The Bubblegum Crisis Center > Extras > Fan Fiction

Instrumantatum Vocalle 2041 - ...And Into The Fire

Written by Christopher J Turley

"Targets inbound!" Even thru a headset the apprehension was palpable. By contrast the reply was not.
"Roger that. Take your time, give us a count." Tasha responded, evenly, almost soothingly.

The Knight Sabers were around her, sans Sylia. It had been a month since Tasha had taken the role as the Knight Sabers surrogate commander, now, in early March she was beginning to see a marked improvement in ability and teamwork. What pleased her was that this graduation of sorts, from group-of-friends-that-did-battle-together to close- knit-unit; had not come at the expense of their individuality. Linna was still as innocent as ever, able to coax a smile out of any of them no matter how rough an Op had been. Priss was still Priss, gruff at times, but of late she smiled a lot more and while she poked fun in her own way, she had taken to the role of 'older sister' well. Nene had changed the most she figured. Oh, she was still cheerful and bubbly, but deep down, underneath it all, she was confused, scared and for the first time in her life, forced to deal with it. Of the three she was the youngest and therefore the transformation of the city and times around her had been more profound, more influential. Her naiveté had been taken at cost.
Her reliance on Priss and Linna had switched tacks now, she was able to hold herself in a fight, and Tasha knew it was the reality check of the last few months that had tempered her almost suicidal tendency to prove herself to others. Now, she relied on them for emotional support, as someone to talk to and as a sounding board. Priss and Linna's own fears and concerns also served to take the edge off; Nene knew she wasn't alone, they were all scared, Priss and Linna only hid it better. Of course, Tasha would be lying if she said she wasn't scared. But while Linna hid her fear behind optimism, and Priss behind cynicism, Tasha hid behind professionalism. Nene, in turn utilized all three, and it helped.
Sylia had better come back soon, Tasha thought, if she's going to recognize her team. Better put your head back in the game she scolded herself, or else Sylia won't have a team to come back to.

The street, well, it wasn't really a street, expressway more like, wrapped around Nagatacho. The National Diet Building and the other edifices of government sat within. Behind them rested Chiyoda-ku, the Imperial Palace. Much like the French and Paris during WWII, General Fairweather was leaving that area alone, to allow Japanese troops to reclaim it, however, based on the cooperation, and competency of the JSDF, the Imperial Palace wouldn't be liberated any time soon. Tasha didn't mind, she'd gladly avoid that political hot potato, knowing that it would take weeks to secure, as well as reduce to rubble a good fifty percent of the place, and those were conservative estimates. Best to let the JSDF have that one.
To her right and left were elements of the 2ID (2nd Infantry Division.)
The Indian Head Division, so called because of their unique insignia, had fought with valor in Europe in the first two World Wars. They had been the first to break out of the Pusan perimeter in the First Korean War, and had remained in Korea strengthening the DMZ until the early 2000's when they were moved to the Middle East to take up basing in Iraq and Syria. Moved back home in the late 2020's to bolster Federalist enclaves during the Second American Civil War they had spearheaded the push south against Mexico and were now involved in enforcing a new, Mexican, DMZ. Now, with Tokyo in chaos a Regiment from the 2ID had been sent to replace the constant casualties with seasoned soldiers. Even so, gauging by the discordant voice in her headset, not all of the 9th Mechanized Infantry Regiment of the 1st "Iron" Brigade, had seen combat before.

"Hua Ma'am." Came the trooper's calmer reply. "I have visual on twenty to thirty SIV's, moving north towards our position."
"Very well. Pass the word, we have elevation on them, stand by."
She knew that the rest of the 'net' had heard, but having him go up and down it served two purposes. One, it kept him busy, and, just in case some 'poag' wasn't listing, he would now.
"Man, were we like that?" Priss asked, almost snorting.
Tasha smiled and snort laughed as well. "Yeah, yeah you guys were."
"Tasha, Ma'am. I'm picking up another thirty behind cover." Nene added, her voice tense but level. She didn't know it, but her bearing was having an effect on the surrounding 'cherries', shaming them in effect.
"Hiding in the hardscape, have they no respect." Linna quipped, her unique wit still intact. The others laughed.

"Colonel Lyles." Tasha spoke into the net.
"Yes Colonel." Lieutenant Colonel Jamie Lyles, commander 1/9 2ID, answered. There was a slight laugh between the two, both were 'Light Colonels', no 'Tin Chicken' as the Colonels eagles were jokingly referred to, yet. It was customary to address a Lieutenant Colonel as 'Colonel'.
"Shall we sing 'em a song or go straight into the dance?" Asking in 'shorthand' if they should paste the tar out of the SIV's with a Fire Mission, or move in. Lyles had years of Regimental command on her, she was just a "Spook with a handful of long legged Operators" as her Military Intelligence detachment complete with Knight Sabers were called; affectionately of course.
"Nothing like a bit of heavy metal to bring the house down." Lyles laughed.
Tasha agreed. Besides, it would help morale, not to mention alleviate some deep seeded animosity towards the Japanese government.

As the artillery bombardment commenced Natasha kept a close eye on the SIV's, seeing where they went, and how they reacted. Sotai Infected Voomer's seemed to act almost biologically. If a group of voomers were in peril, others nearby would shamble their way over to assist, much like antibodies in the human body. However, after a certain amount of distance, say two thousand meters, that effect was rare. As the parking lot and northern façade of the Diet building was obliterated, Tasha could see a few dribs and drabs of voomers exit the building only to be blow apart.

"Guess we're gonna have to flush the rest out the hard way." Lyles opined as the artillery subsided.
"Yup. We're prepared to move in, care to cover us?"
"Tut tut Colonel. How about you support us on this one. Let the 9th have a little action."
Natasha smiled, the 9th had just received a spate of new recruits before deployment, naturally their commander wanted to vet them.
"Roger that, we'll move in with your main body, your flanks are on their own."
"Hua!" Came Lyles reply.

"Never thought I'd be visiting the Diet building like this." Linna mused.
"Hell, I never thought I'd be visit here ever!" Priss added.
"They have a great snack bar." Tasha deadpanned, recalling a prior visit. There was a pause and Tasha turned her head at her three compatriots bewildered gawks.
"What? They do." Tash blinked.
"You're insane, you know that don't you?" Nene finally laughed.

The fight was intense, and over quickly. The soldiers had stormed the building expertly cutting down any voomer in their path. The room to room searches took slightly longer but Colonel Lyles was a fine commander and kept the momentum up, pushing forward, bypassing a pocket if need be, isolating them for later destruction. There had been political concerns about collateral damage but Tasha had scoffed, telling Col. Lyles that if her people saw a voomer then take it out and screw the décor. Of course, with any well-planned action, some slip-ups and unaccountable events would occur, luckily no fatalities had occurred with them, this time. As the few wounded soldiers of the assault were carted away Priss stepped over the carcass of a fallen voomer over to Linna who was leaning against a door jam.
"I was expecting more."
"Me to, but I'm not complaining." Linna replied.
Priss nodded.
"Um, Linna?"
"Look, well, you know how your apartment got smashed right?"
"Well, um, my trailer..."
"You want to crash at our place for a while?" Linna asked, anticipating Priss' question.
Priss' shoulders slumped and she sighed, relieved. With Leon still in New York acting as Natasha's eyes and ears to the UN she didn't have anyone to stay with, plus, as much as she liked Leon, shacking up with him would make her uncomfortable, and might send the wrong message.
"Thanks. I owe you one."
"Hey, I'm just crashing there as well." Linna giggled.
"Right...Okay, okay, I owe you both one."
"So, about your trailer?" Linna wondered aloud.
"It was absorbed the night before last, that's why I sacked out on base."
"I was wondering about that." Linna smiled.
Priss shrugged. "Tash has the devils luck though, what with her apartment being untouched and all."
"She lives right by the bay, the Sotai hates water." Linna noted.

Upstairs, in the records office Tasha was walking thru rows of filing cabinets. A lifetime ago these would have been filled with paper files, now they held digital media. Stopping in front a bank of drawers she paused and regarded the Lot number. Pulling the shelf out she casually flipped thru the file partitions and withdrew a folder and a few disks and stuffed them into her rucksack. Sliding the shelf shut she continued her rounds, popping a drawer open here, lifting a file folder there.

On her way out she passed a duo of troopers in the corridor.
"Ma'am?" One, a Corporal asked, curious at her presence.
"The records section is secured." She informed.
He looked at her ruck, back down the hall then at her and then nodded, saluting.
"Roger that ma'am." Infantry Corporals did not question the motives nor authority of Military Intelligence Light Colonels.

Nene met up with Natasha in the level two stairwell fresh from the computer archives, each regarded each other's rucksack, both full, and nodded. Linna looked over her shoulder as the distinctive POM POM POM of a pair of HARDsuits came down the stairs.
"All secure topside?" She asked knowingly.
"Roger that." Tasha replied.
Priss shot them a look and put her hands on her hips.
"I should've known." She snorted.
"Oh shut up." Nene quipped. "I can always run back up and re-enter your zoning violations."
Priss blinked.
"Zoning violations?" Linna laughed.
Priss flushed red. "Come on, parking a trailer for a year in the same spot ain't exactly legal."
"C'mon you rebel you." Tasha joked. "Lets see if the Colonel needs us to hang out."

* * *

Priss bit her lip uncomfortably; she was standing behind Tasha, who was bent over, rooting about in her closet. Every now and then her arm would come back with an article of clothing, which she would drape across Priss' outstretched arms. The pile now included two towels, a sweat suit top and pants, a few t-shirts and now a jacket. Turning around Tasha plopped a final load of socks and panties atop the pile. Priss looked down at the undergarments and blushed. They were silk, she could tell that by looking at them, and they were defiantly Tasha's, due to the tiger stripe camo print. Priss followed behind her as she led her to the guest room. It was well appointed, nothing to fancy, but it had all the amenities, as well as an attached bathroom. No TV she noted.
"There you go." Tasha said, checking the medicine cabinet to make sure it was stocked with toiletries and a spare toothbrush. "Make yourself at home." She smiled.
Priss, a little red from earlier, nodded and smiled softly.
"Thanks Tash."
"Hey hey, what are friends for?" Tasha laughed, patting her on the shoulder. "Lin and I are gonna start dinner while you get settled. It's Sloppy Joe night so you better hurry or else Nene will eat your helping."

Priss had learned that Nene had been staying in their other guest room ever since February. She'd thought it odd when Nene accompanied them home that night. They had worn their HARDsuits home and Priss had rolled her eyes when she saw a charger for the suits battery packs next to the wet bar. It was a bit non sequitur to see a quartet of power armor lined up along the foyer of a very elegant apartment with a charger sharing space with Cabernet Sauvignon, Pinot Grigio, and Dom Perignon. It was stranger still, once things had settled down some, to see Nene sitting on a Corinthian leather couch with an Asahi playing X-Box, Tasha cooking and Linna tossing their soft-suits into the wash, doing the laundry. Only in Tokyo she mused; then, giving into the situation, realizing that she'd soon be wearing silk camo print panties and an Army Ranger sweatshirt only to eat Sloppy Joes in a war zone, laughed as she stepped into the shower.

Priss sighed, closing her eyes as the warm, crystal clear water enveloped her. Since the shower doubled as a tub she'd elected to take a bath instead. The tub was deep, and contoured like an easy chair, complete with cushion for her head. As the steam filled the bathroom she submerged her head and exhaled. When she surfaced she had a broad grin across her face. She could get used to this kind of thing. She missed her trailer, it was home, but her 3x3 shower couldn't hold a candle to this. Glancing to her right she noticed a panel recessed into the tile.
"No way."
Pressing the top-most button she nearly jumped out of the tub as jets of water sent bubbles up and down her back.
"Oh my god!" She tittered. Then covered her mouth with both hands when she realized she was giggling aloud like a little girl. She eyed the door, hoping no one had heard. Satisfied that her tetchy image was still intact she snickered slightly and let herself sink back onto the messaging jets.
"Screw the Sloppy Joes." She mused. "This is pure heaven."
The last time she'd felt this relaxed was when Sylia had sprung for a day trip to the spa last year. To Priss, it felt like a lifetime ago.
"Lucky bitches." She snorted good-naturedly. "They get to do this every day."

