The Bubblegum Crisis Center > Extras > Fan Fiction

Instrumantatum Vocalle 2041 - Out of the Frying Pan

Written by Christopher J Turley

Tasha heard laughing, the kind of happy carefree laughter that children make. Walking towards the noise she found herself on the playground of a school. Children were running here and there, playing hopscotch, dodge ball, and other games. All but one, she was sitting inside an overturned cardboard box, scrunched into a ball, holding her legs to her chest with her arms. Natasha watched as the teacher walked over and knelt.
"Don't you want to come out and play with the others?" The teacher asked softly.
"No." Came the acid reply, and the child scrunched up further.
"Why not?"
"Come on, it'll be fun, they all want to meet you."
"I don't wanna!"
"Why not?"
"Because they'll make fun of me!"
"No they won't" The teacher soothed, extending her hand.
"Yes they will!" The child cried, pushing further back into the box.
"No they won't, I won't let them."
The child looked at her teacher for a moment than shook her head.
"NO! They hate me!" She yelled, as tears streamed down her cheek.
"Please." The teacher pressed. "I promise that I won't let them hurt you, or call you names."
The child thought about that, but was still unsure.
"You promise?"
"I promise." The teacher replied, as the child tentatively took her hand, allowing herself to be led from the dingy cardboard.
Tasha watched as the child clung to the teacher's leg, her eyes wild in fear, walking behind her towards the other children. A few kids nearby ran over to vie for the affections of the teacher and noticed the scared little girl hiding behind her.
"Hey there! Wanna play?" One of the children asked. The others nodded their agreement. The little girl looked up at the teacher with timid eyes and the teacher smiled, nodding supportively. Hesitantly the child released her grip on the teacher's pant leg and took a few cautious steps towards the other children, looking back in uncertainty. The teacher patted her on the head.
"Go on, it'll be all right."
The other children took her hands and led her to the sandbox, and handed her some toys.
Natasha walked over to the teacher, watching the young girl as she started to smile, and play with the others. Finally she was laughing along with them.
"Excuse me, miss?"
"Yes?" The teacher said, turning to face her. Natasha blinked; the teacher looked very much like Linna. "Can I help you?"
"Yes, I was wondering, I saw the way you handled that girl."
"Oh." Linna smiled. "She'll be fine, she's just new around here, a transfer student. She was worried that they would make fun of her, or treat her badly."
"Oh, I see." Tasha said. "She looked pretty scared."
"She'd been sitting in that box every day. She just needed a little help making friends."
"So, what's her name?" Tasha asked.
Linna turned toward her and smiled.
"Her name's Natasha."

"Natasha! Hey Natasha! Wake up!"
Tasha opened her eyes and rubbed the sleep from it, blinking sporadically. Linna was sitting on the bed next to her, gently nudging her awake.
"Wow, what a dream." Tasha managed as she sat up in bed.
"Hey there." She smiled, as Linna beamed back at her.
"Good morning sweetheart." Linna grinned.
"What time is it?" Tasha asked, rubbing the sleep from her eyes as Linna kissed her on the cheek.
"Twelve thirty." She informed. "If you take a shower quick we'll make it in time before the chow hall closes."
Nodding, Natasha swung out of bed and cleaned up. Linna was waiting with her BDU's, wearing a borrowed set herself.
The cold January air whipped over them as they left billeting on their way to chow. Tasha took in a deep breath, her first real tug of clean, non-recycled, air in a long time. There was no smell of smoke, fire, blood, or death, just clean, crisp, and cold, air; it was another beautiful day at Camp Zama.
"Thanks for letting me sleep in." Tasha said.
"No problem." Linna laughed. "You needed it."

Pausing along the way Tasha looked in the direction of Tokyo and sighed. A dark haze hovered over the city. Army aviation was buzzing to and from the camp and others nearby, and it didn't take a rocket scientist to notice that the base was hosting at least ten times the people it was designed to. It was clean and pristine; during the night a light snow had fallen, hiding the brown-gray slush and grime of humanity. She knew that she would have to return to Tokyo, and to the war zone it had become. The city would have to be retaken street-by-street and building-by-building from the rogue voomers now inhabiting it. Linna noticed her pensive thousand-yard stare.
"Do me a favor hon?" She asked, snapping Tasha out of her trance. "Try and forget that place for a few hours."
Laughing softly Natasha nodded.
"Okay, I'll try."

The next week was a flurry of activity and Linna didn't get to see much of Tasha during it as she was in and out of meetings on a non-stop basis. Up before dawn every morning, and each night, exhausted. Aside from a few free moments at the base gym, chow hall and firing line, bedtime was the only time when they could be together. Tasha had been briefing a steady stream of various commanders, generals, and statesmen; a group of US congressmen had even popped by the other day. She'd been saying the same thing so often that Linna had had to nudge her into silence at night, when she'd start to brief in her sleep.

Luckily Camp Zama was far enough away from Tokyo to have kept basic services intact, although Linna had to wait in line like the rest of the troops for her turn at the Internet and phone. Linna had learned that Sylia was doing well, and that Mackie was also recovering nicely, she had spoken to her parents, assuring them she was all right. The fact she was on a military base helped ease the tension about her safety, but 'disturbed' her father, worried about the bad influence it might have on her. In the interim, during the rather long hours of Tasha's absence, Linna had turned herself into an Army Brat. Taking in every nuance, every sounds and smell, reading whatever she could find about the way the military worked, and what they worked with. It was the one thing she could do that brought her closer to her friend, so, as she watched new troops arrive, process in and then deploy up north in trucks, helicopters and armored vehicles, she studied, and immersed herself in the strange world that Natasha lived in. Two days ago she'd noticed the sharp cracks of artillery followed by barely audible whumps. Soon after columns of thick black smoke added to the haze above Tokyo. The barrage of fire ebbed and flowed during the next few days, Priss would have found it funny, Linna mused, after she had learned that musical metaphors were used to describe artillery fire. One, 'conducts' or, 'orchestrates' artillery fire, with each artillery piece a unique instrument with it's own unique sound, and effect on the 'listener'. It took her time, but she'd stopped flinching every time the cannons fired, and had begun to tell the difference between the 105 and the 120mm's by sound. Sometime yesterday a battery of M-270 MLRS, Block C, had rolled off a flight of C-17's and now added their music to the 'Tokyo Concerto in HE Minor'.

Sitting atop an idle tank with a pair of binoculars, Linna took in the symphony as the southernmost section of Tokyo was 'serenaded'. Off to her left she noted a trio of silhouettes she identified as Navy F-35's. Swooping low, sunlight glinting off their canopies as they pitched up, each releasing a stick of bombs.
"Ma'am." A voice from below her said.
"Huh? Oh. Sorry." She blushed, smiling at the tanker. She blinked, when she realized she'd identified his MOS by his collar insignia and shoulder flash. 'I've been hanging out with Tasha way to long.' she mused, smiling at the thought.
"No problem, but I'm gonna have to ask that you hop down from there." He smiled back as another trooper behind him climbed up onto the forward hull and deftly slid into the driver's compartment. She didn't need it, but took his offered hand and allowed him to help her off the turret.
"Sorry about that."
"No problem ma'am. Most of us were suffering from 'Hurry up and Wait Syndrome' ourselves."
"Moving out?"
"Out, and in." He nodded, jerking his thumb towards the dark pall in the distance.
"Good luck." She offered sheepishly. "Don't let those things touch your tank." She offered.
He smiled with a nod.
"We won't ma'am."

