The Bubblegum Crisis Center > Extras > Fan Fiction

What is in the Flesh?

Written by Chad "Graeystone" Harger

Author's note: This story takes place about four months after Bubble Gum Crisis episode 8.


"How is the subject this morning?" asked Doctor Stingray.

"It seems to be doing well," answered the assistant.

"Has the subject taken form yet?" asked Stingray.

"Sorry doctor," answered the assistant. "It has all the knowledge and has 'awaken'. But for some reason it just floats in the vat. We try to communicate, but it will not reply."

Doctor Stingray frowned. "What we were are trying to create is not an 'it'. What we have made has knowledge and is sentient. Please show the proper respect."

The assistant bowed slightly. "I'm sorry Doctor Stingray. You gave it the option to choose a gender and its own name, but it will not even do that."

Doctor Stingray walked over to the control console. Clearing his throat he said into a speaker grille, "It's me, Doctor Stingray. I am curious as to why you will not talk or take form." There was no reply and Doctor Stingray shook his head. "What could have gone wrong?" he asked.

"Maybe the subject cannot hear us," suggested the assistant. "Maybe the subject's communication devices are down."

The warning alarm went off and Doctor Stingray looked at the readout. "It can't be!" he cried out.

"Shit!" yelled the assistant. "Doctor Stingray, the subject. . . .is shutting down!"

Stingray turned to the tube that held his creation. "No," he whispered. He watched helpless as his creation died without as without so much as a whimper.

White faced, the assistant turned to Stingray. "Doctor, what do we do now?"

"I don't know," he answered. Stingray felt defeated. "This project was to be the back-up in case the Boomer project failed."


In the year 2033 in the city of Mega Tokyo, a city of cold steel bigger than Neo New York City, at least one part was left untouched. This area was named 'Runner's Park' because of its popularity with the runners and health enthusiasts crowd. One of those health enthusiasts liked to jog just before sunrise.

Linna enjoyed her morning runs more than anything. Almost, but not quite, as much as making and earning money. Linna made her way into the part of the park that was thickest with plant life. Here one could experience the clean air of the country even if was a temporary experience.

Linna slowed to a walk and decided to stop and take breather and to also enjoy the fresh air. While walking, the hairs on the back of her head stiffened. Battle hardened from fighting Boomers and other man made nightmares had given Linna the ability to sense danger coming a mile away. 'Great!' she thought to herself. 'I fight Boomers most of the time only to end up as a mugging victim! Then again whoever is stupid enough to try this on me is going to regret it.'

Linna continued walking casually until she found an area wide enough so she could fight. She walked to the path's large intersection where the path diverged. In the center a large fountain with a statue of a woman pouring water from a jug was the only sound in the area.

Linna pretended to tie her shoes as the muggers stuck up behind her. At the last moment, Linna turned and delivered a roundhouse kick to one of the muggers. The other mugger jumped back and pulled a knife. "Get her!" he ordered.

Linna swore as four more muggers came out of the green foliage and surrounded Linna. "Too early in morning for this crap," said Linna. Linna got into her fighting pose. "Well?" she said.

The mugger with the knife tried to cut Linna. She blocked the mugger's blow and kneed him in the crotch then smashed his face against her knee.

"Damn it!" said the leader of the gang. "Why isn't anything ever easy!"

"Well this is an unfair fight," said another person who walked up behind the muggers. He was so quiet that Linna did not even notice him.

"Get out of here if you want all of your teeth intact!" said the leader.

The stranger chuckled. "Considering one of your friends is laying on the ground with a broken jaw, I'd be more worried about the lady who you believe to be your victim."

The leader pointed to a guy with more muscles than a basic military boomer. "Take care of him while the rest of us teach the bitch her place in the scheme of things!"

The big guy tried to take a swing at the stranger. The stranger tilted his head to the right and the big guy's arm went past missing its target. Before the big guy could pull back, the stranger grabbed the big guy's wrist and twisted and squeezed the big guy's wrist. The big guy fell to his knees screaming in pain. The stranger grabbed the big guy by the neck. "I don't want to hurt you, but if you make any movement, I will crush your larynx and you will be mute for the rest of your life."

Linna waited for the two muggers to get close as she wanted them. Linna jumped and flipped over them. Before they could turn, Linna grabbed them by their hair and slammed their heads together. "Assholes!" she barked. Making sure they were both down, she looked to see if anyone else was around. The only two people were left. Before the one could make a move, Linna back flipped toward him. Just before she reached him, she twisted in midair and landed facing him. Linna threw an old fashion right cross to the his jaw knocking him out.

The stranger let go of the big guy. "Stay put!" ordered the stranger. The big guy massaged his throat and looked up at the stranger with fear and nodded.

The last of the gang looked around and knew he had lost. He tried to run when the stranger said, "I wouldn't do that if I were you. Considering how agile and quick the lady is, I don't think you'll get very far."

"Yeah," said Linna. "Since you are the only one left, that means you get the least amount of sympathy from me!"

The gang member looked at the stranger than Linna. He then slowly dropped to his knees and laid flat on his stomach and placed his arms to the side. "Smart boy," said Linna.

The stranger walked over to Linna. "Are you alright?" he asked.

"Yeah," said Linna. "I never thought I'd be attacked in one of the one last space places in the city."

"I guess it can happen anywhere nowadays," said the stranger. He smiled and said, "My name is Nathan Marcus."

"I'm Linna." Linna looked at the man who helped her. He looked to be about her own age. He was tall, almost as tall as Leon, but a lot thinner, yet he did have some strength to him if he able to take down the big guy like he did. His hair was silverish in color. Not that of an old man, but the color of pure silver. What amazed Linna though was his brown eyes. The way they sparkled in the light, Linna felt as though she being drawn into a different world. Linna started to think if Nathan was a 33-S.

"Are you alright?" asked Nathan. "Your face just turned even more red."

"I'm fine, just fine," said Linna. She looked at the gang scattered on the ground and quickly changed the subject. "What are we going to do about them?"

"I have a phone," answered Nathan. "We can call the police."

"Here let me," said Linna. "I know someone who can speed things up."

Nathan handed Linna a cell phone. She dialed a direct line to Nene who should be at work already. "Hi Nene? This is Linna. Listen I was almost mugged at-." Linna pulled the phone away from her ear as Nene screamed. "Nene, calm down," said Linna. "I'm alright. . .its me after all." Hoping Nene would get the hint, Linna waited for her to calm down. After a few moments Ninna placed the phone back to her ear. "I'm at Runner's Park at the fountain," continued Ninna. "Just send someone to pick up the gang that tried to attack me. Ok? Thanks, bye."

Linna handed Nathan his phone. "What a way to start out a day," she complained. "What's next, Boomers?" She saw the bemused look on Nathan. "Don't answer that please."

Nathan laughed. "Ok," he said. "Why are you here this early in the morning?"

"I usually take a morning jog while it is peaceful," she answered. "What about yourself? I thought I was the only one crazy enough to get up this early."

"I usually take a walk in the afternoon," answered Nathan. "My schedule changed at the last minute and I decided to do it this morning. Seems it was a good idea after all. I always wanted to rescue a fair damsel in distress."

"You have a way with words," said Linna. "Are you a poet or a writer?"

"Naw," said Nathan. "I'm sort of on a break from things until I figure out what to do next."

"What do you do before you took your break?" asked Linna.

"Looks like the police are here," said Nathan pointing to two figures walking toward them.

Linna turned to the two figures. She laughed knowing that Nene had sent them. "Hi Leon, Daily!" she said waving her arms. "Over here!"

The two AD Policemen walked over casually. "Its too early in the morning for a mugging," said Leon.

"Its was either that listen to Nene crying," replied Daley.

"Must a been some party," observed Leon. "To bad I missed it."

"Actually it was pretty short," said Nathan.

"I thought AD Police didn't cover normal crimes?" asked Linna.

"You have a very loud friend in the department," answered Daley, referring to Nene.

"Don't tell me you two are it?" asked Nathan.

"Naw," said Leon. "A few a patrolman are sealing of the area. Because there are so many trees you can't really see them yet." Leon took a pair of handcuffs and walked over to the gang leader. "You get out of jail less than a week ago and you already get busted. That's sad Snaker, really sad."

The gang leader looked up at Leon. "Blow it out your ass cop!"

Leon picked up Snaker and handcuffed him. "Whatever you say. . ..Mortimer."

"Don't call me that!" hissed the gang leader.

Linna and Nathan laughed. "His name is Mortimer? Now that's down right funny!" said Linna.

"I'm going to take Mort to the car while Daley takes Linna and her friend's statements," ordered Leon.


Half an hour later after statements were taken and the press arrived and were throughly tossed out of the park after taking a few unwanted pictures of Linna and Nathan were taken, everyone gathered around Leon's and Daily's squad car. Leon flashed his best smile and said to Linna, "This must have been a harrowing experience for you Linna. We can go out to breakfast and we talk about how you feel."

Linna remembered when Nene told her about that time Leon hit on her during that mess with Gibson. Linna looked up at Leon and smiled, "We could do that Leon. Afterwards, when I go to meet my good friend Priss, I'll tell her about our morning date."

Leon shook his head. "I feel as though I just been kicked by a D.D."

"Well you can treat me to breakfast," said Daily.

"Oh no you don't!" said Leon. "Today is your day to pay! I'm getting sick and tired of everyone sticking me with the bill!"

