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Knight Sabers - Year 2069

Written by Billy Taylor

Knight Sabers

Sylia Stingray (Miranda Otto)
Age: 32
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 140 lbs
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Blonde
Date of Birth: January 1, 2037
Place of Birth: London, England
Nickname: Sting
Who She Is: The stunningly beautiful - not to mention enigmatic and eccentric - leader of the Knight Sabers, Sylia Stingray is a brilliant biochemist and expert in almost all other fields of science. The daughter of an American born scientist, Dr. Steven Stingray, and a well to do English businesswoman, Susan Chambers-Stingray, Sylia spent her childhood in the lap of luxury, attending the best schools and graduating at the top of her business and science classes at Harvard. After graduating, Sylia's father persuaded her to help him with a project that he was working on for the GENOM Corporation in Japan, a project that would lead to the creation of the boomers that would become the bane of Sylia's existence. It was also here where Sylia met engineer Nigel Kirkland - whom she fell in love with - and Brian J. Mason, who would become an enemy in the future. At the time Sylia was very enthusiastic about her work, but was troubled by the somber point of view of her mother, a strongly devout Christian woman. What Sylia didn't know during her time working on the boomer development was that her father was experimenting on himself to further the creation of a new breed of machines that were superior to the machines of old but without threatening human life, but unfortunately it didn't turn out that way. One of their experiments went horribly wrong and the result was a monstrous boomer that killed almost everyone within arm's length. After isolating the boomer, they tried to drop the boomer into the volcano on Mt. Fuji in hopes of the lava destroying, but the boomer crashed into the ocean instead and burrowed its way under the ocean floor and tried to reemerge through the streets of Japan; but the boomer wasn't strong enough to break through and so after a series of devastating earthquakes, the boomer went into a sort of hibernation from which it would not reemerge for many years. In the wake of the boomer's destruction, arrays of laborer boomers were employed to rebuild the city and made GENOM a hefty fortune. Around this same time Sylia's father did further research and found certain, irreparable flaws in the boomer mechanics that would eventually lead them to "go rogue", but by the time he found out it was too late: boomers were the hot new product on the market. He tried to correct the flaws but it was no good, and when he tried to tell GENOM, Mason had him murdered. Before his death he tried to pass the information on to Sylia, but it was intercepted and destroyed. Sylia eventually found out about the flaws on her own time and after taking it up with GENOM, they tried to murder her as well. Sylia, full of shame and guilt over what the boomers would eventually do and her part in it all as the "mother of all boomers", set up a base of operations for herself in Japan - a decision that broke her mother's heart - and, with help from Nigel Kirkland, she built the very first hard suit and set herself up to take on GENOM and the boomers. At first Sylia operated on her own, only occasionally intervening when it seemed that the AD Police couldn't handle the boomers, but as the boomers got worse, Sylia realized she needed back up and eventually recruited Priss Asagiri, Linna Yamazaki, and Nene Romanova, the Knight Sabers, whom she pays a hefty sum of money to for their services (she also let them pick out the weapons for their hard suits). When she's not fighting boomers or trying to crack GENOM, Sylia runs a clothing store, The Fine Lady, which is on the ground floor of her giant penthouse, which has a bedroom and the other usual living requirements in the upper stories as well as a series of information centers, training rooms, and a work room where the hard suits are stored and tended to by Nigel and his assistant - Sylia's brother - Mackey. The emotionally repressed Sylia is prone to having nightmares and hallucinations when she's not actively focused on something and suffers from sleep disorders.
Hard Suit: Sylia's hard suit, the model in which all others would be compared, is a sleek, silver color which features two saber swords nearly a meter long that are installed in the forearm gauntlets, and they are well employed for hacking off boomer limbs. Also featured is a jet pack - which actually allows Sylia to fly and a cloaking device for sneaking around, but she doesn't use it very often because it eats up the battery too fast.
Trivia: Sylia originally wanted to be an actress and even appeared in a few plays, but eventually abandoned the ambition when she came to the conclusion that she would be typecast as vixens and other unsavory screen characters.
Before she was born, her mother had a miscarriage and later two more miscarriages before Mackey was born. Because of this, Sylia has decided against having children of her own. Hobbies include reading, art, classical music, mythology, and swimming.
Wore braces from the time she was 11 to the time she was 14.
Is of the Christian faith, and has some French ancestry from her mother's side.
Favorite actresses were Maggie Smith, Emma Thompson, Vanessa Redgrave and Nicole Kidman. Favorite actors were Daniel Day-Lewis, Richard Harris, Michael Caine, Sean Connery and Peter O'Toole.
She almost killed AD Police field commander Leon McNichol by accident very early in her Knight Saber career. After killing her first boomer, Sylia needed a few minutes to calm down and, while standing in place taking deep breaths, Leon McNichol, unsure of who or what she was, snuck up on her with his gun at the ready and when Sylia heard his footsteps, her adrenaline still running high, she swung around and nearly sliced his head off. Fortunately, she missed and instead she hit him in the face with her forearm gauntlet and sent him flying five feet through the air (he was wearing his helmet when she hit him so he was okay).
Personal Quote: "If I knew how much trouble it would cause all of us, I would have stuck to acting." - On her role in creating the boomers.

