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Randy Sparks Interview (13 February 2005)

Interviewed by Lynk Former
Randy Sparks is best known for playing Kenji Sasaki in AD Police TV, although he also had one line ("It's clear, sir.") in Bubblegum Crisis Tokyo 2040 as Commander Sparks and voiced Ushio in Ushio & Tora.

Lynk Former: Hi, thanks for taking part in this interview! Could you introduce yourself to our readers?

Randy Sparks: Sure. My name is Randy Sparks, and I play the role of Kenji in A.D. Police.

Lynk: How did you get into voice acting?

Randy: I was asked to audition for an ADV films director after he saw my performance in a show on stage. It was my first time ever in a studio like that, and I was extremely nervous. However, on my first attempt I landed the lead role (in 2 separate films). I was hooked ever since.

Lynk: What is it like to hear your voice coming out of an animated character's mouth?

Randy: It's wild the first time. Being such a huge animation fan as a child and adult I remember thinking to myself, "Hell yeah! I'm a cartoon character". It was awesome and very eye opening. You never really think about how your voice is going to sound recorded. Then when they played it back you realise you need to make a lot of adjustments to fit the character. You may hear one voice in your head, and think to yourself, "I know exactly how this character should sound", and then when you hear it... it's all wrong. At that point you start becoming an anime voice actor. You then realise that you can be anyone, and everything. This is the fantastic benefit of being a voice actor as opposed to a film actor. You don't have to "look" a certain type to be a voice actor... you just have to have the voice (and you don't have to shave or dress up before you get to the studio). However, it's a lot harder than it may seem also. You practically have to rewrite the entire thing as you're recording it. It takes an enormous amount of time to complete a big project.

Lynk: Have you done any acting in addition to anime voice acting?

Randy: Yes. I have BFA in Theatre from Sam Houston State University in Huntsville, Texas. After college I began my quest to be a professional actor. It took a while to get going, but during that time (and several years as a waiter at the Hard Rock Cafe) I worked primarily in live theatre in Houston and the surrounding region. I've done just about a little of everything from musicals, to dinner theatre, to commercials, to B-movies, to national voice over commercials, and everything in between. In this business unless you're part of the top 3% of actors in America that make just over 100k a year, you must be willing to do whatever it takes to make a living.

Lynk: Are you a serious anime fan, or do you like anime more generally?

Randy: I'd have to say honestly that I am a general fan. I, along with many of my counterparts, have a hard time finding the time to watch all the features we are in. We may be doing up to four or five different films at a time, and that in itself is a huge time commitment. I've tried on several occasions to just watch all of the feature that I just finished, and I have yet to make it. Truthfully, most actors just want to speed up to the scenes that they're in to see how they turned out in the final mix. I really do love the art form though, and I truly believe that ADV is turning out some of the best English voiced anime in the country. A lot of the stuff I see on the Sci-Fi network or other channels looks so boring, and doesn't interest me at all.

Lynk: What are some of your favourite animes?

Randy: Hmmm... some of my favourite animes? Well, like I said in the previous questions that the only ones I've really seen are the ones I'm in. So I'd have to say those ones. Oh wait; there was a series that a very good friend of mine (Jessica Cavello) was the lead in. I think it was called "Cutey Honey"? I thought that was some of the funniest and silliest stuff ever, and she was fantastic in it.

Lynk: What do you think about AD Police?

Randy: I think A.D. Police is a great feature. It was so much fun to make because of all the action scenes, and getting to play a role like Kenji. Of course, many people shrugged it off as not being that great a project, but I can tell you that the cast and I had a blast making it. Sure there might have been some corny moments, but it was still a heck of a good time. I'm proud to be a part of it.

Lynk: What are your thoughts on Kenji Sasaki?

Randy: At first I wasn't sure, but I was able to figure him out pretty fast. The truth of the matter is that he's a deeply emotional person that would absolutely be the best friend anyone could ever have. He takes so much pride in the fact that a person can count on him that when he can't protect his past partner or his current partner it just tears him apart. He wants to get close to people, but is afraid that all that will happen is they will get hurt. That's why he keeps his feelings at a distance from everyone. The more he isolates himself from everyone, the less likely they are to get hurt. He's got a fantastic spirit too, and I really liked the way he was always ready to kick someone's ass. I loved playing this role. Every anime actor wants to have a role like this some day. A role where the lead character just seems tormented all the time, is always looking for a fight (and usually wins), and in the end you finally get to see the true person. In the end, you can't help but just admire the guy for who he is.

Lynk: AD Police is part of a larger set of series, have you taken a look at the other series of Bubblegum Crisis? If so what do you think of them?

Randy: I was actually in some of the Bubblegum Crisis films, but it was only minor roles or foley since I was currently doing other features. I know I was in them, because I have copies, but I couldn't tell you in what role. I know that Bubblegum Crisis was a huge success, and I wish I had had a larger part in that production. From what I know and remember about the series... it was awesome.

Lynk: Most of us here know you best as the English voice of Kenji Sasaki and don't know much about your other roles. Tell us about the other roles you have played.

Randy: Ah, there have been some good ones. I just hope you've heard of them. My favourites and lead roles include "Ushio" from Ushio & Tora, "Zaha Torte" in Sorcerer Hunters, "Kyle" in Panzer Dragoon, and "Hartia" in Orphan. I've had fun roles in Gasaraki, Those Who Hunt Elves, Sin, Tekken, Street Fighter (that was silly stuff) and Nadesico. There are so many others, and I'm not currently anywhere near my resume so I can't remember them all. I really liked Ushio and Tora and Sorcerer Hunters a lot.

Lynk: Is there one role that someone else got, but you wish that you could have taken a crack at?

Randy: Yep, there sure is. While I was recording Sorcerer Hunters, ADV films was casting SIN, which was to be released as a feature movie. This was a huge project, and everyone wanted to be a part of it. I was up for the lead character along with a new (but talented) voice actor. (I can't remember his name right now-sorry) I was told by several directors that it came down to me and him, and the panel of directors was split on the decision. In the end, since I had just come off 2 projects in which I was the lead voice, they decided to give the role to the new guy, and I ended up playing several minor characters. It was still fantastic to be a part of this film, because it was rated a B+ in Entertainment Weekly magazine, and I got to be in some of the outtakes. Hey, now we can all say we've a movie reviewed in a national entertainment magazine.

Lynk: I noticed a "Melissa Sparks" in the credits for AD Police. Any relation?

Randy: Yep! She's my ex-wife. For almost 8 years Melissa and I were married. I got her into ADV right after I started. We have a beautiful 7 year old son together, and she now goes by Melissa Cybele (her maiden name). She's currently in the Austin, Texas area pursuing ADV film features at their studios there.

Lynk: Again, thank you very much for taking part in this interview, thanks for voicing one of my most favourite anime characters, and we hope to see you around in more animes in the future. Is there anything else you'd like to add?

Randy: Thank you very much. I'm extremely flattered by all the attention. I never really knew that much about the fan base out there for this art form, but slowly and surely I've come to appreciate it very much. If it weren't for people like yourself, I never would have had this great gig in the first place. I can let you and all the fans out there know (and this is for an absolute fact)... the anime fans are the number one priority when it comes to creating and voicing anime. You are the driving force behind it all, and we thank you for being who you are. As for you Lynk... I can honestly say I've had some great reviews in newspapers in my day for other work, but I don't think I've ever had a number one fan. It's great to be appreciated. Now, just a bit of advice for you about all those who criticise you for your choices in anime... remember, it doesn't matter what anyone else likes... only what you like. If we all liked the same things... where would the variety be? Take care Lynk, and keep on enjoying ADV films.

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