* * *

"Did you have a good flight boss?" Bobo said. Tony Mythos, late of the ADP, nodded.
"Yup, smooth as a baby's ass."
Tony's Del Mar estate was downright palatial. That experimental shuttle they had captured on Sulla had earned them millions, and, he felt, why not splurge a little on a fine place to live. He was pretty sure what Karl was doing with his share of the cash, although to be honest he couldn't say for sure. He knew it involved cars, and his side of High Caliber Industries. Karl was still angry with him for not telling him about Kaitlin and had moved out shortly thereafter. Natasha, well, what she was doing with her portion was anyone's guess, but he knew deep down she was all but wasting it by using it to assist the UNADP. Sometimes she was such an idiot he huffed. Screw the UN, what good has that organization ever done? He knew her regard for the UN rated slightly above that of dryer lint, but still, even if she did it to 'work within the system' any money spent to help them was a waste. Better to do what he was doing, create a private army and do what needed to be done regardless of the multitude of arrogant bureaucrats and over confidant statesman. Things hadn't changed a bit; only the personalities involved were different.
Setting his briefcase into a nearby chair he paused, noting that the leather bound easy chair to his desk was facing backwards, out the window. He stiffened when it turned, a stranger sitting there, smiling.
"Good afternoon Mr. Mythos."
"Okay buddy, you have about ten seconds to tell me who you are, and what the hell you're doing here before I blow your brains out."
"Tony, Tony." The stranger soothed. "No need for violence. I'm here as a friend."
"So you break into my home?"
"About that, yes, most unfortunate, my apologies, you see, it is very important that we speak, and I couldn't allow your guards to turn me away."
"Well, speak, you have five seconds." Tony replied, his voice like stone. His gun was now leveled at his intruder's head, the hammer cocked.
"Let us say that we have a mutual connection in Director Briggs."
"You're CIA?"
"Your words, not mine." He replied smoothly.
"Two seconds. What do you want?"
"You are aware that Genom, in the wake of the Towers untimely demise, moved various shipments of goods and information out of Tokyo before things went, how do you 'operator's say it?' Tits Up."
"Yeah, I heard they scattered." Tasha had been sending him regular e-mail, essentially mini briefs to keep him up to speed. He did not intend to go back, ever, but it was nice to know what was going on, it saved him the time of having to slog thru the news outlets for the real story.
"Yes, well, it seems that a large shipment has made its way to Thailand. I hear you've been there once."
"Yeah, what of it?"
"Well Mr. Mythos, it seems to me that we can scratch each others back in this. You get to help us out by eliminating a large stash of weapons and other such goodies, and well, we in the CIA allow you to move your little army you have growing in the desert, out of the continental United States without any, legal complications."
"Blackmail is it? I thought we had an understanding?"
"We do, but you must understand, we can't allow a Para-military group to be based in the country, not after the past, and current, administrations efforts to curb corporate armies and the like. We have no qualms about you doing what you are doing, but to quote a popular saying, 'Not In Our Backyard.'"
"You think you have me over a barrel?" Tony huffed, smirking.
"Tony, I know I have you over a barrel." His stranger responded, his features hardening.
"Why me? Why come to me, why not any of the others?"
"Good question, and one simple to answer. Your friend Karl, being in the state he is in would simply have ignored me, and it would be counterproductive to employ the methods needed to capture his attention."
Tony snorted, as much as a pompous prick that this stranger was, he was right on that count.
"Your more fair compatriot Miss Romanov on the other hand; well, like you, I value my life enough that I don't risk it foolishly. I would have been ignored much like Karl were I to approach her in an office setting, were I to invade her privacy like I have yours, she would most likely have killed me by now."
"I can still kill you Mr.?"
"Cluette. You may call me Mr. Cluette"
"Well, Mr. Cluette, you have seemed to have hedged your bets well, and as it seems I have little choice in the matter, I accept, what is the target?"

Tony listened and took notes; the target was an old airbase deep in the Thai jungle that had been used by the US Air Force in the early 2020's and the Royal Thai Air Force had since abandoned it some five years ago during a massive redistribution of their forces. Genom had in the neighborhood of twelve Semi's on site, and had begun to erect a perimeter. Mr. Cluette noted that, while the motives of the Genom operatives were still unknown at this time, it stood to reason that they were looking to sell the equipment they had secreted out to the highest bidder, of course, in the interest of national security, this could not be allowed to happen.
After their 'meeting', Mr. Cluette was escorted under guard out the front door and told in no uncertain terms that should he seek to meet with Mr. Tony Mythos again it had better be with an appointment, or next time he left the estate, it would be feet first.

"Stupid phone." Linna yawned. Crawling over Natasha's supine form she snatched her cell phone up and answered.
"Tasha's place." She said, punctuating her response with another yawn.
"Linna, its Tony, is Tasha around? It's important."
The tone of her voice told her all she needed to know, and she instinctively nodded.
"Just a second." She replied, than setting the phone aside poked the back of Natasha's head
"Tash, Tasha. Phone call."
Groggily Natasha turned over, her eyes half open.
"It's Tony, he says it's important."
Tasha nodded again, and rubbed her eyes, accepted the phone. Sliding out of bed Linna stole to the kitchen and started a pot of coffee.
"Tony, what's going on?" Tash asked sleepily.
Her attention perked and her fatigue evaporated as Tony recounted the events.
"I thought the CIA didn't have an issue with your, um, group. You think it's an agent that's not in the loop?"
"Maybe." Tony admitted. "Still, can you check this out?"
"Yeah, sure. No problem." She nodded as her phone beeped in confirmation of a file transfer.
"I'm flying out to Japan in a few minutes. I think it's best we team up on this one."
"Agreed. I'll meet you in Osaka, it'd be easier to fly in there."
Tony nodded, even though Narita was now accepting limited civilian traffic, it was still on a priority basis, Osaka was the best bet. As she hung up Linna returned with a fresh cup of java.
"Oh thank you sweetheart." Tasha beamed, blushing at the attention. Linna sat next to her and smiled.
"I figured you'd need it. So, what's going on?"
"Tony had an unexpected visitor. I'm going to check on it for him."
"Ahh, one of those kind of visitors. Gotta love the cloak and dagger neh?" Linna nodded.

She watched the Lear as it landed, still painted dark blue with HiC markings. It was snowing out, and this early in the morning it was freezing. She'd already been on the phone with Director Briggs. It had been awkward, asking the Director of the CIA why an agent of his organization was busting Tony's chops. He'd informed her that no such contact had been ordered, or even considered for that matter and had passed her off to Agent Smith. Smith had told her the same thing, and it didn't take long for them to come to the conclusion that this Mr. Cluette, if that was his real name, was no Agent at all, and was masquerading; but for what, and for who was still in doubt, although she suspected Genom. She'd phoned Ian, having to drop a code word or two to get connected. They exchanged pleasantries; it had been awhile since they'd last spoken, and it was good to catch up. Since the SAS worked hand in hand with MI6 Tasha asked him if it would be possible to run this Mr. Cluette fellow thru their database. Tony had provided a few pictures and voice samples from the estates security systems and she was putting them to use. He'd agreed, for 'old times sake' and would call her back.
Tony had just deplaned and entered the terminal when she noticed Karl, looking as if he'd gone native, approach. His hands were stuffed into the pockets of his trench coat, armored she noticed, one of the many they had made when the HiC, and Tokyo, had been in one piece. She smiled warmly at him, eliciting a nod and slight smile in return. Noticing Tony's approach, Karl, now standing next to Tasha, exhaled.
"Gangs all here."
She nodded.
"Karl! Tasha! Long time no see!" Tony smiled, walking up in an Armani overcoat and suit ensemble. In contrast to Karl's 'urban terrorist' apparel and Tasha's military fare, Tony looked quite the dapper millionaire.
"I have a helicopter waiting, if you'll follow me gentlemen." She laughed.
"Lead on milady." Tony bowed, ever so graciously.

The MH-47 Chinook, version G, while aptly suited to the task of inserting and extracting special operations forces deep into enemy territory, lacked even the basic amenities and, more over, cabin heating. Strapped into crew seating Tasha opened her laptop and inserted a disk that Tony had brought with him. Cluette had given it to him before he'd left, and it detailed what he wanted Tony to do. As Karl and Tasha looked over the overhead surveillance photos Tasha noticed something odd.
"The CIA would have used a Keyhole bird to get these right." She asked rhetorically, referring the KH-22 series of spy satellites used by the NSA. Karl and Tony nodded.
"These look like they were taken from a plane, albeit at high altitude, but defiantly from a plane."
"How can you tell." Karl asked.
"No clouds. Even if it's a clear day you'd still have some fuzziness from atmospheric diffusion, and a cleaned up photo has distinct markers."
Tony nodded, willing to defer to her experience in this matter, she was the Intelligence wonk; this wasn't her first dance with satellite recon photos.
"A trap then?" Tony asked, already knowing the answer.
"Yup, looks like it to me." Tasha confirmed. "I spoke to Briggs and Smith, they know nothing of an Agent Cluette. Smith and I think it's someone posing as a company man."
"Okay then, so what's the trap then, I mean we know it is a trap, but what's the nature of it." Karl asked.

"I don't know." Tony added. "I'm thinking one of two possibilities. A: they want us to go in here only to get wiped out, i.e., they want to erase our ass. Or B: this is a legit target in so much as they want us to deal with it for them."
"Us?" Karl noted.
"Well think about it, something this big, he knew I'd call you guys in on this."
Tasha nodded, as did Karl.
The lumbering Chinook made a lazy left hand turn as it passed Kasatori Yama. Ise-Wan and Nagoya shimmered like jewels in the distance as the city lights reflected off the bay. Natasha's phone rang.
"Ian?" She answered, noting the caller ID.
"It seems we have a lead on your boy." Ian began. "His real name is Travis Harrigan. One of ours it seems. Well, was anyway."
"British?" Tash responded.
"SAS actually. Possesses a fair bit of talent in computers, did what you do, to a degree."
"Intel eh?"
"Well, espionage would be a better term for it. He would grab bits of data for MI6 whenever we would go out."
"Yes love, the SAS is a small family." He replied, and she could all but see his smile. "I sortied with him once or twice in the past. He was a bit of an arrogant fellow, but his technical skills were top notch."
"Technical skills, I'm assuming surveillance and breaking and entering."
"Quite right, he also had an uncanny ability of making contacts, and positioning himself. Not much of a team player, which is why he went to Genom after we cashiered him. Interested in the all mighty pound his sort is. We last heard that Genom was employing him in their information services division."
"I see. Well, that helps explain a lot regarding motivation." She nodded.
"I'm glad it helped. I'll keep this line active for a few days, if you should need anything, protocol and all."
"Thanks Ian, I owe you a dinner."

"Well?" Tony asked.
"Our little friend goes by the name of Travis Harrigan. He was an ex-SAS B&E expert, trained in espionage and information brokering. He went to work with Genom after he was discharged. Seems the SAS didn't offer the financial rewards he felt he deserved."
"Wonderful." Karl snorted.
"Ian mentioned he was arrogant as well as ambitious. Here's my take." She paused, collecting her thoughts, than continued. "Genom goes under, and elements of the company scatter like roaches with the lights turned on. My guess is he hooked up with the faction with the most goodies and chances for rebounding. His job at Genom allowed him access to a lot of data, apparently including data on us. I think he's trying to get in on the ground floor and in the good graces of the board by setting us up the bomb."
Tony exhaled sharply.
"If this guy wasn't such a dick I might just like him."
"I feel a 'but' coming on." Karl smirked.
"No buts about it, he's going down." Tony replied matter-of-factly.
Tasha nodded as her phone rang again, this time it was Agent Smith.
"Smith." She smiled.
"We have the information on your friend."
"His name is Travis Harrigan, ex-SAS and he worked for Genom." Tasha said, preempting him with noticeable glee. Agent Smith paused, and she was certain he was laughing.
"You never cease to amaze. So then I take it you know his military past."
"I do."
"So how do you wish to proceed?" He asked.
"Well, it seems that this can benefit both of us."
"Interesting; explain." Smith replied.
"I'm pretty sure that the CIA takes a very low view of those impersonating an agent, and I'm pretty sure you'd like to know what he knows. So, the end result solves both our problems. Mr. Harrigan must be taken down. How do you feel about a visit to Tokyo?"
"Hmm, I must agree with you, but what would my presence in Tokyo accomplish?"
"Why, to take him into custody and have first crack at him of course."
"And you know he will be in Tokyo?"
"Well, that all depends on how well Tony is at acting. The guy is arrogant, he thinks he has Tony's nuts in a vise; we're going to play to that. Get an idea of where he is, ask him for more information but beg him to deliver it in person, trust and all, and then, we make him disappear."
"Which leaves his handlers unaware." Agent Smith concluded.
"Exactly, which means we can take out their base in Thailand as well. He will most likely have told them what we possess, and our methodology, so any trap will be geared towards that, however, if say, the UNADP goes in with all the resources we can muster, I'm sure that we can take the objective and recover some prime hardware as well as snatch a lot of crypto."
There was a pause as Agent Smith mulled it over.
"I'll be in Tokyo tomorrow, I'll fly in mufti to Narita, can you meet me there?"
"Already on our way." Tasha smiled.

"What's this about me acting?" Tony deadpanned.
"Call Mr. "Cluette'." Tasha began "And tell him you've convinced us to go along, but of course your feisty female companion wants a lot more up to date intelligence on the target and that, as a member of the CIA, it should be no problem for him to get it."
Karl laughed. "Oh, you're good." He pointed. "You're good."
Tony smiled as well, already seeing where this was going.
"I get it, he brings the stuff here and then Mr. Smith and us get to 'debrief' the fellow."
"You can even bring your brass knuckles." She grinned.
"Looks like you have a phone call to make." Karl jibed.

