The Bubblegum Crisis Center > Extras > Fan Fiction

Nene's Babysitter - part 1

Written by Incognito Himitsu

This story contains adult situations and elements of infantalism. If either of these things offend you then you should not read this story.

Nene's Baby Sitter part 1

A Bubble Gum Crisis Story

Based on Characters and Situations owned by Artmic and used without permission.

The evidence vaults in the ADP building were well secured, they had to be. Still, all the codes and locks, and systems were only so much protection against a smart, young woman who knew those systems very well. The vault door rolled back quietly, the room's lights coming on.

The room was some grim parody of a morgue, or a storeroom of a department store.

Several boomers were laid out on the slabs, or sat in corners, a few were simply stacked one on top of another.

The young woman who entered was red head, her hair worn down below her shoulders, curling at the ends. Her large, innocent eyes were a dark shade of green. She was very cute.

Nene Romanova looked around the room, pulling the door closed behind her. She shivered slightly in the unnaturally cool air. The bodies, lying around, made her shiver more. It was too much like being in a morgue. She crossed the room and knelt down beside one of the boomers.

It was female in form, though it's skin was tinged blue and it's face not very expressive. It was a mannequin type boomer, a simple domestic servant. The only thing remarkable about it was where it had been when it was damaged.

The boomer had been present when an entire family had been killed, a family the Knight Sabers had been hired to protect. It had been almost completely destroyed by the time they reached the apartment, but there had been some power left in it. Nene had hooked into it, downloading the boomers entire memory in the hope that it might be examined.

That had been two days ago and Nene had not had any luck. The boomer's memory protocols were rather confusing and specially encrypted.

It was all part of what Genom did to ensure that it maintained its choke hold on the boomer industry.

Then she had had a brainstorm. All she had to do was load the boomer's memories into another boomer. Simple, well, mostly simple.

Finding a boomer to work was not easy, but she had found one in the evidence room.

She got to her feet and walked over to a boomer laid out on a slab.

It was an endoskeleton type boomer and looked completely human. It was stretched out, naked, the gash in its abdomen the most obvious damage.

The TAC squad that had gone after that one had been lucky. They had shut it down, burning out its core memory completely, leaving it an empty shell.

That it had no memory was in Nene's favour. It was the perfect vessel to work with.

She went to work, starting with hooking up a power source to the boomer, reaching into its abdomen to connect it. She grimaced as she did so, the feeling was so very gross. She had to though. The techs had pulled the boomers generator, just to make sure it stayed inactive.

Behind it's neck, covered by flaps of false flesh, were a set of input jacks. She plugged her computer, which was holding the records from the domestic boomer, into the jacks and began downloading.

It did not take long. After a minute the operation was complete.

Nene unhooked her computer and moved around to face the boomer.

"Status," she said.

It's eyes flickered open. "Unknown. Power insufficient for complete operation," the boomer said in a soft voice.

"Access memory for events of two days ago."

"Internal timer down, insufficient data."

"Access memory of events for May 14th, 2034," she ordered.

"Checking. Memory indicates massive failure of systems at that point. Memory corrupted. Time required to repair, unknown."

"Review events of last ten minutes before failure. Present in video and audio format, download to external source."

"Please wait a moment."

There was a noise outside the room, Nene could hear the muted beeps as someone began entering the unlocking codes. "Cancel," Nene ordered.

"Shut down." She reached around and pulled her computer free, then yanked the power feed from the boomer.

She moved away from it, flipping her computer open. As she moved to the centre of the room she began to enter information into the computer.

The vault door opened and a big and somewhat fat man entered the room. "Romanova? What are you doing in here."

"Just checking some things for our records upstairs Sergeant," she told him.

He looked at her. "I see," he said.

"Well, I'm done," she moved towards him. "I'm glad to be out of here, this place is a little scary."

The sergeant laughed. "Don't worry," he said. "Nothing to worry about here." His laughing at her fear made him forget what he had been about to ask, how she had gotten into the vault. "Let's go."

Nene and the sergeant left the vault, sealing the door behind them.

Nene wondered if she would get a chance to return to the vault and finish her work with the boomer. Well, if not she could go back to the slow way of doing it. It would not be a problem.