Standing off to the side of the road she watched as he and another tanker entered the turret, and blinked as the huge turbine engine roared to life. The soldier she'd talked to popped his top half out of the hatch, wearing a headset attached to his helmet. She couldn't hear what he was saying over the engine, now joined by the other ten tanks in the line. He circled his finger over his head and pointed towards the front gate. Steadying himself as the tank lurched forward, emitting the ubiquitous 'track squeak' as the mighty behemoth churned the ground as it pulled onto the road. He threw her a salute, which she returned, followed by a wave as the line of tanks passed her on their way to the front. She was both sad for, and jealous of him and his men. Sad because what they were going to face was a horrible, relentless foe, jealous, because he was doing something about it, not like she was, sitting here with no HARDsuit.

"Colonel Baker I presume?" Colonel Ridgeway asked. Around him the din of combat could be seen and heard. Smoke hung low, fires from buildings cast strange shadows everywhere and the staccato popping of small arms punctuated by an occasional whoosh of a anti tank missile firing only to be followed by a hollow BOOM when it found it's mark; and then the unearthly metallic screech of the voomer as it died. Why they had to screech was beyond him, oh well, as eerie as it was, it was a great indicator that it had been destroyed.
"That would be me. What can the 65th Armored do for you?"
Ridgeway nodded.
"Can you give my K-suits some cover? These last few intersections have been a real bitch."
"Roger that. Air support?"
"Egg beaters and fast movers when we can get them, artillery is on the net call sign Kingpin. Air support is Groundhog."
"Who thinks these names up?" Baker snorted.
"Beats the heck outta me, probably some peckerneck O-1 with a sense of humor."
"Most likely."
"Welcome to Tokyo Colonel." Ridgeway shrugged.
"Anything to get out of jury duty, that's what I say?" Baker laughed, saluted, then dropped down into his tank.

Sylia finished drying her hair, draping the towel around her neck and flopped into the easy chair next to her bed. Mackie was outside on the swing set, reading a book. 'So innocent' she thought. Nigel walked out of the bathroom, and to the balcony, where he lit up a cigarette. Mackie noticed him and waved, than went back to his reading.
"He's been like that for a week now, but he's getting better." Sylia said, joining Nigel outside. Nigel nodded.
"He'll recover soon. When do you plan to return to Tokyo?"
"Soon, but not yet." Sylia sighed. She'd been keeping up with the news, but found that her best view of the situation was from the e-mails that Linna, Nene, and Natasha sent her. Priss had sent one or two, and those had been brief, but at least she'd sent them. She knew that it was bad, the Knight Sabers had next to no infrastructure and what there was, was deep within the hot-zone. Nigel nodded; he was in no hurry to see her return. It was best if she stayed out of combat for a little while longer, physically she'd recovered from Galatea, but the mental scars would take longer to heal. Nigel looked down as Sylia's arms wrapped around his chest, patting her hand as she hugged him tightly from behind. He didn't know who was more vulnerable, Mackie, or her. Both he supposed, in their own ways.

"Stay sharp!" Colonel Ridgeway barked. Behind him his K-suits took up positions along the street. Sidestepping slowly to the corner he paused then extended the A/V boom. A small camera lens popped out, sending the images directly to his HUD.
"Wonderful." He hissed. The street was crawling with voomers. So far they hadn't been noticed, but that wouldn't be long.
"Captain." He called.
"See if you can't get us some air in here. This street crawls. Major..." He said, addressing his second in command. "Set up perimeter here."
"Roger that sir!"
"Go." Came his reply.
"We're setting up a perimeter at phase line Tequila. Can you swing round our left and give cover?"
"On it."
Colonel Ridgeway clicked his radio twice, signifying receipt of the message. Their objective was to reach and secure Narita International. If they could set up a foothold, keeping the voomers off balance long enough, the 101st and 173rd Airborne would be able to chute in and expand the perimeter. Seabees would follow them up, repair the ATC facilities and runway, allowing the Air Force to start exploiting their heavy-lift capability. Tanks, ammunition, K-suits and men could be poured right into the city without having to fight their way thru the hordes of voomers. The age-old maxim of war held true even in the 21st century, it takes boots on the ground to hold ground, that in concert with the very American axiom of "Get there fastest with the mostest."

"Tasha!" Linna called, running up behind her. It had taken her an hour to find her; near the flight line, chatting with a few officers. Natasha saw her and smiled, nodding to the other officers she returned their salutes and waved as Linna trotted up, then paused to catch her breath.
"Man you're hard to find." Linna began; only to have her voice drowned out by a two-ship flight of A/F-22's taking off at full burner, pulling up and climbing at an incredibly steep angle.
"What?" Tasha yelled.
"I said. You're hard to find." Linna yelled back as the noise receded.
Tasha nodded again, flashing her a warm smile. Linna laughed.

"Ma'am! You're needed in the command center." A young corporal announced, hopping out of a HMMVW as it braked sharply to halt a few feet away. He came to attention and saluted. Linna hung her head and sighed.
Tasha returned the honors and nodded.
"Thank you Corporal."
"Come on." Tasha said, walking towards the jeep, motioning with her head for Linna to follow.
"Nah, they'll just make me stay outside again." She huffed good-naturedly.
"I don't think they'd keep my aide-de-camp outside in the snow dear. Not if they know what's good for them." Tasha smiled.
"Aide-de-camp, in other words, my executive officer, my number two, my go to girl."
Linna stopped in mid stride, her mouth agape and here eyes saucered.
"You? You're kidding me! You mean it?"
Tasha nodded as she hopped into the rear of the jeep.
"Of course I do."
"But won't you get into trouble, I mean, isn't this like, favoritism?"
Tasha shook her head as Linna sat next to her.
"Nope. My position allows for an aide, besides you already know more about what's going on then anyone they could fly in. I trust you, so do the rest of the command staff, and this way we can spend a bit more time together."
Linna smiled, and squeaked in delight.
"It's not gonna be all roses though, I'm going to be relying on you and I guess it goes without saying that what happens in the CP stays in the CP."
"You mean the Privacy Act? Oh man, you mean I can't talk about this stuff to anyone?"
"Well, not to anyone you wouldn't normally tell, no. The girls, me, we're fine."
"My folks?" Linna asked.
"Nope, besides, you haven't told them anything so far have you?"
"Well, no." She admitted.
"So essentially, nothing has changed."
"Right, except for the fact I'll get in trouble if I slip up now."
"When was the last time you slipped up?" Tasha asked matter-of-factly.
Linna thought about it.
"I dunno."
"I do. It was when we first met. Since then you've been quiet as a field mouse."
Sitting next to her friend Linna mulled that over.
"So." She said, after a pause. "What exactly does an Aide-de-camp do?"

