The Bubblegum Crisis Center > Extras > Fan Fiction

Bubblegum Crisis 2048

Written by Stargirl 16

Clare Donavan looked at her computer and sighed well that's finally done and now I can "Clare you done yet I've got something else for you to do" her co-worker looked at her "I am done what else do you want me to do Denise" she sat up straight in her chair and faced Denise ,she lifted a box onto Clare's desk "you can sort through these and then you can go home" so she sat there for most of the night "are you still here Clare" Clare jumped at the sound of her boss Brad she looked at him her eyes looking more and more tired "yeah Denise left this for me to do so here I am" Brad looked deep into her eyes "you have very pretty eyes Miss Donavan" he turned around and left "oh by the way you were aloud to go home about 3 hours ago" Clare just looked at the place were Brad had been standing I'll finish this tomorrow Clare walked to her car parked in the bays of the car park and now I'll go home to my empty apartment have a lonely dinner, you know what I'm going to go out tomorrow night to a nightclub, so she got in her car with good thoughts and drove home.

"Well Priss you have not changed have you" Silya looked amused "are you making fun of me Silya cause if you are" Priss narrowed her eyes at Silya "of course not Priss why would I make fun of you" just then the door to the lab opened and there stood Linna and Nene "hello Silya and of course Priss looking the same as normal" said Linna as she came in "hi guys it's good to see you again" Nene said with a smile Silya turned and looked at Linna and Nene "it's nice to see you" Linna looked around and said "I've got an idea lets go out to a nightclub or something" Priss stood "that sounds like a good idea Silya, Nene" "yeah lets go have some fun" Nene said in cheerful voice "wait maybe we shouldn't go it is getting a bit late" said Silya "oh come on don't be a party pooper" they all said in disappointed voices "alright, alright you guys win lets go have some fun." After driving for a about half an hour they finally found the perfect spot "lets stop here it looks awesome" said Priss "girls do you want to stop here?" asked Silya "yeah looks fun" Linna and Nene said enthusiastically.

They all walked into the nightclub and straight away Silya noticed that a woman in the corner by herself started to stare at Linna so Silya decided to go and introduce herself "hi my name is Silya Stingray What's your name?" said Silya cheerfully "my name is Clare Donavan" said Clare "hey I noticed you where staring at my friend Linna if your wondering yes she is single" said Silya giggling "w-w-w-why w-would I wa-want to know that" said Clare While stuttering " I'll call her over now for you okay" "wait" but it was to late "LINNA COME HERE" yelled Silya, Linna walked over to were Silya was "yeah what's up" Linna noticed a good looking woman sitting at the table "um hi" Linna said as a blush crept up on her cheeks "hi I-I -I 'm C-Clare Donavan you must be L-Linna" she said while stuttering again "well I'll leave you too alone" "Silya wait....dammet."

Linna is great I like her lots well from what I've seen so far anyway Clare was having a good time with Linna "um Linna were going are you going to be alright" Silya had come over "don't worry I'll take her home after this drink ok" Silya looked at Clare "thank you so much Clare" so Linna's friends then left "oh Clare this is so much fun" said Linna laughing "I haven't had this much fun since Lisa" Clare looked seriously at Linna "Linna who is Lisa" Linna stopped laughing "she is my ex-girlfriend" Clare glanced side wards at the bar "I didn't know you had a ex" there was a long pause "so um are you starting to um date again or not" Clare was now looking at Linna "I don't know why?" "I think I should take you home now" Clare walked over to the bar to pay for the drinks "Clare I'll tell you were I live that would help wouldn't it" Clare started to smile "yeah that would help." Outside of Linna's apartment "well it was nice meeting you Clare" Clare was dazed by Linna's looks she took a step towards Linna "Clare what are you doing", "Clare ples-" Linna was interrupted by a kiss on the lips "Clare I've got to um go inside so bye" Clare was left standing there "bye Linna hope to see you again."

"braking news a helicopter crashed and landed in the waters edge 3 people were killed, 2 are in hospital" Priss was sitting on the sofa "god dammet there's nothing on" suddenly the front door opened and Linna came in crying "huh Linna what's wrong" Linna sat down on the sofa next to Priss "I don't want to talk about it right now" "but Linna I'm your best friend you are to tell me anything" Linna looked at Priss "ok then you know that woman that Silya introduced to me at the nightclub" oh Linna if only you knew how I felt "Priss are you listening to me" Priss snapped back and looked at Linna "oh I'm sorry go a head" "ok well the girls name is Clare Donavan she's really nice and guess what she did before she left to go home she kissed me on the lips" Priss shot Linna a look "k-k-kissed you" Priss stood and grabbed her helmet and walked towards the front door "priss were are you going" she stopped walking "going to get some fresh air I'll be back later" she said as she walked out the door "Priss" Linna whispered.