Several minutes after the vault door had closed the boomer laying on the table moved ever so slightly, a tremor that ran through the entire body. Then it's eyes opened and it sat up.

The boomer had been designed as an assassin. A well trained, artificial operative, a killing machine. The TAC squad that had fought it was more lucky than they could ever know. Only the burning out of its memory core, a freak accident, had saved them, and a number of people.

Now it was up and operating again, the new information that had been downloaded into it giving it a new core to work with.

Reaching over it grabbed the power lead that Nene had plugged into it earlier and slid that back into her abdomen. Hooked up to a steady source of power it went to work. First it had to repair the damage that had been done to it, her. That was easy enough. She found her main power core close by and pushed it back inside of herself.

Her self repair capabilities were not those of a combat boomer, but they were more than enough to reattach the core. She pulled the power lead from her and then searched through the tools and instruments under the slab she had been laid on for what she needed.

In short order the gash in her stomach, and a few other damaged areas of the skin, had been closed. There was no way to replace the large patch of hair that had been torn out of the right side of her head so she simply shaved that side clean, repaired the skin, then used several pens to simulate a tattoo.

All of that took a little under ten minutes. She was now ready to go. Her mission had to be completed. Of course she was not sure what mission that might be.

Her fragmented memory core began to pull things together, what was left of her original programming and what Nene had loaded into her.

She had a target. There had to be a target. Who was that target? A face appeared came up, that of a young woman with red hair and green eyes. There was a name as well. Romanova. Target acquired.

What was she supposed to do with the target? At first there was nothing, but then as more and more of her new programming began to be integrated into her being, she knew what she was to do.

With a mission, a mission that nothing short of complete destruction would stop, the boomer began to move.

It did not take long for the highly trained operative to escape the vault, or to find clothing, or to locate a computer terminal to hide her tracks. While changing the records so it appeared that her body had been moved out and destroyed, she also found out more about her target. Nene Romanova. After taking note of the target's address the boomer left the building without attracting any attention.

The apartment was not quite what the boomer had expected. She looked around, finding very little of what she expected. It would not do, not at all. After looking through the entire place, going through closets, looking through drawers, it was ready to go to work.

She chose the second bedroom which was mostly empty except for a low table and some cushions. It moved the table and cushions out of the way, and measured out the room with her laser range finders.

After that the boomer went to the computer in the other bedroom, sat down, and began looking for the things she needed. She found what she needed fairly quickly, purchased it and arranged for it to be delivered in the hour. Money was no problem, the boomer had access to a number of accounts and paid for everything out of them.

When the purchases began to arrive she had the delivery people put everything where she wanted it.

Nene was more than a little tired. She had had a busy day at work, then she had a rather gruelling training session with the Knight Sabers.

She still had to hack the domestic boomer's records apart, Sylia really wanted it. Nene had decided to take a few days off so she could devote her attention to the work.

She opened her apartment door, stepped in, then closed the door behind her. She tossed her purse onto the floor, then stepped up into her apartment, reaching out to turn on the light.

Nene almost fell back when she the saw the woman standing close by.

"What? Who? What are you doing here?!" Nene demanded all quickly. The woman was tall, and she had long blonde hair, but for a patch on the side of her head where a tattoo was. Nene had seen that woman before, but could not recall where.

The boomer began approaching Nene. Her target/charge was there and she had a mission to perform.

Nene suddenly realised where she had seen the woman before. In the evidence room, she had been lying on a slab then. The boomer. How could that be though? Suddenly Nene realised she might very well be in a lot of trouble. She might even be about to die.

"Hel....," Nene began to scream, but the boomer was suddenly directly in front of her, putting its hand over her mouth. Nene tried to struggle free, but then a jolt ran through her and she collapsed into the boomer's arms.

The boomer had noted that its target/charge was beginning to make noise. A target making noise was bad and the target should be silenced as quick as possible. There were a large number of ways to make sure a target did not make noise, but those methods did not apply. A charge making noise was also bad. It indicated something might be wrong and also required quieting, and the boomer knew a large number of methods to do that as well.