Following Natasha into the Command Post a pair of heavily armed guards stopped her. Tasha waited as they checked her name against the roster, signed her in and issued her an ID badge. 'Don't lose this.' They warned her. 'If you're challenged by security and you don't have it you liable to get shot.' She nodded, understanding completely. Tensions were high and the soldiers and Marines on post would shoot first, then may or may not debate if they should ask questions.
Colonel Davidson waved them over with a tired smile.
"Colonel." He nodded at Tasha. "Linna." He nodded again, Linna smiled cutely and waved, very much elated at being included. Greg Davidson; United States Army Intelligence, couldn't help but feel better. He understood now more then ever why Tasha enjoyed her company so. Her smile and the warmth and sincerity behind it were infectious.
"Reporting as ordered." Tasha said, killing the moment. Greg nodded.
"Right. Okay, here's what we have. Elements of the 65th and 117th Mechanized are here." He informed, pointing on a map to a location five miles south south west of Narita. "We've got artillery saturating an arc along here..." He continued, making a half moon with his pen to the west of their position. "...Covering their flank."
Linna glanced around her and found a notepad nearby and snatched it up.
"Umm, sir." She said softly, pointing to the pen in Greg Davidson's hand.
"Oh, sorry, here you go." He smiled, handing it to her without thinking, wondering why he'd apologized. She flashed him another winning smile then began to take notes.

"Looks doable." Tasha said a little while later, scratching her chin. Linna was eight pages into her note taking after only twenty minutes.
"If we can clear a corridor thru here..." Tasha said, pointing to a stretch of highway running thru that part of the city, right up to the airports main terminal. "...We'll clear a path right up to the main gates."
"Okay. We'll go with that. I'll recommend it to the General."
"Go ahead."
"If you can get me a C&C bird and some dedicated air support, say a platoon of gunships, I can be on scene within an hour with the ability to cover their advance without tying up any other assets."
"I'll pass it along." He replied. He was no fool, he could see she was itching to get back into the fray, sitting here on base must be killing her.
"Thank you sir." She nodded.

When they were alone, or as close to as was possible in a command center with three times as many people as it was designed to accommodate, Linna leaned in.
"What the hell was that?"
"What the hell was what?" Tasha replied, shuffling some papers.
"That. Asking for a C&C bird and permission to hover over the battle field like some avenging angel."
Tasha blinked.
"You must be out of your goddamn mind." Linna hissed.
"Wh...what?" Natasha blinked.
"You heard me. Look, you might not want to hear it, especially from me, but you made me your aide-de-whatever, and that makes it my job to point out stuff you miss. Like..." She pressed on, cutting Tasha's reply off before she could start.
"...When you ask to put yourself at risk because you can't stand sitting on the sidelines. I know how it feels, trust me."
"Now wait a minute." Tasha flushed red.
"No! You wait a minute." Linna bit with a wave of her hand. "You know full well that that air support can be directed just fine from here, you have those Predator's and Global Hawk thingy's from here to Hokkaido, you've got real-time coming out your ears, you don't need to stick your neck out."
Tasha blinked a few times; almost unable to believe what she'd just heard. Her first instinct was to believe that Linna was just saying that because she was being protective of her, but her argument held water, lots of it. Besides, it was her job now to be protective of her. Linna was silent, watching her intently, letting her mull over what she'd just said.
"Okay." Natasha finally said.
"Okay?" Linna pressed.
"Okay, I won't go."
Linna smiled. "Good girl."
Tasha snorted.
"I guess I made a smart choice making you my aide."
"I've always been your aide sweetie, the only thing different now is that I can put that on my business card."

Nearby, leaning up against a filing cabinet, Colonel Davidson sighed with a smile. 'Finally...' he thought. 'We have someone in here that can talk sense into that girl without making it an order.'

* * *

Stepping off the V/C-22 Osprey, her boot crunched into the new fallen snow. The 65th and 117th had made it to Narita. Using the tanks as mobile bunkers they combined team had leapfrogged straight down the highway, pausing only long enough to allow the slower tanks to catch up or for an air strike to clear the way ahead of them. Tasha had left the CP and paid a visit to the Predator GCS (Ground Control Station) trailer to watch, she'd kept to herself, avoiding the pratfall of micromanagement. Of that Linna made sure. A few targets warranted a closer look and she'd spoken up then, in all Linna had been right.
Trotting away from the transport she brought her assault rifle up slightly. Two marines took up positions next to her as Linna caught up, pulling the hood to her winter jacket over her head then swung her P90 into a more comfortable position. It was windy, and colder than she could ever remember. A K-suit walked up and out of the darkness.
"Ma'am." It replied.
"Trooper." She said back.
"The airport is secure, command post is this way."
Following him she took stock of her surroundings. She'd been here many times, flying to and from the United States. Hulks of commercial aircraft littered the area, some still parked by their jet ways. She noted oblong piles of snow here and there and frowned.
"Watch your step." She warned Linna, pointing with the barrel of her gun at a nearby mound. As Linna walked around it Tasha leaned in to the Marine corporal near her.
"When we get a chance, we'll need to police up these bodies."
"Roger that ma'am." He nodded.

As they approached a hanger she noted two tanks posted outside, nearby was an oil drum being used as a fire pit with five soldiers around it, warming themselves. One of the tanks was missing its left side tread and bore the signs of battle. Nodding in acknowledgement of her approach the soldiers continued their efforts to keep warm. A man-sized door within the large sliding hanger door opened and a Lieutenant stepped out. His arm was in a sling and he motioned to her.
"This way Colonel, the Colonel's inside."
Nodding she made her way inside as the sounds of more helicopters, approaching from the bay caught her ear. The hanger was warm compared to the outside, even though her breath was still visible. A FedEx jumbo jet was parked inside, covered in scaffolding with half a paintjob. Six tanks were parked under its right wing, two undergoing field repairs.
"Up here Colonel." Came a booming yet friendly voice from above.
Dressed in a flight suit Colonel Ridgeway stood atop the wing, having stepped out of the 747's waist exit.
"Corporal, get with their Top and see about their needs." Tasha said.
The Marine nodded and walked off. Linna followed Tasha up the stairs at the front of the plane. They were met as they entered. The forward half of the aircraft had been turned into the command post, which consisted of a few laptops and maps placed about. The rear portion of the plane was serving as a barracks of sorts. Troops were asleep in rows. An aid station separated the two sections but was quiet, for the moment.

"Didn't expect to be visited by the spook shop so soon." Ridgeway joked, pointing to a set of chairs near the laptops.
"I was bored, plus, I figured I'd get a down and dirty assessment of the situation before the 'official' debriefing." She smiled, making quotations with her fingers. "They'll be asking you to report to the Reagan once the 1st and 2nd of the 75th start consolidation of the perimeter."
Ridgeway smiled knowingly, he wore the Ranger Tab on his shoulder as well.
"Thanks for the heads up, we usually find out about briefings when the bird shows up to gather us."
She smiled with a nod; it was professional courtesy, like when your platoon sergeant tells you on Monday to be ready for the 'surprise' inspection on Wednesday.

"Well, that was fun." Linna smiled afterwards, even though it wasn't, informative yes, fun, no. Now, she was cold again, and even though her boots were waterproof her feet were wet, and of course, cold. The airport had taken three days to approach; any semblance of martial finesse had gone out the window the second the tanks and troopers had crossed over the UN lines into the TTO (Tokyo Theater of Operations). Under constant overwatch from flights of gunships, supported by numerous batteries of artillery a mixed Battalion consisting of an armored company and two Mechanized Infantry Companies had bludgeoned their way thru hordes of voomers and had poured, tired and weary into Narita, and had secured it. In the past Mechanized Infantry donated a group of soldiers shuttled into battle by IFV (Infantry Fighting Vehicles) now, an MI Company meant troopers clad in K-suits, or some such powered armor.