Did I do something wrong I wonder if she's ok Clare walked in the door and was greeted by her dog Buddy "hi buddy did you have a fun night" Buddy tilted his head "I meet this girl her name is Linna she's really pretty" she on the floor of the living room with her book "I hope I get to see her again" she started to read DING-DONG Clare put her book down and got up she opened the door there stood Linna "um Linna what brings you here....oh um come in" "thanks" Linna walked in and sat on the sofa "so can I get you a drink or something" Linna looked at Clare while patting the dog "he like's you a lot Linna" "what's his name" Buddy put his head on Linna's lap "he's name is Buddy and he's a big baby" Linna stopped patting Buddy "um Clare can I ask you a favor" Clare came and sat down next to Linna "yeah you can ask me anything" "well I know we only meet tonight Clare but could I stay here the night my room mate is pissed of for some reason" Linna looked down at the ground "you can stay here as long as you what Linna" she turned to hug Linna "thank you Clare."

Linna was in the shower when the door opened "I'm in here" Clare looked towards the shower "I know you are do you mind if I come in with you" Linna was shocked and blushed as she said "yeah you can come in" so Clare stripped and went in the shower with Linna. Clare was looking at Linna "what is it Clare" "um nothing" Clare pushed Linna to the wall "Clare what"- Linna was interrupted by a firm kiss, Clare slid her toung into Linna's mouth, Linna closed her eyes, Clare stopped kissing her and made a path of kiss's all the way down Linna's body Linna felt her body sink with every touch and every kiss she started to grow hot and wet inside cause the place were Clare was kissing, Clare stopped and started to kiss her on the lips again she then stopped all together "I'm so sorry Linna I didn't mean to do that" Linna was trying to get her breathing under control "it's felt really good" Clare felt relived she sighed "well I better get out or I'll by late for Linna do you what me to drive you home or what" Linna got out of the shower and got a towel "if you've got time to drive me home then yeah" Clare was getting dressed "so Clare do you what to go on a real date with me" Clare froze "a-a-a real date u-um sure when" Linna walked into the bedroom "when ever you what" so Clare drove Linna home "I've got the perfect time for our date how about Wednesday night at 7:00" Clare stayed silent she pulled up at Linna's apartment "well I'll call you before your date ok bye" all Clare could do was nod she then drove of to go to work.

"where have you been Linna" Linna was greeted by Priss " Priss I um I please don't hate me I stayed at a friend's house" Linna managed to say as she thought about what happened in the shower that morning Priss walked into her room and stayed there.

Clare walked into work and saw Denise walked over to her "about time you were here where have been anyway" Clare walked past Denise "I had to drop a friend of at their place" Denise had a wide grin on her face "what are you smiling at" Denise just kept smiling "you had a friend over last night is he nice" Clare was rooted on the spot "u-um yeah I-I-I guess". A little after 12:00 Clare was sitting at her desk working BEEP BEEP her phone went off she sighed and picked up her phone "hello Clare Donavan speaking" Linna grinned at her "I didn't disturb you did I" Clare just looked at Linna "um no I um I wasn't doing much anyway" Clare then remembered it was Wednesday and she was going out to dinner with Linna "Clare I called to remind you about our date tonight were still going right......Clare um are you listening to me...CLARE" Clare finally came back to herself "oh I'm so sorry Linna just thinking um yeah were still on for tonight unless you want to" "no I still want to it's just.....sometimes oh forget it I'll tell you same other time ok" Clare blinked "um ok then" "CLARE CAME HERE NOW" "um I guess I beta go um I'll see you tonight ok" Linna looked a little sad "oh ok see you later tonight" after they hung up Clare walked in to her boss's office "Clare I need you to stay over time" she sighed as she sat down in front of her boss "how late this time" Brad leaned forward "very late I'm so sorry to put this on you I know you probably have planes for tonight I'm afraid you'll have to do them some other time" oh great I have to tell Linna I can't came tonight she'll be so upset and I don't want her to hate me "um Miss Donavan are you ok" "huh oh y-yeah I'm fine and I don't mind staying" Brad looked at her "I owe you big time Clare...and thanks for doing this for me".

