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Silent Mobius review by Rebel

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Silent Mobius brings back the phrase "go girls!" into mind. Of course that's as positive as it is negative, as the often pro-feminine theme turns from pro-girls to anti-males. This is a theme commonly occurring in more and more television, and much as I am all for pro-girl programming, I find it pointless and disgraceful when they turn it into some anti-men preachfest. Anyway, I'll try and keep that to myself as I try to review it.

Silent Mobius is for the most part well animated, but there are times when it seems the animation has changed animators since the style becomes so different. It's strange that despite its often pro-girl theme, the main team is still dressed in tight fitting, low cut shirts and tight short typical-hot-cop mini-skirts. It's not really much of a distraction or eye candy though, as even though a few cleavage shots happen, they're rare and not the point of any one scene. The animation is good, not super or outstanding, rather typical of modern styles, but good.

The show has some typical elements involved with shows that focus largely on a female cast. First, they have an entire episode devoted to each character's personal quest, which instead of revealing things about the character over the slow, arduous process of the show, reveals the character's hopes, dreams, strengths and weaknesses in one episode. As a result about a quarter of the show, which is already broken into two halves, is devoted to character episodes alone. I don't know why they couldn't have simply worked them in together... bah. Anyway, the show isn't anything superbly special because the plot is rather unoriginal. A team of hot girls goes off battling evil monsters from another dimension, then reminisces about how only women have some great power to bring new life into the world and that's the only reason they defeated the monsters.

If you're looking for an action packed monster fest with hot babes, well, you'll find most of that here. If, however, you don't want to hear preaching about female superiority, which happens in droves, this isn't the anime for you.

The characters were okay, consisting of the misfit, the soldier, the leader, the romantic type and the monk. They could be the next generation of Rangers or the cast of a new RPG, fitting the stereotypes of their characters and changing very little throughout the show. The misfit gets friends, the soldier finds love, the leader becomes less cold, the romantic has her heart broken and the monk... well, must be a lesbian. They're not original and they're not even very good at being unoriginal. One of them is even half-monster (can anyone say, half elf?)

Overall, Silent Mobius was great for action, a little adventure, and flashy lightshows, but other than that, it was boring, preachy, and repetitive.

~ Rebel

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# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