Natasha smiled. She was so proud of Linna, here she was, no more than twenty years old, and she was keeping pace with soldiers that made the profession a living. In only a week Linna had caught on to military brevity, her notes, once pages long had shrunk to a paragraph or two of pertinent information and acronyms for the rest. She'd already learned to identify not only by sight but also now by sound every piece of military hardware employed by the United States armed forces in theater. She knew units, remembered commanders and was in general the base darling. She had thrown herself into the mix and was excelling in ways that Natasha had never dreamed possible. It had gotten to the point where Tasha didn't even bother with situation busting reality checks anymore. Linna knew exactly what was going on, the risk, the dangers, and she knew all about the long road ahead. She flushed red when she realized Linna had done it for her. Linna noticed Tasha beaming at her and giggled.
"You're giving me that look again."
"Uh huh." Tasha nodded.
"What I do this time?" She smiled.
"Nothing, you're just being you."
"Oh, well, I'd hope so." Linna laughed.
"Yup. Come on, we're going to have to head back."
"We sure do, um... don't forget, you have a meeting with Col Davidson at one, and...."
Tasha smiled as Linna 'reminded' her of her itinerary, feeling like the luckiest girl on the planet.

* * *

Natasha was excited. The UN transition teams were beginning to arrive. General Fairweather had been away to New York to meet with the UN, then on to Brussels to meet with NATO. Now he was back, and had requested her presence. Linna playfully straightened her collar and smiled.
"Go get 'em tiger." She added, handing her a winter jacket.
As she made her way from the Intell tent to the Command tent she cinched up the zipper the last few inches 'By the time I get used to this cold it'll be summer' she laughed to herself.
"Have a seat Colonel." General Fairweather said, after the formalities had been dealt with.
Tasha did so.
"I've been looking over your records, in regards the Intelligence Director slot."
"Yes sir." She nodded politely.
"You're a damn fine troop Romanov, and more than qualified..." He began, "...which is why what I have to say next is so hard."
The elation Tasha had been feeling melted away and her shoulders sagged slightly.
"The Security Council rejected your appointment. I'm sorry."
"Yes sir.'s okay. Did they give a reason why?"
He nodded.
"It was political, the council didn't like the idea of having Americans in all top leadership positions within the UNADP."
Tasha mulled that over, American influence worldwide had been waning ever since the Coast War. America ideological civil wars of the early 2000's had festered despite massive policy shifts, or in some cases, were exacerbated by them. Armed civil war for began in 2024 when a protest in San Francisco had evolved into a riot. Things went horribly wrong when the California National Guard had stepped in, The mob turned violent, then turned on the Guardsmen; America's war between Right and Left had begun. Only the most insular areas were spared this ideological war, as cities like Los Angeles and New York tore themselves apart, a siege mentality pervaded as those that had, fought tooth and nail against those that didn't. What no one had counted on was, that during those eight years of fighting, infiltrators and saboteurs from the south had crossed over the border during the confusion, and while Americans retreated to and defended safe zones and factional enclaves, agents from the south slipped across the Rio Grande. After the initial attacks on May 5th 2032, which every faction immediately blamed on every other faction, two full corps of Mexican regulars poured over the border fanatically calling for the reclamation of the Republica del Norte. San Diego fell but the Naval Station at Coronado held firm and became the new centuries Bastogne. Simultaneous attacks thrust into Arizona, New Mexico and Texas. By the time the stunned American's settled their differences in the face of invasion, Mexican forces had pushed as far north as Phoenix, Los Angeles and Lubbock. Three weeks later the States, United again, had recovered all Mexican gains and pushed south as fast as the supply lines could keep up. When the fighting stopped a month later, Baja California, Sonora, Chihuahua, Coahuila, Nuevo Leon, and Tamaulipas states were in American hands, and all Mexican military facilities as far south as Mexico City had been wiped off the face of the planet.
It didn't matter that overseas business concerns using drug money supplied by corrupt Generalissimos and statesman had provided cheap, yet state of the art military hardware to the Mexican armed forces. Those facts were suppressed and even if they had been released, which they were, when they were found, they were decried by an angry world as lies to justify aggression. Since then the bad blood between the US and the UN only got worse, and even with seven years of relative calm, animosity still ran high. Tasha knew that there were those within the UN that felt that this was nothing but an American ploy to regain its 'stranglehold' on global politics, or reassert their dominance, and having Americans in all the right slots in the UNADP, which was now an agency with worldwide jurisdiction, the thought of America calling the shots with no checks and balances was unacceptable.

"Who's been given the position?" She asked finally.
"Colonel Grovst. I think you may have heard of him." General Fairweather replied.
It took a second, but the name surfaced in her memory.
"German, served in the Middle East if I recall."
"The very same. He needs a number two, and you're it."
"Won't he have a executive officer of his own?"
"Part of playing politics is knowing how to beat them at their own game." Fairweather smiled. Tasha recognized the tone of voice; she was about the get a lesson in a sentence or two that would take a university professor an entire semester to impart.
"Let them win a few concessions, but slip in a few of your own, and if you want to really make it stick, you cite precedent, if they want checks and balances you demand checks and balances. The UN wanted a non-American in the Intell slot. Fine. They wanted to stick me with a non-American executive officer. Fine. So, to be fair, if I have to have a non-American as my number two, their man will have to live with an American as his number two. It's simple math."
Natasha smiled.
"Yes sir. I'll do my best."
"I expect nothing less. He'll be arriving in a few days, I'd like you to prepare an in-brief to get him up to speed and see about getting him a bunk."
"Roger that sir." She nodded as she stood, and saluted.
"Tash." He called after her. "I'm really sorry, I know you wanted the job."
"I did sir, I still do. Don't worry, from what I know of him, Grovst is a good man, it'll be a pleasure to work with him."
"Good girl." Fairweather smiled.
As the tent flap closed she zipped her jacket up and sighed. Then slowly, she trudged back to her tent feeling low.

"They did WHAT!" Linna yelled, coming out of her chair, her voice raising a few octaves.
"That's such bullshit!" She continued, now pacing angrily about the tent.
Tasha sighed and flopped back onto her cot at the rear, past her desk.
"I guess."
"You guess! You guess! Come on, they screwed you, you've been here since day fucking ONE and this is what they do? It's fucking bullshit!"
"Well, at least I'll be able to spend more time with you."
"That's bull..." Linna paused in mid sentence and blinked. Slowly a smile crept across her face. "Say, you're right."
"Za dvumya zaitsami pogonish'sya, ne odnogo ne poimaesh." Tasha smiled.
"Huh." Linna blinked.
"Old Russian proverb. 'If you chase two rabbits, you will not catch either one."
"Hmm, makes sense." Linna sighed, she was still angry with the UN for snubbing her girlfriend, but, if she was okay about it, so was she. "Besides I'm a cuter rabbit than a job, cuddlier too." Linna finished, with a wink.
"You are at that." Tasha smiled.