She started by simply placing her hand over her target/charge's mouth. That helped, but the target/charge was struggling. It chose to deal with that by using a built in taser, shocking her target/charge into submission.

While it worked, she was not at all pleased by it. It seemed to be the wrong thing to do. She considered her options and decided to use other methods in the future. She gently picked Nene up and carried her towards the bedroom that she had prepared.

Nene's body felt disconnected from her, she could not seem to get it to do as she wished. She was not unconscious though and was able to take note of a number of things. There was a playpen in a corner of the room, filled with stuffed animals. It's presence just served to confuse her, and worried about a number of other things, such as if the boomer was going to kill her, she did not give it much thought.

The boomer carried her into her spare, and mostly unused, bedroom.

For a moment Nene thought she had lost consciousness and was dreaming because the room seemed to be a nursery. There was a crib against one wall, a white chest of drawers, covered in cute animal decals, and several boxes. Nene had no idea what was going on. It was all just too strange.

The boomer easily shifted Nene around, laying her down on the crib mattress. It was only then that Nene came to appreciate just how large the crib, and the other furniture was. The sheet that covered the mattress, decorated in an infantile print, slid under her slightly, as if there was something slick under it, and there was also a soft, crinkly noise that Nene identified as plastic.

She mumbled incoherently, her voice still not under control. What was the boomer doing? What was it doing to her? "There, there," the boomer said, speaking for the first time. It's voice soft, pleasant, conveying a certain sense of warmth. "It will all be all right."

The boomer pulled Nene up into a sitting position on the mattress and removed her jacket which she then let drop the floor. Nene continued to mumble and groan, and she tried to fight, but her limbs still would not do as she wished. Even if they had, the boomer was strong enough to rip men from limb to limb, it would not have made much difference, though Nene might have hurt herself.

The boomer lay her down and shifted her attention to Nene's feet.

She removed her socks, then reached up towards Nene's skirt. Nene mumbled again, this time louder, managing to get out a weak, 'no'. The boomer looked at Nene for a moment, then bent down and removed something from a box by the crib. When the boomer straightened Nene could see was it held. A large, adult size was the best way to describe it, pacifier.

Again Nene tried to fight, but it was a hopeless cause. It pushed the pacifier into her mouth, effectively gagging Nene. There was a soft strap on it. The boomer pulled it behind Nene's head, arranged her hair so it would not be in the way, then locked it. The strap pulled the pacifier into Nene's mouth and held it secure. All she could do was mumble and gurgle around it.

The boomer looked down at her from a moment, then retrieved something else from the box. A set of mitten like things. It slid those onto Nene's hands, locking them into place. They held all her fingers together and restricted the motion of her thumbs. Nene knew that her hands had just been rendered useless, even if she could have used them.

Satisfied, the boomer then turned her attention back to Nene's skirt. She reached under Nene to loosen the zipper, then pulled it down her legs and off her. It dropped it to the ground with the jacket and then boomer reached up Nene's legs, pushing the tails of her blouse out of the way to grasp her panties.

"These are not at all proper," the boomer said as it pulled the pink, silk garment off Nene. She dropped them on the floor, then began undoing Nene's blouse. By that time Nene could move her arms a little and tried to bat the boomer's hands away. It was futile. The weak blows were poorly aimed and Nene might as well have been trying to hit a concrete wall for all the good she did.

The blouse was removed and joined her other clothing at the boomer's feet. She was lying there naked, except for her brassier, the mittens and the pacifier. The boomer considered the bar for a few seconds, then simply removed it, dropping it without comment.

Nene felt her whole body flush red. She was lying in a crib, stripped naked by a killer boomer, in a room that looked like a nursery.

She was a complex mixture of terror and embarrassment and she began to cry, feeling completely helpless.

The boomer smiled down at Nene. "Don't worry," she said. "You'll be fine. Yes you will," she said the last in a high pitched, adult to baby way that increased Nene's embarrassment. The boomer then tickled her lightly on her stomach before going back to the box for something else.

Depilatory methods had become fast, effective, simple and painless by the 2030s, so Nene's crying had nothing to do with pain. She was humiliated. The boomer quickly removed every hair on her body from the neck down. When she was finished with the front, she rolled Nene onto her stomach and went to work on her back.