Linna was very sad when she heard that Clare wasn't coming to dinner that night she walked into the apartment Priss had come out of her room and was sitting on the sofa "I thought you had a date.....Linna what's wrong" Linna walked strait past Priss "Linna talk to me" Linna opened the door to her room walked in and closed the door behind her what is that woman doing to Linna anyway and why is she crying. Clare was outside Linna's apartment at about mid-night that night I don't know if I should or not Clare knocked on the door about a minute later the door opened and there stood a woman with brown eyes, brown hair her clothes were very unusual for her taste anyway "hi um is um Linna home I'm um Clare Donavan" the other woman looked at Clare "aaaagh so your Clare well I'm Priss Linna's best friend um do you want to came in or are you going to stand at the door all night" Clare walked into the apartment and looked around "I'll see if Linna's awake for you" Clare could not understand why Priss was being so nice to her Linna's door flew open and Linna walked up to Clare and slapped her really hard "I guess I deserved that I'm I right" Linna took a step back "you stood me up Clare I was looking forward to your date" "but I told you why I didn't check you phone for messages did you Linna" Linna looked a little stunned "um no I didn't, did you leave one" Clare lowered her head as Linna pulled out her phone she was listening to her messages "oh I'm sorry for slapping you Clare" Linna run to Clare and hugged her "I'm so very sorry-," Clare interrupted her by kissing her on the lips "is ok Linna I forgive you" Clare whispered in her ear. Priss sat on the sofa with a grin on her face well she's finally happy and I'm happy for her.

"so what is it you do Clare" said Naomi they had came to the country to see Linna's parents "well I'm an OL for the AD Police department" Linna squealed with delight "Clare I didn't know you worked for the police......oh Clare do you know Nene" Clare had to think for a second "um yeah I'm her supervisor why?" Linna almost jumped out of her seat "she's a good friend of mine", after dinner around mid-night there was a knock at Clare's bedroom door "come in" the door opened and Linna came in looking tired "Clare I can't sleep" Clare sighed and beckoned her to came to the bed "what are you doing anyway" asked Linna as she sat down on the bed next to Clare "some catch up work" she stopped doing her work put her lap top on the floor and laid down Linna did the same, Linna felt over whelmed and all worm inside as she laid down she snuggled up to Clare. Clare's hand went up and down Linna's side "oh Clare I think I'm falling in love with you" Clare laughed out loud "you know what Linna I fell in love with you first night I saw you.....well at least I think I did" and with that they fell asleep.

"Clare-Clare hey wake up" Clare could hear Linna's voice "huh Linna what time is it" Clare sat up and rubbed her eyes she saw Linna beaming at her "why Clare it's 10:30 and I'm going to take you out today so get up and shower ok" Clare just nodded and went into the shower. "Ah good morning Clare dear" Clare walked in and sat next to Linna "good morning Naomi" Linna was so happy to see that the woman she was falling in love with got along with her mother so well "so what are you guys planning to do today" Linna smiled happily at her mother "well mum I'm planning to take Clare out around the town" "can I ask you a question Linna" Linna looked at her mum "go ahead mum" "when do you plan to have kids" Linna looked stunned and Clare inhaled half of her juice "um I don't know, why are you asking me this.....Clare are you ok" Clare stopped coughing "yeah I'm ok it just.....nothing". sitting by a lake Linna snuggled against Clare "I'm sorry about my mum" Clare put her arm around Linna's shoulders "it doesn't mutter Linna.......but when do you want to settle down with someone" Linna looked at Clare and tilted her head "you sound just like my mother" "is that a bad thing or a good thing" Clare was teasing Linna "Clare how much do you love me" Clare leaned closer "well when I'm with you my whole world lights up and I feel warm inside" she whispered in Linna's ear Clare moved down towards Linna and kissed her. Not to far away Naomi was watching Linna ah so that's why Linna wont get with the guys we pick for her well if she's happy then I'm happy too.