Her armor was freshly scored, matted and torn. Removing her helmet her nose crinkled at the smell of gasoline, cordite and hydraulic fluid. Either one was offensive, all together, repugnant, yet, she would be lying if she said she hadn't gotten used to the aroma and had in fact gotten to like it. Clipping the helmet to her belt Natasha Romanov, Lt. Colonel United States Army walked to her desk and retrieved a stack of paperwork and disks. Linna nodded up at her, noting the armor.
"Rough hop?"
"Better than most." Tasha replied, handing her a one-inch optical disk in turn.
Linna took the mission data from her.
"I'll have this up in no time. Oh, Colonel Grovst is here, and the General wants to see you in the TOC."
Tasha smiled, and patted the stack of papers she'd just picked up.
"Damn! Is that his in-brief?" Linna blinked.
"All four hours of it."
"Does that mean I can take my time with this?" Linna winked, waving the disk.
Tasha shook her head with a smile.
"Sorry honey, ASAP as usual."
Linna shrugged, it had been worth a shot.
Tasha flushed red as she left, damn if she wasn't proud of her. She snorted as she heard Linna call Nene's name, it hadn't taken her long to learn how to delegate.

Three hours and forty-five minutes later Colonel Grovst, his aide and representatives from the Japanese Diet, JSDF, UN, and surprisingly enough, Chinese Army were briefed up to date on the situation. From Prometheus up to today she'd laid it all out. There had been a few questions, mainly from the Chinese, toned gruffly and with a hint of doubt, they had asked for clarification on the events aboard Prometheus. She'd been deliberately vague on specifics regarding the station and its capabilities, but provided a detailed account of what had happened. After that they had listened raptly, taking in every word.
"Fine job Romonov." General Fairweather whispered afterwards.
"Thank you sir." She smiled back. The guests were milling about the conference room, refreshments were on hand and the coffee pot and crullers were getting special attention.
"A very detailed and concise brief Colonel." A German voice intoned. "You're reputation does you justice."
"Why thank you Colonel." Tasha smiled diplomatically as Colonel Grovst extended his hand. She shook without thinking, noting only after she'd clasped his hand that it was cybernetic. She didn't know it, but her stock had just risen in his eyes. Most people recoiled when presented with his hand, unlike some, he had forgone a synthetic skin covering, preferring to view his 'handicap' as a badge of honor. He glanced at her armor and smiled again. Here was a soldier's soldier, not given to pretence and pomp. He had noted with a wry smile the beginning of the briefing, as the Diet representatives tried to cover their revulsion at the smells, and had failed miserably. Spineless bureaucrats; he sneered inwardly, venturing this close to the front only under the protection of a platoon of bodyguards.

* * *

"Can we see about getting some support over to Shinjuku?" Tasha asked. It had been a week and some days since Colonel Grovst arrived. He spent most of his time in the Command Post, and left her to her own devices, which, she admitted, suited her just fine. Nene nodded and hustled from the tent. Nene had taken a leave of absence to sort things out. She'd visited Mackie and Sylia, but had returned slightly less then chipper. Tasha took it in stride, not wanting to pick at freshly healed wounds. Nene would do fine, she was among friends now, and Tash had more then enough busy work to help take her mind off of things. Sinking back into a creaky fold out Natasha exhaled and stared at the city map on an easel to her left. She smiled; soon, they would have a more robust office. Colonel Grovst had pulled rank and had bumped the Intel hut up the list of structures to be built by US Air Force PRIME BEEF Civil Engineers. Soon they would have a nice brand spanking new hooch of wood and corrugated steel.
Turning her attention back to her work she studied the map before her. The city core was red, save for some little blue flags that represented firebases. Linna was nearby flipping thru a series of reports and tacked a blue flag onto the overlay, signifying a recently secured building. The UN cordon was holding despite the near constant clashes on the outskirts. Sipping her coffee she sighed, things could have been a lot worse, but the city was surrounded, and with near constant re-supply flights coming in it was only a matter of time before the last remaining SIV was done away with. She chuckled at the acronym; she'd used it on a series of reports to describe rogue voomers, or Sotai Infected Voomers, to be exact. Now, a week later SIV, pronounced 'sieve', was the new buzzword around camp. She had noted that the acronym was doubly accurate since the amount of bullets needed to destroy a rogue voomer inevitably turned a SIV into one.
As she dispatched troops to hot spots her secure cell phone rang.
"Romanov speaking, how may I help you?"
"Are we always so polite on the phone?" Came the silky reply.
"Sylia?" Tasha asked.
"Yes. I trust I'm not disturbing you."
"No, not at all. Say, how are you and Mackie doing?"

It had been almost two weeks since she'd seen them last, and those had been rotten circumstances. Mackie was comatose, and Sylia not that far behind.
"We're doing fine. Mackie's doing a lot better."
"What about you." Tasha asked. "We sure could use you back in Tokyo."
"Which brings me to the point of this call." Sylia responded uneasily.
Natasha sat down.
"You are coming back, aren't you?"
"Yes." Sylia said. "But not for a little while. I have things I need to deal with, I'm sure you understand."
Sylia wasn't one to talk about personal problem, although, as vague as her was, Tasha understood perfectly.
"Oh, okay. I see. Well, if there is anything I can do to help just let me know." Tasha said supportively.
"My, my, Natasha, you do make it easy for me, don't you dear." Sylia chuckled.
Tasha swallowed uneasily, what had she just gotten herself into?
"I...I guess." She stammered.
There was a pause and she could all but see Sylia planning out what she was going to say next.
"Natasha, I do have a favor to ask, it's a big one."
"Go on."
"This is hard for me, but I know it needs to be done so I guess I'll get to the point; I'd like you to lead the Knight Sabers in my stead."
Suddenly Natasha was very relieved she was sitting even though her jaw hit the floor. It took her a good minute and a half to compose herself. Lead the Knight Sabers? Was she serious? Granted, she'd silently entertained the possibility, but that had been a passing flight of fancy, nothing serious.
"Are you sure?" She asked, still dumbfounded.
"Absolutely, I can't think of anyone more suited to the task than you."
"What about Priss?" Tasha said. "She may be less than diplomatic, when she finds out."
"She may, and I considered her for the position, but you know the big picture, you have contacts and resources available to you that she doesn't. She's a good fighter, but you have more experience."
Tasha rubbed her temples.
"I see."
"So, will you do it?" Sylia asked.
Tasha wasn't sure, on the one hand she'd love to, she'd been pining to get the rest of Knight Sabers trained up. However on the off hand, she worried about the differing attitudes of the group. Nene would do as she was instructed; she was already her boss so this would be no different. Priss, well, that could go either way, she could balk, or not, plus the added worry that she might make a bad call and get them hurt.
"Natasha?" Sylia called, after a long silence from her end.
"S...sorry. I was just thinking it over." Tasha admitted.
"I understand, I know it's a large burden, but I wouldn't have asked you if I didn't think you could do it. I know you're 'younger' than I am, but that still doesn't stop me from seeing that you're right for the job."
"Okay, I'll do it, under one condition."
"And what is that." Sylia asked.
"That this is only temporary, the Knight Sabers are yours Sylia, you recruited them, and you built the suits, so, when you're ready, you're taking back the reins. Okay?"
"Okay." Sylia replied, nodding soberly.
"Right then, now you take care of yourself, and I'll take care of the girls."
"Thank you Tash. I really appreciate it. I...I've already sent Nigel back to Tokyo, to assist with the suits, I'm sure they're going to need frequent repair."
"Seems like you had this all planned out neh?" Tasha smiled.
"I knew I could count on you, you may be as unpredictable as Linna but there are certain things about you that you can set your watch to."
"I'm not sure how to take that." Tasha blinked.
"Take it as it was intended Tasha dear, as a compliment."
"Right, ahem, well, should I tell the girls, or are you going to handle that?"
"I'll call them in turn after I hang up."
"All right, thanks, and give my best to Mackie and Mr. Henderson okay."
"I will, and thanks again Tasha."

