The Bubblegum Crisis Center > Extras > Fan Fiction

Nene's Babysitter - part 2

Written by Incognito Himitsu

This story contains adult situations and elements of infantalism. If either of these things offend you then you should not read this story.

Nene's Baby Sitter part 2

A Bubble Gum Crisis Story

Based on Characters and Situations owned by Artmic and used without permission.

Nene was not sure what time it was when she woke up. There was some light coming through the curtains, but that told her nothing, other than the sun was up. She had woken to a pressure on her bladder. She shifted around, as if to get out of bed, then her feet rapped up against the bars of the crib.

It all came back in a flash to Nene. She had been hoping it was some kind of bad dream, but the hard reality of it had just hurt her feet.

Again, futilely she pulled at the bars, trying to open them. Then she held off for as long as possible. She knew that the end was inevitable, but she wanted to hold out for as long as she could. At least she could exercise that much control over her body.

Finally she could hold it no longer, and her diaper began to fill with urine, growing soggy and warm next to her skin.

As soon as she finished the door opened and the boomer, walked in.

It was kind of funny Nene thought as she cried softly, the assassin boomer was using its rather impressive sensor suite to check on the state of her diapers.

The boomer opened the crib up, but instead of starting the change Nene, she picked her up and carried her from the room. It did not take long for Nene to realise where they were going. Into the bathing room the Boomer carried her, setting her down gently on a padded, plastic mat. She undressed Nene, finally taking the wet diaper off. She then, much to Nene's surprise, removed the pacifier. While looking Nene in the eyes, she placed the pacifier close by. The message was clear to Nene who did not say anything or cry for help.

The boomer began to bathe her, making sure every bit of skin was as clean. Nene blushed at the boomer's hands went to some fairly intimate areas, making sure she was clean there as well. She even produced a tooth brush and brushed Nene's teeth.

When it was all done Nene was dried off and carried back into the nursery. She was lain onto the crib mattress and a new diaper was placed under her. The boomer then applied cream to her diaper area after which she sprinkled powder all over her, gently rubbing it into her skin. That done the diaper was pulled up between her legs and fastened.

The boomer put her into a different diaper cover, a soft pink with frills along the leg openings. She then put a matching dress on Nene. So attired, Nene was carried out, into the kitchen, for breakfast.

At least there was not a highchair, Nene thought at she was put into a normal, kitchen chair. The boomer started off with a baby bottle full of water, then another full of milk. After that it was baby food, spoon fed to a blushing Nene. Then there was a last bottle of water and breakfast, and the ordeal of it was over.

After that it was playtime.

While sitting on the boomers lap, having a storybook read to her, Nene thought that the boomer might indeed make a very good caretaker to a small child. She was very efficient in her job and had infinite patience.

Of course while that might be true, Nene hated the thing for what it had done to her.

Through the day she thought of a hundred ways she might get away, might shut down to the boomer, but nothing really worked.

When the boomer put her into the playpen for a nap before lunch , Nene tried to sneak out but no sooner did she begin getting to her feet the boomer looked out of the kitchen at Nene. She then looked at the pacifier and padded straps that lay close by. Nene took the hint and lay back down in the playpen. She looked at the smiling teddy bear that was in there with it. She punched it hard. "Stupid bear," she muttered.

After lunch Nene knew she had a new problem. She had to pee, but that was only part of the problem. I will not have a bowel movement in these diapers, Nene told herself. This time I will not give in. She sat on the floor, watching children's programming that the boomer had put on, telling herself she was not going to soil the diaper.

She lasted almost an hour, and then finally gave in.

It took her a few minutes to actually do it. She ended up squatting on the floor, pretending she was using the toilet. It came quickly then and at the same time her bladder emptied. The mixture felt horrible to her and she began crying.

Almost instantly she was scooped up by the boomer who was very reassuring, in an adult to baby way, as she carried Nene into the nursery. She lay Nene down, holding her bottom up so it would not squish the mess there, and quickly removed the diaper cover then the diaper.

Once they were off the boomer cleaned her up and got her into a new diaper.

While it was still a diaper, it was a clean diaper, and Nene was glad for it. She flushed as she realised that, but she could not argue it. A clean diaper was much better than a dirty one.

The boomer carried her out on the nursery and sat down in one of the chairs in the living room. She began rocking Nene gently in her arms, and she began singing softly.

Nene had stopped crying earlier and was now beginning to feel almost happy. The soft singing, the gentle rocking, the feeling of bulk between her legs, it all seemed to be taking her back to a simpler time. She almost felt as if she could go on forever like that.

She could not though. For a number of reasons. It was time to try one of her plans.

"Status," Nene said softly.

The boomer stopped singing, and stopped rocking her as it paused.