Priscilla "Priss" S. Asagiri (Kelly Hu)
Age: 29
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 133 lbs
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black
Date of Birth: February 2, 2040
Place of Birth: Tokyo, Japan
Who She Is: This wiry native of Japan is quite possibly the nastiest of the Knight Sabers, with or without her hard suit. The polar opposite of all her teammates, the tomboyish Priss was a rebel from the get go, always arguing with her parents and her teachers and any other authority figure she didn't like. One of the few people she was ever actually close to was her sister Megumi, whom she always referred to as Meg, and from the time they were kids, Priss and Meg were determined to be rock and roll stars. Needless to say, Priss is not very in touch with her feminine side; some say she has no feminine side. After the boomer earthquakes that devastated Tokyo, Priss and Meg lost track of each other and Priss lived on the streets by herself for a while, and it only made her tougher and surlier than before. During this time, Priss was wrongly arrested for several thefts that she had nothing to do with, and spent six months in jail before eyewitnesses cleared her, and since then she's developed a particular distaste for the police, no matter what the department. After she was released she wandered onto the Kirkland's Garage lot and snuck inside to steal some food for herself, and instead of being given to the cops for breaking and entering, Nigel made Priss his assistant. Priss lived with Nigel for about a year and for a time she was in love with him, but then she saw him with Sylia one night and it broke her heart, and she struck out on her own again. She eventually got a job as a waitress - and bouncer - at the nightclub Hot Legs where she was reunited with her sister Meg, and joined up with her sister's band, Sekira, which consisted of drummer Jade and guitarists Maxon and Fox, with Priss and Meg as singers. Sylia later came looking for Priss - at Nigel's recommendation - and offered Priss to join her in fighting boomers, but Priss turned her down because she thought the whole thing sounded like bullshit, but Meg took Sylia up on her offer and became a Knight Saber in gold. Meg later got killed by a boomer and the shock and grief hit Priss pretty hard, and she offered Sylia her services. Priss got into the spirit of things real quick, but her driving force is guilt, not revenge; guilt that Meg's death could have been prevented if she had just taken the offer when it was first presented. At the same time that she was killing boomers with Sylia, Priss was struggling with drug abuse and then one night in combat she collapsed from not having had a "fix". After that Sylia took Priss to a drug rehab center and after three failed attempts to break the addiction, Priss finally cleaned up her act and went back to resume her Knight Saber duties, only to find that Sylia had found a "replacement" for her in Linna Yamazaki, as well as a backup player, Nene Romanova. Against her initial hesitance, Sylia let Priss back into the fold and almost immediately there was a rivalry between Priss and Linna, and it took them a while to learn to get along. A distant (and blunt) person by nature, Priss tended to ignore Nene, which only strengthened the younger girl's determination to persist in [friendly] pestering Priss. Priss also found herself an unlikely admirer in AD Police commander Leon McNichol, whom she initially despised because he was a cop, but she later decided he was okay in the long run. Priss generally doesn't like taking orders, but she does defer to Sylia, if only because of the money.
Hard suit: Priss wears the midnight blue hard suit that comes with knuckle bombs built into the gauntlets, so Priss can punch her way through a boomer's hide to get at the core. When it comes to fighting boomers, Priss has no real style; she uses the "whatever-it-takes" approach, which basically means going at the boomer the same way she'd go at a guy in a bare knuckled bar fight.
Trivia: Priss specializes in what's known as "retro trash", kind of a mix of rock and reggae music.
When Sylia gave her the option of what attack features her hard suit could have, Priss personally selected the knuckle bombs.
Is left-handed.
Fan of motorcycles.
Lives in a trailer in one of the more rundown parts of Tokyo. Before that she lived with her band Sekira.
She was the one who gave Sylia the nickname "Sting".
Personal Quote: "Maybe I hate boomers, maybe I hate myself, I can't decide."