"You're welcome." Tasha finished as the line went dead.
Folding her phone and stuffing it into her pocket she smiled at Linna as she walked out of the tent and made a detour to Col. Grovst's. At his tent she made her way past the pair of German KSK (Kommando Spezialkrafte) that guarded him. She knew them, which was the only reason she had, and subsequently, been allowed, to enter unchallenged.
"Ah Colonel!" Grovst said as he stood, extending his cybernetic limb in greeting.
"Colonel." She smiled back and sat. They were well beyond the perfunctory salute phase.
"You have zose reports ja?" He asked.
"Of course." She said as she handed a pack of disks to him. "I forwarded a copy onto Gen. Fairweather and Chief Roland as well."
"Danke." He nodded. Her demeanor alerted him to the fact that she had more to say, and that this had not been merely a delivery stop, she had subordinates that attended to that.
"Vhat is on your mind?"
"I'm going to need additional staff, a few guards and authorization to issue base passes and travel vouchers to two additional civilians."
"I zee." He replied, his eyes narrowing slightly. "Unt who might zeese people be?"
"A technician and a contractor." She smiled.
He laughed, she's was hanging around CIA types all right he noted, picking up the terminology for a specialist and hired gun. He knew that he would not be given their names, up front at any rate. He also knew she knew he'd find out, eventually, but for now, names were best left unspoken.
"Very vell. Authorization granted. I'm sure I'll be pleasantly surprised ja?"
"I can't promise pleasant, but surprise, maybe." She smiled again.
As she left his office he smiled yet again. Yes, she was a very competent rival, competent indeed. He would enjoy this assignment.

"Is it true?!" Linna blurted as Natasha walked into her apartment. Linna was nearly bursting at the seams, Sylia had called her, but she knew that she couldn't say anything on base, and had been waiting for them to be get off shift, and now, back at Natasha's apartment she was finally free to talk without being overheard. She was wide-eyed and smiling, and the noticeable bounce to her step told her that she was elated at the prospect. "You're gonna take over for Sylia?"
"Yup, starting tomorrow, and lasting until she gets back."
Linna giggled happily and hugged her tightly.
"This is so cool!" She breathed.
"Don't get your hopes up babe. Just ask Tony and Karl, I'm quite the bitch when I'm in charge."
"But that was different." Linna laughed. "That was the ADP, this is us."
"Which means my darling Linna, that I'm going to be even more hard up than normal."
Linna pulled back, her arms still wrapped around Tasha waist, and looked at her quizzically.
"Because I love you sooo much." She smiled back.
"Oh great, not more of that tough love again." Linna sighed playfully. "I'm still sore from the last helping of it."
Tasha shrugged, still smiling.
"What can I say, I'm a harsh taskmaster."
"Yeah, yeah, and just because we're friends doesn't mean you'll go easy on me. I know." Linna paused and eyed her friend.
"I do have one thing to ask." Tasha said softly.
"What's that?"
"If you disagree with me over something, let me know, but in private okay, I know you guys aren't in the military, but I'm going to do things like we are, not everything mind you, but a lot."
"Hmm, maybe I spoke to soon when I said this was going to be cool." Linna snorted, squeezing her waist tighter. Tasha nodded.
"I know, that was a concern of mine as well, I don't want to come off as the bad guy, but Sylia asked me to do this thing, so I'm going to do it right, the best way I know how."
Linna leaned back in and kissed her deeply.
"You'll do fine, and I won't let you down, I promise." She said, whispering into the nape of her neck.
Natasha fell silent, bowing her head slightly.
"Something wrong?" Linna asked, cueing in on her distress.
"Have a seat sweetie, there are some things I need to tell you."
Linna sat, looking at her friend with curious and expectant eyes.
"I need you to know these things." Tasha began. "It's important that you understand."
"Understand what?" Linna replied, her voice a small whisper.
Natasha steeled herself, than continued. "Things are going to happen, bad things. Right now things look hopeful, but I'm afraid that once this period of good fortune runs out we're going to be in for a terrible time."
"I don't know when, or how, but I do know who, and I do know it will happen."
"Who will do what?" Linna asked, her eyes betraying her growing concern.
"I'm not sure what to call her, or even if it is a her." Tasha paused. "Remember Prometheus?"
Linna nodded.
"The boomer that hacked the ADP tower to transmit itself to the station tried to kill me in the CIC."
"I remember Nene saying something about that." Linna said. "She said that one of the new operators was really an assassin boomer in disguise."
"That's only partially true. I don't doubt for a second that she, it, was trying to kill me. Here's the thing, I don't think it knew I was a boomer myself, it thought I was human, so, so it wasn't expecting me to accidentally fuse with it."
"Fuse, how? I..."
"I can't explain it either, it wasn't like with the HARDsuits, as she was hacking the communications array she was emitting a lot of noise."
Linna nodded, she knew that 'noise' in this context meant signals, transmissions in large amounts.
"I 'heard' her thoughts, her desires." Tasha swallowed. "She wanted to kill."
"Kill? Who?" Linna blinked.
Tasha shrugged. "Everyone I think."
"We're talking everyone in the ADP or in Japan, or...." Linna paused, horrified.
Tasha nodded. "Yeah, I think she wanted to kill everyone on Earth."
"But you stopped her right, when you destroyed Prometheus."
"That's just it sweetie, I don't know. Before we abandoned the station I did a search thru the stations computer. A presence like hers leaves a pretty distinct trace, but I couldn't find it."
"Maybe the stations anti-virus software killed it." Linna offered.
"Could be, but I think the most likely possibility is that it sensed Prometheus's destruction, and jumped ship. Before or after we arrived I don't know. All I do know is that when I checked, it wasn't there and it should've been."
Linna nodded.
"Have you told anyone else?"
"Oh honey I wish I could." Tasha breathed, anguish creeping into her voice.
Linna nodded.
"I...I think I understand." If Natasha told anyone else, they'd want to know how she knew what she knew, and that would do one of two things. A: prove she was a boomer, or B: cause everyone around to think she was a crackpot. Tasha sighed and ran her fingers thru her hair.
"At any rate, I'm going to be doing things that may seem strange, going places, asking you or Nene for favors, and, well, I just wanted you to know why I'm doing it."
"You're sure about this?"
Natasha nodded.
"Yes, I am. I'm as sure as I can be. I wish I had specifics, I wish I knew exactly what was going to happen, when, and how. It would make things so much easier."
"Okay." Linna said, patting Tasha's hand supportively. "I trust you. Just tell me what you want me to do and I'll do it."
Tasha nodded.
"Nene knows I'm a boomer right?"
"Um...okay, that question was out of left field. I think so; I mean she was the one that found out, yeah, I'm pretty sure she does. I know Sylia and Nigel know."
Tasha nodded. "Fair enough, if she doesn't, she needs to know, and she needs to know about this. Same with Karl."
"What about Tony?"
"No, I know him too well. This isn't something we can throw money or force at, doing that might aggravate the situation, or worse, tip our hand. I'll tell him, but not now, it's too risky."
Linna listened intently as Natasha outlined the initial baby steps they would need to take, it was going to be a long road ahead, and the fact that they had to operate under the radar only made it that much more difficult. Secrecy and discretion were the order of the day. Linna snorted slightly and smiled. Things were going to get a lot more interesting, but this time, this time she was in on the ground floor, and this time, she would have a direct hand in making a difference.