Linna decided to jerk around Leon some more. "You mean to say you would have stuck me with the bill!? I can't believe it! Wait until I tell Priss this!"

Leon tried to talk, but it all came out as gibberish. He saw that everyone was laughing at him. "Ok that's it!" he yelled. "You two get out of here before I run you both in for loitering and harassing an AD Policeman!"


"Hey," cried out Nathan. He ran to catch up with Linna, who was just about to leave the park.

Linna turned to Nathan. "Is something wrong?" she asked. She wondered what business he had with her.

"I was just thinking about things back there," he answered.

"You mean the moral that we should stay out of Runner's Park?" grumbled Linna.

Nathan looked at her with concern. Linna seemed to be disheartened. "Actually I was going to ask you about something, but I think you have something else on your mind. Sure you don't want to talk about it?"

"Just feel a little disappointed," answered Linna. "I mean the only crimes that were ever committed at the park were either people walking on the wrong side of the paths or voyeurs videotaping people making out or having sex."

"Such things are bound to happen sooner or later. I guess the most we can do is either give in, or what you did, and that is to fight back. You have a great courage to stand up to scum like that," said Nathan.

'If you only knew,' thought Linna. "Thank you Nathan. . ..thank you also for helping out when you did." Linna was not sure why she felt embarrassed about Nathan's compliments.

Nathan's smile widen, and to Linna, his eyes seemed to glow more like stars on a clear night. "I know this is not the best time," said Nathan. "But are you doing anything this weekend?"

"A date?" asked Linna. She shook her head realizing that she almost sounded like Nene. Linna composed herself and looked at Nathan once again. His expression seemed so sincere that Linna thought this was just a dream. With the exception of his strange eyes, he seemed like the most honest person on the planet. Linna knew she went through men like Nene went through food. She knew the problem was with herself and her perceptions of world because of being a Knight Saber. Every time she felt as though she found a man who was honest, kind, and sincere, he would prove to be just as nearly as arrogant as Quincy. Nathan on the other hand seemed WYSIWYG, as Nene would put it in the old computer term. Linna became afraid of being let down again, yet at the same time she was drawn to those very strange eyes. She smiled at Nathan and said, "I'd be glad to."


Linna walked into Sylia's apartment when Nene, who almost broke into tears when Linna entered, got up from her seat and ran over to Linna and hugged her. "You had us so worried! Don't ever do that again!"

Sylia walked over gently pulled Nene from Linna. "Its alright Nene. Linna is more than capable of taking care of herself."

Priss stretched on the couch. "Yeah," she said. "If it was you Nene, you would've been robbed of shirt of your back. That would just be the thing to make the cop's image even worse."

"Well who it that already has their driver's licence suspended , oh the fifth time, this year?" shot back Nene. "And who it that clears your record a week after it is suspended?"

Priss picked up a pillow and was about to throw it at Nene when Sylia interjected. "No horseplay in the apartment," she said while smiling.

If looks could kill, Priss' stare would have blown a hole in the wall. She slammed the pillow on the couch and started to hit it over and over. The other three were laughing at her and she glared at them all. "Don't push your collective luck," she muttered.

"That's enough everyone," said Sylia. She led Linna over to a chair. "Are you sure you are alright?" asked Sylia.

"I'm fine," said Linna. "It was nothing. They were about as bright as some the Boomers we fight."

"Are you sure," asked Nene. "I see victims come into that station everyday and these people aren't the victims of Boomers. Even those you have fought back need somebody to talk to."

"I know," said Linna. "But in those cases, those who usually fight back end up killing their attackers. Besides, I have more important things to worry about." Linna leaned back in the chair. "I have a date this Saturday."

The girl's looked at her with intensity. "I give it a week," said Priss.

"Three days," said Nene.

"Its not like that!" said Linna. She looked up at the ceiling with wonder. "Nathan is so unique. He has the most mysterious eyes and seems to have a rare honesty."

"Isn't the man who helped you named Nathan?" asked Sylia.


"Wow!" said Nene. "Just like a fairytale!"

Priss got up and walked to the door. "I need some air," she muttered. "I think all this sweetness is going to make me sick. See everyone later."

"And I have to go back to the station," added Nene.

After both women left Sylia looked at Linna. She watched Linna stare out the window and humming to herself. Sylia poured herself some more tea and sat down. "This Nathan must seem very special," she said.

"Oh he does seem to be at that," said Linna. "As I said there is something mysterious about him," observed Linna. Linna turned from the window and looked at Sylia. "How do you know about him anyway? I guess Nene told you."

Sylia picked up a newspaper and held up the front page. A picture of Leon, Daley, Nathan, and Linna covered nearly half of the page. "Oh no," groaned Linna. "I'll bet they're camped out in front of my apartment!"

"Do you know what that means?" asked Sylia.

"Yeah," said Linna. Unlike the later twentieth and early twenty-first centuries, the press was more invasive now than then when it came to big stories and because of her status as a Knight Saber she had to be very careful around her own home. Linna thought about asking Priss or Nene if she could stay with either one of them but decided against it. Nene's place was to small and Priss' place looked like one of their battles took place there. "Uh, Sylia, er, I was just wondering if I, could, er, maybe stay here with you for a few days until things blow over?"

"I would be delighted," said Sylia. "As a matter of fact maybe I can help you pick out something to wear for your date." Sylia walked to the door that led to her bedroom. "I know you and the others have always wondered what my bedroom is like. You will be the first to find out."

Linna tried her best not to have a shocked look on her face. Ever since her and the others met, they all had their own ideas of what Sylia's bedroom was like. From Priss' idea of it being full of flowers, fluff and other 'sweet teeth rotting things' as she put it, to Nene's own outrageous idea of a dominatrix with leather, handcuffs, and whips. Linna felt like Indiana Jones at the beginning of the classic film 'Raiders of the Lost Ark' when he found the gold statue. Linna gathered her courage and walked into this most mysterious person's bedroom.


Being as rich and influential does has its advantages in even the smallest ways and Quincy would always take advantage of that fact. Only a small hand full of people were able to get color editions of the city's various newspapers. When asked why he would do something as trivial as that, his reply was, "Because I can."

Quincy sat in his seat of power reading the color edition of the newspaper. Like everyone else, he was surprised about the attempted mugging at Runner's Park. After he read the article, he looked at the picture of Linna and Nathan. Quincy looked at Nathan closer and frowned. Because the photo was color, Nathan's strange eyes would be more pronounced. 'I have seen those eyes before,' he thought.

Quincy put the paper down on his desk. He turned to his computer and entered a password and brought up files that were only known to him. The files were all he could find on Dr. Stingray's research. Research papers and videos from Stingray's lab took up a good part of Quincy's personal computer. These files were what made Quincy the most powerful business man in the world. Quincy found what he was looking for and watched the video of Stingray. Quincy's expression deepened as he watched the genius push the envelope of science even further than Genom's own scientist could even imagine. As a matter of fact it was almost magic.

Quincy became very concerned. He replayed the video sequence of the only known true physical make up of the subject, the eyes. Like Stingray, Quincy believed the subject had been destroyed. It appeared that the subject might just have faked its own death. If so, then why has it returned? Quincy turned around in his chair to the video monitors. Pressing a button he brought up one of Genom's hidden R&D labs. A scientist appeared on the other end. "Chairman Quincy," he said. "What can I do for you?"

"How close are you to completing the project?" asked Quincy.

The scientist smiled. "Just two more days." said the scientist. "All the stress tests are at one-hundred percent. All we have to do is install a power source and make sure all the bio-nerves are properly connected."

Quincy said, "This Boomer/Hard-Suit hybrid shall be my first step to finally bringing order to this chaotic world. Very good then, proceed."

Quincy broke the connection and contacted another division of Genom. Unlike the rest of Genom, only Quincy knew of this particular division. This division was were Assassin Boomers were made. Although rarely used, they were very affective. There were no picture on the monitor, just a black screen and a garbled voice. "You have five seconds to give the proper password. We have tracked your signal and have locked onto your position and failure to give the proper password will result in a particle cannon being fired on your location. The five seconds begin now."

"Omega," replied Quincy.

"Password accepted," said the voice. "What can I do for you Chairman Quincy?"

"Someone has become a threat to us," said Quincy. "Have you read this afternoon's paper yet?"


"That man that was involved in the fight at the park this morning," said Quincy.

Quincy frowned when no reply came from the other end. "Is there something wrong?" he asked.

The garbled voice became uncertain. "This is a high profile case after all. I suggest we wait until the press backs off so we do not draw attention ourselves."

"I'm well aware of that," said Quincy. "I have already formulated a plan so we would not be involved. The first step is to take care of people in certain positions who know better than to question me at all. You have been replaced." Quincy did not budge as the sounds of a struggle were heard on the monitor.

"What is the plan?" asked a new voice.

"Make the boomer's human disguise to make them look like members of that gang," said Quincy. "So when the target has been killed it will look like gang retaliation."

"Preparation time will take at least two days," said the voice.

Quincy wanted it to be sooner, but this part of Genom could not be rushed. It was like delicate surgery. Quincy hoped that Dr. Stingray's creation was not here about the new Boomer, but he could not take any chances. "It will do," he said. "But try to save a little bit from the target. I'm sending you the details now."

