Cloud Age Symphony


This page contains spoiler free information about the main characters of Last Exile. For further information about these characters and minor characters in the series, refer to the encyclopedia.

Claus Valca

15 years old / male

Claus is an exceptionally skilled pilot who flies a vanship along with his navigator and friend, Lavie Head, as a sky courier for the Vanship Union. He may not look it since he's a bit of a sleepy head at times, but Claus is someone you can really depend on. He and Lavie are orphan children and live alone in Norkia; much of their time is spent in their vanship while on courier jobs or while flying in the Norkia Cup. Claus is proud of his father, who he lost when he was much younger and now he hopes to fly the Grand Stream just as his father had tried.

For more information, check the Claus Valca encyclopedia entry (coming soon).

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Lavie Head

15 years old / female

Lavie is Claus' childhood friend and navigator. Lavie is the voice and spirit of their pilot/navigator duo and is always ready to take things head on. She cares for Claus very much and shares the dream of crossing the Grand Stream with Claus. Along with her navigation skills, Lavie is also an excellent mechanic and cook, who always plans for the future. Lavie is not afraid to stand up for herself and for Claus; both her passion for her beliefs and the hardships she and Claus have had to endure make Lavie a strong spirit and someone you should never underestimate.

For more information, check the Lavie Head encyclopedia entry (coming soon).

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Alvis E. Hamilton

11 years old / female

Alvis is a peculiar little girl who was being delivered as "cargo" to the battleship Silvana for safe keeping. Due to unfortunate circumstances she found herself in the care of Claus and Lavie. Al, as she is known to others, is a curious little girl who, at first, is quiet and soft spoken, but as she begins to understand the strange new environment around her, she begins to show her affectionate side towards Claus and Lavie. However Al also holds a secret that she herself is not aware of. A secret so great, the Guild itself would take all necessary measures to acquire her.

For more information, check the Alvis E. Hamilton encyclopedia entry (coming soon).

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Alex Row

28 years old / male

Alex is captain of the infamous battleship, Silvana. He has a mysterious nature; he is quiet and emotionless, which can intimidate most, even those closest to him. He keeps everyone at arm's length, but despite this, the crew of the Silvana respect him and gladly serve under him as they are rewarded generously for their efforts. Alex is an accomplished vanship pilot himself and has served in the Anatoray Navy in the past, although these days he serves his own interests. He is weighed down heavily by the events of his past, which he can't let go of, and which now drive him.

For more information, check the Alex Row encyclopedia entry (coming soon).

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Sophia Forrester

19 years old / female

Sophia is the vice-captain of the Silvana and holds a great deal of trust with the crew. She is intelligent and an excellent negotiator, possessing extraordinary tactical skills and has a tendency to be aggressive in battle. While Alex stays within his shell, Sophia makes sure that the crew is well taken care of and is committed to her duties aboard the Silvana by Alex's side. Sophia does have feelings for Alex, yet she is very much aware that it is futile to start a relationship with him because of her duty as vice-captain and Alex's lack of interest.

For more information, check the Sophia Forrester encyclopedia entry (coming soon).

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Tatiana Wisla

17 years old / female

Tatiana is an ace pilot and is the chief vanship pilot aboard the Silvana. She has honed her extraordinary skills through many battles and her commitment to become a perfect soldier. Tatiana is confident of her abilities, but her pride can get the better of her at times. Her attitude toward regular pilots is that they aren't skilled enough for her the take notice of, and she is extremely strict with her subordinates. Tatiana's short temper can at times make her seem mentally unstable, though it is just her absolute seriousness that creates this illusion.

For more information, check the Tatiana Wisla encyclopedia entry (coming soon).

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Alister Agrew

17 years old / female

Alister is Tatiana's navigator aboard the Silvana; she follows Tatiana's orders as if she were her shadow. Unlike Tatiana, Alister remains silent and calm through almost everything but there are times when she shows a strong will. She chooses to go with the flow of things and be as supportive to others as possible. In addition, she is an excellent navigator, making her the perfect match as Tatiana's navigator as Tatiana treats Alister more like an instrument that is part of the vanship than an actual person.

For more information, check the Alister Agrew encyclopedia entry (coming soon).

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Mullen Shetland

19 years old / male

Mullen serves aboard the Claimh Solais, flagship of the Mad-thane fleet as a member of the hired militia. His dream in life is to survive every battle so he can collect 20 survival medals. With these 20 medals he hopes to transfer out of his role as a gunman and into an assignment where he is treated well. One that doesn't have him putting his life on the line everyday for ideals he has trouble believing in. Mullen seems a little superstitious; to get him through every battle he chants "Disith bullets will avoid Mullen Shetland's body" in hope that the chant comes true.

For more information, check the Mullen Shetland encyclopedia entry (coming soon).

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Delphine Elaclaire

? years old / female

Known to most as Maestro Delphine, she is the head of house Elaclaire and the leader of the Guild, and thus is the most powerful person on Prestel. Her cruelty is matched only by her lust for absolute power, and she lets nothing stand in her way. Delphine views the people of Anatoray and Disith as nothing more than vermin to be played with at her leisure and doesn't care for the suffering they have had to endure. Her belief is that very few should enjoy the best that life has to offer and the rest should suffer.

For more information, check the Delphine Elaclaire encyclopedia entry (coming soon).

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Dio Elaclaire

16 years old / male

Dio is Maestro Delphine's younger brother and next in line to become the head of house Elaclaire and lead the Guild. While he is just as flamboyant as his older sister, he despises his sister's cruel ways and rebels against her. Dio is extremely interested in Claus and his exceptional piloting abilities as Dio is an exceptional pilot himself. His fearless nature and ability to drag others along to match his pace makes Dio quite provocative, and while it's all in good fun, it can frustrate most people.

For more information, check the Dio Elaclaire encyclopedia entry (coming soon).

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? years old / male

Lucciola is Dio's faithful servant and bodyguard and is willing to give his life to defend his master. However, Dio considers Lucciola to be a friend rather than a servant. Lucciola doesn't show his emotions, as if he's somehow incapable of doing so, and because of this, Lucciola doesn't know what to make of Dio's friendship. He is skilled in the martial arts and while he seems small and slim, he is not to be underestimated when it comes to strength. While Lucciola is loyal to Dio, that loyalty can be overwritten by his loyalty to Maestro Delphine.

For more information, check the Lucciola encyclopedia entry (coming soon).

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Other Characters

For information about the other characters in Last Exile, refer to the encyclopedia.