* * *

Stepping off the plane Nigel snorted. He never thought he'd be back so soon. He'd expected to fly into Osaka, or even Kyoto, and then drive in, but space aboard a military flight had been made for him, and some specialized tools. The tools he brought with him were all the equipment needed to build, modify, and repair, a HARDsuit. Of the original suits only two remained, Natasha's, and one in storage, which had been shipped with him, of the second generation, none remained and of the newer, voomer, versions, only three remained, Sylia's, which still worked, and Nene's and Linna's, which didn't. Of course there were the three ADP HARDsuits. Nigel's job would be to modify the older suit, salvage what he could of the two newest ones, and rebuild the Knight Sabers. Then came the relatively easy task of keeping them in business. Security in-processing was lengthy and mind numbing but finally, after an hour he was allowed out of the terminal building onto the commercial side of the airport. The various hangers once used by freight and mail carriers were now used to house tanks, men and other material and the nearly three miles of flight line had been transformed into a large military encampment. Most of the structures were portable shelters, but a few buildings were of a more semi-permanent nature. Wood hooch's with corrugated metal roofs served as the mess hall and divisional offices.

Linna looked up at the sound of brakes in front of the hut. Pulling the shades open with her pen she saw a deuce and half grind to a halt, and the driver get out to present his orders to the guards.
"We expecting a delivery?" She asked Nene.
From across the room, sitting at what passed for a counter Nene looked at the logbook and nodded.
"Parts and personnel." She replied and paused in thought.
"Parts....? Oh my GOD!" She yelped in surprise.
Linna looked up and saw Nene's elated smile then smiled herself as a trench-coated figure entered the hooch, a raggedy cigarette hanging from his lips.
"Nigel!" The ecstatic blonde cried, racing around the counter and hugged him. He huffed, as the faintest traces of a smile etched his face. Linna joined the hug.
"Hey Nigel. Wow! It's good to see you."
Flushing slightly Nigel harrumphed as he nodded.

Natasha smiled at the outburst of happiness from her office but remained seated, allowing Nigel to be pestered and peppered with questions about Mackie and Sylia as well as Linna and Nene's offered, although not asked for, accounts of the events of the last few months in Tokyo, she'd speak to him when the others were done 'briefing him'.

* * *

For the fifth time since she'd hit the first checkpoint Priss withdrew her ID card and travel papers. As her documentation was scrutinized her motorcycle was likewise searched, all while a pair of K-suits stood a watchful vigil over her. Ever since Nigel had arrived a week and a half ago she'd been making the trip out here. She still didn't quite trust the military, and had elected not to sleep on base.
"Thank you Ma'am." The gate guard replied, handing her back her papers. As he backed up and she straddled her bike another guard raised the black and yellow barber-pole boom and retracted the spike strip. Priss noted that portions of it were chunkier and had "C-6 DANGER!" written in tiny yellow letters.
Keeping her speed down she made her way to the Intelligence hut and presented herself to another pair of armed guards before finally making it up the steps and into the warmth of a heated building.
Hanging her helmet on a nearby peg followed by her jacket she made a beeline to the space heater across the room and held her hands out, rubbing them together.
"Fuck it's cold." She shivered.

Looking around she say that Linna and Nene were not manning the counter like they usually were. A handsome young corporal with a puggish nose sat in their place.
"You must be Miss Asigiri." He said, sliding a clipboard and pen over to her.
Priss nodded and signed in.
"Where're the others?" She asked.
"They just left for Hanger 5"
"Thanks." She replied then walked past the counter, followed the hallway past an office and into the dayroom beyond. Stripping out of her day clothes she donned her old skinsuit then pulled a faded flight suit over it, then put her cold weather jacket back on over that.

Hanger 5 stood not more then fifty feet from the rear door of the hooch. Once a maintenance hanger for small private aircraft it had been converted into a maintenance bay of another sort. Nigel had set up shop there. It wasn't the Pit, but it would do. Two additional guards were posted out front with another six on the roof. An observation post and an ADA (Air Defense Artillery) battery shared space on the roof as well, adding to the security of the build. Inside she could hear sporadic weapons fire, but judged by the board look of the guards as she entered that it was only training. Nigel looked up from his workbench and nodded. She'd touched base with him after his arrival but had spoken to him infrequently after that. Nene waved and smiled, already wearing her HARDsuit. Nigel had worked a miracle, and now the Knight Sabers had four shiny new HARDsuits. Linna was in hers, by the 'range'. In reality it was a fold out table next to two cones with lines painted along the floor to a mound of sandbags propped up against the far wall. A pile of empty sand bags, sand, and an entrenching tool sat nearby, evidence of the short lifespan of the bullet catching décor. Linna, was hefting an M-70ETP. Standing next to her was Tasha in her HARDsuit instructing her in its use. The M-70 was the US Army's latest and greatest in man portable support weaponry. Using the more efficient Enhanced Thermo Projectile in place of powder and ball the M-70 had a range three times greater with twice the penetration of the older M-60. Due to the cleaner burning propellant the ammunition was essentially caseless as the extreme heat generated upon firing vaporized the shell. About the only drawback was that the heat resistant barrel and inner workings needed to use such a round caused the weapon to weigh 50% more then the M-60 and it kicked like a mule. Of course, these drawbacks were negated when mounted on a vehicle, or, if wielded by a HARDsuit.
Priss watched, and covered her ears, as Linna brought the weapon up to her shoulder and fired. She could see the vibration but the HARDsuits firm grip kept the barrel level and steady through the fifty round burst, putting every round within a twelve inch radius. Donning her HARDsuit Priss made her way over as Linna set about field stripping the weapon.
"Nice toy." She remarked.
Tasha looked up at her and nodded. Neither of them where wearing their suits helmets, instead opting for ear protection, glasses and a BDU soft cover.
"Packs a nice punch, ready for a go?"
Reaching down Tasha opened up a nearby shipping crate and withdrew a fresh M-70 and tossed it to her as effortlessly as if she'd thrown a walking stick. Priss caught the weapon and handled it, bringing it to her shoulders a few times.
"Not that heavy in armor neh?" Priss smiled. Not the military type, defiantly not one for the order and rigid discipline, she still enjoyed hefting heavy weapons. Maybe it was the noise, maybe it was the kick, maybe it was because she didn't get very many opportunities to hold one as a singer, either way, it was power, and, until the novelty wore off, it was fun.
The Knight Sabers would always rely on their speed and agility and their prowess in hand to hand to be most effective. But their armor had strength to spare, and Tasha felt, to exploit. Like the Roman legionnaire, who would hurl their Pilum (spear) first, then close and do battle with Scutum (shield) and Gladius (sword) the Knight Saber could engage the enemy at a distance, then close to melee range.

