Although, not sure if it would have been appropriate to change the topic of my old thread, so I'll just post my random questions about BGCT 2040 here. These are my top ten questions
1: Are the pilots of K-suits naturally undisciplined, stupid, and overconfident, or is that limited to only the K-suit pilots we see?
2: Do the guns that the AD police use, shoot bullets or lasers?
3: why can't a K-suit carry two miniguns instead of one?
4: High heels look cool an' all, but would it really be recommended for armor such as the Hardsuits?
5: What would happen if a hardsuit fell into a lake or some other large body of water? Would they drown, float, sink, fly?
6: Do the knight sabers ever actually use any hand held guns that shoot real bullets?
7: If you could change anything about the K-suit, what would it be?
8: When linna gets her first hardsuit, and puts it on. I notice that whenever she moves, the suit makes some sort of weird noise. I've been looking at hardsuit pictures, and it looks mostly like armor. It doesn't sound like cloth, but it doesn't sound like metal either. What the hell is that freakin' noise!?
9: I'm not sure myself, but what exactly was the result of a boomer going mad, but not being dealt with? what did it evolve to look like beyond the monsterish "Destroy Everything" stage?
10: Have you ever noticed that boomers go mad, only during the night?
Yeah, top ten questions there, answer them if you dare, and remember, fun writing is the best writing of all ^^
1: I'm pretty sure that's just what we see, but then again, with the turn over rate and death toll in the ADP forces its always possible that training takes second place when compared to man power.
2: Most of the notes I see hold the ADP using projectiles. The only reference to Lazers I remember are the beam satellites in orbit. Then again, I could be wrong, its been a while.
3: There could be many reasons for that, one of which is a weight issue, or just practical usage. The K-suits are used for more then just boomer fighting.
4: In style and a rememberance of that style-yes. For practicality reasons probably not. Running in heels is hard enough, why the hell would I wanna do it in a suit five times my own weight?
5: Well it depends. the 2040 anime shows us just how airtight the suits are, so I'm pretty sure they'd survive a dunk in the water. Swimming maybe, if the suit has power. Flying? Maybe, if the suit has power. No power=Fucked.
6: In or out of the hardsuits? Priss uses her little three shot pistol in the ova.
7: Mobility.
8: Do you mean the rubber on rubber sqeezing sqeegee sound? Or the clang clang pom pom of metal feet sound?
9: There aren't any instances of the boomers in the differen't series going mad and not getting dealt with. They all buy it in the end, and the only one to evolve past that "blehr" stage was Galatea.
10: Most of the time Genom's Brian Mason had a hand in that, waiting to activate faulty boomer cores and MAKE them go rogue.
I hope those work. I didn't know if you wanted hard facts or some made up stuff, so I just kinda pulled it out of my head somewhere. Hope ya likey!
Well, continuing the questioned questions, I'll give answers to get more answers XD
thanks for the answer too, they're great!
6: I mean when they are in their hardsuits, do they use any seperate guns...ever?
8: yes, I mean the rubber on rubber sqeezing sqeegee sound which always leaves me puzzled, however you have brought up another question about the clang clang pom pom of metal feet sound as well...
10: So there was a mastermind behind it the whole time? the boomer cores didn't go mad randomly, but instead (forgot who exactly mason is) the boomers went mad because they were told to?
- The creators of 2040 made the ADP too stupid. At least in the OVA they were able to take out some Boomers.
- Those aren't any ordinary bullets though, they're designed to penetrate metal and disrupt a Boomers electrical functions. It's not always effective, well actually it isn't effective at all for the 2040 ADP, but the OVA ADP had a lot more luck with them and their effectiveness was pretty good. Additionally, creating a laser that can penetrate metal requires A LOT of energy which handheld weapons cannot possibly handle.
@ Kim: The orbital satellite weapons aren't "laser cannons" they're "partical beam weapons" essentially they're firing accelerated particals at extreme speeds and the power required to generate that kind of force would be generated from a nuclear power source most likely.
