The Bubblegum Crisis Center > Series > AD Police TV

Genom Corporation

What the Public Know

The Genom Corporation was founded by Muneyoshi Kaibara, a brilliant scientist who had been working his entire life to develop cybernetic machines known as VOOMERs. It is unknown at what time the breakthroughs occurred which led to current VOOMER technology; however, it was not until the great Tokyo earthquake of 1999 that Genom's power significantly increased. With Tokyo in ruin, the Genom Corporation offered to rebuild the fallen city with the help of a workforce made up entirely of machines. The world was stunned as the Genom Corporation single headedly restored Tokyo, now called Genom City in honour of Genom Corp, with their VOOMERs.

Technological Breakthroughs

The Genom Corporation was founded on technology that integrates biological science and nano-technology. In other words, it is a technology that integrates metal and muscle tissue. Nano-technology is still not widely used, but its purpose is to build machines that are on the order of nanometers. A nanometer is one ten-billionth of a meter (for comparison bacteria are 1 to 10 millionths of a meter, and viruses are just under 300 nanometers). The goal of nano-technology is to build machines the size of viruses. Currently, the technology is not capable of going beyond circuit diagrams of high-level integration circuits, but in the future, it is believed that nano-machines will be created by living cells designed to produce microscopic organic matter for use as component parts. Biotechnology can be seen in the present day in the form of genetically engineered food and in the use of DNA "fingerprinting" in criminal investigations. It may seem like the ultimate technology, but naturally, there are limits. In the end, biotechnology can only be applied to organic matter such as protein and tissue. Also, the only existing genetic characteristics can be incorporated. (So long as there are no creatures that are shear like tires with axles, creatures that travel on wheels cannot be created.) But Genom Corporation has overcome this limitation. The VOOMER technology that Genom developed allows for the use of nano-technology to control metal atoms. With this breakthrough, it is now possible to completely integrate metal with protein and plastics.

Genom Tower

The Genom Tower is made up of two distinct sections, the tower itself is the tallest building ever constructed and is pitch black in colour, and at the base of the tower is the Genom Complex. The Genom Complex is where all of Genom's general operations are taken care of; parts of the complex are even open to the public. The tower on the other hand holds Genom's most closely guarded secrets as well as Muneyoshi Kaibara's personal living quarters. Few have seen the inside of the Genom Tower or have dared to inflitrate it.

The Personnel

The Genom Corporation offers a variety of employment opportunities varying from bio chemists to security and retrieval officers as well as a number of positions that are not public knowledge for various reasons. To protect trade secrets, Genom employs a large security force who has access to the latest in firepower. In essence, Genom has established a small but very capable army to protect its secrets. To that end, Genom has been known to employ undercover agents in an effort to prevent any of their technology being stolen or replicated without their authorisation. In addition to the security force, Genom also has a number of VOOMER retrieval teams that work in conjunction with the AD Police to retrieve VOOMER components for analysis. This is to determine exactly what went wrong with the VOOMER(s) related to the incident and to protect any technological secrets.

Security Measures

Genom Facilities are under heavy guard at all times, the especially sensitive areas are off limits to the public and the majority of the Genom staff. However, in the most highly sensative areas, Genom uses its most advanced combat VOOMERs and servailance equipment instead of posting human guards. If an intruder is detected, the combat VOOMERs assigned to the area will sound a verbal warning. The next step, if the intruder has not withdrawn from the area, is to shoot to kill.