"Here's a drum." Tasha smiled, passing her a volleyball-sized object. Flipping the weapon onto its spine Priss slapped the drum into place then flipping it back cocked the weapon.
"Locked and loaded." she grinned. She hadn't like the reading Tasha had given her, but now, having utilized it, knowing how to load the M-70 instead of fumbling around, or worse, she thought, waiting until Natasha pointed it out, the reading was well worth it. Looking at Linna she noted she'd done her homework as well, as her weapon was re-assembled and awaiting inspection.

* * *

There was a metallic howl, eerie, unearthly, and resonant. Zooming with her suits optics Tasha saw the large mass of fused material shudder in its death throes as greenish lighting played across its hide. With a deep whump the building sized amalgam crumpled into the flooded street sending waves of dirty water in all directions. Bright orange explosions from artillery peppered the mass alongside a myriad of holes being punched into it by small arms fire. She watched the dead carcass suffer this relentless pummeling for a good minute before she called out Cease Fire.

"Showing off neh?" Priss asked, standing beside her in her HARDsuit. Nene had her visor up and whistled softly as Linna looked thru a borrowed pair of field glasses at the destruction.
"Maybe." Tasha smiled sarcastically.
"Hell of a show." Priss snorted.
Tasha nodded, deep in thought.

The Sotai hadn't been killed outright, the destruction Galatea had wrought upon Tokyo, from within, and from orbit had left deep and festering scars. Hundreds of thousands of rogue, mutated voomers still crowded the streets shambling towards any outside disturbance. The UNADP, supported by a multinational coalition had begun the task of clearing out the city, street by street, block by block, room by room. Urban combat had never been so dangerous. Before, the walls and furniture could be used as cover, now, everything up to and including the trash bin could, and would, attack you.
After her meeting with Colonel Grovst and her taking the reigns for the Knight Sabers she'd been sent to a UN Security Council meeting in New York and it was on her return that this new problem had become known. In the first few weeks after the Sotai had wreaked her vengeance the primary, and most visible problems were the SIV's. It had taken two months of nonstop fighting to clear out as much of the city as they had, and, as it stood, only 60% of Tokyo and the surrounding area had been deemed 'safe for re-habitation.' Now, within the safe zones, construction projects began in earnest. Old buildings had to be razed, the dead found and buried, families notified. Then the process of rebuilding could begin. Earlier, Karl had returned to Tokyo, despite his declaration to the contrary. He'd resided on the fringes of humanity, dwelling in burned out homes and apartments, recharging his armor in between his forays of revenge. The loss of Kaitlin still burned at him. Her body had been found within the ruins of the ADP Tower. Natasha had given him her badge.
Priss, in Tasha's absence had lead the Knight Sabers to support an UNADP security detachment for a construction site on the border of the safe zone and had run into trouble, the construction voomers had gone berserk, but that had only been part of it. Karl had intervened, pulling their fats out of the fryer but not without suffering grievous wounds for his effort. What they had learned was that the cluster of subterranean pipes, remnants of the Dragon Line, still contained a strong presence of the Sotai. Any voomer, or machine for that matter that came too close, would be corrupted by the strange energies, which is what had happened to the construction equipment and vehicles.
A Global Hawk UAV had been deployed, retrofitted with a sensor array designed to locate such energies and had identified four such pockets; one of which was directly beneath the construction site. Thankfully none of the others were within the safe zones.

When Natasha had returned it was decided to assault the smallest of the pockets first with a small force; experience having shown early on that the larger the amount of troops sent in, the larger the voomer response.
It had turned into a bloodbath, the platoon of six K-11's and twenty troops supported by the Knight Sabers had been quickly surrounded, and while the HARDsuits would have easily been able to disengage from the fight, the other soldiers would have been trapped. Abandoning her soldiers was unacceptable, and Tasha and the Knight Sabers had held the line. It had taken an air strike, dropping 500 lbs laser guided bombs dangerously close to their positions to stem the tide and obliterate the pocket, but not before six soldiers and three K-11 pilots had been killed.

A radio update confirming the cease-fire brought Tasha back to the present and she looked once more over the scene. Wounded were being Medivaced and probe's sent into the area to take BDA's (Bomb Damage Assessment's). Tasha had felt in unwise to send the Knight Sabers back into combat for this assault; it was still to soon after the previous engagement. The prior incident had scarred them, more than they would ever admit. Priss made the best show of it, but like her, she now wore what was euphemistically called, the 'Thousand Yard Stare.' She'd seen a K-suit crushed next to her on the line, it's occupant strained out thru the chinks in the armor. She's seen soldiers mangled beyond recognition, or sliced to ribbons. Three days later and Linna still woke up at night in a cold sweat reliving the sight of a soldier grabbed up by a tentacle and used as a paintbrush, casting a deep crimson swath along the side of a building. Nene, Tasha had noted, had bags under her eyes, not having slept until exhaustion overtook her, then snapping awake with a startled jump at the slightest noise, only to repeat the process.
The destruction of this second pocket by overwhelming artillery fire, navel bombardment and air strike was a well-needed moral booster, not only for the Knight Sabers but also for everyone in theater.

"No movement. Energy readings nil." The report crackled into her helmet.
"Roger that! All Frontline units pull back to staging areas. Artillery Batteries maintain overwatch."
As her orders were carried out she called the CP (Command Post)
"Eagle 1, Domino 1."
"Go ahead Domino 1." She heard Gen. Fairweathers voice.
"Target is down. Two KIA, sixteen WIA." She reported.
"Roger that, follow clean up SOP's and stop in when you get back."
"Yes sir; make mine a double." She added as an afterthought.
"Roger that, see you in a few."

As the Osprey flew over the ruined city Tasha removed her helmet and slowly moved her neck in circles, first to the right, then to the left. Here eyes were clenched tight and she inhaled thru her nose as she stretched the kinks out. A pair of fingers rested upon her neck and began to message the pain away. Turning she saw that Linna had settled next to her, smiling warmly. Even in a HARDsuit she had a gentle touch and she let her shoulders sag under Linna's touch.
"Neck still hurts?" Linna asked.
"Yeah." Tasha sighed, fiddling with her helmet, flipping it over in her hands. The realization that the helmet she was holding was brand new made her neck stiffen.
"Ease up okay." Linna chided affectionately.

Linna closed her eyes as she continued her message and shivered slightly as she relived the event. She'd almost bolted from her position on the line when Tasha had been hit. A sickly tentacle had sprung from the mass of twisted metal and had taken Tasha by the head, pulling her in. Tasha had managed to lose her helmet quick enough, flopping into a face plant with a skid while her helm was pulled, and presumably absorbed, into the grotesque sludge.

"That's good." Tasha breathed.
Linna smiled. Tasha was safe, and in her arms, so to speak, and that was all that mattered. She'd long since abandoned the concept of extended time together, counting time in minutes and hours rather than in weeks and months. The harsh fact that she might not be able to be with Natasha in the near future focused her on the now. A moment like this, giving her friend a back rub in the back of a AV-22 Osprey flying over the smoking ruins of a what had once been a bustling city full of life as soldiers from a dozen nations fought and faced death was more than she could ask for, and she dared not ask for more. Yet, despite it all, there was a certain romance involved, the closeness, in spite of the stark and martial surroundings, still made her feel warm. She laughed to herself, since when would one consider something like this romantic?
"What's so funny?" Tasha asked.
"Nothing, just that everything is relative." Linna replied, then leaned down and kissed her on the cheek. Patting her leg Tasha smiled at her.
"Thanks, it feels a lot better."