The Chinook had settled into its approach to Narita as Tony hung up. His performance had been stellar. Not only was Mr. Cluette on his way, he was coming believing he was doing Tony a favor, to help a wayward soul that he controlled do his bidding.
"I like what you've done with the place." Tony remarked as he surveying his environs. The military presence had grown since he'd left. The cold was biting, even thru his fine clothing, and maybe he mused, because of it. Tasha seemed fine, dressed for the climate, as was Karl, his trench coat serving as a first rate windbreaker. Tasha motioned with her arm towards a waiting jeep.

"You know, something just hit me." Karl said later, as they sat in Tasha's hooch-bound office over coffee.
"What's that?" Tony replied.
"Well, we just exposed, spun around, and rewrote this Harrigan guys entire plan, planned for his take down and set up support for a strike into Thailand all in the time it took that Chinook to drop us off.
Tasha chuckled.
"Damn we're good." Tony added.

"Tony. I see you've brought your friends." Mr. Travis Harrigan, a.k.a. Mr. Cluette said as he stood. The warehouse selected for the meet was secluded, on the fringes of the safe zone, and away from prying eyes. A unit of the 1/9 was nearby, hidden, ready to pounce at a moments notice, but their real purpose was to contain Mr. Cluette should he bolt. Karl and Tasha stood on either side of Tony. Both wore trench coats over their bulletproof vests, concealing them, and the hardware they carried. They had already cased the location, noted locations of cover and established their next moves by the time Mr. Cluette and Tony had shaken hands.
"I have the information you requested." He soothed, motioning towards the small fold out desk with a laptop and briefcase atop it. Tony sat and Mr. Cluette opened the briefcase and handed him a folder emblazoned with 'Top Secret: Classified Eyes Only'. Natasha suppressed an urge to snort derisively. Tony flipped thru the pages then handed a few over his shoulder. Tash walked forward and took them, and then, backing up a step, looked them over. They were aerial photos showing the placement of the semi trailers, other vehicles and air defense sites. A ring of radar sites circled the compound and probably linked to the few Triple-A equipped boomers she could see circled in red. She could understand to little information, but this was too much. Fixed anti air batteries would be hidden under camo netting, but there were none, and mobile anti air, such as the Bu-12B's she was looking at, would be undercover, inside, until needed. To see them 'milling' about would be tactically idiotic, and of course the pictures had been taken by aircraft and edited. This told her that Mr. Cluette had flown in from Thailand to deliver these, not from the US.
She met eyes with Karl and nodded slightly. It was about to go down. Walking up to Tony she handed him the pictures back.
"I think we have everything we need Tony."
Mr. Cluette smiled, happy his handiwork had satisfied.
"Excellent." Tony nodded back at her. "I hope your not holding out on us." He said, addressing Mr. Cluette.
"Of course not Tony, we might not have every piece of information regarding the target but we've provided everything we have."
"No, I imagine you have..." Tony nodded, shaking Mr. Cluette's hand. "Mr. Harrigan." Travis Harrigan's eyes bulged as Tony clamped down on his hand and twisted bring Harrigan down onto the table with a thud. Karl had withdrawn a shotgun from under his trench coat as Travis reached into his jacket pocket. Natasha was on him in seconds, yanking his arm away and twisting it behind his back. There was a popping sound as his elbow dislocated and Harrigan screamed, dropping a cell phone from his hand.
"Now that was a silly thing to do." Tony hissed then smashed his free hand against Travis' jaw, breaking it.
"We have movement! A dark sedan is en-route your position at high speed! Engaging now! Came a staccato report over the net.
"Jamming up!" Tasha called out.
Outside the warehouse, down the street there was a whooshing sound followed by a hollow boom. A few seconds latter brought a flurry of small arms fire and smaller explosions, most likely rifle launched grenades.
"Target down!" Called the Sergeant in charge of the 1/9's security platoon.
"Oh darn, looks like no help for you today. " Karl bit.
"Phhuuck you!" Harrigan hissed, frothing blood and snot all over the desk as Tasha held him rooted in an arm lock.
"You shouldn't swear around women." Tony remarked, smacking him again in the face. Tash laughed and shook her head. Tony shrugged.
"You'll neffer geff away wiff thiff!" Travis sputtered.
"Oh but they will."
Travis looked towards the newcomer and narrowed his eyes.
"Agent Smith, Central Intelligence Agency." He introduced himself, flipping his ID badge open and dangled it in front of Travis' bloody face.
Harrigan's eyes saucered in terror.
"Looks like he knows what's about to happen to him." Tony laughed.
"Indeed." Agent Smith replied. "We have much to discuss, you and I." He finished, as he withdrew a syringe and injected him with it. Natasha felt Harrigan shudder, stiffen, then suddenly relax under her grip and looked up at Smith, who nodded.
"He'll be taking a nap for a few hours."
Natasha nodded and released him, letting him slump back into the fold out chair.

As Smith and Tony hefted Harrigan into a waiting car Tasha took the opportunity to peruse the content of the briefcase. He had files on all of them, and the Knight Sabers. Taking her file, and those of the Sabers she turned to his laptop, and decided that to the victor go the spoils of war. She'd let Nene play with that when she got home.

"Thank you for the help." Natasha said, shaking Smiths' hand. Behind them a pair of burly MP's were frog marching a chained and sedated Harrigan aboard a waiting C-17. The official line was that the FBI had caught him attempting to sell contraband equipment inside a combat zone.
"Thank you. Miss Romanov, we'll see that you get a copy of what we find out regarding Thailand. We've spoken to UN and the Thai government and they have authorized you to conduct combat operations."
"Happy to be here, proud to serve." She smiled.
"Until next time." He nodded, smiling as well.

* * *

"Okay ladies, cop a squat." Tasha called out. The rest of the Knight Sabers quieted down, settling into their respective chairs. After seeing the squadron briefing rooms on the Reagan Tasha had decided to do the same for them. As it stood the 'dayroom' consisted of four easy chairs, large enough to accommodate a HARDsuit, a couch with nearby table with coffee machine, microwave and mini-fridge, and up front, a white board and overhead projector. Nene took a stack of papers from Tasha and distributed them to the others before she sat. Nigel at the back of the room sat perched on the armrest of the couch with a neutral expression.
"Okay, first order of business." Tasha began. "Excellent work supporting the 1/9. Colonel Lyles and General Fairweathers send their thanks. Gold star work people."
"Woo hoo!" Linna exalted, raising her hand and smiling happily. Tasha smiled as well, mimicking Linna's 'fight the power' gesture then flipped to the next page in her brief. Nene giggled slightly and Priss shook her head, but smiled none-the-less.
"All righty then, moving on. I'm going to be out of the country for a few days, a week tops, so, while I'm gone, Priss is in charge, Linna, Nene, back her up okay."
Nene nodded dutifully as did Linna, although she had a concerned look on her face.
"Where are you going?" She asked, she'd ask the when and why later, in private.
"Tony and I are heading to Thailand."
"Ha ha! I knew it had something to do with Tony!" Priss noted. "Pay up squirt!" She added, turning towards Nene, holding her hand out.
With a grumble and rolled eyes Nene dug into her pocket and handed Priss a fresh fifty-dollar bill.
"Okay, I guess someone has to ask." Linna sighed sarcastically. "We know you picked Tony and Karl up in Osaka, and we know you met a 'strange fellow' the other day on the flight line."
Linna knew who Agent Smith was, she'd seen him before at the HiC, so she knew the CIA was involved, but even in such close company, she decided not to that proverbial cat out of the bag.
Priss narrowed her eyes and with the same 'who done it' voice added.
"We also know that you and said stranger along with Tony and Karl left yesterday into the hot zone.
"And..." Nene spoke up, playing along. "You returned shortly thereafter with another stranger in a hood which the first stranger took away with him on the next flight out."
"You've been all watching way to many spy movies." Nigel grunted, taking a fresh drag off his cigarette. The group laughed, including Priss; even Nigel managed a slight smile.
As Natasha explained why she was going overseas, something about Genom trucks and stolen equipment, he regarded the quartet of women before him. In the few weeks he'd been back the change he noticed were striking. Sylia would be hard pressed to recognize her team, and their temporary leader. It seemed, to his eyes, that the past events had brought them of age of sorts, Nene was still chipper but there was an underlying sense of determination and pride in her demeanor. Linna was decidedly more confidant and mature as a woman. Priss and Natasha however shocked even him. They had both blossomed. Priss? Smiling; laughing and joking with no traces of condescension. And Tasha, letting her hair down, so to speak, behaving more at ease, and, dare he say it, less anal. He also noted that their new attitude was affecting him, he'd always, no matter how short or gruff he'd acted towards them, cared deeply for them, but seeing them like this, acting like a team, acting like sisters, made him warm inside. Sylia had told him of a conversation that she and Tasha had had some time back, she had told him that Natasha had paid her an interesting compliment by remarking on her selection of recruits for the Knight Sabers. How unalike they were yet so compatible. He had to admit, if Sylia had planned this, then her choices had been sheer brilliance, and even if not, her instincts were brilliant to recognize a good thing and take a chance on it.
He hadn't been shocked, only slightly surprised, when Sylia had told him she planned to ask Tasha to lead the Sabers. He'd voiced his opinions, but ultimately, it was her call, and now, seeing the result of Sylia's choice of people, combined with Tasha's leadership and experience, and of course his brilliantly made machines, he knew Sylia had made the right decision.

"So, um, Thailand huh?" Linna said, poking her food aimlessly later that evening. Priss and Nene turned their eyes up, looking to see what Tasha's reaction would be, but remained silent. Tasha noticed the awkward silence and dabbed her napkin to the corner of her mouth and set her fork down. She'd already explained what she could to them earlier.
"I know." Tasha sighed. "But I kinda need to be there."
Linna nodded, still jabbing her pasta Alfredo absently. She looked at Nene and Priss, they were minding heir food, but would occasionally look up to gauge the situation. Linna was miffed, this was the first time that she felt like she couldn't speak freely to Tasha and she was slightly resentful. Finally Linna set her fork down, cast an apologetic look to Nene and Priss then stood.
"Tasha, can I talk to you outside for a moment?"
Folding her napkin in silence Tasha stood, pushed her chair back and followed Linna out onto the balcony.
"She's dead." Nene muttered.
"Yup." Priss agreed.

"I know what you're going to say...." Tasha began before Linna cut her off.
"Do you? Really, please, tell me what I'm gonna say?"
"Fine. I will." Tasha huffed. "You're peeved cause I'm going overseas again, into harms way, again, and that worries you."
Linna laughed.
"Well, you're partially right."
Tasha blinked, Linna's voice held no anger, only joviality.
"You're right about all of that, I am peeved, and I am worried. Look sweetie, we've been thru this before. I just, well, I just wanted to tell you that I want you to be careful, and that I love you, and that I don't want you to get hurt."
Natasha was dumbfounded.
"You're, well, okay." She stammered.
"Come on." Linna blushed. "You want me to say all that in front of them." She asked, motioning with her hand to their two friends at the table. "I'd just die." She laughed.
Tasha sighed and smiled.
"Yeah, I suppose, still, you had me worried there for a second." She admitted.
"Yeah, I know." Linna smiled. "So, when do you have to leave?"
"In a few days, there are still some preparations to make."
Linna nodded, the more she learned from Natasha, and the more time she worked with her, the more she understood that not much in the military happens without a good deal of prior planning. At least this time she'd be able to help her.

"Uh oh."
"What?" Priss asked.
"They're gonna smooch." Nene deadpanned, and then stuffed a fork full of pasta into her mouth.
"And how do you know?" Priss condescended.
"Twust me." Nene mumbled, her mouth full.
Sure enough, Priss watched as Linna drew closer to Tasha and wrapped her arms around her shoulders, then, they kissed. Priss felt her cheeks flush as an awkward smile crossed her face. Trying to shake it off she turned to her meal but finished off the beer in front of her instead.
"Told ya." Nene noted.
"I thought you said she was dead?" Priss intoned, remembering Nene's initial assessment.
"Yeah, well, that was before I saw Linna turn eight shades of red. She does that, just before she gets, um, err."
"Horny?" Priss remarked snidely.
Nene laughed. "Well. I was going to say 'kissy'."
"Must be used to seeing it huh?" Priss asked. Nene had been staying with them for a while longer, so it stood to reason she'd seen them making out before.
"A few times, still think it's icky. Then again, I think it's icky when you and Leon kiss, so, who am I to judge." She remarked with a shrug, smiling like a Cheshire cat.

"Ah." Priss nodded, then grabbing up a baguette, chucked it at the window.
When Linna and Natasha turned they saw Priss and Nene looking at them with a smile.
"Get a room you two!" Priss laughed.
Nene couldn't help but crack up, and both Linna and Tasha giggling slightly, blushing in mortification at the spectacle.

* * *

"They're running!" Came a jubilant voice from above.

