28 October 2006, 12:37 AM
Quote:In my own oppinion, the show isn't all that great, but then again naruto and pokemon weren't either. I'm pretty sure it is the dub, mainly because I thought the japanese vox were spot on with the characters and how I felt they should have sounded when I read the manga. I've seen the first seventeen episodes in their original format and I'm pretty hooked.
gaaaaaaaah...*nothing else registers in brain other than the line that says BLEACH ain't so great* me angry like a Canadian! *hides from ze mounteniers* nah im just messin, well I personaly wuv Bleach, but Kiai does have a point probably, but idk since me and sis watched the japanese ones...also, the fact that the anime just wont stop like it's freaking long already. When is it going to end? we stopped watching up to the bounto stuff somewhere along that story...
=D Look! a Jeileefush!
ah fuck!