After the information was sent, Quincy broke the connection and started to think of the possibilities that could arise if he could get his hands on Dr. Stingray's other creation.


That evening, Sylia was even more amazed at Fargo's boldness. At the amusement park, the two of them got into the boat and waited for it to take them into the Tunnel of Love. "We are in here so we can't be seen?" whispered Sylia.

"That's right," answered Fargo. He took the laptop and turned it on. "Unfortunately I don't have all the details for this job."

"Why?" asked Sylia.

"There is a rumor at GENOM that Quincy has own assassin squad that only he knows the details about. Even Mason and Largo attempted to find them but couldn't," said Fargo. "Only thing I know is that certain equipment has vanished and requisition papers seemed to have disappeared along with copies and no questions are being asked. This has happened one time before you formed the Knight Sabers. At the time Senator Johanson from the United States was trying to pass a bill that would outlaw the manufacturing of Combat Boomers."

Syia rubbed her chin in thought. "My father knew Senator Johanson. Johanson was the one of the people who helped fund my father's research before he died. Johanson told me soon after the funeral that he would make sure that legally, my father's dream would be fulfilled. That's why he pushed for the anti-combat boomer bill in the US Senate and if it became a law, he would then try to get the UN and all the countries to make the same law."

"Then he was killed," said Fargo. "Everyone believed that it was some Middle East terrorist group. Yet the bomb used was the same type that mysteriously vanished from one of Genom's warehouses. Another bomb was made and used to replace the missing one in the warehouse so the real one could not be traced back to Genom."

"So it is happening again," said Sylia. "Who is the target this time?"

"I do not know," answered Largo. "Hell, it could be me for all I know. All I'm saying is that you all be careful. I have run through every worse case scenario. From me being found out, to your group's identities being found out."

"What happens if you are wrong?" asked Sylia.

"Then I just wasted 50,000," replied Fargo. "Now the details of the mission are over, why don't we try to enjoy this ride?" Fargo fake stretched and tried to put his arm around Sylia but she was already gone.

"Next time just ask me out for dinner," said Sylia on the platform.


That evening while Sylia was getting details from Fargo, Linna waited outside the Silky Doll building waiting for Nathan. She looked at her reflection in the window as she waited. The dress Sylia gave her was simple yet beautiful. A black dress with a slit up the side that permitted good movement, but did not reveal to much. Linna adjusted the tiara that Sylia gave her. Linna wondered if the jewels on tiara were real diamonds or not. Knowing Sylia, they most likely were.

Ten minutes later, Nathan pulled in front of the building. Linna was not surprised that Nathan's car was not flashy. Earlier she thought about what attracted her to him. She realized that he was not as materialistic as all the other men she dated. She watched Nathan get out his car and walked over to her. "You look wonderful," he said.

"Thank you," said Linna. "You look pretty good yourself."

"Considering it took me forever to figure out the tie," said Nathan.

"You don't know how to tie a tie?" asked Linna.

"Eh," said Nathan. "I never really had a use for ties."

Linna knew then that Nathan was really simple in way. Besides the sincerity and honesty, there was also a side of him that did not crave to much. He was in no means a child but someone who preferred simpler things. Nathan opened the car door and said, "Your chariot awaits."

Linna smiled at Nathan. "You know to flatter a lady."

"I try," said Nathan.

After the opera, Linna and Nathan went to one of the more fancier and expensive restaurants in the city. Linna looked around the dining room with amazement. "A-are you sure you can afford this?" she asked.

"I have enough to last me a few years," answered Nathan.

Linna raised an eyebrow. "I didn't figure you for the type to have a lot of money." For a moment Linna shifted into her 'money making' mode. "I can try to double it for you," she said.

Nathan laughed and said, " I didn't figure you to be the money type."

"No," said Linna. "Its nothing like that. I mean, if someone just handed me a dump-truck full of money without any strings, I wouldn't take it. It's the challenge I love. Win or lose I just have to try. Investing money is the easiest way for me to fulfill that challenge." Linna took a drink of her coffee. "What do you do?" she asked.

"Right now, not much of anything," answered Nathan. "I am on what one might call a Walkabout."

"A Walkabout?" asked Linna.

"A Walkabout," explained Nathan. "Is something the Aborigines used to do before they were killed off during the Australian Civil War. The idea is to keep walking until you meet yourself."

Linna became really curious. Maybe she would find out more about Nathan. "Have you met yourself?" she asked.

Nathan's eyes became sad. "No," he answered. Smiling now, he added, "I have a feeling though that I am getting very close."

"Why would you want to do something like that in the first place?" asked Linna.

"Like any person, we do not truly know ourselves. There is so much I want to find out about people in general and myself in particular," answered Nathan.

Linna decided not to press any further. She did not want to seem too nosey. "Well what did you do before you decided to go on your Walkabout?"

Nathan smiled. "I am a scientist of sorts but I really haven't decided to do anything major."

"Why not?" asked Linna.

"One of the few people I respect is Dr. Stingray," said Nathan. "While his intentions were noble, other people decided to use Boomer technology for their own gains. Until I can decide what to do with what I have discovered, I'm keeping what I know to myself. I have to do is finish this Walkabout to find out what to do next." Nathan looked at Linna and saw that she became pale. "Are you alright?"

"Ah, I'm fine," lied Linna. Nathan's mentioning of Dr. Stingray had shocked her.

"You sure?"

"Yeah," said Linna. "Coffee is a little strong that's all. So what is this big discovery of yours?"

Nathan took an envelope out his pocket. "This is it," he said. "An example of what I do. It's a present I made."

Linna took the envelope and was about to open it when her watch started to beep. Like her normal communicator, her watch was also set to go off when ever she was called to duty as a Knight Saber. "Not now," she said.

"Is everything alright?" asked Nathan.

Linna lowered her head. It was not the first time she was called to duty while on a date. "Nathan, I'm sorry but I have to go," she said. She lost count the number of times her dates never even bothered to contact her afterwards.

Linna expected him to get upset, but he did not. "If it is really important then go," he said.

Linna smiled, she knew he was not lying. "Thank you Nathan."

Nathan started to get up. "I can give you a ride," he said.

Linna held up a hand. "No," she said. "I know someone I can contact who can pick me up. . .Nathan thank you for being patient with me."

Nathan slightly bowed. "Patience and I go hand and in hand," he said. "If its alright, I'll call you tomorrow sometime."

"I'd like that," said Linna.


Being an actress at one time did have its advantages and Linna was pissed off. She had to call on all those skills to keep from losing her temper at the restaurant. When she had called Priss, Linna had almost took her frustrations out on Priss when she said, "Why don't you take a taxi."

"Just pick me up," replied Linna in a cold tone of voice that Priss never heard coming from Linna.

Priss was surprised at Linna's expression of anger when she picked her up. "Did the date go bad?" asked Priss.

Linna grunted and got on the back of Priss' motorcycle. "Just drive," muttered Linna. Linna adjusted the gown so it would not get cut. While waiting she was tempted to tear it but knew Sylia would be angry.

Priss did not say anything. She figured she had the market cornered on having a bad temperament. Linna was always the cool rational one of the group.

At Sylia's apartment, Priss and Linna were the last to arrive. Linna went over to her usual seat and plopped down. She looked at Sylia and asked, "Where's the Boomer? Damn thing ruined my date and I'm in the mood for some payback."

"I'm sorry," apologized Sylia. "There is no attack."

Linna shot up out of her seat. "Then why are we here?! I was actually enjoying myself!"

"Because this is more important," said Sylia.

"It'd better be good," muttered Linna.

Everyone was shocked at Linna's behavior. Finally Nene said, "Linna calm down."

"Calm down," snapped Linna. "Oh no, we can't have the calm one lose her temper now can we? If you will all excuse me, I'd rather be somewhere else!" Linna got up and walked out of the apartment.

"Let her be by herself," said Sylia. "It has been so long since she was serious about a relationship that she has forgotten how to handle the abruptness of a Knight Saber summon."

"Will she be alright?" asked Nene.

"With what I have to tell you all I don't know," answered Sylia. "After I have briefed you both, I will go and check up on her."

"So what is the mission?" asked Priss.

"We all know the rumors about Quincy's private assassination squad. Fargo discovered those rumors to be true," answered Sylia.

"So who's the target?" asked Nene.

Sylia took a sip of tea. "I don't know. Fargo is still trying to discover the target's identity. At the least it might be some politician or employee who is about to betray Quincy or GENOM. At the worst, one of our identities have been discovered. Right now Mackie is sifting through possible targets. Until this is over, we are all to report every half hour with each other." Sylia took a breath and knew Priss and Nene would not like what she was about to say. "I also want one of you to stay with the other until this is over."

"What?!" cried Nene and Priss at the same time.

"Her trailer looks like a results of one of our fights!" said Nene.

"She has nothing but junk food in her fridge!" said Priss.

Sylia held up her hand for silence. "Because of the press camped outside Linna's home, she is staying here. Yes I do have enough room for all of us but it also might draw too much attention. I'm going outside to check up on Linna. While I'm out you two can work it out." Slyia crossed her arms across her chest. "I'll expect a solution when I get back," she said.

Priss and Nene groaned. They both knew a direct order when they heard it even if it did not sound like one.

Sylia went to the roof of the building and found Linna staring at the stars. "Hello," said Sylia.

Linna turned to Sylia. She bowed slightly and said, "Sylia. . .I'm sorry. I didn't mean to. . .well. . .loose my temper like that."

