Improving Engineering daily through the incorporation of Meta Advanced Anime Physics Studies.
Impossible is Nothing to an Anime Engineer!
Wow, someone sure sucks at photoshop  lol
You've read it! You can't unread it!
At least we *hope* somebody sucks at photoshop!
Now if that turned out to be a real promo pic for a new series, I'd probably have to hurt someone...
Improving Engineering daily through the incorporation of Meta Advanced Anime Physics Studies.
Impossible is Nothing to an Anime Engineer!
Obviously it isn't so you have nothing to worry about XD
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Probably an April Fool's Day joke lol with that horrible pic, and that extra Knight Saber is obviously Linna's hardsuit retouched with photoshop lol.
I'm tempted to do some bodily harm for that image its just terrible
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It almost had me going there *Cough* almost *Cough*
I don't know French, but the synopsis sounds like from 2040 XD
Military Intelligence are two contradictory words
Well guys its not just the french who been playing the April fools joke, Came across this in one of the other BGC newsgroups.
Quote:Fromthe Anime Enquirer:
"After more than 15 years since the last official release, the cult
favorite Bubblegum Crisis will finally be getting new episodes in late
2006. The next new episode, the ninth in the series, is expected to be
released on DVD in Japan in late summer.
When asked about the decade and a half between episodes, Usotsuki
Watashiwa of Youmex said, simply: "We forgot about it."
He goes on: "The other day I was cleaning up one of my filing cabinents
and found an old cel from the eighth episode, and was wondering whatever
became of the series. I went to talk to [Youmex president] Kurapora, and
he was equally baffled. We did some digging, and found that the
production crew went off for a lunch break during a story session for
episode 9 and never came back."
The old production team hasn't been found, but Usotsuki believes the new
team will be up to the task.
"It wasn't hard getting artists who wanted to invoke the style of the
late eighties. They were so tired of being forced to draw effeminate men
and dull martial arts scenes. One of them started crying when he began to
animate to draw a scene of Linna taking a bath. I've never been so
On this side of the Pacific, we talked to Robert Woodhead about AnimEigo
continuing to release the series in English. Most of his response is not
fit for a family publication, but he did show interest as long as the
oedipus complex obsessed AD Vision didn't beat them to the punch."
I don't know if this is true of someone trying an April fools for the OVA fans.
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Quote:One of them started crying when he began to
animate to draw a scene of Linna taking a bath. I've never been so
It's OBVIOUSLY an April Fool's joke "Usotsuki" means liar in Japanese lol and that quote above is enough to send me laughing for a whole minute lol.
Cut to the point
Watashiwa = I am
Usotsuki = liar
enough said.
Thought so.... Arggg..... I Going April Fool Prankester hunting.... Now were did I put my K-12 Armoured Suit?
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@ Lynk: Now *THAT* is funny XD
I don't think those French sites were meant to be a joke because they are listed alongside several other legitimate 2006 releases that are given alot more information. They also don't show any links to the release date being in 2006, so I'm assuming its purely conjecture from the 2002 ADV announcements.
Improving Engineering daily through the incorporation of Meta Advanced Anime Physics Studies.
Impossible is Nothing to an Anime Engineer!
Well Anime News Network also has BGC2041 listed but it's just what was announced in 2002.
You've read it! You can't unread it!
Quote:Do the French know something the rest of us don't?
well, for one thing, French. ^^
Good going darktruth. If I read this earlier I would've figured that "watashi wa usotsuki" part, let's go hunting ^^
~ You're gonna die screaming but you won't be heard. ~
anymore april fools jokes? DeviantArt's almost got me until I realised that "sloof lirpa" won't be on any dictionary :P
Military Intelligence are two contradictory words
You know people still mail me asking about BGC2041, If I had a dollar for everytime everyone has asked me I'd be buying myself a bunch of videogames right now.
You've read it! You can't unread it!
Shows you how popular it still is isn't it? I doubt it lol maybe it's cos you're bgcc is really the only still active site regarding the bubblegum crisis series, up along with Raven's Garage.
No, it shows how many people there are in the world XD
You've read it! You can't unread it!
Okay... As far as I know the show has been halted for five different reasons, scrapped by three different production facilities and somehow reborn into an infinite number of rumors. The fact is, I've been seeing some posts (google bgc 2041) that are getting my hopes up. I'm starting to get really pissed off, and I'm about to call somebody to get something concrete.
I would recommend "Quickcrete"... they can get something solid in place pretty fast
But on a lighter note, ADV didn't mention a peep about BGC 2041 during AX2006 last weekend. They did drop a big hint about the Eva Live action movie though, so I would suspect their efforts will be geared towards that in the near term.
Also, if we really wanted to find out about BGC 2041, we could plant a spy in this position right here: Job Posting
Improving Engineering daily through the incorporation of Meta Advanced Anime Physics Studies.
Impossible is Nothing to an Anime Engineer!