(File photo: Linna, left, on holiday with unidentified American)
Linna Yamazaki (Koyuki)
Age: 25
Height: 5'7 ½"
Weight: 135 lbs
Eyes: Light brown
Hair: Black
Date of Birth: March 3, 2044
Place of Birth: Kobe, Japan
Who She Is: The most normal member of the Knight Sabers quartet, Linna also shares being the heart of the Knight Sabers with Sylia (who doubles as the brains), while Priss is without argument the brawn and Nene the innocence (and quarter brains). In high school Linna was a gymnast, lacrosse player, track star, swimmer, and cross country runner. She had hoped to be one of Japan's top athletes, but a scandal regarding some judges who slept with the contestants rattled her and she decided that athletic fame was not the life for her, so she went to medical school and became a registered nurse instead, though she wouldn't mind becoming a doctor later on. She also works a physical therapist, and that was what led her to meeting Sylia Stingray. Sylia was quick to recognize Linna's athleticism and figured she'd be a good candidate to replace Priss (while the latter was in rehab), so she showed Linna around her base of operations and offered Linna the job. Not entirely sure of what she was getting herself into, Linna accepted Sylia's offer and the next thing she knew, she had herself a green hard suit. After a few rough starts, Linna got the hang of things very well and her athletic grace molded well with Sylia's. But then Priss, fresh out of rehab, came back onto the team and certain complications came up when Linna expressed her opinion that she holds the position of lieutenant or second-in-command of the Knight Sabers team. So for a while there Priss and Linna had a professional rivalry going on; after their first boomer kill together, Priss called Linna a show off and Linna, in turn, called Priss sloppy. It took a while but they eventually developed a respect for each other, not that it stops them from arguing every now and then. Linna is pretty much on good terms with Sylia, but Sylia doesn't always confide in Linna as much as Linna would like her to. Linna has a big sister/little sister relationship with Nene, which is probably the most normal relationship out of the four women; in fact, when Nene's involvement with the Knight Sabers got to be too much to hide from her parents, Linna offered for Nene to move in with her, and they've been roommates ever since (she's still trying to put Nene on a diet). All in all she's a kind, compassionate and levelheaded person, but she can get frustrated very easily and doesn't take to being hit on very well - one of the few things she has in common with Priss. She hasn't had much luck in the romance department, but she's still got plenty of time to worry about that.
Hard suit: Emerald green is the color for this girl, and she wears it with pride. Aside from the jet pack, the increased strength, and the armor's resistance to almost all kinds of punishment (bullets, great pressures and limited resistance to explosions), Linna's hard suit stands out for it's "ribbon cutters", long, electricity powered ropes that can cut through almost anything (maybe even another Saber's armor?). Her suit also rivals Sylia's for mobility and dexterity.
Trivia: Had an autistic brother.
Fan of spiritual new age music.
The armoring on her hard suit was originally lighter than on the other hard suits because Nigel was testing a theory of his regarding the relationship between the weight of the armor, the batteries and the jet packs. He thought he'd left enough armor on to protect her, but it turned out he was wrong because Linna's first time against a boomer left her with a set of broken ribs. Her suit was then rebuilt with more armoring.
The first payment she received from Sylia was a new car.
Said that Superman was always her hero.
Personal Quote: "Becoming a Knight Saber hasn't changed me or my life one bit. I'm still dealing with the same problems, the same frustrations that I've always dealt with. I guess that's just how life is."

