The Bubblegum Crisis Center > Series > AD Police TV


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AD Police Officers

Kenji Sasaki

Age: 23
Date of Birth: 11 May 2016
Eye Colour: Brown
Hair Colour: Brown
Bloodtype: B Rh+
Nationality: Japanese
Occupation: AD Police Officer
ID Number: NT-PS16312722-J

Japanese Seiyuu: Susumu Chiba
English Voice Actor: Randy Sparks

Kenji Sasaki is a special officer of the AD Police, he keeps to himself and is generally unsociable towards people and is seen as an outcast among the other AD Police officers.

Hans Kleif

Age: 27
Eye Colour: Blue
Hair Colour: Blonde
Nationality: German
Occupation: AD Police Officer

Japanese Seiyuu: Takumi Yamazaki
English Voice Actor: Jason Douglas


Karen Jordan

Age: 25
Eye Colour: Red
Hair Colour: White
Nationality: American
Occupation: AD Police Officer

Japanese Seiyuu: Chiharu Tezuka
English Voice Actor: Christine M. Auten


Mary Malone

Age: 23
Eye Colour: Green
Hair Colour: Red
Nationality: American
Occupation: AD Police Officer

Japanese Seiyuu: Takako Kodama
English Voice Actor: Emily Carter-Essex


Jose Collins

Age: 24
Eye Colour: Brown
Hair Colour: Brown
Nationality: American
Occupation: AD Police Officer

Japanese Seiyuu: Koji Ishii
English Voice Actor: C. Markham Anderson


Hideaki Kurata

Age: 36
Eye Colour: Black
Hair Colour: Black
Nationality: Japanese
Occupation: AD Police Squad Leader

Japanese Seiyuu: Shinpachi Tsuji
English Voice Actor: John Swasey

Seargent Kurata is the squad leader of the special investigations team within the AD Police. He tries to be tough but fair with his officers though at times he can't manage to control the most stubborn of them, such as Kenji Sasaki.

Nancy Wilson

Age: 35
Eye Colour: Yellow
Hair Colour: Black
Nationality: American
Occupation: AD Police Section Chief

Japanese Seiyuu: Yukari Nozawa
English Voice Actor: Kaytha Coker

As section chief with the rank of Captain, Nancy is in charge of a specific group of officers, in this case the special investigations unit. Her duties involve planning special assignments as well as managing and coordinating the unit's activities with other sections of the AD Police. She keeps a cool demeanour with her officers and often seems emotionless; her job requires her to be this way. At one point before her promotion to Captain, Nancy had a romantic relationship with Hideaki Kurata, but broke up on mutual terms.

Paul Sanders

Eye Colour: Blue
Hair Colour: Blonde
Occupation: AD Police Officer

Japanese Seiyuu: Tomohiro Nishimura
English Voice Actor: Illich Guardiola

Paul Sanders is an AD Police with quite a lot of experience, he was Kurata's second in command and the main frontline officer in the squad. When Kenji's last partner died, Paul took Kenji under his wing as a favour to Kurata. He would try to straighten Kenji out and mold him into a better officer, though his methods weren't very successful. Even with his years of experience, Paul found he was no match for a newer model of VOOMER that was undergoing a nano stampede. Paul was hospitalised with severe injuries which put him into a coma ending his career as an AD Police officer.

Tokushio Huroi

Age: 56
Eye Colour: Brown
Hair Colour: Blonde
Nationality: Japanese
Occupation: AD Police Chief

Japanese Seiyuu: Yuzuru Fujimoto
English Voice Actor: Phil Ross

The chief of the AD Police, Tokushio Huroi spends more time in his office doing paperwork than anything else. Because of this he has lost all touch with what really goes on in the field. On the surface he's a jittery and unreliable old man but the truth is that he is very good at playing power games. At one point he used his authority as the Chief of the AD Police to get his son a job within the Genom Corporation.

Friends and Family

Kyoko Miyano

Age: 20
Eye Colour: Brown
Hair Colour: Brown
Nationality: Japanese
Occupation: Music Student

Japanese Seiyuu: Ayako Kawasumi
English Voice Actor: Rozie Curtis

Kyoko is a gifted musician who has spent a great part of her life mastering the violin; her mother encouraged her to take up the violin at a young age. Her parents died in a car accident, much like Kenji's, when she was 16. She lives with Kenji at their apartment and she attends a music academy where she is close to graduation. She has quite a strong will, but she still worries about Kenji's safety because of his job as an AD Police officer. Kyoko has a calm nature that seems to rub off on Kenji; the moments you see with Kenji and Kyoko are often calm moments where you can sense that these two characters have a close bond.

Yuki Satomi

Eye Colour: Brown
Hair Colour: Brown
Nationality: Japanese
Occupation: Nurse; Genom Recovery Officer; Personal Assistant to Chairman Kaibara

Japanese Seiyuu: Yoko Soumi
English Voice Actor: Shawn Taylor

Yuki works as a nurse at the Genom City hospital... at least that's her cover story. She is actually under the employment of the Genom Corporation and works is a VOOMER Recovery officer. She is also the personal assistant to the chairman of Genom, Muneyoshi Kaibara. This is kept a well hidden secret from everyone around her and because of this she keeps to herself, especially when Hans' interest in her becomes apparent. However, as her relationship with Hans grows, she finds herself torn between two worlds, one led by the will of Genom, and one led by the will of humanity.