16 September 2006, 6:34 AM
I hope that BGC 2041 comes out soon! If they didn't make
BGC 2041, I'd be really pissed.
If it comes to the U.S., I hope that it premieres on Adult Swim.
Which reminds me, why haven't they aired Bubblegum Crisis Tokyo
2040 on AS yet?
16 September 2006, 9:49 AM
Seems like AS isn't interested in going back and getting old shows that much (except for EVA) and BGC 2040 isn't in EVA's class.
As far as BGC 2041, I've given up on it. It's not happening. AIC has moved on to other projects, namely partnerships with many other anime companies on other more broad and profitable titles. The only title I know AIC was serious about resurrecting for a new series was Megazone 23... and they've been very quiet about that one for several months now too.
Improving Engineering daily through the incorporation of Meta Advanced Anime Physics Studies.
Impossible is Nothing to an Anime Engineer!
Falcon_06 Wrote:I hope that BGC 2041 comes out soon! If they didn't make
BGC 2041, I'd be really pissed.
If it comes to the U.S., I hope that it premieres on Adult Swim.
Which reminds me, why haven't they aired Bubblegum Crisis Tokyo
2040 on AS yet?
Its most likely due to ADV having the on-demand anime network. Look how long it took Evangelion to get to Adult Swim. Plus, it was a crappy transfer that made it on Adult Swim. I guess ADV rather support their on channel.
I'm with you Analog. I've given up on BGC2041 as well.
Well, BGC 2040 does have a somewhat satisfying conclusion,
so I guess we can move on. It would have been cool if
Sylia had taken action to bring the Knight Sabers home.
Hmmm, maybe BGC 2041 isn't quite as dead as I thought it was...
Quote:Bubblegum Crisis 2041, the follow-up to the late 90's remake of the 80's cyber-punk action is still on the table, but the participants are busy, so it is being kept in and the bank and it probably will not happen until a hit is needed.
This is from Anime Boston 2006, so its just a few months old. Odd that it would still even be mentioned four years later but apparently the life support hasn't been turned off yet. I'd still like to see some real CGI effort spent on a BGC series (other than Noah's one man band effort).
Improving Engineering daily through the incorporation of Meta Advanced Anime Physics Studies.
Impossible is Nothing to an Anime Engineer!
THAT WOULD BE ABSOLUTELY AWESOME! CG anime needs to step up, maybe bgc 2041 will be the one to do it?
Urk, overuse of CG = bad.
You've read it! You can't unread it!
everything done in CG would be bad, anyways........still sounds to me like there isn't going to be any bgc2041 in the future.
Military Intelligence are two contradictory words
Yeah, it's still a bunch of people basically saying that "it would be nice if there was a BGC2041, we should get it made" ...and then them sitting there for a moment then moving onto other animes.
But IMHO, it's too late now, the hype 2040 had is over.
You've read it! You can't unread it!
4 December 2006, 12:09 PM
Ive still to wtach the whole of 2040 XD
4 December 2006, 12:20 PM
Hehe, that's funny. Your the 2nd person this week that I've heard that from, Chim.
Well, I would tend to think its been too long for a direct sequel too. But, I have to think that the "bank" theory will eventually win out and BGC will be revived again... but probably not the direct sequel. And that might be the scariest thought of all...
Improving Engineering daily through the incorporation of Meta Advanced Anime Physics Studies.
Impossible is Nothing to an Anime Engineer!
The hype most certainly has worn out, but how long was there a wait before bgc 2032 recieved a rebirth?
5 December 2006, 10:15 PM
It'll never happen... I mean not in the way people will want it to happen. I've actually put some thought into this... and the short way of putting it is that there are too many pieces of the puzzle that many different people and organisations own of the BGC OVA. You would have to work with every one of them, aquire their permission to use what they own and put it together somehow... which, is expensive.... that is if the parties involved would allow it in the first place, or COULD allow it for that matter.
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Kiai Wrote:The hype most certainly has worn out, but how long was there a wait before bgc 2032 recieved a rebirth?
I think Crash ended about '91. BGC 2040 started up about four years later in '95 or '96, released in '99 so officially an eight year break. Next year would be eight years since 2040 wrapped up in Japan, so draw your own conclusions from that one...
Improving Engineering daily through the incorporation of Meta Advanced Anime Physics Studies.
Impossible is Nothing to an Anime Engineer!
there alot of new flying around on the net that tokyo 2041 is 'supposed' to be in production, a bit strange though because i havent seen any artwork, anyone know any details about this?
(i realise this thread is like 2 years old, but i saves me from making another one xD)
I'm sorry to say, kin... your news is out of date and incorrect in the first place.
You've read it! You can't unread it!
man! i still wish they're get something out there
i wish they would get something out there too, but i dont think we will see another BGC series for a long time, but i dont mind watching 2040 anyway so, im not fussed
yeah i'm happy with 2040, i'll just keep on watching it over and over again :P