Nene lay there, staring down at the animal print on the sheet as the last of her body hair was removed. She had not had a lot of body hair before, and now she had none, and would never have any again. The boomer cooed, and made reassuring noises through the entire process. When she was done she put the device aside then rolled Nene onto her back.

"There we go," she said, reaching out to pat Nene on the head. Then she walked to the dresser, opened one of the drawers and removed what Nene had known had to be coming.

When the boomer returned the bedside she unfolded the diaper, placing it on the bed beside Nene. Nene tried to squirm away from it, but was not able to. The boomer then lifted her legs up as easy as if, well as if she was in fact a baby, and slid the diaper under her. Nene was lowered onto it and when she felt her bottom touch the thick padding she shivered.

The diaper lay under her, cushioning her bottom ever so slightly. It was impossible to avoid thinking about what it was. The texture of it, the slight crinkling noises, all of it. A moment later she felt the talcum powder raining down on her, like a gently feather's touch, and the scent of it filled the air. The boomer gently rubbed it into her skin for a moment, and then the boomer folded the diaper up, pulling it between her legs. Quickly, efficiently, with the minimum amount of fuss, she fastened the sides. Nene had been diapered.

For a moment she just lay there, not sure of what had just happened.

It seemed to crazy to have really happened. There was no way to get away from it though. Nene began to cry. She began to cry harder, muffled as it was by the pacifier, when the boomer presented the next item.

It was a diaper cover, pink, with a cute little anime cat on it.

Nene was absolutely mortified as the boomer put that on over the diaper she wore, fastening it with snaps. One part of her wondered why the boomer even bothered. The plastic backing on the diaper was probably more than enough. Why a diaper cover? Unless it was to hide the less than babyish design of the adult diaper.

She finished up and went off for another item of clothing. A set of pink rompers as it turned out. Nene was getting mobility back and was able to put up more of a fight, but the end result was inevitable. She was dressed in the baby clothing and the crib's side was raised up. The crib also had a set of bars on top that the boomer swung into place.

"I'll get your bottle," the boomer told it, in that same sort of sugary voice as she left the room.

Nene lay there, dressed in rompers and a diaper, laying in a crib, a pacifier gagging her, and cried for a short time, but then she shook it off. Crying was not going to help her much. She reached up above her, grasping the bars with what little ability she had, and tried to lift the top. It would not budge. She looked over at the locking mechanism.

It was a simple bar that slid into a slot that held the crib side in place. There was a place for a lock, but there was no lock there.

Nene tried to reach out and grasp the bar, but her restrained hands made it all but impossible. The slick material that covered the gloves made her hands slip on the bar each time she tried to push it free.

When she heard the door beginning to open she stopped what she was doing and laid back down.

The boomer came in. She was carrying a baby bottle, it looked a little larger than normal to Nene. The boomer opened the crib up and reached out behind Nene's head, unlocking the band the held the pacifier in Nene's mouth. If Nene thought to call out, she never got the chance.

As soon as the pacifier fell out, the nipple of the bottle was put in its place.

Nene tried to force it from her mouth, tried to turn her head away from it, but the boomer kept the nipple firmly in her mouth no matter what she tried. Finally Nene realised that there was only one way she was going to get the nipple out of her mouth. She began to suck, slowly nursing, drinking the milk. When she was finished the boomer had the pacifier back in her mouth and strapped into place too fast for Nene to do anything.

Damn thing is just too fast, Nene thought as the boomer left the room. As she did she turned off the lights, leaving only a night light to illuminate the room. Bed time, Nene guessed. How could she go to bed? It was not that late, and she had not brushed her teeth. Stupid boomer.

What did it think it was doing? That of course was the question. What was the boomer doing? Nene shifted around, trying to find a comfortable position. It was not easy, anyway she might lay, she was reminded of the diaper she wore. It was beginning to feel too warm, and a little itchy, though the talcum powder helped. She tried to get it off, but her mittened hands could not even get the romper off.

She finally lay on her back, staring up at the ceiling through the bars, and thought about the boomer. What she had was an assassin boomer, a unit that would do whatever was required to complete it's missions. So why was it treating her like an infant? Diapering was certainly not in its repertoire of required skills.