Natasha was soaked in sweat, even with her HARDsuits climate control the oppressive humidity of the Thai jungle combined with the non-stop stress, and now combat, since they'd abseiled in was taxing the life support to it's limits. She looked over the troopers with her. Of the eight-man squad only six remained. The other two had been killed by the latest in anti-personal mine technology. She'd heard about them, 'Spider Mines' so called because that exactly what they were, mines with legs and beady little eyes. What made them so dangerous was the holographic camouflage they possessed, allowing them to cling to a branch, or in the underbrush, and like a chameleon, disappear, lying in wait.
One of her troopers had been blown apart before anyone knew what was going on. It didn't take long to figure out that they were mines, and when the second trooper had fallen they knew that the mines were mobile. They had made a mad dash for the radar bunker that had been their target. The two enemy soldiers guarding it had been cut down as the group ran right past them and into the structure, slamming the door behind them. Luckily it seemed that the mines would only blow up if they had affixed themselves to a target. After a few tense minutes, the sounds of metal legs pittering and pattering outside the door ceased. She'd transmitted a warning to the other inbound units detailing the threat, hopefully they would fare better then her men had. A roof top hatch had been located and Tasha had volunteered to see if the spiders were still out there. She'd been unable to find any of them, but did locate their remote control. That had been hairy, to retrieve it from the enemy corpse she'd had to jump off the roof, snag the remote and run back inside all without any cover. So, afterwards, while a Royal Marine sergeant set about rendering the radar site useless she set about trying to figure out her new 'toy'. It didn't take long, most military hardware, while off times extremely complex, was designed to be user friendly. She'd 'asked' a spider to come to the front door, for 'study'. That had been a sight, five rifles pointed at the door as she opened it, to reveal a spider mine sitting there as nice as you please, hell, the shitty lil thing had even knocked. While she and the others looked the thing over the lookout in the roof hatch notified them that their presence had not gone unnoticed and that two combat boomers and four soldiers were approaching. Turn about is fair play, and Natasha grinned evilly as she sent the remaining five mines to attack the 'new' targets, she was gonna keep this one. It had been brutal and one sided, the two boomers received two spider mines apiece and were blown apart in short order. Only two soldiers survived.

Tasha nodded grimly at the Royal Marine. She made a 'Rally on me' motion with her hand and the Marine slid down the ladder and the others in the control room looked over.
"Okay, two by two cover. I'll provide overwatch."

They nodded. Sans HARDsuits their mobility was limited so approaching the base slowly thru the jungle would take them a good fifteen minutes. Sounds of battle could be heard in the distance; Tony's unit and UN must be pressing forward. The scream of jet engines overhead caught her attention. They had best hurry; even with the radar station reduced the AA Boomers could still track their targets autonomously.

Crouching next to the sniper she linked to his scope. Two thirty-foot tall guard towers flanked the east gate; both were heavily armored concrete structures. It would take at least three well-placed RPG rounds each. They didn't have RPG's. She could see movement thru the firing slit, at least six soldiers manning two .50's. Panning down she noted a mobile gun drone at each bunkers base. Any ground target would be shredded by the combined firepower.
"Can you hit those 'Cans' from here?" She asked the sniper, referring to the sentry drones.
"To right lass, I'll get 'em." The sniper nodded.
"Okay, give me ten seconds than paste 'em. Once I clear the towers move in and secure the gate."
"Roger that." He nodded again.

Satisfied her weapons stores were all green she lined up for an unobstructed run. Taking a deep breath she closed her eyes, cleared her head, focused. Now! In six bounds she'd gained sufficient speed and hit her thrusters. The vegetation at her feet was scorched as the shoulder thrusters flared to life propelling her thru the jungle canopy like a shot. As she punched thru the foliage she heard a series of shots ring out. Clearing the tree line she locked in on the right most tower. The thrusters control vanes moved slightly up and down as she made minor course corrections. She would impact the firing slit dead center, between the machineguns. As she closed she saw a soldier point at her and holler a warning, but it was too late. Driving her feet into the concrete she came to an abrupt stop, she tightened her hold, powdering the concrete around her vise grip on the re-bar. As the dust cleared she noted the soldiers inside. Two had fallen back as she'd hit, the others were bringing their weapons to bear. To her left another soldier was desperately trying to swing the barrel of his machinegun on target. Narrowing her eyes she brought her free arm up and shoved it thru the slit.
Her suits visor tinted automatically as brilliant white and orange flame erupted from her arm. The dark night erupted into day around her as the flames filled the tower's gun post, blowing fire out the slit and rear door as the screams of the dying inside melded into the inferno with an unnatural howl.

"Bloody Hell!" The snipers spotter blinked.
"Well, serves the bastards right." He grunted as he hefting his rifle and bounding after his mates.

Pulling her arm back Tasha pulled herself to the roof of the tower as below her two soldiers consumed in flame leapt thru the slit, plummeting to their death. She turned her gaze to the other tower, gauged her distance and leapt. Inside, the soldiers looked around, trying to identify the large bang they had just heard. Bringing her arm back Natasha engaged her knuckle bombers and punched, blowing a basketball sized hole thru the ceiling. Two soldiers inside were on the floor bleeding, shrapnel from the blast having torn into them. Exhaling slowly she brought her arm over and pushed it thru the hole. This time the rest of the camp noticed as a torrent of jellied plasma erupted from the firing slits and rear door of the second tower. Morale of the enemy, well, human enemy anyway, all but disintegrated as out the rear door stumbled a walking pyre. The engulfed soldier was howling as his flesh liquefied and his armor melted. He tottered a few steps towards the railing than crumpled to the fire escape, charred beyond recognition.

Across the compound Tony saw Natasha's armor illuminated in flame, orange light glaring off her visor and shield like some Angel of Death. He looked over and saw the first tower, still aflame and shook his head.
"You better hope Karma doesn't catch up with you girl." He muttered to himself.

His attention was diverted as the staccato sound of machinegun fire from the AA Boomers in the center of the camp. The UN planes were coming back for another pass. As he lined up a target he noted that Tasha was doing the same.
"Tash, I'm going for the north east boomer."
"Roger that." She noted, and shifted her aim.
There was a loud crack from Tony's anti tank rifle and a hollow pop from Tasha's grenade launcher. He smiled; she was a very, very calculated warrior, if not at times merciless. He knew as well as she did that the grenade wouldn't destroy the boomer, but it sure would knock its gun out of action. His weapon however was designed to puncture tank armor, and made short work of the boomers chest, blowing a neat hole thru it.
Around him the enemy troopers were faltering, the horror of Natasha's attack as well as the loss of a few more boomers was beginning to ware at their motivation. The UN troopers had now arrived at the perimeter of the base and were pushing in. Tony was about to relocate to assist the ground troops when two of the twelve semi trailers shuddered, then burst open as twenty foot tall combat voomers ripped their way free of their automotive cocoons.
"Not good." He observed.
The voomers spread out. Both were almost carbon copies of the larger, forty foot voomer that had torn up Shinjuku, both were armed with internal cannon on either arm, and both had missile launchers on each shoulder. One of the voomers winced as a line of strafe from a passing jet stitched it's side. It's missile bays snapped open and a single missile was loosed at the offending aircraft.
Natasha saw it launch, slowly at first, 'tail dragging' to gain lift. She brought up her arm and fired her laser in an arcing swath across where she thought it would go, she only nicked it, but it was enough. Without a working tail fin the missile flew helter-skelter over the battle like a released balloon, finally exploding somewhere in the jungle.

Tony had to move now, had things to do, but not yet, not without taking at least one shot at the behemoths. Since the missile bays were open he shifted his aim to one and fired. There was a loud crack as his weapon fired, instantly and spectacularly followed by the missile bay detonating in a brilliant flash of metal and rocket fuel. The warheads cooked off seconds later, shredding the voomer and a few enemy troops nearby. Even the combat boomers were stunned this time.
"You see that shit?" Someone on the net cried out.
"Fuck yeah!"
"Oh yeah, the quarterback is toast!"
"Hoooo yahhh!" Tasha whooped, caught up in the thrill and rage of battle.
Tony blinked, then snapped out of his disbelieving bewilderment as a smile crossed his face at the realization that he had scored the perfect money shot, the 'Golden BB', in military speak.

Tony hustled down from the rooftop he was on and set about assisting the team he had brought with him, ex-Det.3 and ADP personnel that he trusted. While Natasha, subordinate to the General in charge of the operation, would deal with the reduction of the encampment in general, Tony, at Agent Smiths request, had been asked to do the CIA a favor or two in the 'Collection and Acquisition' department. Funny, he didn't feel too bad not having told Tasha about it, maybe he figured she already knew, but as it stood Agent Smith had asked him not to tell any one outside his team. Now that the enemies 'human element' was beginning to withdraw, he needed to get down to their command center, and grab some important people before they all skedadaled.

Still atop the tower Natasha watched as the second behemoth plodded across the camp shooting up her troopers. If these were the same basic model, then the pilot must be in the same place she mused, then lined up for an attack, she'd have to time her jump to land on its back, and then blow off the access hatch. She waited for it to get closer then jumped as she activated her jets; propelled under a cone of fire she hurtled towards her foe. The voomer saw her, and their 'eyes' locked, Tasha immediately knew she was in trouble. A huge arm swung upwards and batted her from the sky. The force of the blow sent her flailing. She impacted the packed dirt in the center of the camp with a crunch and thud, gouging a deep ten-foot long furrow into the ground. Taking a step to regain its balance the huge voomer aimed its auto cannon at her fallen form and fired.

Tasha didn't cry out, although every part of her wanted to. The pain was unbearable, her shoulder had hit first, and it burned, and her arm was immobile. Her vision was blurred and the wind had been knocked out of her. Suddenly she felt as if a hundred sledgehammers were beating at her as the auto cannon rounds ravaged her armor.
She didn't move, couldn't move, playing dead as tears streamed down her face as she sobbed softly in agony.
The massive voomers victory didn't last long, Devoid of antiaircraft protection, the guns of the last two Triple-A boomers silenced, it was now easy pickings for a two ship flight of A/F-35's that swooped in low and each fired a antitank missile from near point blank range.

As she played possum, a tidal wave of pressure and noise rolled over Natasha like a steamroller. She cried out this time as the concussion flipped her over a few times, landing her on her back, her arm flopping to her side. She cursed herself for being to aggressive, for being stupid, and laid there, letting the pain wash her guilt away.
After a few moments of 'introspection' she checked her sensors, no hostile IFF pings anywhere. Sighing she opened her helmet for some air and was rewarded by the smells of war. Fire, burned rubber, clothing and flesh, spilled fuel, mixed with the smells of the jungle, deep, earthy and clean. Overhead she saw the belly of a fighter jet illuminated for an instant by the fires around her as it passed over the camp. Helicopters were inbound, the rotor slap growing louder and people were approaching. Her pride made her politely wave off the offered help as she struggled to stand, wiping her tears away as she sniffled, stopping short of refusing medical aide. She debarked her armor and allowed the field medic to wrap her shoulder up, but let him do no more lest he notice what lay below her human appearance.
"How many?" She asked soberly as the medic put the finishing touches on her sling.
"Fifteen dead, twenty wounded." He remarked flatly.
She nodded and sighed, not bad all things considering.

Tony caught up with her as she made her way from semi to semi, taking a look at what they had all fought so hard to retrieve. Two of the semis had contained the huge voomers, which left another ten. One held more of the spider-mines; the others held parts and other critical and expensive equipment.
"How're you doing?" He asked, noting the bandages.
"Better than most, not as good as some." She replied with a brave smile.
"I heard about the nose dive." He added, rubbing the bridge of his nose. Actually, one of his men had recorded it, and had shown it to him. "Umm, just be more careful next time okay."
"I will." She nodded, feeling stupid again.
"Well, I'm going to head out okay." He noted, motioning to an Osprey idling across the camp.
"Right, I still need to take inventory for my report." Tasha nodded. "Thanks."
"Other way around babe. You helped me remember." Tony winked.
"Right, well, then you're welcome." She chuckled.

As he trotted off she took a look into the final semi trailer. It took her a good minute to realize what she was looking at, and her heart flew. Of all the dumb luck. She laughed aloud. It was a mobile surgical suite, rugged and compact, made for use in the field, or in other areas devoid of doctors. As she explored the unit, poking her head into this and that, opening every drawer and tray, and generally being nosy, she noted it had a telepresence uplink. With that a surgeon miles away could perform an operation as if he were standing above the patient. She looked at her shoulder, then closed the door to the trailer and laid atop the bed. She wasn't surprised when the machine told her that she was screwed, that her shoulder was smashed, she could feel the bones grating every time she breathed. There was only one doctor she could think of that knew about her nature, but he was on Sulla. Well, she mused, it never hurts to try. It took her ten minutes, but eventually she was able to attach her phone to the unit's transmitter and was able to get thru. After the initial pleasantries she sent what the unit had scanned of her and he quickly made his diagnosis and told her to make herself comfortable.