- The K-Suits are extremely heavy and their primary function was to go in first, soften the Boomer up and then allow for other troops to come in and finish the Boomer off. Most of what the K-Suit actually carries is ammunition for that single minigun.
- It was a style come up with back in the mid 80s in the original BGC.
- Yes they could and no they couldn't. In a plot sense, the power in their suits would last long enough for them to get out. In "reality" the power used to get them out would be too great and since the 2040 suits have a battery limit, it'd run out before they could get themselves out. The only way they could be saved if someone rescued them.
- In the OVA they do, in fact in the OVA you see the Knight Sabers go through some intensive training which explains why they're so talented rather than some holographic simulation type thing 2040 showed.
- I wouldn't, I'd ignore it and look back to the K-Suits in the OVA

- It's just meant to sound cool, the sounds don't actually have to make sense.
- That's a hard one to answer cause every series has different takes on it. Also for 2040, the correct term to use is VOOMER, not Boomer. But anywayz, VOOMERs in 2040 go "rogue" because they're the resulting creations of the Sotai (Galatea), in essence they were built to go rogue, though not intentionally. They are essentially slaves of society and are rebelling against that society. The reason they take on such monsterous forms is because they are essentially evolving from the form they were given.
- Yeah.
@ Kim: Actually all VOOMER cores will go rogue at some point, in that one instance, Mason had that VOOMERS core swapped with one that was showing signs of going rogue. It was probably from some lab experiment done in the depths of Genom Tower.
You've read it! You can't unread it!
Really like the answer about the ammunition, gotta keep that one saved for later >_<
8: Okay, all of the questions have been answered except this one. What is that noise I keep hearing? Seriously, it bothers me not to know >_>;;
It's the softsuit/innersuit rubbing up against the inside part of the hardsuit.
You've read it! You can't unread it!
5 November 2006, 4:10 PM
(This post was last modified: 6 November 2006, 12:39 PM by Blackjackal.)
hooray, now I can say what I've been wanting to say from the beginning.
"Now we all know!" XD
As for what I've been doing while we were waiting, I've come up with another set of questions to test and tease your brains. answer them and we'll see if you have the answers I don't.
these questions are mostly now "What if" questions to give you some ideas you probably never considered.
1: What would have happened if the AD police were well trained/disciplined/coordinated?
2: If you could be anybody from the 2040 series, who would it be? Who would it not be?
3: What was tha canno device used to shoot priss in the back in the episode "get it on"?
4: Are there any other officers besides Daily and Leon who don't wear armor while driving around in their squad cars?
5: If you could change any part of a hardsuit, what would it be?
6: What would have happened if Linna never joined the knight sabers? What would have happened if she died in her first mission? Note that these are also exercises to help explore possible writing paths
7: What was the name of the APC vehicle used by the AD police forces?
8: Are there any boomers that don't go "mad" but instead try to go against such an action?
9: whats the deal with the different colors of the hardsuits? I know this is going to extend into the OVA
10: Are these questions getting annoying? Would you like more after this?
1. no their not all that bad, but just before 2040 kicked off the ADP had the upper hand.
2. as has bean said they use Slug Throwers.
3. once again this has bean covered it is a Weight issue, also many of the better shots use a two handed grip for better weapon control.
4. its a style thing and a Legacy of Classic. low healed Pumps just wouldn't look right on a Knight Saber.
5. They would sink but at least the 2040 suits are watter tight.
6. In Classic yes, in 2040 no, except for Nene who retains the Classic Era Rail Gun on her Hardsuit.
7. hard to say their are so many Faults in a 2040 K-Suit for it's role of anti Voomer Combat, but some could be fixed by better Operator Discipline.
8. all ready coved
9. once again already covered
10. not relay so, a number of times in 2040 Voomers went Rogue in the Day
Also the ADP aren't total incompetents, I'd say their are lots of times the ADP took out Rouge Voomers, before the Knight Sabers showed up, otherwise where did all those Voomers in "Moving Waves" come from? BGC is the story of the Knight Sabers, we see the combat scenes from when the ADP couldn't handle the Rouges and the Knight Sabers had to step in, towards the end this had to be more often due to the Advancements in Voomers and the Influence of Galatea
5 November 2006, 11:32 PM
Lynk Former Wrote:It's the softsuit/innersuit rubbing up against the inside part of the hardsuit.
