The Bubblegum Crisis Center > Series > AD Police TV


Warning: This section contains spoilers.

Episode 1

When Paul Sanders, an AD Police officer, is injured in a rogue VOOMER incident and falls into a coma, his partner, Kenji Sasaki, blames himself for what happened. While Kenji tries to deal with his guilt as this is the third partner he has lost in the line of duty, the AD Police's finest are on the beat and out to take down the VOOMER that injured Officer Sanders. To add insult to injury, Kenji finds that he has been partnered up with a newcomer to the AD Police named Hans Kleif.

Episode 2

The partner relationship between Kenji and Hans is off to a rocky start, and it doesn't look like they'll ever get along, Kenji stubbornly refuses to accept Hans as his partner. Even so, Hans is determined to try to earn Kenji's trust. Meanwhile, Paul Sanders, who is in a coma, is caught up in yet another VOOMER incident when the VOOMER that is driving the ambulance he's in turns rogue. It's up to Kenji and Hans to set aside their differences and work together to save the former AD Police officer's life.

Episode 3

The AD Police have successfully raided an illegal VOOMER factory under the control of the Backer Syndicate and manages to gather some useful information about the Backer's next big deal. However, Liam Fletcher, one of the key figures of the Backer Syndicate, has taken this into account and with the help of his associates he has managed to bog down the AD Police in red tape, buying him enough to time settle his business. Despite this, Kenji decides to take matters into his own hands and it's up to Hans to decide whether he will stop Kenji, or join him.

Episode 4

After being suspended for their actions in the previous episode, Kenji and Hans have a little time on their hands to deal with their personal lives. However, the rest of the AD Police team are about to be called into action when a group of jewel thieves use VOOMERs they acquired from the Backer Syndicate to hold a museum full of people hostage. To make matters worse, Kenji's girlfriend, Kyoko Miyano, is one of the hostages.

Episode 5

Liam Fletcher unexpectedly gives himself up to the AD Police claiming that his boss, Naycen Mason, was out to kill him for his recent failures. In exchange for complete immunity Fletcher makes a deal with the AD Police and gives them detailed information about a supposed plan by the Backer Syndicate to raid a shipment of new military VOOMERs. According to Fletcher this mission will be led by Mason himself, giving the AD Police a chance to take down the syndicate from the top.

Episode 6

The AD Police morale is hit hard when one of their officer's, Jose Collins', wife and child are kidnapped and taken hostage by Liam Fletcher who demands that the AD Police force Genom to hand over a shipment of VOOMERs recovered by the AD Police. To make matters worse, Jose's wife and child are being held at an unknown location with explosives strapped to them set to go off within a few hours.

Episode 7

The AD Police have tracked a deal that's about to go down between Liam Fletcher and a member of the criminal underworld. They're taking this opportunity to go undercover and try to capture Fletcher once and for all. But it won't be as easy as that, the deal is going down within the Genom complex. Trying to capture Fletcher will become increasingly difficult if he runs since the AD Police are restricted from sensitive areas by Genom.

Episode 8

Kenji's only living relative, his estranged grandfather, is trying to get in touch with him. But Kenji wants to keep his past buried, especially when he has the pain of his parents death buried with it. Instead, Kenji is sitting in the Lost City bar trying to avoid having to meet his grandfather. Little does he know that his squad mates have come up with a plan to try to convince him to do the right thing.

Episode 9

Kenji and Hans are called to handle a rogue VOOMER incident, everything is going fine until Hans is seriously injured and is sent to the hospital where he was able to recover from his injury. However, Kenji isn't convinced that everything is fine; the injuries Hans suffered should've killed him. With the bloodstained jacket Kenji recovered from the scene of the incident, Kenji decides to have it tested to find out who or what Hans really is.

Episode 10

Hans has finally been released from the hospital in time to help Kenji and the rest of the squad with their latest case. The Backer Syndicate has stolen Genom's most valuable shipment of VOOMERs yet, but the AD Police still have a chance to stop them and retrieve the VOOMERs before the Backer's can get them out of the country. This is a high risk operation for Fletcher, if he fails it will mean the end of him.

Episode 11

With Fletcher's plans in ruins, he tries to escape the scene before the AD Police can mobilise against him. Kenji and Hans manage to pursue him to an offshore nuclear reactor where the final showdown begins. Fletcher has his back against the wall with nowhere left to run, his only way out is by causing a nuclear meltdown, wiping out himself along with the rest of Genom City along with him. Time is running out and Kenji and Hans have to decide which one of them will risk radiation poisoning to stop Fletcher.

Episode 12

With Fletcher dead, the Backer Syndicate crumbles, giving the AD Police a well deserved victory, however the story still continues. Hans goes missing and Kenji suspects Genom involvement and goes off to rescue his partner from whatever nefarious plans Genom has for him. The lines between man and machine have been crossed as the chairman of Genom undergoes a procedure to save his life, but at what cost?
