Just trying to find out if anyone else playes the RPG?
I play several RPG's game around and about and I do have the three bubblrgum Crisis source books for the Roleplaying system. But I have yet to find anyone who willing to play the game with those characters.
at the moment I am a GM of a Stargate SG1 game over at my friends website, I am despertly trying to get some fresh blood into it, so i doult i'll be joining another RPG game anytime soon
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why did you give me a link to HTTP protocals?
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Poop wrong link sory about that, have to fix it or eliminate it, ment to link to the "Knight Strikers" topic.
but I'm looking for Adventure Idears, I'm going to use stuff from the original ADP and Protect and Serve (but I won't make anyone a Voomer) I've got a few players intersted with rough Character Ideas they include.
an Anglo-Japanese man (white guy born and raised in Japan), Big, Tough Warrior Philosopher
a Japanese-American Female Sniper from Southen California, before joining the ADP she was part of LAPD SWAT
and a Australian guy paying his way through Uni by working Tech and Science Support for the ADP (Course Credits and Hazard Pay just for showing up to work) he is studing Boomer Technology.
The prospective players keep dodging actualy making up their Characters but keep going on about how no one is runing a game. got some NPC Ideas as well, post them when I firm them up.
Their fine character to play, but when ever I play it why your puttin them in there, let's have a look.....
You created a rival Knight team which in thruth is what I find boring.... With the world of BGC and Mega Tokyo you have a hugh range of choices at your finger tips to choses from. You needen't be a Knight sabres rip off team to play the game. How would I play it.....This was a basic idea i came up with for a 2032 game i tired to get running....
Easy... small single player format for myself with a huge arrangment of other players. I would choice to be a wise cracking joker of a computer hacker and computer system expert working the usual 9 to 5 shift with the ADP. Part of a world wide underground movement of hackers who number one job is too hack into the Genom server and reduce the Genom Burger down to 50 cents... Has a brother who was a k-suit pliot who was murdered in his sleep by a crazy sex boomer. [Didn't see that one comming?]
Leanrs basic Karatie and Judo to boast his fitness at a local gym and a Sightly Crazy Sensei who predicts one day that my character will save the world from desturction.
One night when hacking into a sub genom company Server he comes across a file, one of those one which will end up getting you killed. After reading it, he too shocked to realise what it contains, taking a copy he goes for a walk, leaving his roomate alone in the apartment. Stops off at Hotleg's night club and spots a co-worker and start to talk, doesn't give too much away then are there. But bids her good night and heads home, only to find the fire fighting company dealing with a fire that has claim his entire housing complex. over 50 people dead so he goes into hiding.... that were my game would start.....
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Did a "Knight Sabers" game with sone success, now looking to run an ADP game for a different feel within the same Mythos, problem is W've played lots od Copish/Detective games in the past, so I'm looking for some new Adventure Idears, Got any suggestions.
BTW my forth potential player rattled off her concept, even named her character.
Emi Fujiwara. A provinchial Police Officer working in the Traffic Branch, sick of bean used as a Meater Maid, Cross Walk Atendent and Derecting Traffic she put in an application for transfer (to aneywherwe but Amin or Public Affairs) that just got sidlined. in her spear time she would make unauthorized modifactions to her Patrol Vehicle and was a Street Racer. then one day after she chased down some bank robbers in her Mini-Pander, her capitan was horrorfied to what she had done to the Vehicle, so he gave her the Transfer she wanted, To the Tokyo ADP. Basicaly she is a sweet girl who becomes a Diffrent person behind the Wheel (slightly nuts), aside from being a Highily Skilld Driver she is a gifted Mechanic.
if I get this character in my campain I can run a modified version of "Revenge Road", this gives me about 7-8 adventures worth of meterial, but i want to run the game longer than that.