The Bubblegum Crisis Center > Series > Bubblegum Crisis Tokyo 2040


Warning: This section contains spoilers.

Main Characters

Priscilla S. Asagiri

Age: 19
Eye Colour: Brown
Hair Colour: Brown
Height: 170cm
Height w/ Hardsuit: 185cm
Occupation: Lead Singer for Sekiria

Japanese Seiyuu: Yuu Asakawa
English Voice Actor: Christine M. Auten

Her name is Priscilla Sonada Asagiri, but she prefers to be called Priss. She rocks hard, rides fast and kicks a lot of butt. She's not someone to underestimate, and at 19, Priss has already been through her fair share of experiences. Priss is the lead vocalist of a techno-grunge band called Sekiria. She rocks the house down at a club called "Hot Legs" every weekend and when I mean rocks, I mean ROCKS! This isn't enough for Priss though, she's got one hell of a cool motorcycle that she rides around quite a bit. Priss mostly keeps to herself in the start of the series, not really bonding with the rest of the Knight Sabers, however she soon finds herself growing a bond between the others. Besides for the rough leather look, Priss is really a caring person deep inside, though you wouldn't be able to tell once she puts her hardsuit on. Priss kicks some major boomer butt in 2040 and she bags the most boomers out of all of the Knight Sabers. Priss takes out Galatea in the last episode of Bubblegum Crisis Tokyo 2040. Okay, maybe I said a little too much!... Nene had told Linna that Priss once had a boyfriend but died long ago, another thing was that Linna almost thought Priss to be a lesbian... and no she isn't... (get your mind out of the gutter!) ^_^ ... Ever since episode 3, AD Police officer, Leon McNichol has been after her... eventually, through a lot of effort Leon and Priss finally hook up and everybody's happy... ^_^ At the end of Bubblegum Crisis Tokyo 2040, Priss is a much better person than what she was in the beginning. Her experiences taught her quite a few valuable lessons in life.

According to the series, is her e-mail address... Anywayz, Priss hates the AD Police due to an event long before she became a Knight Saber, a mad boomer the destruction of which took her favourite CD with it. She's been unable to forgive them for this tragic loss ... and no, I'm not making that up! There are people who believe that Priss is bisexual, for whatever reason, fans from both the original series and Tokyo 2040 view Priss this way. I believe that she is straight and even though we would all like to think so, none of the Knight Sabers have any lesbian or bisexual tendencies. We all just want them to ^_^ ... However Sylia does recognise the way people see Priss and tries to use this to convince Nigel that Priss does swing the other way... not that Nigel cares... ^_^

Linna Yamazaki

Age: 20
Eye Colour: Blue
Hair Colour: Brown
Height: 170cm
Height w/ Hardsuit: 180cm
Occupation: Office worker

Japanese Seiyuu: Rio Natsuki
English Voice Actor: Kelly Manison

Linna Yamazaki, the country girl who hits the big city. Her first real experience in Tokyo wasn't a very good one, though it leads her to Priss and her dream of becoming a Knight Saber. Linna works at Hugh Geit, a subsidiary group of Genom where she is constantly harassed by the male employees and by the boomer supervisor (poor Linna)... While her line of work is only a secondary thing for Linna, her main focus is to find the Knight Sabers and to join up. Linna wants to fight for a cause and she is instantly attracted to the Knight Sabers. Linna has to be the kindest member of the Knight Sabers and the most understanding, this also makes her a good target for assholes (to put it bluntly)... Linna is seen as the heart of the Knight Sabers, she has a big sister / little sister relationship with Nene and because of Priss distancing herself from the group, Linna can only manage a loose friendship with her at the start. Linna is not too bad when in her hardsuit. While she doesn't get as many kills as Priss, she still has the skills to do a lot of damage to those boomers. Because of her strengths in athleticism, Linna can really carve up those boomers with her ribbon cutters. Linna seems to attract a lot of idiots, but her parents did hook her up with a nice country guy, at the time she had more important matters to attend to, like saving Priss's butt. Linna's relatives, from what is seen in the series, are very annoying. Linna had to live with them for 20 years before she could run off to Tokyo. The only real understanding person in her family is her mother and I think that's where Linna get all her kindness from.

Linna is probably the only one that doesn't change throughout the series... she's your average country hick... Hmmm I think that's what makes her unique in the series, she's the only normal person in it! But besides for her normal yet exciting life, Linna became "The Employee of the first half of year" award at Hugh Geit. Kinda strange since all we see is Linna being picked on by everyone at her work... or maybe her incident with Kain earlier in the year got her the award. ^_^ Guess we'll never know for sure. When Linna was still living in the country she was a track and field star at her school and this extremely good athletic ability became a large factor that led Sylia to make Linna a Knight Saber.

