The Bubblegum Crisis Center > Series > Bubblegum Crisis Tokyo 2040

Genom Corporation

Warning: This section contains spoilers.

History of the Genom Corporation

coming soon

People of Genom

coming soon

Genom Tower

The infamous Genom Tower located near the Tokyo Aerospace Port and surrounded by a man made lake, it is the monument to Genom's technological development. While some of the tower is free to access by Genom officials there are top secret areas and places only the top players in Genom can access. The tower is riddled with spying equipment used by Quincy Rosenkreutz and Brian J. Mason to play their little games with and to watch each others every move as well as the staff. While most of the Genom Tower has never been seen by most we do know that the tower does go several stories underground where, most likely, the dirtiest secrets of the Genom Tower are kept. It is believed that a large intelligence network has been set up by Brian J. Mason as well as other less than legal projects. The Genom Tower is also the head of the research and development section within Genom, all new technology is created here within secrecy and then finally released to the public. Obviously not all of Genom's newly created technology is released to the public or to the government. With his rapidly failing health, Quincy Rosenkreutz, the Chairman of the Genom Corporation is also based within the Genom Tower sitting like a King ruling his land on a large life support chair that monitors his life signs and keeps him among the living.

Showhamm Project

The Showhamm Project is one of the Genom Corporations recent masterpieces. If successful this project will make Genom THE most powerful corporate body ever created. With the earths resources dwindling away Genom has devised a way to obtain clean unlimited power. The Showhamm Project is what will make this source of unlimited power possible. There are three major components that make the Showhamm Project's grand design work.

The Umbrella

The first ever skyhook ever created called the Umbrella, an orbital geo-synchronised object over Tokyo that would be the centerpiece for gathering unlimited power from the sun by using an array of solar collectors. Hundred of solar collectors would collect solar energy, since this solar energy is 'pure' and none of the energy has blocked by the earths atmosphere the amount of power the solar collectors produce is beyond belief.

The Genom Tower

To protect the secrets of the Showhamm Project as close as possible to itself, Genom used its own tower as the first prototype as the Showhamm Project's power substation. The tower is what collects and distributes the immense surge of power sent from the Umbrella down to earth.

The Dragon Line

This is the name given to the geo-battery Genom has been digging to store the power received from the Umbrella's solar collectors. The Dragon Line is shaped in a spherical fashion, spiralling outwards from the Genom Tower in the shape of a long Chinese Dragon, giving it the name "Dragon Line." The amount of power this geo-battery can store is unknown however it is said that the battery could support the whole of Japan for several years before the energy capacity ever became low.

However there is a darker side to the Showhamm Project. While it can be used to provide unlimited power to the entire world it could also be used as a weapon of mass destruction. The amount of solar power generated is so great that it could level entire cities with one burst of solar energy towards the ground. This could spark the birth of a truly devastating satellite weapon system.

Genom Subsidiaries

The Genom Corporation has hundreds of subsidiary companies that have a role to play. These companies produce many products including cars, specialised boomer components, or military hardware. Going through the list of companies owned by the Genom Corporation would be tiring so we will focus on one as an example. Hugh Geit is a small company owned by Genom and specialises in the production and sale of Boomer components for most common Boomer models. This is one of the Genom Corporations smaller subsidiary companies but its net profits are still high.

Bioscape and Wiz Laboratories

The Bioscape Corporation was the leading research company in Japan specialising in biochemistry. Their most famous accomplishment came from a Professor Steven Katsuto Stingray who had begun developing a type of artificial beings. This project had taken many steps before finally coming to a climax of discovery. The division called the Wiz Laboratory had created machines with amazing artificial intelligence and slowly they learnt more about creating a machine that was actually a living being. At this point the project had drained huge amounts of money from Bioscape and at that moment the Genom Corporation had a sudden interest with the special project being carried out in the Wiz Laboratory. The Genom Corporation bought out Bioscape and its subsidiaries and the Wiz Lab was given a huge amount of funding to continue its research. After years of research and development, the project had finally reached its goal of creating a biological machine. Genom used the research and introduced "Boomers" to the world. After the great earthquake, Bioscape and the Wiz Lab were shut down and Genom began mass producing Boomers.

AD Police Funding

When Boomers were first discovered to go out of control, it was Genom's decision with the help of the Japanese government to establish the AD Police to control rogue boomers and related crimes. It was in Genom's best interest to do this, the blame for these rogue boomers was placed on design defects made by mass producing boomers at such a high level. The AD Police was Genom's scapegoat, their use of heavy artillery often made the people forget about the damage the boomer had done and focus more on blaming the AD Police for the damage. Genom also used its funding on the AD Police to do its bidding. The top brass had to bow down to Genom's wishes if they wanted to keep their funding and Genom used this advantage well. However in the middle of 2040 the Genom Corporation cut its funding to the AD Police. It was no longer needed and the AD Police was disbanded.