Clare run into work "sir what's the situation" "glad you could came Clare well it's a boomer I need you to go to the area of the boomer" Clare looked at Brad and sighed "yes sir do I have back up" Brad gave Clare a photo "yeah the knight sabers". "Leon give me a briefing please" "huh is that you Clare.....what the hell are you doing here" Clare was trying out the new suits for the AD Police department "hey Leon do you like the new suits" Leon looked at her "mmm very nice but why are you trying it" Clare shrugged "I don't know I guess I'm just good unlike some". "you guys let me know if you aren't" Linna, Priss and Nene were then launched into battle "Linna are you ok" Priss noticed that Linna was not being her usually cheerful self "yeah I'm fine Priss" "um guys I hate to interrupt you but were here I can see the boomer and a heck of a lot AD police" the knight sabers landed Clare saw them, then suddenly Linna collapsed "LINNA" Priss screamed and run over to her side just as someone else did "who are you" the woman took of her helmet "huh Clare it's you" "Priss what's wrong with her" "Silya something's wrong with Linna" it was silent "Nene bring Linna back, Priss help with the boomer ok" "Priss um the BOOMER is coming" Nene grabbed Linna and headed back to the silky doll, Clare put her helmet back on "ok you ready Priss" Priss moved into her attack position "hell yeah lets kick some boomer ass" the boomer came closer Priss moved to the side as did Clare but the boomer was to quick and landed behind Priss "Priss behind you" the boomer rapped it's arms around Priss and started to squash her ribs Priss screamed in pain "shit I've got to help her dammet...... Priss...... she's gonna die" Clare pulled out her knife and run towards the boomer "die you piece of crap" Clare screamed as she pushed the knife in the boomers head, the boomer stop moving and it let go of Priss, she fell to the ground Clare went to her side "Priss how do you feel?" Priss moved a little and groaned as she slowly got her self up "well I've had's probable broking" Clare sighed and started to laugh so did Priss.

Clare walked in to the silky doll went down to Silya "hi Silya how are Linna and Priss?" Silya turned her head "Clare there both gonna be fine would you like to go see Linna" Clare blushed and nodded "follow me" a minute later they were outside the room Linna was in Silya knock on the door. Inside Linna heard the knock "come in" the door opened and in came Silya and Clare "huh Clare oh I'm so glad to see you" Linna run up to Clare and gave her the biggest hug ever "oh Linna you scared me" "how did you..........oh Silya must of told you" Clare just looked at Linna then at Silya "well we will leave you to get some rest ok Linna" said Silya as she opened the door "Silya's right we better leave" Linna looked down at her feet "b-b-but I want you here with me Clare please" she gave Clare a look "I'm sorry babe but you need your rest.....I promise too come back later" "you pinky promise" Clare sighed "pinky promise now back to bed Linna" Clare walked out the door "Silya she has no idea I was there dose she" "no she doesn't Clare" Clare looked ahead of her "why didn't you tell her" Silya looked at Clare "I shouldn't be the one to tell her.....the fact is Clare, Linna is your girlfriend so you should tell her" Clare stopped walking turned around "your right Silya I need to tell her thanks" "your welcome Clare" Clare was outside Linna's bedroom door "um Linna can I came in" "yeah you can came in" so Clare opened the door "what's up Clare" Clare walked over to the bed sat down and pulled Linna to her and rapped her arms around Linna's waist "I need to tell you something" Linna put her head against Clare's shoulder "what is it Clare" Clare sighed "ok you know that boomer incident well I know who the knight sabers are......" Linna panicked "you don't need to hide your self anymore I was there that night" Linna got herself free "YOU WERE THERE BUT HOW" Clare got up from the bed "calm down Linna" "no I won't calm down Clare you told me you were an OL for the AD Police you lied to me...........I hate you Clare Donavan get out now" "b-b-but Linna please I didn't mean to lie" "OUT NOW" Clare left the room once outside Clare started to cry she hates me, Linna please don't do this to me "I love you so much" Clare put her ear to the door she could hear Linna crying.

Linna walked in to the lab on Friday looking really gloomy she sighed, she hadn't seen Clare since last week "hi Silya you wanted to see me" Silya turned "yes I got a call from the hospital yesterday" Silya stopped talking a strange feeling came over Linna "Linna I have some bad news about Clare she was in a car crush and she's in ICU" a painful yet satisfied feeling took hold on Linna's body "c-c-can you take me to see her". Outside the hospital room Linna took a deep breath and braced herself Silya opened the door it wasn't as bad as she thought Clare was sleeping well it looked like she was to Linna's eyes she started to cry as she sat beside Clare on a not so comfy set "Clare I'm here and I'm sorry for yelling at you......please don't leave me I love you". Clare could make out some of the voices she was hearing one was Linna's the other the doctor she thought the door opened then closed followed by silence Clare slowly opened her eyes to see an empty room were was everyone she sat herself up "Linna were are you" but her body seemed to not want to get up as she fell back on the bad her with her head hurting her badly "LINNA" she tried to scream but not much came out of her mouth she gave up and slumped down on the pillows Linna were did you go please came back she could no longer think so she fell asleep.