(File photo: Nene with unidentified high school student; she's known for dying her hair)
Nene Romanova (Lindsay Lohan)
Age: 18
Height: 5'2"
Weight: 123 lbs
Eyes: Green
Hair: Auburn
Date of Birth: April 4, 2051
Place of Birth: St. Petersburg, Russia
Who She Is: Behind that freckly cutie pie face lurks the brain of an innocently devious mischief maker. Nene's parents moved to Japan when she was still a baby and she grew up speaking her native Russian at home and the local Japanese at school, and she was being taught the way of the hacker before she could either speak or walk. When she was 15 she started job hunting but there wasn't much open to someone as bright as herself, so she made a few forgeries on her job application to the AD Police to be one of their dispatchers and communication workers (the ADP requires dispatchers to be at least 18, but Nene manage to deceive them). Her parents were actually proud of her for managing the deception so slyly. Then one day just before her shift ended Nene caught someone hacking into the ADP computer database, trying to delete any and all information and footage concerning the mysterious Knight Sabers and she managed to chase them out of the database before any damage could be done. That someone turned out to be Sylia Stingray, who was very impressed that the prodigiously gifted Nene almost caught her, so she sent Nene and invitation to meet her at her home and succeeded in recruiting her for the Knight Sabers. Sylia picked Nene not for any physical gifts but more for her hacking ability, assigning Nene the responsibility of jamming the ADP's communication relays and working from the inside to keep the ADP in the dark about the Knight Sabers. Linna and Nene were recruited just within a few weeks of each other, and fortunately for Sylia these two hit it off rather well, with Linna playing the role of big sister to only child Nene; Nene eventually moved in with Linna when her involvement with the Knight Sabers got to be too suspicious for her parents. When Priss came back into the picture, Nene thought she was kind of creepy, but after a while she developed enough confidence to lampoon and satirize Priss from time to time. Nene also used to think that Leon McNichol was kind of scary, but like Priss, Leon appears to be indifferent towards the bouncy girl, and so every now and then Nene calls out to him in the hallways to see if he'll do something; Leon and Daley do occasionally seek her out for certain professional favors though (like examining suspicious videotapes). After Linna, Nene is the second most normal Knight Saber. Nene eats a lot of candy so she's a bit hyper sometimes and gets carried away with herself, prompting one of the other Knight Sabers to bring her back down to Earth. Nene is also quietly infatuated with Sylia's younger brother Mackey and vice versa, but neither of them realize it yet. Although she calls Nene her protégé, Sylia sometimes tries to coddle her too much and always tries to keep her away from the front line of violence, which hurts Nene professionally because she feels that sometimes she's not always carrying her weight.
Hard suit: Nene's hard suit is half red and half pink, and although it's as strong and tough as the other suits, it's not designed for combat, rather for technical support and hacking computer relays and setting up jamming devices. It can provide back up, thanks to the suit's forearms being armed with electrical rail bullets that can punch a nasty hole into things. When she does fight, she usually imitates what she sees the others do.
Trivia: Speaks fluent Russian and Japanese and is learning English from Sylia.
Managed to blind a boomer using her rail bullets, and once shot out the tires on an AD Police car.
Has said that when it comes time to retire from the ADP and the Knight Sabers, she'll write her experiences down into a series of novels that'll make her rich.
She had a crush on Daley Wong for a time.
Personal Quote: "I did it because I knew it would be a challenge." - On joining the Knight Sabers.