Sylia walked up to Linna and put a hand on her shoulder. "I understand. You have finally met someone special. In a way I envy that and at the same time I do not. It will not be easy. What is so special about Nathan?"

"He is honest, or as about as honest as you can get in this world," said Linna. "He doesn't seem to have much, no, that's not right, he doesn't need much. Yet he seems to know something wonderful that he would like to share with the world. He did mention something about being a scientist."

"What branch of science?" asked Sylia.

"I don't know," answered Linna. "Before I left he gave an envelope." Linna realized she had been holding the envelope all this time. Linna opened her hand and looked at the crumpled envelope. "Uh-oh," said Linna. "I hope whatever it is, it isn't broken."

"Let's go back," said Sylia. "We can take a look at it then after Priss and Nene leave, I'll give you a private briefing."

Linna's face turned red. 'Private. . .briefing?' she thought. 'Naw, she wouldn't, would she?'

"You coming?" asked Sylia.

"Uh, no, I'm not com-, er, you mean inside, I mean go back inside your apartment?" said Linna. "Uh, yeah, sure."

Linna and Sylia walked back into the apartment. Nene was frowning and Priss had a triumphant smile on her face. "I take it you two came to an agreement?" asked Sylia.

"Yes," said Priss.

"I'd rather take my chances on my own," muttered Nene.

Linna looked at Sylia. "Did I miss something?"

"I'll explain later," said Sylia. "Why don't you open that envelope Nathan gave you."

Priss looked at Linna with a evil smile. "Probably a Dear Jane letter."

"Hey!" snapped Linna. "I was going to apologize for my earlier behavior, but not now. Should really open the envelope in private also."

"Priss didn't mean it," said Nene. Nene glared at Priss. "Right?"

"Is this hate Priss week?" asked Priss to no one in particular.

No one answered and Linna opened the envelope. Inside was a letter and small black dome about the width of Linna's knuckle. "What is it?" asked Sylia.

Linna handed the letter to Sylia. "What does it say?" asked Linna.

"It says to place the device on the last knuckle of the ring finger and press it gently against the skin," explained Sylia.

Linna was about to do that when Nene said, "Wait! This could be a trap!"

Linna nearly dropped the small dome. She looked around and saw the concern on everyone's face. "What's going on?" she asked.

"It appears that Quincy has put a contract on someone. We don't know who, but we have to take into consideration one of us might have been discovered," explained Priss.

"You think that Nathan might be an assassin?" asked Linna. She started to laugh. "If he was an assassin and I was the target, he had many chances to kill me. The most likely place would have been at the park when that gang attacked. He could have killed me and said it was the gang that did it. I don't think Nathan would harm anyone on purpose. He could have broken that one gang member's larynx but didn't. Now I want to see what this thing is."

Linna placed her hand on her leg then set the small dome on her knuckle, then pressed it. Nothing happened for ten seconds, then two very thin strings extended from the dome and rapped around Linna's finger. At first they were very loose as more strands came from the dome and wrapped themselves around the original strands. The strands then tightened then loosened against Linna's skin looking for the correct ring size. The strands, after finding the correct ring size, turned from dark to grass colored green. The dome cracked opened and like a flower, small petals started to bloom from it. Every few seconds, the petals would change color and a small rose rested on Linna's finger.

"Wow!" said Nene.

"That's incredible," said Priss. Even she was taken in by it.

"Its beautiful," said Linna. "But how do I take it off?"

"You can't," said Sylia with a straight face. She saw Linna's bemused look. "I'm only kidding," she said. "It says to just break the vines at the bottom and it will revert back to a 'seed'."

"Wait," said Nene. "I smell something. It almost like. . .a rose?"

Linna brought the rose ring up to her nose and smelled it. "Nene's right. The rose has a scent. I wonder," said Linna. She touched the petals. "Even the petals have the texture of a rose. Sylia, does the letter say what it is made out of?"

Sylia finished reading the letter. "It says it is made from monomachines."

"The flower also has a scent to it," said Priss. "This is. . . this is way advanced."

"It borders on magic," said Sylia. "I doubt my father could even do this."

"You know how to pick them," said Priss to Linna.


Nathan sat in the restaurant for about a hour looking out at the skyline. When he became bored he left. He wondered if Linna was alright. She seemed to be very upset when she left. He hoped she liked his gift and that it would cheer her up.

As Nathan drove home he thought about Linna and himself. He felt a little bit foolish in asking her out on the date. Yet there was something unique about Linna that attracted him to her. He knew it was the rare courage she displayed in Runner's Park. It was also something else. Nathan smiled as he thought about it. Granted she did have her quirks, like money, but she was honest about it, and like himself, she liked challenges.

There was something else though, something she was hiding. Nathan did not really understand human nature that much, but considering what he is, that was a given. He knew enough to know when people were lying. Nathan himself would rather not lie outright but rather remain silent. Although he did lie in a way to Linna, but he had no choice in the matter. If things went well he hoped to never have to tell her about that part of his life. That brought about a new feeling which people described as guilt. It was a feeling he did not like.

Nathan's vision blurred and his vehicle swerved. "Not now!" he yelled. He pulled over and got out of vehicle. He forced his vision to clear and saw that he was only about half a block from his home. Nathan ran to his house and was glad that the press was not there, or at least the ones that were visible. He had caught at least three reporters trespassing on his property this morning.

Nathan went into his house as casual as he could. Already he could feel his left leg starting to give out. "Windows dark and light low," he said. The windows in his house became dark and a soft light lit up the house. Nathan placed his hands to his head and screamed. He fell to his knees and tried to take his belt off. He felt as though this would be the worst seizure attack yet. His arms were sluggish and he tried to keep his teeth clench to prevent himself from biting his tongue. After getting his belt off, he had to force his mouth open to bite the leather belt. Nathan's head nearly slammed against the floor as tried to get up as his hand slipped.

Nathan finally forced himself to his feet. Staggering around and breathing laboriously through his nose, Nathan headed for his bedroom. Half blinded, Nathan threw himself onto the oversized bed. He the gave in to the seizures racking his body. His arms and legs flailed and his head slammed against the mattress. Through the belt, sounds of anguish filled the house. Fortunately Nathan had the foresight to soundproof his house. For a hour he convulsed while inside his body he changed as inorganic became organic, what he once was, he now became something else entirely. A good man's dream taken to the most possible literal conclusion. For a hour Nathan's body went through hell because of what he was doing although this was not the first time. When the hour passed Nathan slipped into darkness but his body still changed.

The next afternoon Nathan opened his eyes and felt something soft and smooth. He looked at the silk blanket and smiled. He could actually feel the it! Nathan felt something else wonderful. He smiled and laughed. It was happiness! "Yes!" he yelled. "I did it! Windows normal!" The windows cleared and Nathan opened one of them and stuck his head out. He laughed as he bathed in the warmth of the afternoon sun.

He walked around his house touching and feeling like a child discovering a new toy. After a while he took his first real shower and discovered how fresh it made him feel. He finished that and put on some clothes, he heard his stomach groan. "Ah yes," observed Nathan. "I guess I have to start eating for real." He went to the kitchen and looked around. He had some food in stock in case he ever got visitors.

After putting the water on Nathan turned on the TV. He turned to the afternoon news and watched with rapt interest a special about the Knight Sabers. The only known video of the Knight Sabers in action was being played. Then once again Nathan's world changed. He watched as the green Knight Saber with the ribbons do a move that was very familiar. Nathan recalled the fight at Runner's Park when Linna backed flipped with a twist and slammed those two thug's head together. The Green Knight Saber did the same move against a pair of Mad Boomers. 'This is interesting,' he thought. 'I guess we both have secrets that we are keeping from each other. Don't worry though Linna, you are too important the world and more importantly to me. Wether you know it or not I will keep your secret.'

After discovering that he still had much to learn about being human, especially about cooking, Nathan gave up and called Linna. "Hi Linna," said Nathan after she appeared on his video-phone.

Linna looked at Nathan. "You seem happy," she said.

"Yeah," said Nathan. "Wonderful news! I've completed my Walkabout!"

"That's wonderful," said Linna. "What are you going to do now?"

"I though we'd celebrate tonight," answered Nathan. "I thought a concert or something."

"I know," said Linna. "I have a friend who sings at one of the local clubs. I can come pick up later." Linna held up her hand showed Nathan the ring. "Thank you for the ring," said Linna. "This is really beautiful."

Nathan's face turned red with embarrassment. "Aw, that's nothing," he said. "Really didn't take me long to make at all."

"But if you can make something like this with monomachines, imagine what you in the medical field or something like that," replied Linna.

"I know," said Nathan. "The problem is though is that can I trust the world with what I know. Dr. Stingray wanted Boomers to benefit humanity and look what has happened to that dream. In many ways the dream has turned into a nightmare." Nathan saw Linna's look of concern. He smiled and said, "But that's a subject for another time. Tonight we are going to have fun, ok?"

Linna smiled and gave a thumbs up. "Ok!" she said. "I'll pick you up at around 5:00pm."


"Damn paranoia," muttered Linna as she pulled in Nathan's driveway. "You get into the back seat," said Linna to Nene. "I don't why Sylia made you go with me," she complained.

"We have to stick together until this mission is over," said Nene. "Sylia went to Hot Legs so she and Priss can keep an eye one each other."

