now i know how to convert oct to decimal and oct to binary XD
Edit: Ill PM you how to convert Oct~Dec, Dec~Oct, Oct~Bin, Bin~Oct, Dec~Bin, Bin~Dec not Hex though even though i know how to =P
yes kyubi. i bake them regularly and they have fresh gumdrop buttons
Maybe you should try super imposing Kyubis face on a clip of the part when Lord F is with the Ginger Bread Man XD
Lets see, on the "Geek" test I got a...
..."34.31953% - Total Geek". Personally I think its age discrimination, but...
After castration, it would go up to "35.30572% - Major Geek".
I think I'll stay a Total Geek then. It's not worth it.
(I never knew that wanting to be a Meteorologist and knowing the intimate details about Fission and Fusion made me such a geek :P)
Improving Engineering daily through the incorporation of Meta Advanced Anime Physics Studies.
Impossible is Nothing to an Anime Engineer!
Lynk - The ice cream man. That kind of reminds of "The Ice Cream man" A song sung by David Lee Roth. I can just picture a music video with that song about Lynk. XD
What's geeky with knowing fission and fusion? I know it too.
The simplest way I know to convert octal to decimal is by multiplying the digit by 8 to the power of its place, then adding the products. It would take too long if you're converting anything more than the thousands though...
Octal to binary is easier. Divide the digits to three parts each and place a 1 under 4,2,1 (bits) that corresponds to the digit.
Am I babbling? >.< Sorry, I just woke up.
Oh, and Howling:
Quote:octal notation
computer-programming number system: a number system used in writing computer programs that is based on eight and uses numerals 0 through 7, one octal unit equaling three bits
~ You're gonna die screaming but you won't be heard. ~
Advanced flight controls on the jet give out differen't octal and decimal readouts for each position of the flight control surfaces, which ends up in the millions of possiblities. This one problem has stumped me though so I need an easy to use conversion tool that I can take with me.
O.o Oh. Can't you just take a calculator?
~ You're gonna die screaming but you won't be heard. ~
No, any other materials besides a multi meter and related tools are prohibited. I'm starting to get the hang of it based on your description, but its still hard to remember when I'm memory inspecting some of the electro hydraulic drive surfaces.
Okay it's something like this:
Octal = 12
To convert to decimal:
12 => [ 2 x 8 (to the power of 0) ] + [ 1 x 8 (to the power of 1)]
= [2*1] + [ 1*8]
= 10
So, 12 base 8 is equal to 10 base 10.
To binary:
4 2 1 | 4 2 1 <== bits
0 0 1 | 0 1 0 <== binary
1 2 <== octal
So 12 base 8 is equal to 001010 base 2 (or just 1010).
I'm sorry about not elaborating earlier, I was off to school >.<
~ You're gonna die screaming but you won't be heard. ~
6 March 2007, 9:35 PM
(This post was last modified: 6 March 2007, 9:39 PM by Maverick.)
kyubi Wrote:What's geeky with knowing fission and fusion? I know it too. I thought that knowing how to set a teslescope in polar alignment was geeky but my score was nowhere high...
Kiai Wrote:No, any other materials besides a multi meter and related tools are prohibited. why? calculator should be a related tool.
edit: typo,i wrote somewhere instead of nowhere -_-
Military Intelligence are two contradictory words
I havn't done anything like this since highschool, but they just upgraded to a new set of compy's on the jet (new, bullshit! these were engineered back in 89' hence the reason they're in binary) which involve constant maintenence, and the tech rep only explained it to us for about three minutes. We were all left with our jaws hanging open like "WTF did you just say?"
In binary?! O.o
Oi... tell them it's the 21st century already.
~ You're gonna die screaming but you won't be heard. ~
Not revealing too much, but each one of the computers in this thing process roughly the same amount of information the newest digital watches can, but the watches are much faster.
Now that is sad. Is it stable though? I heard that some older computers are much stable than the ones we have today <.< Well, at least that's what our lab technician told us...
~ You're gonna die screaming but you won't be heard. ~
The quadruple redundant system is probably the most stable network of computers on earth, or at least that's what it says in the manual. I'd definitely trade the stability for processing power any day. We'd definitely be able to do more in the way of updating interfaces and optimizing workload for the pilot.
.....................I can't think of anything to sound smart...
You've read it! You can't unread it!
Go get some ice cream ^^
Was the pilot trained or even briefed about that "new" computer? How's he/she hanging on? XD Or is it a problem only for the maintenance team?
~ You're gonna die screaming but you won't be heard. ~
6 March 2007, 10:25 PM
(This post was last modified: 6 March 2007, 10:30 PM by Kiai.)
@Lynk: It's okay sweety! I still love you!
@Kyub: The pilot(s) don't seem to notice at all, so its usually a challenge for the maintenance crews when we have to work on jets with differen't manufacturer codes and computer configurations. Out of date software, crappy wiring and interfaces, it all adds up to just horribly shitty engineering on the production team's part.
Hey wait, what am I worried about?.... no wait... I thought I had some smart qualities but no... x.x
I wish I was smart.
You've read it! You can't unread it!
I got a 50 something percent geek factor for a good reason Lynk sama.
All those jets and with different configurations? O.o I hope they pay you enough... don't they follow a line or something? Like, "okay, maintenance crew A, you're in charge of these jets because they're made with config A... and crew B, you're with these jets"... otherwise, you're like, working in a burger joint XD Multi-purpose crew!
~ You're gonna die screaming but you won't be heard. ~