Nene Romanova

Age: 18
Eye Colour: Green or Blue
Hair Colour: Blonde
Height: 160cm
Height w/ Hardsuit: 170cm
Occupation: AD Police dispatcher

Japanese Seiyuu: Hiroko Konishi
English Voice Actor: Hilary Haag

When we first meet Nene Romanova in the first few episodes of Bubblegum Crisis Tokyo 2040, we find that she is more of a comic relief than a main character. But that changes very quickly through the series and she becomes a very important member of the Knight Sabers. Nene, who is 18 in Bubblegum Crisis Tokyo 2040, likes to play around a lot. Especially with Leon McNichol who she playfully calls "Leon-Poo". While she is probably the best hacker on earth and a computer genius, Nene acts like she is a 4 year old. She is immature most of the time but when Nene gets down to business, she does it like a pro. In the battlefield Nene lacks a bit of experience but that doesn't matter. Linna and Priss are the front line sabers while Nene gives field support. Her hardsuit wasn't designed for an all out battle, more for on site hacking and other computer related operations. However Nene does bag herself a few boomers too. Although Nene doesn't exercise a whole lot (in other words never ^_^ ), she has one hell of a fast metabolism. Nene is quite a pig when it comes to snacks and her apartment isn't exactly the neatest in the building... ^_^ ...but these flaws is what makes Nene so popular with the Tokyo 2040 fans. We know we all love Nene... well maybe not as much as Mackie Stingray who develops a relationship with young Nene. Though this takes awhile since Nene was convinced that Mackie was a pervert.

Nene has a stuffed weasel called Uprio-chan. The weasel sits upon her computer monitor at the AD Police communications center, and by all accounts was horribly killed when said building collapsed mid-series. Nene's eyes have a weird tendency to change colour between shots - sometimes they're blue, sometimes green... and if you're wondering Nene's e-mail address is However, on the VHS version it is easily mistaken for Another interesting fact about Nene is her name... the name "Romanova" is actually Russian and "nene"

Sylia Stingray

Age: 24
Eye Colour: Blue
Hair Colour: Silver blue
Height: 180cm
Height w/ Hardsuit: 190cm
Occupation: Runs a boutique

Japanese Seiyuu: Satsuki Yukino
English Voice Actor: Laura Chapman

Sylia Stingray is the daughter of one Professor Stingray, the brilliant scientist behind the boomers that helped rebuild Tokyo after the great earthquake. Sylia is the owner of the Silky Doll clothing boutique, though this is only a cover for what she can really do. In truth, Sylia is one of the best biochemists in the world and is the leader of the Knight Sabers. If you haven't noticed the way she dresses, then you should have your eyes examined... Sylia shows quite a bit of herself off (not that I'm complaining or anything ^_^ ), mostly to a certain Nigel Kirkland who she is very close to. She and Nigel are up to something, it's obvious something's going on with those two... ^_^ ... Anywayz, Sylia has a very strange past to go with the rest of her... she lost both her mother and her father. Her mother died because of her father experimenting on Sylia's mother. Her father died because of one of his "experiments" ^_~ ... Not only that but she was also experimented on as a child... Hmmm... This is probably why Sylia has psychotic episodes a few times in the series. If you think she's kind of strange, then you're right. But can you really blame her for it, after what she has been through? ...well she may break a few things and waste some good alcohol in the process, but hey! I forgive her! ^_^ ... When Sylia puts on her hardsuit, she means business... and I'm not joking. When she fights, she fights with a vengeance... literally... Sylia can kick some real butt in her hardsuit...

Let's just say that Sylia's past is very interesting... and with lots of twists... Anywayz, Sylia has an odd tendency to touch peoples face when she first meets them. This is seen when she meets Linna and when Mackie returns.

Supporting Characters

Mackie Stingray

Age: Supposedly 17
Eye Colour: Gray blue
Hair Colour: Brown
Occupation: Assistant Mechanic

Japanese Seiyuu: Tomonori Miyata
English Voice Actor: Spike Spencer

Mackie Stingray is the younger brother of Sylia Stingray. He has a natural talent with machinery that has led him to become Nigel's assistant at K's Garage. Mackie may seem annoying at first, and I find that some people don't like him because of his attraction to Nene. But really Mackie is a great kid... a kid with a big secret too. Mackie is a boomer and was created by Professor Stingray right after Galatea. Though he is a boomer, the people close to him, like Nene, treat him as a human and nothing less. Now there is some confusion as to how old Mackie actually is... some sites say he's 15, others say he's 16. The ADV site says he's 17 so that's what I'm sticking with. There are a couple of ways of spelling Mackie. There's Mackie, Mackey, Macky and Maki. Whichever you use, don't e-mail me saying I spelt his name wrong ^_^ ... thanks.

