The Bubblegum Crisis Center > Extras > Fan Fiction

What Happened Afterwards?

Written by Thorn

Sent: den 16 augusti 2001 09:42
Subject: FWD: RE: At the end of 2040

===== Original Message From "Thorn" <> =====

<> wrote in message

> Ive just seen the last DVD and it left me wondering what happend next.
> I mean a lot of the last couple of episodes was a little confusing but
> I gues after Ive seen it a couple more times it will make sense.

> So what actually happened after the credits?? if anything?
> Im sure I read that Sylia rescued them, but Im not sure.

> Can anybody help me??

Sylia was able to track down all of them, and she picked them up and rescued them. Except, all her equiptment was pretty f**cked up, so it took her a while to gather the equiptment to both figure out where they all were, and pick them up. In this time, Priss got so delirious and dehydrated that she had sex with her motoslave a few times, before it finally went ballistic and killed her.

Linna and Nene, on the other hand, survived by finding berries and fruit, sometimes even small animals to eat, and they also found a spring with fresh drinking water. Their experiences together had sealed their love for each other, so they weren't afraid to confess it. Again, as with Priss, much copious sex was to be had.

Sylia eventually caught up with Linna and Nene. She had brought Mackie with her, who was obviously overjoyed to see Nene, and ran to her. He copped a swift punch in the mouth (Nene and Linna were still naked ^_^) and a heavy shock when she announced that her and Linna were now gay lesbian lovers. Mackie and Nene were no more.

This sent Mackie spiralling into a deep depression, and only Sylia could comfort him. They became very close. Very very close. REALLY close. No, closer than that. Yeah, that close.......... Then, just as Mackie was about to get even closer than very, very, very, really, even-closer-than-that close, and basically lose all meaning of the word 'close' because it's been said that often, Sylia takes off all her clothes to reveal.........

a) She is a man!
b) She is a kangaroo!
c) She is a boomer!
d) She is actually a gorgeous female, and the script writers hadn't done anything really weird with her!

This totally threw Mackie, and after his shock with Nene, he could take no more. His senses seemed to totally shut down, he became a shadow of his former self. He sat for days without moving, his mouth slightly open, drool running down his chin, his eyes glazed over. Sylia continued to care for him in this state until Kris Overstreet came to take him away, apparently to care for him in a fanfic entitled "Bubblegum Pink 2040: The second cumming".

Leon, Nigel and Henderson, after meeting one another and going through a lot of s**t because of the girls in the later episodes, became fast friends. They often went out drinking, playing poker, and did other 'guy' activities together. Little did they know, this made someone very angry. He was shunned by everyone else, no more than a minor character in the end, and was angered that two other men were now stealing the man he'd had a crush on for close to... 9 years now. One night, he snapped, went into a jelous rage, and

Dailey Wong was jailed for life after the brutal murder of three men, all of them beat to death in their homes with a black rubber strap-on. I think that's about where I should stop. In conclusion, I really really really hope they never make a sequel, no matter how much the ignorant people out there plead of ADV.

And I really, really, really, really hope they never make a sequel like mine. ^_^

- Thorn