"So, how're thing on Sulla?" She asked, as the machine stripped away the bandages.
"Oh fine." Dr. Kilenack responded as he cleaned and prepped the wound by remote. "Thing are pretty much the same. The UN and the USSD have men here. Max tells me that they are making good use of the launch facility here, shipments coming in non-stop and other such nonsense. One wonders if they may use Sulla as a base, now that Genom's claim is moot?" He remarked with a wry grin, already knowing the answer.
"Makes sense." Tasha nodded, then winced as she watched the scalpel attachment move into position.
"You ready, need a local?" Dr. Kilenack asked.
"Yeah, go ahead, I don't think I want to feel this."
The pain gone, Tasha smiled, she didn't feel giddy, just a little fuzzy on that side of her body. A local anesthetic for her wasn't a shot of morphine, but rather the 'pain receptors' to that side had been 'turned off'.
She and Dr. Kilenack made small talk as he worked, and she was happy when Max popped by the Docs office. Max chatted her up and beyond the joy at touching base with a friend, it helped take her mind off of the operation as articulated arms of various instruments, most sharp and wicked looking, flitted by her head in an elegant dance of skill and precision. She'd also learned from the talk that the USSD had been, having been devoid of a command and control facility had, on Sulla, begun to construct a new one. The operation took a good half hour, and like before, she was sore and miserable, but never the less, fixed. She said her good buys, promised to send them some books on tape, movies, and music that they were sorely lacking and closed the line. Before hopping out she replaced her sling. Her arm was moveable now, but it hurt like mad, and probably would for the next few weeks. Linna was going to kill her.

"Look out!" Linna cried. Karl whipped around then threw himself to the side as a scythe of metal sliced the air above him.
"So much for the heroic entrance." He grunted with a strained mutter. He landed, kneeling, facing the enemy.

Another pocket of Sotai had been found by a Marine patrol. Priss and the Knight Sabers were in area running their own patrol when the call had gone out and were the first on the scene. Karl had arrived a few minutes later. He had been on a patrol of his own, rooting out rouge voomers, and eliminating them when and where he could.
A streak of flame and smoke passed over Karl's shoulder as an AT rocket from a Marine behind him impacted the mass of conduit and pipe raising like some multi-tentacle monster.
"Nene, see about getting us some air support." Priss ordered.
"Linna, we need to get the construction workers out, get with the Marines okay."
"Roger that." She nodded.
As Priss' compatriots tended to their duties Karl moved back to her position.
"So, what's up?" He bit, noting her machine gun hefted lazily in her hand. Tasha had been working her magic while he was away. A low boom turned their attention back to the fray as another anti tank missile impacted the tentacle.
"Okay, so how do we deal with this?" Karl asked. So far the voomers he'd fought were the bipedal type, and the occasional mutated piece of machinery. This was completely different.
"We drown it." Priss replied.
"We what?" Karl blinked, fixing her with a funny glare.
"Water dissipates the Sotai phenomena." Nene added. "Priss, the bombers on its way." She reported.
"Which would explain why I was seeing water bombers on the flight line." Karl shrugged.
Priss nodded.
"Now what?" Karl asked again. He was secretly enjoying this, no command responsibility, and above all, he didn't have to come up with any brilliant ideas to save the day this time.
"We piss it off and draw it out." Priss smirked.
"I can do that." Karl smiled back. "I piss things off good."

Linna attacked having seen to the construction workers safety, sending chunks flying off while Priss and Karl opened up with machine guns. The Marines behind them added their weight to the fire, loosing antitank rounds and grenades. Nene, hanging back, blanketed the area with electronic jamming, hoping to deny the Sotai pocket the aid of any infected voomer within range of its siren song. The mass extended, swinging it tentacles, lashing out at building and person alike. The Knights Sabers maintained a healthy distance, and were avoiding the few probing lunges easily. Driven by a mad desire to spread, to propagate, to grow, the mass set about absorbing construction equipment and materials.
"Oh no you don't!" Priss snorted, sending a burst of machine gun fire into a cement mixer, cracking the engine block and setting the wreck ablaze. The tentacle recoiled and the mass screeched in rage, forced now to extend further in search of sustenance.
"Bombers at its IP!" Nene reported over the din.
"Shit! Hold it off for a few minutes, this things still half buried!" Priss cursed.
"It's going for the portable generator!" A Marine yelled, pointing.
"I got it!" Karl replied.
Skimming over to the still running power source he stowed his weapon and hefted the generator. It was heavy, but more over it was ungainly and cumbersome. Even so, he was able to drag it out of reach. The mass bellowed again and in a fit of starved rage tore a section of girder from the half built building. Linna leapt expertly and spun past the limb slashing it cleanly sending the girder and tentacle flopping to the ground. Landing in a crouch she executed a few side rolls and jumps to avoid a flurry of stabs and slices, narrowly avoiding them, before she had moved out of range. There was a rumbling followed by a roar as the mass seemed to hunker down
"Here it comes! Nene, call in the bomber!"
As if on cue the lumbering mass pulled itself from its warren, snapping conduit and pipe as it heaved itself towards the generator that Karl was dancing about just out of reach.
"Oh he's really pissed now!" Karl half laughed. It would have been funny, if it weren't for the fact that it was after him.
"Priss! We're ready with the "One-Two'!"
"Good work! Marines! Pull back!" She ordered. She'd watched Tasha do this routine before, and had memorized it. Still she tingled slightly at the realization that she was for the first time really commanding, not just directing traffic. That must be what they call the 'Burden of Command' she mused; authority and responsibility. As the Marines called out that they had 'disengaged' the 'One' of the One-Two' arrived in the form of an A/F-35 lobbing two 500lbs glide bombs. The trick was to time the bombs and the water just right. The combined 1000 pounds of ordinance would rupture the Sotai mass, exposing it to the deluge of water. Above her Priss noticed the two bombs wobbling lazily as they homed in on their target. Behind them the water bomber had already begun its drop. Time for me to get the heck outta here Karl though and dropped the generator. As he turned to run a tentacle clipped him as it snatched up the tasty morsel of energy.
"Fuck!" he swore. Damn that thing moved quick. His side ached and burned. No time to think! Run! He told himself and pulled himself to his feet.
"We're clear!" Priss reported as she landed next to Nene and the Marines behind a berm of dirt and gravel. Linna, hurrying towards cover, noticed Karl having a time of it and moved to assist as the bombs found their mark. Slamming into him, Linna tackled him to the ground. Both were flattened into the dirt as the concussion slammed over them
"This is really gonna suck." Linna bit.
The water came in one huge hammer blow inundating the target area with a rushing wave. Linna, Karl, nearby vehicles, the contractors trailer, were all swept away by a torrent that made a trip down a whitewater rapid look tame. Behind the berm the Marines and Knight Sabers got small in their hidey-hole as the water sprayed over and soaked them. Nene watched the remote feed from an orbiting Predator on her visor as a brilliant display of greenish fireworks and arcs of electricity playing thru the water as the life was sucked from the Sotai pocket.
As the water receded Linna and Karl found themselves crumpled against debris, sprawled about in heaps. Linna moaned as she rolled onto her back. Karl, a few feet away followed suit.
"I think I'm just gonna lie here for a while." He coughed.
"Good plan." Linna affirmed. Her leg throbbed.

Nene stood and laughed, the poor Marines looked like half drowned rats, their uniforms and equipment soaked thru.
"You guys better get dried out before you catch pneumonia." She offered. It was still cold out, as Spring was late. Priss tapped her shoulder and pointed to the crater.
"Right." Nene nodded and turned her sensors onto the area. A few minutes later she was satisfied.
"All clear, Sotai readings normal." She reported.

"Taking a break?" Priss ribbed good-naturedly as she walked over to Linna and Karl.
Linna looked up, sliding her visor open.
"Yeah, just until my leg stop hurting." She replied.
Priss looked down and pursed her lips; the armor on her right leg was deeply dented.
"Looks pretty bad." Priss said, kneeling down as Nene helped Karl up.
"You okay Karl-poo?" Nene smiled.
"I've been better." He managed, grunting in pain. "I think I'll be needing an ambulance today." He quipped.
Linna propped herself up onto her elbows and surveyed the damage.
"You think it's broken?" Priss asked, concerned.
"I hope not." Linna breathed. Tasha'd kill me.

* * *

"She's doing it again." Priss remarked, biting her lip.
Nene looked over and sighed.
Must be nice Nene thought, slightly jealous of Natasha.

Linna was standing in the rain, the collar of her windbreaker was tightly drawn, but the downpour of freezing rain was oppressive, and she was soaked to the skin. Even so, she was warm all over. Tasha would be landing back from Thailand soon. She didn't mind the rain, she was a country girl, and the elements didn't bother her.
She had seen the transport with Tasha and the others land a few minutes ago, and she was waiting at the entry to Base Ops as the C-17 taxied to the VIP ramp of Kastner Field.
Covering her ears at the terrific whine of jet turbines Linna waited while crewmen hopped out and grounded, then secured the aircraft before engine shutdown. She had always thought the procedure a waste of time, and an extreme waste of gas. That was before she learned that the engines needed to run to give the plane electrical power to complete a systems shutdown while the comings and goings of the crew chiefs were to safe the aircraft and the area from danger. Still, she wished that they would hurry.

Priss and Nene were inside, watching the scene unfold from the climate controlled, and more over, dry, environs of the Base Ops building.
"From balmy to downpour. Sucks to be her." Priss smiled good-naturedly.
"No kidding." Nene agreed.

Natasha was blasted in the face by a gust of frigid air, as the rain was blown inside. As she made her way down the rear ramp she was soaked thru in seconds, as were the Royal Marines that debarked with her. She smiled, the cool rain was refreshing and cleansing even as it froze as it impacted her BDU's, icing her over. Since she'd taken off, fought, and returned, she'd nary a minute to devote to grooming, the concept of a shower remote to say the least. To her the cold March Tokyo rain was a Godsend, and by judging by the satisfied looks upon the Marines faces, it was for them as well.
"Good scrape there." A Marine remarked to her.
"Yeah, got tight there for a few." She smiled back.
He nodded.
"If you're ever RM Poole way, drop by and well have a good run-ashore." He smiled.
"Hehe, watch out for that egg, he's a piss artist!" One of his mates chimed in.
"Fuck off you! Least I didn't lay kit muster all over the walk you brown-hat git!" He replied, flipping him the bird with a laugh.
Tasha chuckled happily, a good lot these. She'd most certainly take them up on their offer should she find herself in the area.

Medical personnel made their way past her up and inside to deal with the wounded on litters. One medic, their supervisor, slowed as he passed her and took a look at her arm and sling. He continued on with a nod when he noted she wasn't in any pain, and that the dressings were up to snuff.

Tasha waited at the base of the ramp as the wounded were removed, thanking each one as they passed her. She wondered how many operations like this one would need to be completed before Genom's legacy had been shattered.
Tony had taken a separate flight back. She'd noticed a few zip tied prisoners missing from the initial batch, and a few folders of data were likewise 'signed out'. It hadn't taken long to piece together two and two. The CIA had asked him for a 'favor' and he had obliged. Anything more then that and she'd be guessing. Well, she shrugged, she'd find out sooner or later.

Linna had opened the door even before Tasha could reach for it, and smiled at her warmly. All her gear was over Linna's shoulder, she'd insisted. Relenting with a smile Tash went inside and sat at the kitchen counter. Priss and Nene had beaten them home after greeting her. The flight line reunion had been touching. Linna bounding over despite her limp, hugging her, a perfunctory kiss followed.
Tasha was surprised to see Karl sitting there, and even more so to realize he was wearing more bandages then she was. He smiled at her which giving her a third big shock. The last time they had spoken had been a month ago, after he had learned Kaitlin had died. He had been less then pleasant. She had noted a slight change in manners earlier, while they were planning the raid, but...
She smiled back.
"Look at you!" She laughed. "What did you do to get such lovely nurses?"
He snorted and shrugged. Nene flushed bright red and Priss shook her head good-naturedly. Linna set her burden down and sat next to Natasha and snaked her arm around her waist as she leaned up against her.
Karl noted her sling and smiled.
"Over extend a bit did we?"
She nodded in stride.
"Tony tell you?"
"Showed me actually, he got it all on tape."
Tasha winced with an embarrassed smile.
"I trust you'll have the decency to never show that." She noted with mock seriousness.
"I wanna see." Nene chirped with a smile. Linna nodded her agreement.

They talked about their respective conflicts, the conversation was lively, and up beat, dealing with the heroism and nobility of the fight for once. To often had their conversations been sullen and dark, focusing on death and loss and the constant weight of saving a city. As they spoke arm movements and cheesy sound effects portrayed actions and punctuated events and the mood was generally light.

During a quiet moment Karl looked Natasha in the eye and held his gaze.
"Saw your boys from Langley." He said.
Natasha's eyes narrowed slightly then closed. Tilting her head slightly to the side with a soft smile she looked at him. He had returned to Tokyo for a short time in February, to retrieve Kaitlin's belongings, and she'd asked the CIA station chief if he could have someone keep an eye on him. He'd been drinking heavily, and she wanted to make sure he didn't do anything self-destructive.
"I worry."
He sat for a second or two as the others around them watched this display in wonderment. Something big was being discussed, something personal.
Karl nodded.