Nigel Kirkland

Age: 36
Eye Colour: Brown
Hair Colour: Brown
Occupation: Head Mechanic

Japanese Seiyuu: Ken Yamaguchi
English Voice Actor: John Gremillion

Nigel is the man behind the construction of the hardsuits the Knight Sabers use. A brilliant mechanic, Nigel worked with Sylia's father, Professor Stingray on the "Voomer" project. Nigel doesn't say much, he keeps more to himself and is a very serious person. While he and Priss have more in common they are seen more as kindred spirits. From what I've noticed, Nigel is with Sylia, although he never admits to it, we can tell he's getting some sweet, sweet loving from her... ^_^

Meisio Henderson

Age: 73
Eye Colour: Brown
Hair Colour: Gray
Occupation: Sylia's butler

Japanese Seiyuu: Tomohisa Asou
English Voice Actor: Phil Ross

There is confusion over what to call him. Sylia clearly calls him Henderson, but his Japanese name is Hesodann. Anyway, I choose to call him Henderson... Henderson is Sylia's butler and has been since she was little, he is more like family to her than just a butler. Henderson is always concerned with Sylia and the Knight Sabers as that he doesn't want to see them get hurt. A wise old man, Henderson is a caring person who also knows his alcohol.

Leonardo McNichol

Age: 24
Eye Colour: Brown
Hair Colour: Brown
Occupation: AD Police Officer

Japanese Seiyuu: Kiyoyuki Yanada
English Voice Actor: Jason Douglas

Leon is an officer of the AD Police. He is strong and authoritative but has a sense of insecurity yet he's completely full of himself. He and Nene have a big brother / little sister relationship going on but the girl Leon is after is Priss. Leon is a fine AD Police officer who at first hates the Knight Sabers but as the series progresses, he grows a little wiser about the situation around him. He and Priss hit it off at the end... ^_^ It's understandable, they're equal in every level and are perfect for each other.

Daily Wong

Age: 25
Eye Colour: Blue
Hair Colour: Brown
Occupation: AD Police Officer

Japanese Seiyuu: Yuji Ueda
English Voice Actor: Chris Patton

Daily is Leon's partner in the AD Police. Unlike Leon, Daily uses his brain rather than his brawn to handle situations. He is a very intelligent person who helps Leon out a lot and saves his butt once in awhile. Daily seems to be the only one in the AD Police who has a clue to what's going on... In the original series of Bubblegum Crisis, Daily was gay (to put it bluntly). And in Tokyo 2040 he still is, though he's not after Leon, so let's just get that straight... um... no pun intended ^_^ ... I've found that there are a couple of ways to spell Daily's name. There's that and Daley. Whichever you use, don't e-mail me saying I spelt his name wrong ^_^... thanks.

Brian J. Mason

Age: 38
Eye Colour: Brown
Hair Colour: Brown
Occupation: Head Executive of the Genom Corporation

Japanese Seiyuu: Nakata Jouji
English Voice Actor: Andy McAvin

Mason is quite a creepy character. He has said that he hates all boomers, but in truth he wants to see boomers destroy the human race and to start a new supreme race. Quite a weird person, I can tell you that. Mason is not someone to be taken lightly, he's evil, and he's a not completely sane. Mason isn't completely human. His infected organs were replaced with machinery... This gave Galatea the power to make Mason go rogue. Mason "died" when Galatea basically took control of his body and set him on a long poll looking towards Tokyo so he could watch how Galatea was about to change the world... Hmmm.

Quincy Rosenkreutz

Age: 89
Eye Colour: Yellow
Hair Colour: Grey
Occupation: President of the Genom Corporation

Japanese Seiyuu: Nakamura Tadashi
English Voice Actor: John Swasey

Quincy Rosenkreutz, the chairman of the Genom Corporation, is quite old and quite mad. He sits in a huge chair all day that controls his life support and allows him to live, hard to see how he could be the most powerful man on earth. Rosenkreutz has a thing for boomers however it's not as sick and twisted as Mason's idea... He wants the human race to love boomers and to care for them... Chairman Rosenkreutz's life comes to an end when Mason's boomer secretary (controlled by Galatea) "pulls the plug" on the old man.

Steven Katsuto Stingray

Age: 49 (Deceased)
Eye Colour: Brown
Hair Colour: Brown
Occupation: Professor

Japanese Seiyuu: Yoshitaka Arimoto
English Voice Actor: John Swasey

The father of Sylia Stingray and the creator of boomers. Professor Stingray was obsessed with his "Voomer" project. So obsessed that he used his own wife and child to develop the boomer technology! A brilliant scientist, Professor Stingray created Galatea and Mackie from the "help" of his wife and little Sylia. Professor Stingray supposedly died in the great earthquakes that struck Tokyo in 2033. The truth is he died only minutes earlier at the hands of his own creation, Galatea.