"I can take care of myself thank you very much," retorted Linna.

"Well at least I don't lose at paint ball wars," said Nene."

Linna got out of her car. "Well at least my teammate doesn't use me as cannon fodder," said Linna. Linna closed the door ignoring Nene's reply

Walking up to Nathan's door, Linna pressed the doorbell. She waited nearly a minute before Nathan answered. He opened the door and looked depressed. "Are you ok?" asked Linna.

Nathan sighed and placed a hand on Linna's shoulder. "Oh Linna," he with sadness.

"I-Is something wrong?" asked Linna. She hoped nothing bad had happened.

Nathan slowly smiled then laughed. "Nothing!" he said. "Nothing is wrong at all!" He picked up Linna and twirled her around.

"Nathan!" cried Linna. "Put me down!"

Nathan let Linna down. "I'm sorry but I'm so happy! Everything has been going awesome!" yelled Nathan.

"Well you can tell me about it later," said Linna. She would have stayed here with Nathan, but she had one little wrench in the gears of that plan by the name of Nene. "We'd better hurry or else we'll miss the beginning of the concert."

They walked to Linna's car and Nathan saw Nene in the backseat. "A friend?" asked Nathan.

Linna opened the car door. "Our chaperone for the night. . .well a pitiful excuse for one anyway," she said.

"Hey!" cried Nene.

Nathan laughed and Linna stuck her tongue out at Nene. Nene's protests were cut off by the car's engine as Linna purposely spun out of Nathan's driveway.


After Priss' performance, Linna took Nathan backstage to introduce him to her friends. For the first time in his existence, Nathan became tongue tied when Linna introduced him to Sylia. "S-stingray? A-as in Dr. Stingray's daughter?"

"Yes," said Slyia. "Linna told me you mentioned my father."

"He was, no, still is an influence to me," said Nathan. "Unlike most scientists at the time who where doing research for self gain or popularity, your father just wanted to share his discoveries with the world so the world would be better off."

For a moment Sylia became sad. "If he was still alive, he would be happy to know that at least someone tries to follow the example of that scientists should be selfless in their research."

"I know," said Nathan. "I believe he was nominated three times for the Nobel Peace Prize for science and turned each nomination down on the basis that what he was doing was not for personal gratification."

"Nathan?" said Linna. "I don't want to be selfish myself, but we did make plans for later."

"Yes," said Sylia. "You to seem happy together and I don't want to intrude with the past. Now go along you two and have fun."

Because of the mission Linna gave Sylia a questioning look. "Its alright," said Sylia.

"Well lets go," said Nathan. "Sylia, I just have a question I need to ask you. Do you still follow your father's research."

"Off and on," said Sylia. "If I chose to I could build a boomer of my own."

"I'd like to talk to you about my own research sometime then," said Nathan.

"Thank you," said Sylia.

After Linna and Nathan left, Nene said, "What about the mission? I thought we were supposed to stick together?"

"I know," said Sylia. "Priss could-

"You keep an eye on them?" finished Priss. "Yeah, yeah. You know I'll be glad when this mess is over so I can get back to my own life. Babysitting Nene is bad enough and it seems I have to keep the happy couple from harm to boot. I want double pay for this," growled Priss.

"You can have my share," said Sylia.

Priss smiled. "Hey thanks Sylia. Actually I would have done it for free."

Sylia realized she had just been conned. Before she could react, Priss had already left. "She got you good," laughed Nene.

"Don't forget who gives you your pay," said Sylia.

Nene swallowed hard and said, "Sorry."

Sylia's private phone beeped. "Sylia here," she said.

"Sis!" said Mackie. "We've got a problem! Fargo just sent you a message and I decrypted it! He found out who the target is!"

"Who is it?" asked Sylia.

Sylia nearly dropped the phone when Mackie told her who then felt like passing out when Mackie told her why. 'Oh father. . .one way or another you wanted your dream to be fulfilled. Linna, poor Linna, what will you do when you find out?'

"Are you alright?" asked Nene.

"We have to hurry," answered Sylia. "Come with me. You drive while I contact Priss."

"Ok," said Nene.

Sylia called Priss. "Priss, we've discovered the target!"

"Who is it?" asked Priss.

"Its Nathan," answered Sylia. "Where are you now?"

"I'm in Runner's Park," answered Priss. "I have them in view. I feel like a damn pervert and I hope that don't start making out."

"Just get them out of there," ordered Sylia.

"Ok," said Priss. "Where do you want me to take them?"

"Take them to AD Police," answered Sylia. "After Nathan is safe with them, meet us back at the shop."

"AD. . .Police?" questioned Priss. "Not much of a plan. OH SHIT!"

A sound of the Priss's phone hitting the ground filled Sylia's ear. "Priss? Priss!" yelled Sylia.

"What's going on?" asked Nene.

"Forget the park," said Sylia. "We have to get to the shop. I'll contact Mackie so he can get our suits ready."


Linna hesitated at first, then took hold of Nathan's hand. She looked at him feeling all giddy. 'Its been a long time since I felt this happy,' she thought. They walked in silence until they reached the center of the park were they fought the gang.

Nathan turned to Linna. "What you do, what is it like?" he asked.

"Well as I said," answered Linna. "It's the challenge of making money."

"That's not what I mean," replied Nathan. He had ran the problem through his mind earlier. At first he wanted to keep it a secret, but as he thought more about. He discovered that if he did confront her about, he would always worry about her when she was called away. "I meant what is it like being a Knight Saber."

"Me? A Knight Saber?" laughed Linna. "That's funny."

"I didn't mean it to be," said Nathan. "I'm sure you watched that news special about the Knight Sabers. The only known recording of them in action. One of the Knight Sabers used a move that was exactly the same that you used in the park when you were attacked."

Linna felt limp. "I think we better sit down," she said. She walked to the fountain and sat on the edge.

"Is it true?" asked Nathan.

"Yeah," whispered Linna. First the singer Vision, now Nathan. "I might well get a billboard and put on it, 'Linna is a Knight Saber'," she said.

"Don't worry," said Nathan. "I won't tell anyone. You are too special to me and too important for this world. I know at least with this in the open you will not have to feel too guilty every time you are called."

Linna leaned over and snuggled Nathan. "Thank you."

"I'm sure you already know what that ring is made out of," said Nathan. "I'd like to help you and the others with my knowledge."

"You are too kind," said Linna. "I just don't know what to say." All of the sudden, Linna got the feeling they were being watched. She did not know if it was one of the park's voyeurs or a reporter. She got up and whispered, "We are being watched. I'll be right back.

Linna got up and quietly wove in and out of the thick foliage. In the dim light of the park she snuck up behind the peeper. As she got closer she heard a Priss' voice. "AD. . ..Police? That's not much of a plan," she heard Priss say. Linna snuck up right behind Priss and grabbed her by the shoulder. "OH SHIT!" yelled Priss.

Linna glared at Priss. "What are you doing here?!" she demanded.

"We've discovered that target," whispered Priss.

Linna's face turned white. "Its me isn't it?"

Priss rolled her eyes. "Could you please check that ego of yours at the door? Its your boyfriend!"

"Why?" asked Linna. "He's no politician and he's not very rich. What could he have done. . .my god! Priss we've gone about this all wrong! Its not who he is, but what he knows. He could be a modern day Dr. Stingray with his knowledge of monotechnology!. Genom must have found out about his research and wants him dead."

"Of course," said Priss. "They must see him as a threat."

"Close to the truth, but not quite," said a third voice. Priss and Linna turned. They faced four members of the gang that attacked Linna and Nathan. Two of whom were pointing guns at their head. Both women sized up the gang members and realized that they were anything but. There eyes were cold, sadistic, and unforgiving, the sign of the type of Boomer that has only one function; to kill. "Actually she was right on the first guess," said a female Boomer. "Like us, Nathan may look human but is anything but. Genom is very interested in him yet considers him a threat."

"You," hissed Linna. "You're the one who killed Irene!"

"Irene?" said the female Boomer. The Boomer thought for a second accessing her data. "That would have been my predecessor," explained the Boomer. "Each new model carries the memories of its predecessor so the new one can learn from the old." The female assassin Boomer smiled sadistically. "She was not much of a challenge."

"Bitch!" yelled Linna. "I'll destroy you!"

"You can try," said the female Boomer. Her fingernails extended into claws. "I doubt you will get very far." She brought up her hand to take a swipe at Linna.

"No!" yelled Nathan.

The female Boomer lowered her hand and turned to Nathan. "Ah, the target. Chairman Quincy has taken an interest to you. As a matter of fact he wants you dead."

"Why is that?" asked Nathan. He took a few steps closure to the Boomer. The Boomers, who had the data concerning Nathan, took a cautious step backwards. "Are you afraid of me?" he asked.

"Get out of here Nathan!" yelled Priss.

"No," said Nathan. "If they want me they can have me." He stretched out his arms. "Let them go and you can do with me what you will."

"Its is part of the plan anyway. The human gang you and this girl fought seek revenge. . .why are you surrendering so easily?" asked the female Boomer. "Who knows what you capable of."

"What I am capable of?" asked Nathan. "I am who I am, no more, no less."

The female Boomer walked over to Nathan and grabbed him by the neck. She slashed his face and red blood flowed from the wound. The female licked the blood and analyzed it. "Impossible!" she said. "This is human blood!"