Of course the majority of its memory core had been fried, leaving it an empty shell, until Nene had loaded it up with the programs from the domestic boomer. Could that be it? She asked her self. It made sense, in some odd sort of way.

The assassins programming, what remained, had been integrated with the domestic boomers programming forming... Forming... Well, it seemed like an insane nanny boomer. For some reason it had determined that Nene was a baby that needed taking care of.

Nene remembered the family killed had had children. She had not wanted to think about that, about the murdered children. The parents had obviously programmed their boomer to care for them. Nene thought that was a bit odd, she knew she would not have trusted boomers with children, but she was prejudiced about it.

So now the boomer thought that Nene was a child that it had to take care of. It obviously knew that she was not really a baby, she thought, looking at the mittens on her hand, and thinking of the hair that had been removed from her body. It knew, but it was going to treat her like one no matter what.

She wondered what she was going to do as she shifted about in her crib. In time, someone was going to come looking for her. Of course that was not a pleasant option. If it was one of the other Knight Sabers, she would be horribly embarrassed. Only Sylia might let her live it down, never mentioning it, but it probably would not be Sylia who would come to check up on her. Priss or Linna, either would make her life hell after this.

As bad as that might be, if anyone else were to discover her, the ADP would certainly become involved. That would ensure even more people knew about what happened, and what's more, they would want to know why the boomer was there. The investigation would certainly reveal Nene's culpability in the whole thing. Then she would certainly be in trouble, perhaps she would even end up in prison.

She turned around a few times, trying to find some way out, fretting at the lock, trying the bars. When she finally gave up she lay on her back, breathing heavily, a little sweat on her. Inside her diaper it was now uncomfortably hot, and the padding was a little damp. If that was not uncomfortable enough, she also had to go to the bathroom.

She was not going to do it. She was not going to wet her diaper.

That was final.

After a few minutes she had reached up, grasping the bars above her as best she could with her mittened hands. She started up at the ceiling, clenching her teeth. She was not going the wet the diaper.

She'd let her bladder explode first.

For a time she though that she might in fact keep her promise to herself, but when it began to hurt so much that she started to cry, she let it go. For a moment nothing happened, then, then, it came. The urine rushed out of her, eliciting a sigh of relief from Nene. The padding of the diaper immediately began to absorb the urine, spreading it out. Nene could feel it begin to get heavy on her. As the pressure and pain faded, humiliation and shame rushed into take its place.

She had wet herself, had wet her diaper. It could not get any worse.

Of course she was wrong.

As soon as she finished the boomer entered the room. "Are we all wet?" she asked in its sugary voice. "Did we wet our little diapers?"

As bad as wetting them had been, and it was bad, having the boomer know about it, having it talk to her like that, was even worse. And while wetting her diapers had been bad, having her wet diapers changed, which she realised was what was about to happen, was worse.

The boomer quickly gathered up what it would need then opened the crib. Nene tried to fight, but the boomer was stronger and faster than her. It was also ready for her. It grasped her arms and pulled them above Nene's head. With a padded strap it secured Nene's hands to the crib bars above her head. That it proved Nene's theory about the boomer knowing she was not a baby but treating her like one was cold comfort at best.

The boomer unbuttoned the bottom of the rompers and began the unsnap the diaper cover. Nene tried to kick the boomer, bringing her foot back and launching it at the boomer's face. The boomer caught it with an off handed movement, even as it was reaching for a carton of baby wipes. It then smiled at Nene and tickled its fingers down Nene's leg and returned to its work.

Once it had the cover then the diaper off it quickly and thoroughly cleaned Nene up. Beaten, for the time, Nene could only lay there and cry, wondering why this was happening to her. The boomer smiled and began smoothing a cream into her skin, lifting her bottom up to cover her buttocks with the cream. Then it put a fresh diaper under her and lowered her onto it.

In a short time the diaper was tapped on, the diaper cover in place and the rompers closed up again. "There we go," the boomer said as she freed Nene's hands. "All clean and dry." Then she closed up the crib and left Nene alone.

Nene lay in the crib and cried herself to sleep.
