The Bubblegum Crisis Center > Series > AD Police TV

AD Police

The History

In the aftermath following the great earthquake which demolished Tokyo, the city was reconstructed as Genom City with the help of VOOMERs, cyborgs created by the Genom Corporation. The massive redevelopment had its share of problems, runaway crimes and violent acts committed by out of control VOOMERS deviating from their intended programming, known on the street as rogue VOOMERs. A special police unit was created to deal with this evolving problem, an advanced law enforcement team known as the AD Police...

The AD Police, short for Advanced Police, was established in 2020 to control VOOMER related crimes by the Japanese government in cooperation with the Genom Corporation. They are an elite VOOMER crime fighting force, their officers dedicated to their jobs but restricted to deal with only VOOMER related activities, all other crimes are dealt by the regular Police department. The AD Police took on many VOOMER related crimes in its history but none more sinister than the crimes committed by a group called the "Backer Syndicate", led by a mysterious individual by the name of Naycen Mason and his right hand man Liam Fletcher. In the year 2039, the Backer Syndicate became such a big problem that it became the AD Police's first priority.

The Headquarters

The AD Police headquarters, located near the center of what used to be Tokyo but far from the huge Genom tower, houses all that is needed to take on VOOMER related crimes. It has an armoury stocked with the latest in anti-VOOMER weaponry, a heliport and garage for choppers, squad cars, motorcycles and heavy vehicles all equipped for use against VOOMERs. It also has the offices and briefing rooms that any other police station would have as well as a state of the art Forensics department. The AD Police HQ is not unlike any other police headquarters, the only main difference is that it houses military grade weaponry which the normal police do not.

The People

All of the people who work for the AD Police are dedicated officers who believe in what they do. For the AD Police to function everyone within its ranks must take their job seriously, that is why only the best are chosen as officers. Some officers who are chosen are even transferred over from the regular Police. Apart from the frontline officers who make up the bulk of the roster, the AD Police also has elite teams that are not only work in the frontline but perform investigations. These teams remain small and are made up of a group of people who have a variety of skills to suit every situation they may come across. An example of this all round team variation is the AD Police's lead elite squad headed by Sergeant Hideaki Kurata. His team consists of Kenji Sasaki, Paul Sanders who is later replaced with Hans Kleif, Karen Jordan, Mary Malone and Jose Collins. Each officer possesses a unique skill which they can use for the benefit of the team and the operation.

The Uniforms

Members of the AD Police are not forced to wear a specific uniform for normal occasions such as in the squad rooms. However they are required to wear proper uniforms at formal ceremonies. They are also required to wear protective clothing and helmets and carry ordinance designed for VOOMER enforcement when out on duty. The protective clothing is a type of composite armour made from a lightweight polymer alloy - rendering it "bullet proof" under normal conditions. The armour is also capable of protecting the user from a nano-stampede for a short period of time. This is done by activating a thermo-electric system inside the armour; however the activation of this system can also harm the user if it is running for extended periods of time. The helmet is made of the same composite armour. It is equipped with an infinite focus monitor and live video feed, activated by lowering the visor. Audio communication is achieved through a built-in microphone and headset. Input can be activated by voice command or through the "motion captures" feature built into "smart gloves" and virtual keyboards. This feature is very useful during covert operations however not all AD Police officers are skilled at "blind touch" communications. The helmet also featured a light-amplifier that produces simulated night-vision.

The Ordinance

The AD Police use 9mm "JGSDF" standard issue handguns and sub-machineguns that can be equipped with laser targeting systems and lamps. The "Sniper Squad" is trained in the use of "JGSDF" sniper rifles. Specialised ammunition is employed depending on the situation:

FMJ: Full Metal Jacket. Armour piercing bullets with no real destructive power.
EX: Explosive Bullet. Excellent destructive power, but no piercing effect.
EEX: Electric Explosion. An electromagnetic pulse bullet.
CD: Core Destruction. (Only available for sniper rifles) Used exclusively for destroying Voomer cores.

Grenade launchers, shotguns, and electromagnetic rail cannons (capable of firing bullets at supersonic speed) are part of the AD Police arsenal. Several types of hand grenades are used by the AD Police for immobilisation or to disable visual sensors ("Flash Bang"). The AD Police employ super-directional explosives for breaching walls. Reminiscent of a fishing pole with small weights attached, this device will blast a customized hole depending on the way it is attached when detonated. They also use explosive barricades to stop VOOMERs, and "stun guns" to slow down nano-stampedes.

The Vehicles

Squad Cars

Unlike regular Police cars, the AD Police Squad Car has a sleek design. is lightly armoured and has a bullet-proof windshield. But what makes this Squad Car unique are the two hidden rocket launchers located at the front of the car. With no need for criminals to be put in the back, the Squad Car is limited to two seats with the rest of the vehicle housing armaments, the powerful engine and a computer system which is linked directly back to the AD Police HQ for immediate updates for whatever situation.


The AD Police Motorcycle is for a single officer to be able to skilfully navigate through traffic, and places where AD Police Squad Cars would have trouble navigating around, to reach a VOOMER incident in less time. Few AD Police officers choose to use Motorcycles though, preferring to use a Squad Car instead. This is because the Motorcycle, while fast and agile, lacks storage for holding extra armaments and is limited in its access to the AD Police data network. The general feeling among officers is that the Motorcycle doesn't feel safe to use, especially in a VOOMER incident when most officers aren't skilled with using a motorcycle in combat situations. To make up for the lack of control space on the motorcycle, holographic generators are used for everything including communications, maps and even the rear view mirrors.


When the AD Police needs an eye in the sky they use their armoured Choppers. The chopper is also used for transporting personnel and providing vantage points for an AD Police sniper as well as being able to perform aerial pursuits. The chopper is also armed with several anti-VOOMER rockets but no machineguns.

All Personnel Carrier

It's just like any other All Personnel Carrier, however it is completely armoured and has several armoured cameras on it for the driver to be able to navigate around to the destination. Around 20 armed AD Police officers can fit into the APC as well as a good amount of extra armaments.

The Terminology

"Sequence B" Outbreak

Indicates a VOOMER incident where a program-stampede (an out-of-control program deviating from a programmer's original intent) has developed. This type of outbreak must be dealt with before it evolves into a nano-stampede. AD Police is dispatched to the site of such disturbances in high-speed army personnel transports.

"Sequence N" Outbreak

Indicates a VOOMER incident where a nano-stampede (fusion with mecha) has developed. In these situations, the AD Police augment their normal gear with thermal protectors and utilize special duty heavy armoured cars.

"Sequence IR" Outbreak

Indicates a VOOMER incident involving an illegally modified VOOMER (Illegal Remodelling). Various courses of action can be taken depending on the situation, so an investigative squad is sent in first to determine what equipment to use.

Sequence Disposal Complete

Effective once a VOOMER core has been destroyed. At this point, the AD Police is obligated to contact Genom Corporation and file accidental damage/loss reports. Officers of the Genom Corporation will then retrieve what remains of the VOOMER(s) in the incident for further analysis.