"Overall functioning at ninety percent," she said, then paused again.

"Core programs completely integrated." It then reached over to where the pacifier was.

Nene almost panicked, but kept her cool. "New orders," Nene said.

The boomer paused. "Unable to accept orders from child," the boomer said, then grabbed the pacifier and moved it towards Nene's mouth.

"I am not a child needing this care," Nene said.

The boomer paused again, the pacifier a few centimetres from Nene's mouth.

"I am not a child needing this care," Nene said again. "You are in error."

After several seconds the boomer placed the pacifier on the table.

"This charge is not an eleventh month old child. Current method of care giving is in error," it said.

Yes, Nene thought to herself. She had won.

Nene, Naoko, and another woman from the communications sections were the last ones to leave the restaurant. Nene finished her sake and put the glass down as she pushed her feet into her shoes.

"See you tomorrow," Naoko called as she led the other young woman from the restaurant. She had had way too much to drink.

Nene waved goodbye to her, then leaned over to tie up her shoes.

She got to her feet, swaying a little, she had also had a little too much to drink, and set out of the restaurant.

Not long afterwards she was sitting on a train, near sleep, as it sped her back towards home.

All in all things had gone fairly well. She had retrieved the information that Sylia required, and had made sure that no one missed the boomer assassin that had gone missing from the evidence vaults. She was in the clear. Life was good.

She was brought out of her self congratulatory mood by a computer generated voice telling her that the train was about to pull into her station. Nene got to her feet, shuffled to the door, and waited for the train to come to a stop. Once it did she stepped out, onto the platform.

After the air-conditioned interior the humid, outside air hit her like a wall.

Nene pushed forward, heading down the stairs towards the exit. She turned on her way out, walking into the ladies room. She stepped inside one of the stalls, closed the door, and hung her backpack on the hook inside the door.

She pulled her skirt up, then pushed her panties down her legs.

Squatting over the toilet, she relieved herself, letting out a small sigh. Much too much sake to drink, she thought. When finished she cleaned herself up then stood up.

She pushed the panties all the way down her legs so the bundled at her ankles. Carefully, putting a hand on the door for balance, she took one foot out of her shoe, balancing on the other foot. She reached down and slid the panties off that foot. She repeated the procedure with the other foot and had the panties completely off.

Nene shook them out, looking at the lacy white panties. Inside the waistband was a Silkydoll label, where all her big girl panties came from. Nene giggled softly as she thought that, then she folded the panties up, opened her backpack and put them into it.

From another pocket in the pack she removed another set of panties.

There were white as well, but more of a brief style, and instead of being sheer silk they were a thick cotton. They were also decorated with an anime print. Reversing the procedure she had used to take her other panties off, she put those on.

Then she took off her jacket, hung it over the pack, and removed her blouse. After folding it up and placing it in the pack she removed another blouse. This one was pink, with a Peter Pan collar. Around the collar and the cuffs were white lace.

She put it on and tucked the tails into her dark green skirt. The skirt stayed. While their were animals sewn around the hem, the thread was almost the same colour as the skirt so hardly anyone ever noticed them.

Properly attired she put her jacket back on, pulled the pack over her shoulder, and left the stall then the bathroom.

As she walked towards her apartment she considered where she had made her mistake. It had been in still referring to herself as a child, not thinking about the children that had been part of the family the domestic boomer had served. If she was not the eleven month old baby, then she must be the other one. A the six year old daughter.

When Nene opened the door to her apartment the boomer, her nanny, was waiting for her.

"How was school," her nanny asked. It always asked that, Nene could be gone for a few days and it would still ask her that. It had pigeonholed her and that was that.

"Fine," Nene said as she placed her backpack on the floor.

"Come along," nanny said, taking Nene's hand and leading her towards the bathing room. She undressed Nene and then washed her. As Nene sat on the stool, allowing her nanny to scrub her back, she decided things weren't so bad. The boomer seemed to know shiatsu and the massage technique was the perfect thing for keeping little girls quiet during bath time.

After that was over her nanny dried her off and carried her to her room. The nursery remained, for the baby that that boomer knew existed, but Nene was not taken in there. She was taken into her own room, which was as she had always had it. Obviously her nanny considered it childish enough. Nene was a little insulted by that.

The boomer lay her down on the bed and began to dress her for bed.

It started with diapers. The six year old must have been a bed wetter.

It did not matter that Nene was not one, every night she was diapered for bed time. The boomer then put her pyjamas on before tucking Nene in.

As Nene lay in her bed, the diapers, which had become a pleasant thing, rustling ever so slightly, she thought about shutting the boomer down. It was time she did something about it. And then, as nanny began to read her a story, she realised that she would find some reason to put it off. She snuggled deep into her covers and was soon asleep.

The End