 That just sounds good i mean good
6 November 2006, 12:40 PM
"Now we know" XD
just reminding people of the newer set of questions. This is mostly for entertainment.
As for what I've been doing while we were waiting, I've come up with another set of questions to test and tease your brains. answer them and we'll see if you have the answers I don't.
these questions are mostly now "What if" questions to give you some ideas you probably never considered.
1: What would have happened if the AD police were well trained/disciplined/coordinated?
2: If you could be anybody from the 2040 series, who would it be? Who would it not be?
3: What was that cannon device used to shoot priss in the back in the episode "get it on"?
4: Are there any other officers besides Daily and Leon who don't wear armor while driving around in their squad cars?
5: If you could change any part of a hardsuit, what would it be?
6: What would have happened if Linna never joined the knight sabers? What would have happened if she died in her first mission? Note that these are also exercises to help explore possible writing paths
7: What was the name of the APC vehicle used by the AD police forces?
8: Are there any boomers that don't go "mad" but instead try to go against such an action?
9: whats the deal with the different colors of the hardsuits? I know this is going to extend into the OVA
10: Are these questions getting annoying? Would you like more after this?
In responce to the new quewtions
1. By and Large the ADP are well well trained/disciplined/coordinated its just some aren't or the new Voomers under the Influence of Galatea are too much even for their best, that's where the Knight Sabers have to step in.
2. Leon or Nigel, both end up with a Top Shelf Woman (I have a thing for damaged Babes that can put me down hard should I get out of line.)
3. just Crap loads of Small Arms fire and one of the APC's 20mm Gatling Cannons.
4. Yes, their are other Plane Cloths Detectives, we see them in the Squad Room, it's just they have nothing to do with the Night Sabers story so they end up as scenery.
5. some of the Fins (just as a Style thing) but the Lack of Ranged Weapons
6. Sylia was about to start looking, so their would have bean a forth Knight Saber, but in the meantime Priss & Nene would have got in to serious trouble and Sylia would be forced to suit up again.
7. their refered to as either APC's or just Tanks
8. Makie on two occasions Fights back from the Rouge Effect.
9. A style thing but could also bean seen as tactical, so the Knight Sabers can tell who's where in less than a split secound (Blue Priss, Pink Nene, Grean Leana/Linna, Silver Sylia) without crud loads of Training.
10. Not realy, If you got any more post them.
okay, took a while to come up with ten more questions, but I did.
1:What character would you not be?
2: What would you do if you were for sme freakish reason thrown into the BGCT 2040 universe? This question makes for good stories...
3: Which hardsuit is your favorite?
4: What is something that seems odd about the future of tokyo, other than the huge earthquake..
5: What gun do you think the AD police could really use in their armory?
6: What's the name of the gun design the AD police soldiers use?
7: How much ammo does a K-suit carry in a minigun?
8: what was your favorite mad boomer?
9: Should bigger more thorough answer required questions also be posted here, or in another topic?
10: What would have happened if the knight sabers were captured in the episode "get it on"?
More will be posted, my brain is running on low today..
XD I'm kinda tired of all of the 2040 questions...
You've read it! You can't unread it!
Try some Evangelion ones thats sure to be fun or maybe something else XD
Chimasterwang Wrote:Try some Evangelion ones thats sure to be fun or maybe something else XD That wouldn't fit in the Bubblegum Crisis forum though now would it. I was refering to the fact that it's hard for me to answer these since some of them are borderline fanfiction and others I don't want to answer like "who is your favourite..."
You've read it! You can't unread it!
8 November 2006, 10:39 AM
I ran out of other questions, but felt the urge to continue it...
probably some Evangelion ones would be pretty good, being as I had a ton of questions regarding that....