AD (Advanced) Police & Allies

Leonard William "Leon" McNichol (Dolph Lundgren)
Age: 34
Height: 6'8"
Weight: 240 lbs
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Dirty blonde
Date of Birth: May 5, 2035
Place of Birth: Edinburgh, Scotland
Nickname: Leon the Barbarian
Who He Is: A man who refuses to be intimidated by anyone or anything, this (usually) bearded, burly Scot is the product of a dysfunctional family that moved around a lot and, after his mother divorced his abusive father, he settled in Baltimore, Maryland with his mother and older brother Matt. Leon's dream was to be a professional football player, and after high school he was set to attend college on a football scholarship, but a knee injury ruined his dreams. After two years of community college, he enlisted in the military and became a United States Army Ranger, and it was in the military that he met and served under Nick Roland. After his service was up, Leon went back to Baltimore and became a police officer, but one night things took a horrible turn when he responded to a domestic disturbance call and came in on a man beating his wife. Enraged, Leon beat the husband so badly that when he was done the husband couldn't walk. Leon pled guilty to police brutality and spent four years in prison. When he was released, he got a letter from his old friend and former commanding officer Nick Roland and a plane ticket to Japan offering him to join the AD Police, a high tech police force with the purpose of fighting rogue boomers. At the time Leon accepted the offer simply because he had nowhere else to go and for a while the very disillusioned Leon led a reckless night life of hard drinking and hard living and nearly self-destructed on himself, but ADP Chief Nick Roland and ADP Detective Daley Wong helped Leon get his life back on track, and since then he's become completely dedicated to his job. When it comes to the Knight Sabers, Leon's dedication to his job clashes with his personal ethics: yeah they break the law but they do save the day (both civilians and his men) so part of him wants to shoot the Sabers and the other part wants to look the other way, and when the ADP comes under pressure to either capture or kill the Knight Sabers, things get worse. He later developed a romantic interest in Knight Saber and club singer Priss Asagiri, whom he met through her band. One night after a bad boomer brawl, Leon lumbered into Hot Legs and asked for a light beer, and before he even touched his drink he fell asleep and stayed asleep despite a still very loud and lively concert being put on by Priss's band Sekira. After the show was over, Priss's band mates, Maxon, Fox, and Jade, noticed Leon asleep at his table and Jade went over and poked him with his drumsticks to see if he was alright (they thought he drank himself to sleep); when Leon woke up, he got into a conversation with Priss's band about classic rock bands and when Priss came out of her dressing room, ready to ride off into the night, they introduced her to him, but she blew him off because he was with the ADP (she spotted the badge hanging from his belt). Leon knew it was pointless but he pursued her anyway and after a while, she decided he was a decent man. Leon thinks that the Knight Sabers work for GENOM and suspects the Sabers have a mole in the ADP, but he would probably never guess that the mole is Nene. In closing, Leon lives alone in a crummy apartment (though he could probably afford better), drives a truck, regularly attends anger management classes, and considers himself a staunch Democrat.
Trivia: His favorite film was 1982's Conan the Barbarian, which is where his friends and co-workers gave him the nickname "Leon the Barbarian". His favorite actor, however, was Charlton Heston.
It took him six months to learn how to speak Japanese. During that time, he lived out of his truck before having enough money to buy an apartment. He's responsible for giving the Knight Sabers their name, after Sylia whacked him in the head. "Knight Saber" was the phrase he coined in his report because of her white armor and her saber sword. Lost his left forearm to a boomer while trying to pull a middle-aged man out of a wrecked car, and had it replaced with a cybernetic limb. Hobbies include weight lifting, boxing, jogging, bowling, football, basketball, and oddly enough, he enjoys golf. Personal Quote: "Without the AD Police, there'd be no place for me in society."

Daley Wong (Keanu Reeves)
Age: 26
Height: 6'3"
Weight: 180 lbs
Eyes: Hazel
Hair: Dark brown/Black
Date of Birth: June 6, 2043
Place of Birth: Los Angeles, California
Who he is: If Linna is the most normal Knight Saber, then Daley Wong is the most normal person working for the AD Police. The somewhat sardonic Daley lived a normal childhood (an above average student living in an average neighborhood; he did struggle with dyslexia though) and attended overseas college in Japan, and he decided he liked Japan enough that he stayed there. He got a job working in forensics for the regular police, but when he found out about an affair his boss was having with a younger secretary and tried to report it, he got transferred to the AD Police as punishment and was made a chopper pilot even though he didn't know how to fly helicopters. Leon McNichol showed him how it was done and the two became friends, and with a little push from Leon, Daley received the rank of AD Police Detective, and he's the best one they've got. He occasionally lampoons Leon, but the hulking Scotsman allows it to roll of his back, mostly because he knows that Daley's smarter than him and enjoys discussing conspiracy theories with him. Daley shares Leon's theory that the Knight Sabers work for GENOM and the suspicion that there's a mole in the ADP, but he spends most of his time checking out the factories that the rogue boomers broke out of and questioning the men working there. Daley also holds a theory that maybe human treatment towards boomers has some sort effect on a boomer's system, but he can't quite explain it or prove it. He keeps trying to get through to confront Brian J. Mason and Quincy Rosencroatz, but it's just no good. And the more Daley delves into the seamy underbelly of evil that lurks in the heart of Tokyo, the more it could mean his end. He's also pretty handy with a machine gun.
Trivia: Is half Chinese (his father's side).
As an infant he had blonde hair, but it eventually turned dark brown.
Rumor has it that he is homosexual, but he has not yet confirmed or denied these rumors.
Is a licensed pilot.
Often seen twirling a pen between his fingers.
Personal Quote: "The effective use of machinery all depends on who's operating, for a computer is only as good as the person who uses it."