A sweet innocent looking Boomer created by the original Boomer development team led by Prof. Stingray. Galatea is a child/clone/sister of Sylia... yeah kind of confusing isn't it. She may look innocent enough but she is the real reason why Prof. Stingray is dead...

Galatea (Adult)

This, believe it or not, is the same innocent looking girl as above, except now she is all grown up and with a twisted mind. Be afraid, be very afraid, Galatea doesn't have very good intentions for the human race. She's out to get us all! Don't worry though, Galatea is taken care of by Priss and Motoslave... Hehe, did I say too much?

Minor Characters

Bill Nordburg

Bill Nordburg worked at a deep sea mining facility. He used to control a boomer that mined the sea floor, that is until a terrible accident took his life. Though this wasn't the only thing to go wrong with his life. Earlier he had found out that his wife, Erin Nordburg had cheated on him. Bill loved Erin very much and was heartbroken. At the moment the boomer he was controlling went rogue, it somehow incorporated Bill's memories into itself. The boomer killed Bill then made it's way to Tokyo to find Erin... This all occurred in Episode 7, which was quite a good episode... ^_^

Erin Nordburg

Erin is the wife of Bill Nordburg. While her husband is out of town for way too long she finds herself cheating on him. When she is found out by Bill, terrible events occur and she is left a widow. She was to go on a three week vacation with her husband to Hawaii and he had bought her a gold watch too. All for their anniversary (what a nice guy ^_^ )... boy was she sorry...

Charles Sweager

Charles Sweager is a co-worker of Nene's at the AD Police. He likes to tease Nene about not having a boyfriend... According to the ADV site, Charles is 24 and likes donuts... woohoo ^_^

Ellise Drake

Ellise is another AD Police dispatcher. She received the officer of the month award the same time Nene did. At age 19 Ellise is wiser to the world than Nene is.


Fox is the bass guitarist for the band called Sekiria. He and Maxon planned to quit smoking together... they didn't get very far.


Jaid is the drummer for the band Sekiria, Fox refers to him as their trained gorilla. I agree with that, Jaid is one big hairy guy.

Kain Smith

Kain Smith is an executive of Hugh Geit and yep, he tries to take advantage of Linna. Though Linna finally puts him in his place... ^_^ Also, in the credits Kain's last name is Smith, however I've spotted his last name in the actual series and it said that his name was Kain Abell. So what's his full name? Kain Smith or Kain Abell?


This slime ball sells information to the highest bidder. He provides information for Sylia but only information Mason lets him provide. His death comes from Mason's secretary. "Are you the payment or is there cash as well?" Yeah, whatever pal!

Linna's boss

A sexist bastard is all that can be said about this character. He doesn't seem to know how to keep his hands off poor Linna.

Manager 0352

The Boomer from hell. No this boomer didn't kill anyone, it just bosses them around. Linna has quite a few bad incidents with this Boomer and let me tell you, you'll get pissed off at watching this Boomer punish poor Linna.

Mason's Boomer Secretary

Mason's Secretary was seemingly loyal but it was under the control of Chairman Rosenkreutz and spied on Mason and his activities. Mason finally found out and blew the bitch away. However she comes back to life, supposedly under the control of Galatea and kills Chairman Rosenkreutz. It was quite a cool scene...

Mason's Boomer Sex Toy / Secretary

What can be said, she's Mason's sex toy. She takes abuse and she gives Mason pleasure... O.o


Maxon is the guitarist for the band Sekiria. He and Fox were going to quit smoking together... they didn't get far...


Misae sits in the office cubical next to Linna in the Hugh Geit, she thinks Linna is a pretty strange person and offers her some advice from time to time.

Nicholas Roland

Nick Roland is the chief of the AD Police and Leon and Daily's boss. He may be old and a little grumpy but he is a fine officer once it gets time to kick some butt! A former frontline officer, Nick Roland climbed the ranks to become the chief of the AD Police. Nick Roland is 45 years old and has a daughter named Maria Roland.

Sylia's mother

Sylia's mother who isn't named in the series was against Professor Stingray's work on creating the Boomer technology. Even though she loved her husband, she thought his work was totally ethically wrong and in her own words "going against the will of god"... guess she was right... Sylia's mother died from experiments Prof. Stingray performed on her.


Uprio-chan is Nene's stuffed weasel / ferret that sits atop Nene's computer screen at the ADP dispatch center. Uprio-chan also comes in a digital form that fetches Nene's e-mail. Even though Uprio-chan is so kawaii, it gives pretty bad advice... "I think you're screwed"... Sadly the stuffed version of Uprio-chan becomes missing in action after the AD Police tower was taken over by an army of rogue Boomers... Awww, that sucks!

Wait, what? Uprio-chan isn't actually a character? Psh.