Later that night as they laid together in bed, wearing nothing but their bandages; Linna her leg and side, the tumble she'd taken earlier had banged her ribs up as well; Tasha her shoulder and arm, they regarded each others wounds.
"Had a rough time too huh?" Tash said softly, almost in a whisper.
"Yeah." Linna blushed.
"Does it hurt?"
"A little." Linna admitted. "You?"
"A lot."
Slowly Linna rolled onto Tasha's side, wrapping her arm across her chest and draping her leg over her waist.
"You're crying." Tasha whispered gently.
"So are you." Linna sniffed, managing a brave smile.
Craning her neck Linna kissed her softly. Tash held her lips to hers, cherishing her warmth. Both desired the other, but neither wanted to inflict harm; so for now, they shared a gentle embrace and let the heat of their bodies sooth their injuries.

* * *

Setting the dirty plates into the sink Priss returned to the living room and sunk into the couch.
"What a night." She sighed, running her fingers thru her hair. Linna, next to her, nodded as she kneaded Tasha's shoulders. Both Linna and Tasha were excused duty due to their dings, even though Tasha was doing office work. No matter how hard she tried, the paperwork always seemed to pile up.
There was a bright flash from outside, followed by a low boom. The windows shook slightly and little ripples could be seen in their mugs of hot cocoa. Neither of them moved nor looked alarmed. Linna kept up her message and Tasha continued typing into her laptop. Priss took another sip, blowing her hair from her eyes out of the side of her mouth and settled further into the soft Corinthian leather.
"Toshima-ku?" Priss asked.
"Sounds like it." Linna muttered.
"Ooo that feels good." Tasha groaned contentedly under Linna's fingers and nodded with an impressed smile at Priss. "Good ear." She praised genuinely.
Priss shrugged, smiling slightly at the compliment
"Thank you, thank you, I'll be here all week." She joked.

"Oh, before I forget." Tasha began. "Tony's invited us all to Del Mar for the week."
"Really? Awesome!" Linna smiled. "Vacation!"
Priss pursed her lips with a smile.
"I could go for one of those." She added.
"Is Sylia coming?" Linna asked.
"Yup, she and Mackie will meet us there."
Priss nodded, it had been a good three months since they'd seen them, and it'd be nice to catch up face to face.

"Welcome to Casa de Mythos!" Tony smiled, his arms outstretched in greeting.
The girls collectively gaped in awe at the splendor of the grounds, and the stylish architecture. Karl smiled knowingly, he knew what the inside looked like, yes, the ladies would have their mouths agape for at least another two hours. Elise bounded happily down the stairs and hugged Nene followed by Trish and Sonya who ran up and mobbed Natasha.
"Hey there girl! God it's good to see you." Elise laughed happily.
"Ma'am." She smiled; addressing Natasha, then hugged her tightly as well.
"Wow, sure did well for yourself, didn't ya?" Nene snorted.
Elise blushed.

"We missed ya mom!" The kids chorused, hugging their surrogate mother tightly. Tasha was on the verge of tears. She hadn't seen the kids since they'd flow out of Tokyo just as the city began to go under. She'd kept up as best she could with their lives in California, talking to them on the phone and sending regular e-mails. They'd started school, and were doing well with their studies, Tony was teaching them martial arts, continuing the sessions they had all participated in atop the High Caliber building.
"Auntie Linna!" They bellowed cheerfully as they moved over to mob Linna.
"Hey there. How've you been?"
As they chatted excitedly, catching up, Elsie stood back and beckoned them to follow her with a wave.
"Come on in, I'll show you around."
Tony scowled slightly and Elise rolled her eyes.
"Fine dear, I'll show them the insides, you can show them the grounds, when we're done." She knew that Tony wanted to show his 'baby' off, but she was the 'woman' of the house, and she had dibs on the interior tour.
As the girls hefted their day bags Elise bade them stop with an amused wave.
"Don't worry about those, the valets will take 'em to your rooms." She laughed.
Karl walked up, depositing his bags with the others and looked the place over. Not much had changed, although the gravel driveway had been replaced with elegant Italian cobblestone and the entryway had new marble.
"I like what you've done, looks nice."
"Wait till you see the pool, had new tile put in last week as well as a wet bar." Tony grinned, clasping Karl on the shoulder.

The home was stunning, a showcase right out of the 'Lifestyles of the Filthy Rich'. Each Knight Saber had their own room, well; Tasha and Linna would share a larger suite. Elise notified them that Sylia would be arriving later that afternoon, her flight from Wichita having been delayed by a line of thunderstorms coming off the Rockies. The mansion was a ten-bedroom affair with two kitchens complete with staff, the main level held a ballroom, a bar, not as in a wet bar, but a sports bar, with one hot pink barstool, for Elise. Other décor included pool tables, dartboards, a jukebox, and a shark tank. A trophy room sat off of that next to a posh study. A 15-seat movie theater rested next to the indoor swimming pool, which extended outside to the well-appointed patio. Elise had wanted to show them more but Tony insisted on giving the tour of the twenty-car garage. By all account the garage and what was contained within was worth more then the home and the land it was built upon. Bruce Wayne had nothing on this. Lines of Corvettes, dating back to 1968 bracketed his pride and joy, a mint condition 1968 Mako Shark. Pointing to the silver gray '71 Stingray, Linna laughed.
"Sylia would get a kick outta that one."

The pool was fantastic, and for the girls a slice of paradise.
"You know what I love about this?" Tasha asked rhetorically as she lounged on a chaise, an ice-cold beer in her hand. "I can see blue sky."
The others looked up and blinked.
"Hey, yeah!" Linna remarked.
The sky over Tokyo had remained a gray haze of smoke and soot, darkening when clouds would appear. Sure the rain would clean the air, but the pall always returned. One had to travel a good fifty miles away from the city to see an azure sky.
"No artillery and explosions either." Priss noted.
"Or jets and helicopters flying all over the place." Nene quipped.
The rotor slap was distant, and then grew louder as it approached. A new model Jet Ranger flew over the house then began to land on the grass lawn behind the pool.
"Well; no jets at least." Nene grumbled. The others laughed.
"Ah, Sylia's here." Tony informed.
The reunion was heartfelt and touching. Linna and Nene rushed up first, greeting Sylia and Mackie while Priss and Natasha hung back, far to cool to rush over and gush emotion. Greeting his newest guests, Tony gave Sylia the nickel tour then informed the rest of them that he had a little get together / house warming for the neighbors and other affluent members of the Del Mar community that evening, and not to worry, he'd taken the liberty of acquiring pretty outfits for them all, even having gone so far as to get Tasha a set of US Army Mess Dress.

Sometime after ten, as the party began to heat up, Linna politely excused herself from the conversation and weaved her way thru the ballroom and up the stairs. She'd watched as Tasha had left the main area looking less then chipper. The stairs were empty, only family or staff allowed up. One of Tony's valets nodded at her passing. Up the stairs and down a long hall was a balcony that overlooked the pool and grounds beyond. She saw Karl lounging in a comfy recliner, a cigar between his fingers and a longneck at his side. His jacket was open and hung lazily from his broad shoulders. Tasha was opposite him on a loveseat in the process of unbuttoning her Mess Dress top. Her glass of champagne rested in front of her and she wore a tired expression. Her eyes brightened when Linna stepped out onto the terrace and she scooted over with a weary grin.
Linna sighed with a smile then kicked her heels off and padded over and nestled next to her friend. She was relieved, relieved that she wasn't the only on to feel awkward at such a high-powered and posh to-do. Karl smiled at their closeness behind his stogie, and watched as Tasha took her jacket top and draped it over Linna's bare shoulders.
"Couldn't take the snooty and pretentious either?" He said, raising his beer to his lips.
Linna sighed.
"If I had to stay down their another minute I would've gone insane." She breathed, snuggling closer, then stopped. With a frustrated snort she set her glass down and pushed Tasha over to expose her back then removed her holsters.
Without a word she set the weaponry on the coffee table nearby as Natasha sat back up.
"Mmm much better." Linna purred as she snuggled back up against her.
"Comfy?" Tasha asked with a laugh.
"Yeah." Linna smiled then fluffed her for good measure. "See what I have to deal with." Linna joked to Karl.
Karl laughed, and nodded.
"Better you than me."

"How're the others doing?" Tasha asked of Linna a few minutes later.
"Fine. Last I saw Nene was kicking the snot out of the kids and Mackie in the game room. Priss is being Priss."
Tasha nodded, that meant she had a drink in hand, an indifferent scowl on her face, but was never the less enjoying herself.
"Sylia?" Karl asked.
"Like a fish to water." Linna snorted with a smile.
"You know, you're going to have to build your endurance up." Karl noted.
"Huh?" The girls parroted.
"Well, it strikes me that you two are gonna have to deal with formal gatherings like this as a matter of course, after all, Tash here is the Deputy Director of Intelligence for the UNADP, and you're her lil helper elf." He smiled, pointing to Linna with the top of his beer.
Both women groaned at the same time, which Karl found extremely amusing. How odd; both women could, would, and had, leapt hell bent for leather into combat situations as easily as one might cross the street, yet when presented with a formal ball they retreated faster then a Frenchman on a sports bike. Of course, who was he to judge, he was acting a tad 'froggish' himself.
He knew Tony loved this kind of thing, not the showing off, which had its upsides, but the networking bonanza his party had created. Most, if not all, of the guests held some ranking position in either the local government, he'd seen the Police Chief and the Deputy Mayor, or business, and more importantly, finance. What better way to sound out potential contacts then by throwing a party?

Priss joined them a short time later. Her expression lightened.
"Puss out early neh?" She scoffed light heartedly regarding the trio.
"Wanna join us?" Linna replied.
"Yup." Priss said and promptly sat.
After a long sigh Priss finished her drink, placing an order with a dutiful valet. She waited until the others had 'topped off' then motioned over her shoulder down the hall.
"You should see it, Sylia and Tony. She works one side while he takes the other, then they switch; it's like a hob knobbing tag team.
"Very well put." Tasha nodded in salute.
"Bully." Linna grinned, evoking Theodore Roosevelt's trademark term of praise.

"What a bunch of sad sacks!" A voice came from the doorway.
"I was wondering where the heck you all went off to." Tony finished with a wry grin.
"Oh, don't mind us." Karl joked. "We're just keeping our sanity."
"Don't want us too crazy now." Tasha added.
"So..." Tony said, seriously now. "Not having a good time huh?"
All four looked away, bit their lips and appeared sheepish.
"Sorry Tony, we know this means a lot to you." Linna said. "But, we just can't relate to them."
"And by 'them' you mean?" Tony asked.
Priss waved her arm, motioning towards the guests gathered below them by the pool.
Karl nodded and pointed with his beer.
Tasha nodded as well.
"Them, as in 'they who have more dollars then sense.'"
"Well put." Priss smirked, saluting with her glass.
Tony blinked in thought.
"Fair enough." He shrugged with a smile, joining them for a round of drinks before returning to his other guests.

"Hey Karl." Nene said, smiling.
"Hey." He nodded. He'd left the balcony and had liberated a bottle of vodka from the kitchen and was halfway into his room.
"Look, um...I didn't get a chance to before, but well..." Nene hemmed and hawed.
Karl remained silent, waiting.
"Well, I just wanted to say that I'm sorry, about Kaitlin. We all liked her and well, I just wanted to say I was sorry."
Karl felt his heart rate quicken and his expression soured.
"Why should you be sorry? It's not like it was your fault." He commented brusquely.
Nene blinked.
"I...I know. I know how much she meant to you..."
"Really, and how would you know that?" Karl bit.
"Come on Karl." Nene recoiled. "That's not fair, I'm only trying to say I'm sorry is all. I know I can't ever know what you felt, I'm just..."
"Look, Nene." Karl cut her off. "Just do me a favor and stop talking about things you know nothing about. None of you do. It's all the same bullshit! Gee Karl, we sure are sorry that the one person in the world who actually gave a crap about you as a person got torn into pieces and trampled by voomers! Here, go spend some money and while you're at it, save the fucking world again!"
Karl took a deep breath.
"What none of you get is that she died for NOTHING! She died fighting an enemy that destroyed part of a country, only to have the citizens of that country turn around and welcome that same enemy back with open arms! It was a pointless death! I lost the one thing I truly cared about for NOTHING. Nothing is ever going to replace that and none of you can even begin to imagine how that feels! All any of you can offer me is MEANINGLESS PLATITUDES!"
Nene was stunned and felt numb inside as reeled from Karl's statement.
"What!" Karl breathed turning his back to Nene, not out of rudeness, but so that he didn't have to see her crying. He literally bit his tongue until he tasted copper in his mouth.


Karl's vision flashed bright white and his cheek burned.
"Fuck you Karl! "You think you're the only one who's suffered? Do you think you're the only one who knows what pain is? Why do you try and hurt anyone who wants to show you that they care? Trying to be pissy and distant. You're acting like Priss. Actually, no! You're worse, you stuck up selfish creep!" She cried. "I was only trying to be your friend, but you sure don't deserve any, and you sure as hell won't find any in that bottle! I hope you choke!"
With that she stormed off in a huff.
Sitting on his bed Karl eyed the bottle and sighed. After a few minutes he slowly stood and walked over to the desk, and let the bottle fall from his grip into the waste bin.