Nicholas "Nick" Roland (Billy Dee Williams)
Age: 49
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 194 lbs
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black turning gray
Date of Birth: July 7, 2020
Place of Birth: Detroit, Michigan
Who He Is: What can be said? This is the man whom the higher ups had enough faith in to give him command over the AD Police. Roland is a former United States Army Ranger who actually intended to retire in Japan, but when the boomers started going on rampages and the AD Police was formed, he couldn't stand idly by and watch the chaos so he stepped up to the plate and offered his services. After getting hurt as a man on the front lines, Nick reluctantly took a less active role as the ADP chief, and later invited one of his former "GI Joe" mates, Leon McNichol, to join the cause. Perhaps because he is less active now is why he's often very grumpy and crotchety. Nick is divorced and has a daughter, Maria.
Personal Quote: "Boomers are like any other machine, they either work or they don't. If they work the way they're supposed to, then they're not our problem."

Nigel Kirkland (Adrian Paul)
Age: 36
Height: 6'4"
Weight: 202 lbs
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black
Date of Birth: August 8, 2033
Place of Birth: Chicago, Illinois
Nickname: The Aviator
Who He Is: Unlike Leon, a man who struggles to keep his passion in check, Nigel seems incapable of summoning an emotional response that's right for the moment. Nigel was one of the engineering workers that served under Dr. Steven Stingray and his daughter Sylia while developing the boomers. Nigel was very much an everyman kind of guy and he later became Sylia's lover, but nowadays he's a very reclusive and low key man who keeps to himself. What happened was an early experimental boomer went on a rampage and killed almost everyone in the engineering section except for Nigel, and the incident left him horribly scarred, and he hasn't been able to open up since then. Nigel was also one of the few who knew about Dr. Stingray experimenting on himself to further the creation of his boomers and when Nigel told Sylia, it left her... speechless, to say the least. After the earthquake and the signs of the boomers going rogue, Nigel agreed to help Sylia develop the hard suits and aid her any other way he could during her private little war with GENOM. By day when he's not tending to the hard suits he runs a garage where he fixes whatever pulls up in his driveway. Priss regularly attends; Leon came by once to have his breaks fixed on his truck. Nigel caught Priss stealing food from him one night but he didn't have the heart to call the cops on her, so instead, since he's a nice guy deep down, he let her stay at his place and employed her as his assistant, and later he recommended her to Sylia as a potential Knight Saber candidate. From time to time, Brian J. Mason has knocked on Nigel's door and tried to either bribe him, blackmail him or even threaten him, but Nigel remains loyal to Sylia. Although he's not the man he used to be, Sylia still has strong feelings for him (she even commented that she would have married him if she'd had the chance). As of late, Nigel has taken Mackey, Sylia's brother, under his wing.
Trivia: He's a heavy smoker and drinker, but he's trying to quit.
Loves blues and jazz music and is occasionally seen playing a saxophone.
Nigel initially built Linna's hard suit with lighter armor to test a theory of his (see Linna's profile) but he did this without telling Sylia, and by the time she did find out, it was too late because a boomer had to be dealt with. When Linna suffered some broken ribs, Sylia took her frustration out on Nigel and smacked him. Nigel, in response, did nothing, except rebuild the suit with the usual armor thickness.
Nigel lives alone at his garage, but Mackey comes by once in awhile and sleeps on the sofa.
Often seen wearing aviator sunglasses.
Personal Quote: "The less I talk, the more I get done."