Xenia Collins

Eye Colour: Brown
Hair Colour: Red

Japanese Seiyuu: Mika Doi
English Voice Actor: Kelly Manison

Xenia is Jose Collins wife who spends her time as a housewife, while Jose is off working as an AD Police officer; she stays home to take care of their child, Katie. As much as Jose does love her, she does feel underappreciated being a housewife. Unfortunately, she was targeted by Liam Fletcher along with her daughter and was kidnapped and held hostage. Jose gave his life to save his family; Xenia is now a widow. She will have to raise her child by herself and although she has received compensation from the AD Police for her loss, it still won't be enough.

Katie Collins

Eye Colour: Brown
Hair Colour: Brown

Japanese Seiyuu: Mika Kanai
English Voice Actor: Kira Vincent-Davis

Katie is Jose Collins baby daughter who is only a few months old who he is very proud of. Jose had lost his family and is determined to provide a good family environment for his child. Unfortunately, she was targeted by Liam Fletcher along with her mother and was kidnapped and held hostage. Jose gave his life to save his family; Katie will have to grow up without her father... Being at such a young age, she will most likely not remember Jose, but will be told stories of a great AD Police officer who had saved her and her mothers life.

Backer Syndicate

Liam Fletcher

Eye Colour: Blue
Hair Colour: Brown

Japanese Seiyuu: Tohru Furusawa
English Voice Actor: Andy McAvin

He is the public face of the Backer Syndicate and has quite the mysterious past, no one is exactly sure where Liam Fletcher came from. He manages much of the activities of the Backer Syndicate but always seems to be taking orders directly from the Syndicate boss, Naycen Mason. While he is cold and calculating with his activities within the syndicate, he is known to make a sly joke and makes a clear effort to undermine the AD Police and often enjoys it. Fletcher is quite the ruthless individual, willing to do anything to carry out a plan and taking advantage of every situation.

Sid Phillips

Eye Colour: Brown
Hair Colour: Red

Japanese Seiyuu: Keiichi Sonobe
English Voice Actor: Vic Mignogna

An expendable member of the Backer Syndicate, Sid Phillips ran an illegal VOOMER factory in a quiet part of Genom City. His activities were stopped by an AD Police raid which led his associate, Liam Fletcher, to detonate explosives hidden in the factory and activate VOOMERs programmed to kill Sid and anyone else working at the factory. This was designed to prevent anyone from spilling any secrets if they were to be captured by the AD Police. Sid survived this attempt on his life and was arrested by the AD Police, he in turn told them all he knew about the Backer Syndicate for a more lenient sentence.

Naycen Mason

Eye Colour: Brown
Hair Colour: Brown

Naycen Mason, head of the Backer Syndicate, the boss that Liam Fletcher was so afraid of is actually Liam Fletcher himself. The man known as Naycen Mason was once a high ranked Genom official. Not much is known about this person except that near the "end" of his life he was chosen, most likely unwillingly, to become another one of the Genom Corporations experiments. Genom Corp used his body to create a biologically enhanced VOOMER, in the process Mason lost most of his human organs which were then replaced with bio components similar to those of a mechanical VOOMER but a lot more sophisticated. Of course Mason was only the start of a much grander project that the Genom Corporation had started. They had successfully transformed a human being into a Biological VOOMER; the next step was to create a Biological VOOMER from scratch which could pass as a living being...

Genom Corporation

Muneyoshi Kaibara

Age: 88
Eye Colour: Blue
Hair Colour: Brown
Occupation: Chairman of the Genom Corporation

Japanese Seiyuu: Takashi Nagasako
English Voice Actor: John Swasey

As Chairman of the Genom Corporation, Muneyoshi Kaibara is one of the most powerful men on the planet. He is credited with the creation of the VOOMER technology and the restoration of Tokyo, now named Genom City. Very little is known about Kaibara's personal life as it has been kept well hidden. However, it is well known among Genom officials that he is nearing the end of his life. It has been rumoured that Kaibara's latest projects involve the extension of human life, although it is not known how this goal is to be achieved. If this rumour were to be true, it is not known to what end Kaibara would take this effort to save his own life.



Eye Colour: Brown
Hair Colour: Black
Occupation: Bartender; Owner of the Lost City Bar

Japanese Seiyuu: Keiichi Sonobe
English Voice Actor: Phil Ross

He is the unnamed owner of the Lost City bar that many of the AD Police officers frequent. In his past he had battled a case of alcoholism brought on by the separation of him and his partner. Ironically, years later, after getting over his lost love, he bought a bar which he had worked at ever since. However as a constant reminder of what he had lost, he has a habit of polishing the glassware excessively. He stays quiet for the most part but also plays the stereotypical barkeep role and listens to his customer's problems. He also enjoys a fine cigar now and then.