The next day was more relaxed; Tasha joined the group in pool volleyball complete with bikini, much to Linna's delight, and everyone else's surprise, and later, while Tony and Karl tended to their pet projects behind phones and computer screens the girls and the kids descended upon Disneyland for some much needed entertainment while turning most every head in the process.
The rest of the week was similarly restful. Swimming, golf, and tennis were the order of the day. Tasha and Karl spent time on Tony's skeet range blowing clay pigeons out of the air with blinding accuracy while Linna and the others rode across the estates acres atop Tony's finest steeds.
"Something wrong babe?" Karl asked noting Tasha's apprehensive stance. She was eyeing one of the horses in the corral. They'd finished their afternoon shoot and had decided to wait for the girls by the barn.
"Huh? Oh nothing, just, well, nothing."
Reaching down to a nearby feed barrel Karl produced two fresh Washington apples and tossed one to Tasha then set about cutting his into quarters.
"Thanks." Tasha remarked, taking a bite.
"That's for the horse." Karl noted as she swallowed.
Chagrinned, she blushed as he held his hand out, a quarter apple in his palm. Presently a nearby horse walked up and took the tasty morsel. Tasha was amazed at how at ease Karl was, so close to the mighty creature, while she could barely contain her fear.
"Here." Karl said, taking her hand and plopped an apple slice onto her palm.
Tentatively she extended her arm.
"No, hold your fingers flat." Karl instructed.
She did as she was told and the horse snapped up the treat, snorting and bobbing its head up and down in thanks. Luckily the arrival of the others saved her from having to repeat the process. She was ashamed at herself; it was only because Karl was standing there beside her that she had fed the horse. Barring his presence she would have fled, she didn't know why, but she was terrified of the massive animal.

She waited while the others dismounted. Linna insisted on tending her horse, removing the saddle, brushing it down, and seeing it was fed, much to the delight of the staff, she'd just earned major brownie points with them. Tash watched with an awestruck smile as her friend tended the animal with grace, skill, and love.
"How's the leg?" Tasha asked.
"Feeling better." She smiled. "You?"
"Shoulders still sore but my arm feels like a million bucks."
You should've come with us." Linna remarked as she wrapped her arm around her waist as they walked to the house.
"Maybe next time." Tasha smiled uneasily.
"Okay. I'll hold you to that you know."

* * *

"Why me? Why me?" Karl huffed. "Why do I do this to myself?"
Throwing himself to thru the broken glass of a bombed out hardware store door he ran further into the shop before he paused for a breath. Peering thru the shelves he could see the beams of his pursuers flashlights as they searched for him. Looking towards the back he noticed a doorway leading to the receiving area. As he opened the door, panning his own flashlight back and forth two red eyes looked in his direction.
"Shit! Just what I need, a rogue voomer." He hissed.
Withdrawing his silenced .50 automatic he braced himself and fired twice. The shots were clean, impacting the voomer center mass, causing it to stumble back.
"No! No no no no no!" Karl whispered in futile terror as the voomer teetered backwards and fell into a free standing shelving unit holding metal trashcans.
He covered his ears as the lot of them tumbled to the concrete floor. Looking back he saw the flashlight beams on the street converge on the storefront and heard a voice call out. "He's in there!"

He hadn't wanted this to happen, all he was trying to do was do a good deed, but no, not more than forty-five minutes off the plane and he was already getting shot at. He'd stayed behind in Del Mar after the others had left. Tasha had left earlier, and Linna had followed despite Natasha's insistence she remain behind and enjoy herself. The other Knight Sabers had left a few days later and Sylia had returned to her Wichita home about the same time. It had been a week since then and he'd needed to talk to Nigel about his automotive endeavors. Since the phone service was still spotty at best he'd decided to make a visit out of it. His timing was off however, as Nigel was across town pulling parts and equipment from what remained of K's. Figuring Nigel could use a hand, and maybe another truck to haul his goodies Karl had asked for a HMMVW. Natasha had signed authorization for him to pull a vehicle out of the motor pool but had warned him not to get his hopes up. He found out what she was driving at when he walked in and saw the place in the throes of logistical meltdown. To many units and not enough vehicles, well, to be honest there where enough vehicles to go around, the problem was, over 60% of them were undergoing repairs ranging from blown tires to packing what was left into a crate for shipment back to a stateside depot. He'd swung a deal with the officer in charge, promising ten brand spanking new HMMVW's on the next ship out from Long Beach in trade for the next available jeep. It was either that, or walk thru a good three miles of voomer infested hot zone. Since his HARDsuit was undergoing repairs, that was not an option.

He'd been a good twenty minutes off base before a lighted window had caught his attention. His curiosity had really piqued when the lights had abruptly turned off. Part of him screamed caution so he's parked a few building down and walked back to investigate. That's when the shit had hit the fan. Now he was running for his life with a band of gunmen with automatic weapons nipping at his heels.
Bolting out the back door of the shop he ran to the end off the alley and watched as three men ran into the store while a few others posted themselves on the street. Not good, these guys were obviously trained. Taking aim on the closest bad guy he squeezed the trigger. There was a muffled pop and the man crumpled, he was able to drop another before the last assailant dove for cover behind a burned out car. Behind him the three burst from the rear door spraying the alleyway with gunfire. Taking a few snap shots Karl sprinted across the street, trying to get back to his vehicle.
Hunkering down beside a large planter in front of a hotel he checked his ammo supply, reloaded, and surveyed his surroundings. Two more thugs had entered the street and were pulling their fallen compatriots inside. The three that had tailed him thru the alley were coming down the street, crouched, weapons at the ready, each covering the other as they moved. He studied their advance for as long as he dared, before he bolted towards the street corner some fifty feet away. The cars on the street and the corner of the building were peppered by small arms fire as he rounded the bend.
"Son of a bitch!" He breathed. These guys were pro's, what he wouldn't give for an assault rifle, that would even things up a bit. The streets were far too dangerous, if he didn't get shot by these lunatics he still stood a chance of running into a rouge voomer. Making his way down the street, staying under cover as best he could he was suddenly illuminated by a pair of headlights. Those bastards had stolen his HMMVW!
"There he is!"
"Oh fuck!" He swore, shoving himself thru the plate glass door to his right. The rest of the façade erupted in splinters, shards of glass, and chunks of concrete and stone as machinegun fire chewed up the area he had vacated. There was a pop and a hiss as one of the cars on the streets tires was blown out. A brilliant orange fireball and rush of heat blew the remaining glass off the doorway as the car's gas tank detonated.
"Oh come on!" Karl yelped as bits of burning wood and paper cascaded throughout the lobby around him. Finding the stairs he bounded up them to the second level, and finding the nearest unlocked door, ran inside and hide behind the receptionists desk. Catching his breath he read the logo on the wall behind the desk. Tokyo Blue Cross.
Footsteps approached, slowly, in cover formation Karl noted. These guys really, really wanted him dead, no way would run-of-the-mill looters pursue him, or anyone else for that matter, with such single-minded purpose. Okay, enough futzing around he breathed; time to teach these guys you don't mess with a Ranger. He listened; three people had come up the stairs and were working their way down the hall. They would be at his door in a few seconds. The door opened and a pair of flashlights panned back and forth. By the way they moved he could tell the lights were affixed to their rifles, good sign, they would be looking were the light was. He waited, waited until the beams were focusing as far away from him as possible. In one fluid motion he stood, fixed his targets and fired. The first enemy took two rounds square in the chest, pitching him backwards, thru the glass and blinds, across the hall and thru the window beyond. The second managed to avoid a direct hit but even a glancing blow was deadly with a .50 caliber rifle round. The man screamed as he realized his arm had been severed just below the shoulder. Running around from behind the receptionists desk he bolted for the doorway putting a round into the second mans chest to silence him. As he entered the hall the third enemy fired a burst down the hall from the stairwell were he'd posted sentry. Running down the hall Karl noticed his HMMVW on the street below; it's headlights illuminating the corpse of the first target. Firing twice at the window above the vehicle he jumped. His arm and leg stung, that bastard must've winged him.
Landing on the hood with a bang the driver froze in shock and the man tending his fallen, literally, comrade, turned to see what the noise was. Karl's ankle blazed with pain but the surge of adrenalin kept the throbbing in check. Putting the barrel flush against the windscreen he fired, killing the driver cleanly as the bullet pierced his neck. Swinging off the hood he pulled the door open and ducked as the armored paneling bore the brunt of the fire from the street, and the upper level. Pulling the corpse from the drivers seat he pulled himself in and floored it. The assailant in front of him leapt to the side as Karl plowed towards him, missing him by inches. The HMMVW lurched slightly as he ran the corpse over. The sound of machinegun fire peppering the vehicles roof and rear finally subsided as he turned a corner and continued his mad dash towards the safe zone.
To add insult to injury he wound up plowing the HMMWV into the front end of a Stryker LAV as it rounded a corner, responding to his calls for help. He'd been calling for backup ever since he'd gotten back inside the HMMVW. Thank God he'd thought to buckle up.

Karl looked up, and turned his head towards the door. The medic had finished bandaging up his arm and side as the familiar POM POM POM of a feminine HARDsuits footfall steadily approached. As Natasha's armored frame entered he sunk his head in slight embarrassment. Her armor was scored; matted and caked in dust, grime and hydraulic fluid. Her helmet was under her arm and she wore a worried expression. As she walked up he noted that a few other wounded soldiers nearby regained some color in their faces and managed brave smiles. He smiled, snorting slightly. He wasn't sure, but he figured the sight of an attractive woman in sexy battle armor might just have a moral boosting quality. She nodded warmly at them, than sat next to Karl, causing the gurney to audibly sag.
"You okay?"
"Yeah." He replied sheepishly. "Not as bad as some of these guys though" He replied, motioning to the wounded solders with a nod of his head. "I'll be fine."
Tasha looked him and his chart over then nodded.
"So, what happened?" She asked.
"Well, about half way to Nigel's I noticed a light in a window off Yamate-Dori. It went off just as I turned the corner so I thought that it might be squatters hiding out in the hot zone."
"Turning their light out just as you turned the corner?" She repeated with a dubious expression.
"Well, yeah, I dunno, maybe they were paranoid or something, anyway, I stopped to take a closer look and the next thing I know I'm being shot at...."

Natasha sat and listened as he told his story, taking mental notes.
"So you think they were guarding something?" She asked.
"Must be, either an item or a salvage operation. They were real hard up on stopping me."
She nodded.
"Right, City Hall still has no idea what's under most of the city, could be anything."
"I was thinking a bank, but that would be a priority for salvage after a quake, so, it must be something nobody knew about."
"A lab?" Tasha offered.
"That's what I was thinking." Karl nodded.
"Do you feel up to a hop tomorrow night?"
"My ankle's sore, and my side is still killing me, but I figure if my armor's been repaired it'll brace it." Karl replied.
"Okay, I'll gather the girls and we'll head out at dark."
"Sounds good."
She stood and smiled at him, he didn't know why, but for some reason he felt better. She had that ability, to make one feel better despite the situation. She squeezed his arm supportively, then, turning on her heel, POM POMed her way out.

* * *

"Ready?" Karl asked.
Linna nodded as she plopped her helmet on. Priss was standing next to her tapping her fingers impatiently on her M-70.
"Okay, I get the location, but what exactly are we supposed to be looking for?"
"No idea." Tasha answered. "All we know is that it's underground. Here." She added, pointing to the location of the apartment buildings Rec room. They'd pulled the plans from the surviving City Hall records and a Global Hawk had scanned the building with heat sensors, providing a semi complete view of what was going on.
"Plan of attack?" Linna asked. Karl smiled at the professionalism; she was picking up this soldiering thing nicely.
"Depends on enemy threat forces and disposition. Plan for a two pronged attack at any rate." Tasha noted. Linna and Priss nodded.

"Any movement?" Tasha asked, low crawling over to Linna and Karl. Karl was a few feet behind Linna, as the bulk of his suit would not allow him to lie prone in any comfort.
"Four on the roof, and thermo is picking up six on the fourth floor." Karl said.
"I see at least three at ground level, guarding the front door." Linna added. "I'm figuring a like number at the rear door for sixteen total. Not counting those underground."
Tasha nodded.
"Figure at least five inside the Rec room and we've got one helluva party goin on here." Priss quipped.

"Looks like an assortment of small arms, light antitank, and some grenades." Karl informed, anticipating Tasha's next question.
"Okay. Karl, you and Linna will hit the ground level, Priss, you back them up, I'll hit the roof and cause a diversion, draw the guys on the forth away from you."
"Yeah, so then you'll have to fight ten." Linna all but pouted.
"Not when they hear you three coming in the lobby, they should split up, half to me, half to you." Tasha smiled.
Linna nodded.
"Seeya on the flip side." Natasha quipped as she slunk back to the end of the building. Standing, she braced herself and taking a running start hit the thrusters and hurtled herself across the street in a graceful arc complete with flip and roll. She landed with a dull thud amidst a flare of dust and steam smack in the center of the roof.
"Show off!" Linna grumbled playfully.

