22 November 2007, 8:04 PM
Well, BGC was the driving dream behind my choice of majors in college. I know better now, but perhaps I may be able to help. I've an MS in AE and a dozen years experience coding up physics engines for real spacecraft ground testing rigs. I've also nearly finished my AA in fine arts. I've done bare-knuckle codes in C/C++ for various "orbital platform" um..."targeting systems", but I haven't done anything video-game nor BGC. I just turned down a job opportunity in the physics department at EA, but I still want to do something BGC before I go.
I know rigid body dynamics and rocket propulsion systems fairly well and would love the chance to shoehorn a hardsuit model into the gaming physics engine of your choice. And no, I know this project ain't got nuthin' to do with real physics-- but I'm the Pops you'd need to tune the feel of it towards road-worthy.
I've got some minimal experience w/ 3D modeling doing spacecraft thermal engineering in a former career (we used ray tracing in reverse to calculate on-orbit heat loads and IR paths). I'd love the shot at learning Bender (I love "kiss my shiny metal" open source tools) if that'd help, but my true skills really lie in Photoshop/Painter hacking of any surface maps/skins you may need. I've a decade or more experience w/ Photoshop and folks tell me I'm abusing Painter 9 after only a year.
If I were Chief Designer of a BGC game, it'd turn out like Grand Turismo. It'd be all arena, starting you out w/ a cheap moped and a camera, buying equipment and "unlocking" "opportunities" with experience, all the way up to a fully customizable hardsuit/autoslave system with Battlefield-2142-like on-line teamplay.
Yeah, I know. It'd take EA to build that, but a fella can dream. After all, dreaming got me through 14 years of engineering school and a nearly built working pulsejet back pack...but that's another story.
Drop me a note if I sound like an asset. Otherwise, just let me dream. If you see my future daughter zipping overhead in a shiny metal asset someday....don't say you weren't warned. I am actually working towards it.
I know rigid body dynamics and rocket propulsion systems fairly well and would love the chance to shoehorn a hardsuit model into the gaming physics engine of your choice. And no, I know this project ain't got nuthin' to do with real physics-- but I'm the Pops you'd need to tune the feel of it towards road-worthy.
I've got some minimal experience w/ 3D modeling doing spacecraft thermal engineering in a former career (we used ray tracing in reverse to calculate on-orbit heat loads and IR paths). I'd love the shot at learning Bender (I love "kiss my shiny metal" open source tools) if that'd help, but my true skills really lie in Photoshop/Painter hacking of any surface maps/skins you may need. I've a decade or more experience w/ Photoshop and folks tell me I'm abusing Painter 9 after only a year.
If I were Chief Designer of a BGC game, it'd turn out like Grand Turismo. It'd be all arena, starting you out w/ a cheap moped and a camera, buying equipment and "unlocking" "opportunities" with experience, all the way up to a fully customizable hardsuit/autoslave system with Battlefield-2142-like on-line teamplay.
Yeah, I know. It'd take EA to build that, but a fella can dream. After all, dreaming got me through 14 years of engineering school and a nearly built working pulsejet back pack...but that's another story.
Drop me a note if I sound like an asset. Otherwise, just let me dream. If you see my future daughter zipping overhead in a shiny metal asset someday....don't say you weren't warned. I am actually working towards it.