In that moment Nathan closed his eyes and started to focus. There had to still be part of him that was what he once was. Seconds passed and he smiled. He looked at his killer. "What are you waiting for! Do it! In the heart and make it quick! DO IT!"

The assassin Boomer placed her hand against Nathan's chest and extended her claws. The claws entered his body and tore his heart. Nathan's awareness started to fade as he heard Linna cry out, "Nnnaatttaaa. . . . .

"Remember," said the female Boomer to Priss and Linna. "This was gang retaliation." The female Boomer said to the other Boomers, "We are done here. Whatever the reason the data was wrong but the target has been killed."

The Boomers left and Linna ran over to Nathan's corpse. Priss just stood behind her, all the wrong memories flooding back of her first love being killed. "Linna," whispered Priss.

Linna checked for any personal effects that Nathan might have on him. All he had were his car-keys. She got up and turned to Priss. "You ready?" she asked.

"Are you sure you are alright?" asked Priss.

Linna clenched her fists. "I will not mourn until this is finished," she promised.


The two women exited the park and spotted the Silky Doll van. "You're ride is here," said Mackie.

Priss and Linna got into the van and Mackie drove off. "Where is Nathan?" asked Sylia.

Linna tried to answer but could not. "Sylia, we failed," said Priss. "He was stabbed in the heart."

"How can this be?" asked Sylia, shock and disbelief clearly written on her face.

"What is going on here!?" demanded Linna. "First the Boomer that killed Nathan said that there was an error in data, now Sylia acts as if Nathan should not been killed in the first place!"

"A mistake," said Sylia. "A damn stupid mistake that caused a good man's life. I don't know how many people Quincy has killed with his death squad, but Nathan shall be the last. As soon as we find the base we will finish this once and for all."

As if on cue, Mackie said, "Sis, I've got a signal!"

"You've found them?" asked Sylia.

Mackie hesitated then said, "Well. . .not exactly, actually the signal came to us!"

"It has to be a trap," said Priss.

"Nene," said Sylia. "Tap into a satellite and see if you can trace it back to the point of origin."

"Ok," said Nene. She activated her suit and time passed. "I've got it," she said. A cable extended from her suit and plugged into a monitor. "We can watch," she said. The Knight Sabers watched as the camera zoomed in. "The signal is coming from within the vehicle from a boomer." The camera got in as tight as it could and the Knight Sabers could see the Boomers. "The signal is originating from that boomer in the front seat," said Nene.

"That's the Boomer that killed Nathan!" said Linna.

"Could he have placed a tracker on her?" asked Sylia.

"Unless he had a tracker on his neck," said Priss. "He never even touched her with his own hands."

"What is going on here?" asked Nene.

That was a question that none of them could answer.


He awoke, first confusion, then understanding. He remembered what had happened. Then he started to move. One became two, two became four, four became eight, eight became sixteen, sixteen became thirty-two, thirty-two became sixty-four, sixty-four became one hundred twenty eight, one hundred twenty eight became two hundred fifty six, and so on and so on.


In the ruins of Old Tokyo that was destroyed by the earthquake, a squad of killers returned to their hidden base that was once a smelting factory. They exited their car and entered the building that was destroyed on the outside but was anything but on the inside. They barely got out of their vehicle when the alarms went off. A voice rang out through the building. "Approaching vehicle identified as one used by the Knight Sabers! All Boomers prepare for battle!" The Boomers went back outside and waited for the battle to come.

"I'm picking up activity at their base," said Nene.

"Pull over here," said Sylia. "We'll bust in through the front door. .. .Knight Sabers . . .go!"

"Right!" said the others.

The Knight Sabers jumped from the van and launched into the air. They glided down and landed before the building. Before them stood the Boomers from the park. "This is the last time such a place will be used," promised Sylia.

The Boomer that killed Nathan asked, "Why are you doing this? For justice or revenge?"

"Both," said Sylia.

Sometimes even before a battle is joined, something will happened that will cause a pause. These things will always change the rules of the fight and also bring about revelations. In this case it was the sudden change in the female Boomer's voice. "Yes, I suppose there is a small part of justice that is revenge," said a voice that was Nathan.

"N-Nathan?" whispered Linna.

"Let me show you," said Nathan. The Boomer stiffened and coughed up something black. The Boomer then fell to her knees and continued throwing up black liquid. Then the same black stuff seeped from the eyes. The eyes fell out of the Boomer and more of the black liquid poured from the eye sockets. Finally the black mass started to move and took form. As if in slow motion the mass to form of a human and it took the form of Nathan Marcus.

"Nene, scan it," said Sylia.

Nene scanned Nathan. "Oh my god! Monomachines, too many to even get a count."

"Sylia," said Linna. "Do you know something about this?"

"Project NM, Nathan Marcus," explained Sylia. "Dr. Stingray's other project so secret and hidden that only he and one other person knew about it. NM, which stands for nanomachine."

"Nanomachine?" asked Priss. "What is a nanomachine?"

"Nanomachine is the old term for monomachine," explained Sylia. "Nathan is in fact a monomachine colony."

"What makes him so special?" asked Priss. "The Boomer that sunk Aqua City was basically a monomachine colony."

"Yes," said Sylia. "Nathan is different in that instead of one brain or CPU, his conscience is in each individual monomachine. Even if his head was destroyed, he would still be able to fully function."

"Then who was that who was killed in the park?" asked Linna.

"It was me," said the metallic voice of Nathan. "The best way to help humanity was to become like them. That is why I did the Walkabout. . .I. .. .some. .ThInG. . ..n*screech*. . .rRriGt!" Nathan's arms warped and twisted and started to lose control of himself.

"Something's not right," said Nene. "He's losing control of the electromagnetic field required for monomachines generate to keep a solid form!"

"Must have been the shock of replicating and reforming so fast. I'll get him out there," said Sylia. "The rest of you take this place out!" The Knight Sabers went into action and the battle was joined.


Nene was throwned through a wall and the huge male Boomer walked toward her. "You Knight Sabers aren't so tough," he gloated.

Nene raised her arm and started to fire blindly. The shots went over the Boomer's head. "You won't even be worth the effort," said the Boomer. He opened his mouth and was about to fire on Nene's face at point blank range when they both heard the sound of metal snapping. Nene and the Boomer looked up and saw one of the gigantic metal carriers used for carry molten steel fall toward them. The Boomer tried to move but Nene grabbed his ankle. The Boomer tried to fire again but at the last moment Nene rolled out of the way and the carrier landed on the Boomer.

Nene looked at the arm underneath the carrier. "Good thing Boomers can't gamble," she said.


"Come on you bastard!" hissed Priss. She concentrated on the one in front of her, but failed to notice the one behind her. The Boomer behind her fired its mouth cannon and nailed Priss in the shoulder. She felt something being yanked from the force of the blast. Priss tried to move her arm but realized the blast had popped her shoulder out of place along with the part of her suit that permitted arm movement. The Boomer picked up Priss and threw her across the area and she slammed into a concrete wall.

Priss got up and started to draw on her anger, she focused her hatred of these monsters into energy. She stumbled over to a support beam and slammed her popped shoulder against it. She screamed as her shoulder and armor popped back into place.

She tried to get up but the larger of the Boomers picked her up and slammed her into the same concrete wall. "What a bunch of wimps!" snarled Priss.

She charged her weapons at waited for the right moment. Priss judged the distance from her and the Boomers coming at her. She crouched then activated her jets. Instead of launching into the air, Priss flew a few inches from the floor facing the ceiling. At the right moment she cut of her jets and grabbed the floor to slow down. She stopped where she wanted to, right underneath one of the boomers. She reached up and with her gun arm and grabbed the boomer by the crotch. "You look like you need an enema," said Priss. She fired the deadly needles which went right up the Boomer's body and exited through its head.

The other Boomer fired at Priss. Priss grabbed the Boomer she just killed and used it as a shield. She threw it at the other Boomer, but it blocked its fallen comrade. It was all the distraction Priss needed. She launched herself into the air and screamed her battle cry. She swung her knuckle bomber with such force that when it connected with the Boomer its head was blown clean off.


Linna did not talk in battle unless it was necessary. Her training in martial arts and dance had taught her about total concentration. She back flipped and twisted in midair and landed facing the female Boomer. The Boomer extended her claws and took a swipe at Linna's head. Linna ducked and twisted her head bringing the ribbon around. The Boomer jumped over Linna. Linna launched into the air before the Boomer could nail her from behind. She landed on her feet and faced the Boomer.

Linna and the Boomer charged each other. Both possessing weapons that could cut through diamond. Three feet from each other, Linna twisted her head and the ribbons moved with deadly graceful speed. The Boomer screamed as the ribbons cut through her hands. The Boomer doubled over in stimulated pain. Linna spun on her feel like a ballet dancer. One ribbon cut though the Boomer's knees and the other ribbon went through center of the Boomer's head in a horizontal motion.

Linna crouched on one knee and took a breath. She was about to join the others when Sylia contacted her, "Linna! If you are not busy get back to the van, Nathan is dying!"


As the battle broke out, Sylia ran straight for Nathan. She stared at him in horror as he tried to keep himself in one piece. "Hold on!" demanded Sylia. Nathan's body twisted and turned. His arms stretched out like taffy then reformed. His eyes kept on forming and reforming. Sylia nearly dropped him when a leg grew from his stomach. Nathan's body made it hard for Sylia to move quickly. Eventually she made to the van without incident. She placed Nathan on the ground. "You faked your death when Dr. Stingray was in middle of creating you," said Sylia.