Mackey Stingray (Elijah Wood)
Age: 18
Height: 5'10 ½"
Weight: 160 lbs
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Light brown
Date of Birth: September 9, 2051
Place of Birth: Yorkshire, England
Who He Is: The younger brother of Sylia, Mackey lived a rather sheltered life with his mother in England while his sister was in Japan with his father working on the boomers. Growing up he didn't really know Sylia or his father very well, and so he was a bit unaffected when Sylia opted to remain in Japan after the earthquake and the boomers, although his mother was not happy (perhaps because she knew what Sylia was up to). When his mother died and Sylia came for the funeral, Mackey asked if he could go back to Japan with her, mostly because this naïve, boyishly enthusiastic individual had no direction in his life, and he did want to have some kind of relationship with Sylia, as she was the only family he had left. Sylia initially turned him down because she didn't want him to get involved with her Knight Saber antics, but he guessed what she was up to so she brought him back to Japan anyway. Once he arrived in Japan he "endeared" himself to the stoic Nigel with his interest in machinery and became his assistant (Mackey is one of the few who can make Nigel smile, grin or even smirk). His relationship with Sylia proved to be very difficult to carve out, but he's working on it. Priss scares the hell out of him, so he tends to avoid her; Linna is nice to him, so he's on relatively good speaking terms with her. He eventually became infatuated with Nene, but was very hesitant to do anything because he didn't know if it was a good idea to get involved with Sylia's quote unquote "employees".
Trivia: Slightly shorter than his older sister, he tries to hide it by slouching and sitting down whenever she's around
Was named after a Japanese friend of his father's.
Personal Quote: "I may be short, but I have my dignity and my integrity!"


Quincy Rosencroatz (Christopher Lee)
Age: 105
Height: 6'7"
Weight: 200 lbs
Eyes: Black
Hair: Once jet black, long turned gray
Place of Birth: Dusselldorf, Germany
Date of Birth: October 8, 1964
Who He Is: The owner of GENOM, a company that started out as just another car company which this man has almost single handedly turned it into an empire of paramount proportions by investing and offering his company's services to whoever wanted them, both legal and illegal alike. He was the one who put up the money for Dr. Steven Stingray to put his experiments into play, and the result: boomers. Being as ungodly rich as he is, Quincy keeps the rogue boomer reports under wraps as much as possible, aided and abetted by his right hand man, Brian J. Mason. Not only interested in money, Quincy seems to enjoy watching the AD Police and the Knight Sabers combat rogue boomers, perhaps because he has a sick and twisted sense of contempt for society. In his mind, Quincy is "challenging" the rest of the human race with his boomers, not just for his amusement but also to see if human beings still have what it takes to be worthy of the Earth. It is believed that he is still alive and full of vitality by virtue of artificial implants.
Personal Quote: "Human beings are lazy and conceited. They need to be tested from time to time to be reminded of what it means to be alive."

Brian J. Mason (Christopher Lambert)
Age: 35
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 175 lbs
Eyes: Bluish gray
Hair: Brown
Date of Birth: November 11, 2034
Place of Birth: Seattle, Washington
Who He Is: You could say that he's an evil James Bond, but that wouldn't even scratch the surface of who Brian J. Mason is. The son of a US congressman turned president, Mason was groomed to lead a Kennedy like family, but politics weren't to his liking and instead he focused his energies on studying business and science. He later worked for GENOM on the boomer project and became one of Dr. Stingray's personal assistants; for a time Mason thought he was in love (or perhaps lust) with Sylia, but her affection for Nigel Kirkland burned Mason up (figuratively speaking). Mason was also one of the few who knew of Dr. Stingray experimenting on himself, hell he even helped the guy. After the boomer earthquake and a field of user friendly boomers became available to the public, Mason switched over from being a scientist to being a businessman and became Quincy Rosencroatz's right hand man; he even made sure that Dr. Stingray was murdered when he tried to expose the boomer flaws and intercepted the information before it could be passed on to Sylia. When he's not at work, the seemingly charming Mason lives a life of excess and overindulgence, dabbling with prostitutes and buying more than he can eat at the best of restaurants, etc. He seems to share Quincy's contempt for humanity and his sadistic glee in watching the ADP and Knight Sabers fight rogue boomers.
Trivia: His father was a Republican.
Personal Quote: "I've fathered more bastards than I'll ever see in my time."

Miscellaneous Notes:

1) The technology used to throw the hard suits together is loosely based on the technology that was used to make the boomers. The suits were built from pretty much the same materials as the boomers are made from.
2) The AD Police are armed with machine guns, tanks, and armored helicopters. Their biggest weapons are the giant K-11 combat suits which come armed with Vulcan mini-cannons in the shoulders and small rockets in the arms. The drawback is that these suits are incredibly slow and hard to maneuver.
3) Some K-suits come armed with electric pulse cable guns, guns that shoot cables onto boomers that electrocute them. Three or four are quite effective, but only one cable against a boomer seem ineffective.
4) Boomers are initially built to be little more than drones, but later more sophisticated, human like boomers with thoughts and personalities are developed.
