The Bubblegum Crisis Center > Series > Bubblegum Crisis Tokyo 2040

Knight Sabers

Warning: This section contains spoilers.

History of the Knight Sabers

The Knight Sabers, a group of vigilantes formed to take out rogue VOOMERs was founded and led by Sylia Stingray in the year 2037. Sylia had recruited two other women to join the Knight Sabers. One was a martial artist and wore a green hardsuit, the other a former US special forces operative who wore a red hardsuit. In 2037 the red and green Knight Sabers were both killed in action, there ability to control their hardsuits were not enough when they faced their last rogue VOOMER.

In the same year, Sylia recruited two more women into the group. First was Priss Asagiri who caught Sylia's eye when she was driving past Priss who was arguing with a police officer. Second came Nene who was offered a place when Nene caught Sylia trying to hack into the same Genom database she was hacking. Priss mastered her hardsuit in no time and could control her hardsuit extremely well, however Nene wasn't as good as Priss and served as field support. With two new Sabers taking out rogue VOOMERs Sylia was persuaded by Henderson and Nigel to hang up her hardsuit and retire from frontline duties. No new Knight Sabers had joined the group until the year 2040...


Located at the Silky Doll clothing boutique and Sylia's home, the Knight Sabers headquarters is hidden away where no one would suspect anything. The headquarters houses a hidden command center where Sylia and the Knight Sabers can access a huge web of spies, wiretaps and computer networks, as well as a spectacular armoury and weapons development section that would put many national defence budgets to shame. The Pit is located deep within the Silky Doll building and houses the Knight Sabers hardsuits, softsuits and the launch tube from where the Knight Sabers are dispatched. There is also an underground garage for the Mobile Pit and other vehicles. One way to reach within the heart of the Knight Sabers headquarters and the Pit is to dive into the extremely deep pool that takes up almost half of the Silky Doll building, however the pool when not in use is covered up.

Mobile Pit

The Mobile Pit is used for occasions where the Knight Sabers will need all the battery power they can use and is also used to pick up Sabers who can't make it to the Pit in time to launch. The Mobile Pit looks like an ordinary truck but is equipped with a changing room and hardsuit storage area, a loading bay for any extra cargo such as the Motoslave and a computer terminal that interfaces with the hardsuits and the main computer back at the command center. The Mobile Pit like any other vehicle has an auto pilot mode.


The Knight Sabers main offensive weapons are their Hardsuits. Hardsuits are specially designed, highly advanced armoured battle suits that are far more advanced then the latest military hardware. The first generation hardsuits were created by both Sylia and Nigel, using Dr. Stingrays research and combining their skills, the hardsuits were born. Sylia designed the hardsuits to fit a women's center of balance, she used herself as a guide to do this. Because of this technique to create the hardsuits, Sylia needed to hire women who were similar to herself physically and in brain functions as well. It is difficult to find suitable candidates to operate the hardsuits to their full potential, the first two Knight Sabers Sylia had hired were both killed in action because they didn't have the ability to control their hardsuits as well as the current team. Each hardsuit has its own specialised weapons system depending on the skills of the user. Priss has a street fighting style knuckle bomb system while Linna uses her athletic abilities to wield her ribbon cutters. All hardsuits are capable of flying for short periods of time, allowing a Knight Saber to jump from building to building.

Hardsuits aren't just powered suits of armour... they are in fact VOOMERs that have been modified to read the brain functions of the wearer and to adjust to the users commands, giving them heightened speed, manoeuvrability and strength. The VOOMER within the suit picks up brain wave patterns, and like a brain would command a hand to ball into a fist, the VOOMER commands the hardsuits hand to ball into a fist in a synchronised motion to the user. To achieve this, Sylia has to perform a lot of custom configurations and adjust the suit so it can work properly to its users brain patterns.

When the Knight Sabers lost their hardsuits in Episode 14 - Shock Treatment, Sylia gave the order to build a second generation of hardsuits. These new suits were extremely different from the older hardsuits. One of the main differences is that the second generation hardsuits are made from a liquid metal that animates itself to a single form by the users command. How this exactly works is unknown but one things for sure, unlike the old hardsuits that required a Knight Saber to wear a softsuit, the second generation hardsuits require the Knight Saber to be fully naked to put on her hardsuit. The Saber is then secured within a containment suit and the liquid metal is poured onto them. The Saber then gives the suit a mental command to form into a shape and harden into a working hardsuit.

The abilities of the new hardsuits are slightly different from the older versions. One main difference is that they are four times as heavy as the older suits but have a larger battery pack which is integrated throughout the suit to combat its weight. The suits retain their ability to fly for short periods of time however Sylia loses her wings and the ability to fly further then the rest of the Sabers. The new hardsuits are VOOMERs as well but they are more active than in the last suits and are able to do more to protect the user from harm. However, even though the second generation hardsuits are superior in every way, there is one small problem that the Knight Sabers have found. It appears that part of the hardsuit is transparent, and because the Sabers are naked when they put the suits on, it reveals a bit too much of them...

Note: When Sylia designed both the first and second generation hardsuits she included an automatic self destruct unit in case the Knight Sabers were captured. It is believed that she also had the ability to remote detonate the hardsuits as well.


There are two versions of the Motoslave, the first version was just an ordinary motorcycle designed by Nigel Kirkland. The second and last version was a VOOMER shaped to look like a motorcycle and was designed by Nigel and Mackie. The first Motoslave was only half built when we first saw it in BGC2040. Nigel built the Motoslave to be extremely fast and as strong as the Knight Sabers hardsuits. The design of the Motoslave is set for maximum performance and makes the bike difficult to control, that is why Nigel built the first Motoslave to be used by Priss. Priss has enough experience on a motorcycle and in her hardsuit to understand how to control the Motoslave. Nigel had also set the Motoslaves feedback controls to work with Priss's hardsuit.

The Motoslaves first mission was against a VOOMER fused with a racer. At this time the Motoslave had just been completed and the battle against the VOOMER served as a test, the Motoslave passed with flying colours. The Motoslave's main weapon is a small but powerful cannon used to take out large numbers on VOOMERs or just blast through walls or doors. The second and last time the first Motoslave was used was in the AD Police tower incident. Priss' first generation hardsuit was destroyed at the time so she had to use the Motoslave without her suit. She proved that the bike could be operated without a hardsuit. The Motoslave was lost in the ADP tower when Priss lost control of the bike and overturned. Priss and Nene tried to recover the bike but it was too heavy and it was left in the ADP tower. It was most likely absorbed by the rogue VOOMERs.

The second Motoslave was built just after Nigel and Mackie had finished making the second generation hardsuits. The new Motoslave is extremely different from the older version. The only similarities between the first Motoslave and the new Motoslave is that they both look similar, and they both have the same name. The differences are that the new Motoslave is faster, more durable, is a VOOMER shaped like a motorcycle and can integrate with Priss's hardsuit more than the last. While the old Motoslave could only send feedback information to the first generation hardsuits, the newer Motoslave can actually connect to Priss' second generation hardsuit to form a extra thick suit of armour for Priss's hardsuit. It also allows Priss to fly long distances without setting down and allows her the use of the Motoslaves machine gun.
