The Bubblegum Crisis Center > Extras > Fan Fiction

The Definitive BGC FAQ

Written by Rob Kelk

Originally posted to on the 1st of April, 2000.



This Frequently Asked Questions file ("FAQ") answers many questions that are often posted to the newsgroup

The FAQ maintainer, Rob Kelk (, wishes to thank Ben Cantrick for invaluable assistance with this document.




What's the relationship between the original BGC and BGC2040?

Obviously, one is a continuation of the other. Why else would they have the same name?


Can you tell me an outline of the story?

No. We don't "do" spoilers here.


How do the episodes fit together?

They don't. BGC isn't a puzzle - it's a cartoon.


How was the story originally going to end?

With the ending credits, of course.


What is considered cannon material?

"Bubblegum Pink: Raging Fires" and "Grand Mal" are often considered to be primary cannon material.




What are the Rules of the Knight Sabers?

Rule One: This season, I don't want to see anyone _not_ going solo.

Rule Two: No Boomers!

Rule Three: No teasing Mackie by making passes at him - when Sylia's looking.

Rule Four: No Boomers!

Rule Five: Do not talk about Fight Club.

Rule Six: No Boomers!


Is Sylia a Boomer?

Consider what we've seen of Boomers - they each have one of three distinct personality types:

1) The completely subservient menial - Sylia founded the Knight Sabers and leads them in battle, so she isn't "subservient".

2) The cold, emotionless killing machine - Sylia has been annoyed at Fargo and has smiled at the antics of her teammates, so she isn't "emotionless".

3) The friendly, outgoing, "bubbly", attractive Sexaroid who you end up liking despite yourself - Sylia is definitely *_not_* "bubbly". So Sylia can't be a Boomer.

However, the existance of that third Boomer personality type is rock-solid evidence that Nene is a Boomer.


If Sylia's a Boomer/human/cyborg, what is Mackie?

A horny teenager. Duh.


I keep hearing about the KS being lesbians, or something. Is this true?

Actually, yes. The evidence is overwhelming. Consider:

* Priss: Priss is a total man-hating dyke. She never falls for Leon, and she obviously wanted to get into Sylvie's pants. She also wears skimpy outfits on stage in episode 1 - what a giveaway. Plus, she rides a motorcycle. And we all know that it means when a woman rides a motorcycle ...

* Sylia: Sylia is such an ice queen. She behaves like such a bitch. She wears all that fancy lingerie. This is totally blatant lesbian behavior. Sylia and Linna are lesbian lovers.

* Daley: Some people say he's gay. But don't be fooled, he's really a lesbian.

* Mackie: Mackie is a lesbian trapped in a man's body. This explains why he's constantly trying to sneak peeks at his sister.

* Nene: Actually, Nene is bi.

There are numerous other example of blatant lesbianism in BGC. For instance, in episode 6, in the second scene, there's an actuator on the shoulder of one of the hyperboomers. This actuator was seen at a bar by an anonymous agent. The actuator made several comments that, taken out of context and distorted, might imply that it was possibly a lesbian. No doubt about it, there's lesbians EVERYWHERE in BGC!

For a shocking expose of the lesbianism in BGC, I suggest that you read the "BGP:RF" addenum to the series, which is available in text form in the anime fanfic archives. The URL is:


Why does Genom let the Knight Sabers continue their operations?

Sylia is a major shareholder in Genom (well, where did you think she got all her money? Selling _lingerie_?), and she keeps voting down the "get rid of the Knight Sabers" resolutions at the annual Shareholders' Meetings.


What is Sylia's agenda?

"To right wrongs and triumph over evil, and that means you, Boomers!"


What does "Bubblegum Crisis" mean?

Before Genom started manufacturing Boomers, they were the world's top producer of bubble gum. Since they don't make bubble gum any more, there's a worldwide shortage of the confection - the world is going through a "bubble gum crisis".


What does "Boomer" mean?

Somebody on the Genom design team was a big, BIG, *_BIG_* fan of the late-1970's TV series "Battlestar Galactica". Thus, the company makes "Apollo" automobiles, "Adama" executive day planners, "Omega" office furniture, "Cassieopia" ladies' formal wear, and "Boomer" androids. Oh, and they own "Starbuck" coffee shops around the world, too.


What does "Genom" mean?

It's a contraction of the original name, "Genma Office Machines" ("Gen O M"). The company was started as a tax shelter by an "N. Tendo", who apparently named it after her brother-in-law's father as a joke, since said father-in-law wouldn't be caught dead in an office. When the company became the economic giant it is now, she shortened the name to avoid embarassment (and licencing fees).




Where can I find some good BGC websites?

There's no such thing as a "good website" - every website is horrid (including mine). Go read a book or something, willya?


Are there any BGC fan clubs?

Only the ones that the Knight Sabers use to beat off obsessive fans.


What are the rules of the newsgroup?

Rules? We don't need no steenking rules!


Are you talking about original BGC or BGC2040?

Yes. Anything else would be off-topic.


What does "DYO!" mean?

That's short for "Do Your Own!"

It's used to indicate the poster:

a) is in complete agreement with the idea being commented on,

b) and thinks that it should go into a work of fan fiction,

c) but the person who came up with the idea should write it.


I just wrote a BGC fanfic! Can I post it here?

Only if it's at least as good as the Andy Payne / Anthony Gaza collaboration from last year - otherwise, you'd probably want to start off in the "minor leagues" (like rec.arts.anime.creative).


I just drew some BGC fan art! Can I post it here?

Only if you promise to use masking tape - anything else leaves ugly marks on the computer. But wouldn't you rather post it on the fridge door instead?


Someone posted something that offended me! What should I do?

Rant, rave, and whine, of course! You may want to threaten to get the offending poster's account terminated, too! Send your complaints to anyone but us.


Is this the _real_ BGC FAQ?

No, this is (as you should have figured out by now) the April Fool's BGC FAQ. The "real" FAQ will be along tomorrow...


Rob Kelk