"YEs," said Nathan in a painful screech. "W*screech* afraaaiiddd."

Sylia held back her tears watching Nathan writhe in pain. "What could harm you?" she asked.

"*SCREE!*AsON!," replied Nathan.

"Ason?" asked Sylia. She sighed with understanding. "Mason."

"hE tRIed TO eIthER Suuubbbbvvvveeerrrrtttt MY ProGRamInG oR FaiLING THAT, KKKIlll Me. TO proTECT DR. Sttingrray, I-I-I-I-I TO FaKe MY deatH."

"Damn him," whispered Sylia. First her father and now someone who might possibly have been her brother.

Mackie stuck his head out the window. "I'm getting some strange reports from AD Police communications center. Something about a D-Class Emergency."

Sylia contacted Nene. "What is a D-Class Emergency."

"D-Class Emergency?!" yelled Nene. "Oh my god! That's a new code meaning a D.D. is on the loose!"

"They're still making those sons of bitches!" screamed Priss.

"If everyone is finished," said Sylia. "Come out to the van. Mackie, see if you can find out where its headed."

Mackie hacked into the AD Police. His face paled as he read the data concerning the D.D.'s heading. "It coming toward us," he whispered.

Sylia opened the van's sliding door. She picked up Nathan and laid him on the floor. "How long till it gets here?" she asked.

"Five minutes," answered Mackie.

"Go somewhere nearby so you'll be safe," ordered Sylia.

Mackie wanted to object but knew better. "Good luck," he said to Sylia. "Take care of yourself."

"I will," said Sylia.


A homeless man who was out of touch with reality saw the battle. Panicking, he took some of his valuable money and called the police. He ranted about aliens in the form of humans and mechanical women fighting them. The police almost treated it like a crank call, but it sounded too much like a real emergency and handed it over to the AD Police.

Leon and Daily drove toward the battle. "Alien in the form of humans must be Boomers and the mechanical women must be the Knight Sabers," observed Daily as he read from the car's computer.

"I wonder why Boomers are in the middle of nowhere," said Leon.

"Someone must be illegally making them," replied Daily.

The car's communicator beeped. Daily pressed a button and said, "Daily here."

A women's voice said, "Detective, we got a D-Class Emergency. The bogey's projected destination is near where you're headed."

Leon rubbed his chest where the previous D.D. broke his ribs. He growled and stepped on the gas. "We'll handle this one on our own!"

Daily looked at Leon. "You sure?" he asked.

A devil's smile formed on Leon's face. "With the weapons I picked up before we left, oh yeah!"


After making sure the factory was cleaned out, the Knight Sabers waited for the D.D. While they waited, Linna went to Nathan. She took off her helmet tried not to cry as she watched Nathan's body warp and twist. "Isn't there anything we can do?" she asked. Mackie shook his head.

"Nathan," said Linna. "I-I-

Through blurred vision, Nathan saw Linna's face and knew what she was about to say. "DoN'T SAY iT," he said. "BETter THAT yOU DoN'T."

Linna tired to hold Nathan's hand. It fell apart like sand. "LINNNNNAAAA," said Nathan. "i WiLL Be SHuTTiNG DoWN SooN. i aM So SoRRY." Nathan's body collapsed into a black pool of monomachines.

"Nathan. . ." cried Linna.

Mackie turned to her. He was crying also. "Linna. . .the others, its almost time for the D.D. to appear."


A man made demon made by a human devil landed and approached its target. Nene scanned it and said, "It's a D.D.," she said. "Good news is that it doesn't have a micro-fusion bomb like the last one. There is something strange though."

"Can you tell what it is?" asked Sylia.

"Not close enough to get a good reading," answered Nene.

Linna came over to them from the van. "Is it near?" she asked, her voice trembling with grief.

"Will you be able to handle this?" asked Priss with genuine concern.

"It's a distraction," answered Linna. "I'll be able to handle it though."

"Here it comes," said Sylia.

The D.D. landed breaking the road. It turned toward the Knight Sabers and growled. "Destroy it!" ordered Sylia.

The Knight Sabers attacked except for Nene. "Something's not right," she said.

"Save it for later!" yelled Priss. The jumped out of the way as the D.D. fired its shoulder gun at her.

"Linna cut the gun like the last time," ordered Sylia. "The rest of us will distract it."

Linna waited for Priss and Sylia to attack it from the side. They attacked the D.D. with everything they had. At the right moment when the D.D. was not firing, Linna jumped into the air. The ribbons swung and connected with the chain-gun but were not cut.

"Nothing happened!" yelled Linna.

The ribbons were wrapped around the gun and the D.D. fired at Sylia. Linna was lifted up and dragged toward the D.D. "Take your helmet off and I'll catch you!" yelled Priss.

Linna got her helmet off in the nick of time and Priss caught her midair while shooting at the D.D. That close to D.D. caused the needles to shatter. The helmet got caught up in the chain gun and was destroyed. "Shit!" she yelled. "What the hell are we dealing with?!"

Nene finished her scans. "Uh-oh," she said. "No wonder this thing doesn't have a fusion bomb. The bomb wouldn't even dent it!"

"Could you please clarify just little bit!" snapped Priss.

"The metal's molecular structure is interlinked like a chain link fence," she said.

"The metal might be, but the joints shouldn't," said Sylia. The knife on her armor extended. Jumped onto the D.D. and tried to stab it in the knee. The knife just bounced back. The D.D. grabbed Sylia and started to squeeze her helmet. The helmet cracked, but fortune was still on Slylia's side. A police vehicle came speeding up behind the D.D. At the last moment Leon jumped out. The car hit the D.D. causing it to drop Slyia who activated her suit's jets and jumped out of the way.

When she was clear, Leon ran back the way he came, took a grenade and threw it at the car. The car exploded enveloping the D.D. Leon's smiled at his handiwork but it faded when he saw the D.D. get up without a scratch. "Aw. . .nuts," he muttered.

Daily strapped a portable generator on his back that was linked by cable to a modified bazooka. "Put this on," he said to Leon.

Leon took the other pack and strapped in on. The D.D. came at them. "Aim for the eyes," he said raising his own bazooka.

"I got a lock," said Daily. "Will these things even latch on? We saw what happened to the Knight Saber with the green helmet. I thought those things could cut through anything."

"The cable also has a powerful suction cup," said Leon. "The suction cup is activated first on impact." Leon targeted the D.D's other eye. "Fire!"

Two thick cables fired from the bazookas. They hit their target sticking to the D.D.'s eyes. The two cops pressed another button on the bazookas and electricity traveled from the generators on their backs through the cable to the exposed end and electrified the D.D. Leon and Daily kept up the assault until they ran out of power. The D.D. fell to one knee. Then it got up and grabbed the cables and pulled. "Oh shit!" said Daily. The two cops were launched into the air.

Priss and Nene saw it all and they went to rescue the two cops. Nene fired her weapons snapping the cables and caught Daily while Priss caught Leon. "This isn't doing my masculinity any good," he said.

"Want me to drop you in front of it?" asked Priss.

Leon smiled and said, "Would you be impressed if I took it out bare handed?"

"Maybe. . .maybe not," answered Priss.

Leon looked down and saw the D.D. fire at them Priss dodged out the way. "Then again," he muttered. "I doubt you'd like me that much if I ended up a smear."

"Thank you," said Daily.

"You're welcome," replied Nene.

Daily tried to think where he heard her voice before. "You sound. . ..familiar," he said.

Nene panicked and nearly dropped Daily. "I-I don't think we ever met," said Nene.

Daily smiled and knew only one person who would react like that he did not say anything. The two cops had made a promise awhile back to keep quiet if either one of them discovered a Knight Saber's identity they would keep it to themselves.

Priss and Nene landed near the van with Sylia waiting. Linna emerged from the van with a new helmet and Mackie was inside with the windows dark. "What are we dealing with?" asked Leon. "We pumped enough electricity into that thing to overload half its systems. Hell, the thing should be blind."

"It's the metal," explained Sylia. "The molecules are linked like a chain fence."

"That means no matter what we can't penetrate the hull unless we break the links. We need something to cut through the links," said Daily. "Its like breaking into someone's house but first you have to get through the fence."

"Something else is going on," said Linna. "When I was getting a new helmet, I saw Nathan. He's turning to dust."

"Hold it," said Nathan. "We heard the report from the regular police. They found a body in Runner's Park that fit Nathan's description. . .is this the same Nathan?"

"It's a long story," said Sylia. An explosion landed nearby. "I think we'd better talk about this later!" said Sylia. "Detectives, get into the back of the van!" she ordered. "The driver will take you both to safety!"

"No!" said the two AD Policemen. They pulled their guns. "We don't run from anything," said Leon.

Priss smiled behind her mask. "Leon," she said.

Leon returned the smile. "Lets try to kick this thing's ass," he said.

"I have an idea," said Linna. "If I turn the ribbons up to full power maybe I can cut it."

"That will cause your suit to overheat," said Nene.

"I know the risks," said Linna. "All I need is one shot."

"Try to it hit it from behind," said Leon. "Like any Boomer or Suit, people keep on forgetting to do something about their backs."

"Let's do it," said Priss.

The Knight Sabers and AD Policemen charged the D.D. Nene and Leon attacked it from the side while Daily and Priss aimed for its eyes. Sylia went in close and hit it with the knuckle bombers. Linna jumped over and behind it. She activated her ribbons to full power. The air around her hummed and the ribbons glowed a hot white and Linna started to sweat as her suit heated up. With a yell he twisted her body and the ribbons slapped against the D.D. The D.D. roared and the chain-gun turned and pointed toward her. Linna's suit overheated and the suit's vents opened up and released built up pressure and steam. "A little help please!" she yelled.

Sylia flipped over the D.D. nailing it in the head with her knuckle bomber. It was enough of a distraction. She landed, grabbed Linna, and jumped out of the way. "Do you have any effect on it?" she asked Sylia.

"No," muttered Linna. "Even the paint job on that thing is interlinked."

"Sylia look out!" yelled Nene.

Sylia turned her head and saw a clawed hand grab her foot. The small claw slammed Sylia and Linna to the ground. Everyone fired at D.D. as it turned toward Sylia and Linna. The D.D. towered over the two women. Its chain gun aimed at them. Sylia and Linna watched in horror, not as the D.D. prepared to fire, but a long black shimmering shadow rose above the D.D. The black shadow fell onto the D.D. Some of the shadow broke apart and fell near Sylia and Linna. Sylia scanned the black stuff. "Nathan," she whispered.


Nathan felt himself shrinking as the nanomachines shut down. Like skin cells, the nano machines broke apart. In his confusion he caught parts of a conversation. A chain linked fence and a D.D. Something about Linna's ribbon cutting through it. He heard the explosions of battle. He heard a young boy curse. "Damn it!," said the boy. "We need something to cut through the molecules!"

In Nathan's confusion a moment of clarity came to him. He could do it, but he was stuck in the liquid form. He scanned himself to see how much of the colony was left. Over two-third of the colony had turned to dust. Barely able to form a face he forced a part of himself into a human face. "I Can HelllPPPP!"

Makie jumped in his seat. "Nathan!" he cried. "He turned and looked at the pool with the outline of Nathan's face.

"LiSTEN!" wailed Nathan. "MY COLonY CaN BREak AParTt LINKS! OpEN DOOR pLeaSE!"

Mackie looked at Nathan in shock and helplessness. "I-I can't send you to your death."

The colony that was Nathan shivered in anger. "So Be IT!" The colony moved and flowed against the side door. Monomachines started to weaken the door's structure. The colony also took some of the metal and started to replicate. Mackie watched the colony ate a hole in the door and poured out. He did not know who going to be more pissed, Sylia because he more than less damaged the van, or Linna because he did nothing to stop Nathan.

Nathan spread the colony out into a near thin film. It traveled along the ground cutting the ground reforming itself. Eye stalks rose from the puddled and clear eyes formed. Nathan saw the Knight Sabers and the two cops from the park attack the D.D. Nathan moved fast but silently. When he gained enough mass he stopped absorbing the ground. In front of the D.D., Nathan forced himself to rise up into a large thin wall. In one final act, every part of the colony was given the final order to weaken the D.D.'s molecular bonding. The last thing Nathan heard was a woman who might have been his sister whisper his name. The monomachine colony collapsed on the D.D. and Nathan died.


Slyia and Linna watched as the small pool monomachines that were separated from Nathan move toward the D.D. "I-is that Nathan?" asked Linna.

"Yes," said Sylia.

"Uh," said Mackie over the comm system. "Nathan is going to try to weaken the D.D.'s molecular structure, something about cutting through the fence."

"What else," said Sylia.

"N-Nothing," replied Mackie.

Sylia frowned and was about ask when Nene cut in. "The monomachines are eating away at the metal's structure."

They all watched as the monomachines seemed to be absorbed by the D.D. "What should we do?" asked Priss.

"I think we should until something happens," said Sylia.

"I suggest we find cover!" yelled Leon. "Cause here it comes!"

Knight Sabers and AD Police ran for cover. Priss and Leon, being a two-of a kind, started firing at the D.D. "Conserve your ammo," ordered Sylia. "Wait for the right moment."

Priss and Leon gave Sylia a funny look. "The moment being?" asked Leon.

"I think right about now," said Nene. She pointed at the D.D. The D.D.'s chain-gun was firing when it bent and snapped off. The flew into the air and landed, half of it impossibly turning to dust.

Leon, Daily and the Knight Sabers where about to attack when Linna said, "No. . .I want this one!"

"Are you sure?" asked Sylia.

"I keep on thinking what Nathan said about revenge being a small part of justice. I want justice for him and revenge on them for what they did to him," she said.

"I understand," said Sylia. While Nene and Priss would be in agreement, Leon and Daily would be a whole different matter. "Well?" Sylia asked the two AD Policemen.

"As long as she doesn't break any laws," said Leon.

"I wasn't really paying attention," added Daily.

"Thank you," said Linna.

Linna looked at the monster right in the eyes. She did something she rarely did and that was scream a battle cry. She ran forward and ducked the D.D.'s arm. She charged her knuckle bomber and punched the D.D. in the knee. The knee exploded in a cloud of dust an the D.D. fell to its other knee. The D.D. grabbed Linna by the waist, lifted her, and started to squeeze. Some part of Nathan was still with the monomachine colony and sensed her. The machines worked faster and the D.D.'s hand became like sand. The D.D.'s arm squeezed and shattered into dust. Linna dropped to the ground and wiped the dust off her helmet. The D.D. looked down at her and growled. Linna made sure she would be the last thing it saw. She jumped and twisted in the air, the suits own monomachine ribbons cut the D.D.'s head off. The D.D. fell forward, the front shattering to dust. To make sure it was truly dead, Linna scanned for the D.D.'s power source. She charged her knuckle bombers and punched the D.D. She reached in and pulled out the D.D. bio-mechanical brain and squashed it in her hand.


After the battle, Daily called HQ on his cell-phone. After being chewed out by the Chief for the loss of the squad car, Daily hung up and walked over to Leon. "Looks like we walk," said Daily.

Leon saw Priss and gave her a thumbs up. "Maybe we can get a lift," said Leon.

Daily waved at Nene. "It's a nice night," said Daily. "We should walk."

Leon snorted and said, "Its also your turn to do the paperwork. You just want an excuse to get out of it."

"Partly," said Daily. "That and its just my way of keeping the mystery going." Daily walked toward the road leading back into the city leaving Leon wondering what Daily meant.


Sylia walked over to the van and noticed the hole in the side of the van. "Mackie," she said.

Mackie looked out the driver's side window. "Hi sis. How's Linna doing?" he asked, hoping to distract her from the hole in the van.

"I do not know," said Sylia. "I haven't talked to her yet." Sylia walked around the van and saw the hole. "Mackie," she said in a low voice.

Mackie groaned and sank down in the seat. Considering the size of the hole it would take a week for it to be fixed.


Linna stood before the pile of dust that was once Nathan and the D.D. Behind her was Nene and Priss. "Are we in the clear?" asked Linna.

"Yes," said Priss, her voice shaking. For her it was her fiancé all over again.

Linna took off her helmet and dropped it. She blinked as the tears started to fall down her face. She gave in and started to cry. It was finally over and she could mourn.


Three weeks later by the ocean and Linna stood alone by the ocean. Linna did invite Sylia but she had said, 'You knew him better than I did Linna, even better than my father.'

In her hands she carried an urn filled with Nathan's human ashes mixed in with some the dust from the D.D. She was not sure how much of it was the D.D. and how much of it was Nathan's monomachines, but that did not really matter. Linna looked at the sunrise and said, "Nathan, you were the best of both worlds, both human and machine. Dr. Stingray's true legacy, not that one should rule over the other, but that both should understand each other, to find the common ground and grow together as intelligent beings. I'm sorry that your dreams did not come true. I remeber when Sylia told me about how Mason killed her father. I do not think he was killed for the technolgy but for an ideal. Like Dr. Stingray, you wanted a better world. You discovered that on your own without any of Dr. Stingray's programming making you do so. I cannot make such a large promise to try to make that world better as a Knight Saber, I can only try. I know that deep down that is what we all want as Knight Sabers. . ..good bye Nathan and thank you for showing me there are still people worth fighting for."

Linna opened the lid of the urn and poured the ashes out. Some fell into the water, while some where picked up by the wind and cast into the sky. Linna watched the ashes disperse. "Wether we are machine or flesh, we ultimately become dust in the wind," she said. She watched for a few moments then walked home.


Five days after the battle, he awoke, first confusion, then understanding. He remembered what had happened. Then he started to move. One became two. . .

The End

Afterwards: This is part one of a three story saga concerning Nathan Marcus. All I'll say about part two is that is takes place after Bubble Gum Crash.
Special thanks to Peregrine who introduced me to Bubble Gum Crisis.
Any constuctive complimets and complaints will be welcomed, outright flames will be ignored.
This story is not to be copied onto any harddrive, floppy, CD, or zip drive nor is it to be printed. If you would like to post my story on your site, then just e-mail me a request and please include your URL.

NOTE: Posted on The Perils of Nene-chan with author's expressed permission.

Bubble Gum Crisis and all related characters are copyright their respective creators.
Nathan Marcus is (c) 2000 Chad Harger. YOU STEAL THIS CHARACTER, YOU DIE!