"Holy SHIT!"
The roof guards backpedaled away from a cloud of steam that had been slush and snow. Tasha scanned her surroundings. Her radar pinged, letting her know that the others had just hit the street below her. Thrusting to her side she zeroed in on the guard nearest her and armed a K-bomb. Dropped to one knee she straight punched him square in the stomach. There was a moist pop as his chest erupted in crimson, sending a geyser of flesh and sinew out his back.

The lobby was engulfed in chaos. Two dead and one wounded hostile littered the area around the doorway and panicked shouts could be heard from the Rec room and the stairwell. Karl, Linna, and Priss had hit and hit hard.
"Priss!" Cover our six!"
Priss nodded and backed to the stairwell as Karl and Linna bounded upwards, five stairs at a time. The fourth floor was blacked out, the hostiles wisely turning out the lights. Linna switched to her heat vision and was rewarded with a unique rainbow colored display. Blinking a few times she steadied herself at the sudden lack of depth perception. Karl had paused at the landing, noting two targets covering the hallway.
"I got 'em, cover me okay."
Linna nodded, thankful at Karl's gesture. She didn't want to kill anyone, and he knew it. As Karl advanced she noticed a heat signature fall to the street below. Glancing upwards she could see Tasha pirouetting around a nearby foe thru the ceiling. There was a strike, followed by a billowing spray of white, red and yellow on her display, the targets image split in two and began to darken to shades of green, blue, and purple. Lowering her head Linna closed her eyes and bit her lip. She snapped her eyes open at the sound of gunfire nearby. Sucking in a deep breath she heaved herself to her feet, and then made her way down the hallway to back up Karl. She paused at the doorway to the room he was in. At her feet were two bodies, both cooling fast. Inside she could see three of the five heat signatures on the ground, one was obviously dead, another dying, and the last clutching a stump where his left leg had been. The final two hostiles were on their knees with their hands behind their heads.
"Clear!" Karl informed.
Linna looked around than nodded.

"Roof secure." Tasha voice informed over the net.
"Roger that. Four secure, three KIA two POW's."
"Coming down." Tasha added.

Below them Priss noticed a strange lack of resistance. It had been three minutes since Karl and Linna had headed upstairs and she'd have been sure she'd be attacked before long.
"Hey guys, I'm gonna check on that hole okay."
"Roger that, we're on our way down." Karl noted.
"Be careful." Linna said.
Priss blushed at that, no matter her love for Leon, or Linna's affection for Natasha, hearing her concerned for her safety made her warm inside.
"Roger that." She replied. 'Gawd! What a tool I've become, I even sound like a soldier now.' She mused, smiling sardonically at the irony of it all.

The chamber was dark, save for the light given off by work lamps attached to shop stands. She was four steps in when she heard, or rather, felt, something squish under her foot. Looking down she nearly gagged, she'd put her foot right thru some guy's stomach.
"Guys. Something isn't right down here." She called in, backing cautiously to the shaft she'd just jumped down, her M-70 held at the ready.
"Give us a visual." Karl asked.
With a thought Priss opened a video link to her teammates HUD's than began to pan across the room slowly.
There were a series of consoles with a few blinking lights, then a half illuminated glass tube, empty. Another bank of consoles and three more tubes, also empty. More computers and two more tubes, then a control panel on the wall with a lever in the down position, and a hand grasping it, freshly severed. She panned down to see a broken body, crumpled in a heap on the floor.
"Oh God." Linna swallowed.
Suddenly there was a flash of movement.
"Something's down here!" Priss cried.
"Pull back!' Tasha called. "Karl, Linna, cover her, I'm almost there." Tasha called, jumping off the roof to the street below.
Another flash of movement streaked past Priss.
"Guys! Make that two things, if these things were in those tube I'm one on six here." She reported, straining to keep her voice level.
"Extract!" Tasha called out as she pushed herself to her feet and turned towards the lobby.
"Going hot!" Priss replied and raked the room twice in slow deliberate arcs with the M-70 then crouching slightly, ceased fire, brought the gun to her chest, barrel pointed up.
"Coming out!" She informed then hit her thrusters, propelling herself up and out of the hole. Karl and Linna were outside the Rec room, Linna at the ready and Karl with his weapon pointed slightly away, but then snapping back to the hole once Priss moved away. Suddenly there was a flash of chrome and Karl let loose a snap shot, pelting the opening and the wall beyond. Nothing.
"Above you!" Linna cried out, pointing.
"Mother fucker!" Priss bit as she and Karl looked up. Sure enough, grasping onto the ceiling joists was a humanoid figure clad in chrome, it's eyes blazing red. Dropping down onto all fours the armored figure assessed its situation then leapt towards Karl, and the doorway he was blocking. A line of strafe from Priss' M-70 followed it as it barreled Karl over. Somersaulting over him it came to a rest in a crouch in front of Linna.
Linna steadied herself and took a ready stance. The thing charged and Linna sidestepped, parrying the grapple, spinning around its back to face it. Karl had rolled onto his stomach as Priss blew the wall nearby to shreds with a K-Bomb and stepped thru the jagged hole. Tasha skidded to a halt, and tried to maneuver herself into a position to assist her friend, but the lobby's fountain and furniture made it difficult.
The creature rebounded and punched at Linna, catching a piece of her shoulder as she ducked underneath and followed thru with a knife strike to the back of it's head. Doubling forward from the impact the armor plated figure responded with a mule kick that impacted her center mass, throwing her back across the floor. As Linna skidded and came to rest against the fountain, Priss and Karl opened fire. Priss hit her target along it's left arm tearing chrome armor away as Karl's fire, added to hers, tore the rest of the arm away sending green fluid and what looked like muscle in all directions. Priss was lining up for a second burst when from behind her a clawed hand reached out and grabbed the barrel, crushing it. Instinctively she crouched and let loose as elbow strike, hitting something solid. Karl's weapon was pushed onto and into the tile floor as a chrome foot stomped down. Looking over his shoulder he saw two identical armored creatures. Three more leapt out of the hole, then breeching the walls much as Priss had, exited the building and scattered.
Safe from incoming weapons fire and its immediate threats busy, the armored creature leapt forward and came to a crouch over Linna, straddling her. She tried to punch it but her head was spinning and he batted her arm away with ease. Tasha was already airborne, the remaining three K-bombs on her right fist armed and ready, as the creature punched Linna squarely in the face. The helmet split and the faceplate shattered as the tile and concrete slab below buckled into powder.
Tasha didn't have time to cry out in protest as she punched, hitting the creature's exposed left flank. The power of her blow and the resulting focused detonation of her K-bombs knocked Linna's assailant across the room spewing greenish fluid in its wake. Stepping over Linna, placing herself between it and her fallen comrade she stood ready as it staggered back to its feet. It looked behind her. Not willing to take her eyes off of it she checked her radar and noticed the two creatures that had disarmed Priss and Karl bolt thru the holes in the wall into the alleyway and disappear off her scope. She could've sworn it smirked at her as it to, retreated, crashing thru a plate glass window.
Running outside Karl was able to catch on last glimpse of it as it jumped down a manhole.
"Linna!" Tasha cried, kneeling down beside her fallen friend.
Priss was by her side, and rested a supportive hand on Tasha's shoulder. Karl was calling in a Medivac. After he had done so he walked over and stood besides Natasha and rested his hand atop her other shoulder.
She ignored him, instead sliding Linna's faceplate open and brushed the broken glass away from her face. Linna was bleeding from her nose and ears, as well as the numerous cuts on her face from the shattered visor. Karl and Priss could feel Tasha stiffen.
"Tasha." Karl tried again. "Colonel."
Priss shook her friend slightly and Tasha looked up at her. Priss bit her lip at the pain in Tasha's eyes, but managed to point up at Karl with a slight movement of her head.
"Colonel." Karl repeated.
"What is it? Captain!" She bit. Karl took the harsh tone in stride and opened his helmet. Tasha felt horrible when she saw the worry in his eyes.
"What are your orders?"
She paused, and then nodded. He was right; she needed to focus.
"Done." He informed, noting a slight wash of relief cross her face.
The prisoners needed to be rounded up and interrogated, and a retrieval team needed to get in here and remove as much of the enemy and lab equipment as they could before any rogue voomers headed this way. Once she was satisfied that the situation was in hand she sat next to Linna and held her hand.

* * *

"Is she going to be all right?" Tasha asked evenly, despite her tears, as the doctor stepped out of the cabin. The hospital was actually a hospital ship, the U.S.S. Solace. Berthed in Tokyo bay it's medical facility was the closest and best equipped in the area.
"She's in a coma now. She has a Grade 3 concussion; all we can do is wait and see. She's stable right now, but still unconscious. She needs time." The Navy doctor replied.
"May I see her?" Tasha asked, wiping her eyes.
"Of course."
As she entered to cabin she froze momentarily. Linna was lying in bed with wires affixed to her body with sticky tape. Her heart rate was steady, and clearly displayed on a terminal next to her. She looked so peaceful, and so helpless. She debarked her HARDsuit and padded to the bed, resting her helmet off to the side and caressed Linna's head.
"Sweetie? It's me, I'm here okay." Tasha said softly. She didn't know if Linna would respond but it didn't matter, she had to talk to her.
"The doctor says you're fine, and that you're in a coma." She whispered, her bottom lip quivering uncontrollably.
"Don't leave me. Please don't leave me." She pleaded as she broke into tears. She buried her head in her chest, sobbing, hugging her around the waist.
Karl, Priss and Nene watched from the hatch and wrestled with their own emotions. Nene had flown out the second she'd heard on Col. Grovst's orders. Karl understood what it felt like to lose someone, and had also been in the unique position of occupying the same place Linna was now, not that long ago. Nene was crying softly, occasionally rubbing her eyes. She considered herself Linna's best friend, and Tasha's, and seeing them both in pain tore at her mercilessly. Priss inhaled sharply, trying to keep herself from weeping aloud. She liked both girls immensely, one a friend, the other a respected rival, both, family. Nene took a step into the cabin before Karl put his hand on her shoulder, shaking his head.
"But I wanna see Linna." Nene cried.
"I know, I want to see her too, but Tasha needs to be alone with her for a little while." Karl explained.

Tasha raised her head, and rubbed her eyes as she sniffled. She looked forlornly at her companion and kissed her on the forehead, careful not to disturb the myriad bandages that adorned her face. She looked over at her friends in the hatch and managed a brave smile. Nene took the cue and all but ran to Linna's berth. Priss followed suite in a more subdued manner while Karl walked up behind Tasha and rested his hand on her shoulder. She squeezed it tightly and let herself fall into his chest, sobbing.
"It'll be all right." He soothed. "She's a fighter."
Tasha looked up at him and nodded.
"I know, but it still hurts."
Karl nodded, he knew she wasn't trying to compare her pain to what he had felt when Kaitlin had died. Tasha, besides Linna, was about the strongest person he knew, and to see them both like this caused him grief. As Tasha clung to his hand for support, and strength, he hoped beyond hope that Natasha wouldn't have to endure the pain of loss like he had.

* * *

"How's she doing?" Priss asked of Karl.
Karl sniffed, and rubbed his nose, looking over his hand at Priss, locking eyes. Turning his head he looked over his shoulder at Tasha, a book in her hand reading to Linna, still comatose on her bed. It was a week later, Tasha hadn't left the Solace, and Karl, Nene and Priss had brought Tasha's office to her, using the opportunity to visit with Linna, being there for her. The Chief Surgeon aboard ship had relented, allowing Natasha to 'move in', and so there she was, bunked next to her fallen friend, working out of a berth on a hospital ship, never leaving Linna's side.
"I don't know." Karl finally answered. Tasha's eyes were red, he'd heard from the deck orderly, because she cried herself to sleep every night. He'd be lying if he said his thoughts hadn't been with them as well. Tony, a world away, had visited, staying as long as he could. Tasha, not able to show it well, had been elated at his presence, and assured him that Linna could only benefit from his being there.
"Poor thing." Priss sniffled. She missed Linna's smile, and her chipper attitude. She took comfort in Tasha's dogged support for her, knowing, where the rolls reversed, that she would have taken this with far less grace.
Tasha looked up and smiled bravely at them. They were watching the shop back at Narita for her, and for that she would be eternally grateful, and their daily visits would be equally remembered. With a tilt of her head she asked them in.
"How's it going kiddo?" Karl asked, sitting in a vacant chair next to Natasha.
"Okay." Tasha managed.
Priss, sat as well, and patted Linna's hand.
"How's she doing?" She asked.
"Better." Natasha informed. "The cuts are healed and the doctor says the swelling has gone down considerably."
"Do her parents know?" Karl asked.
Tasha shook her head, ashamed.
"Not yet."
"I think I understand." Karl said supportively.
"Yeah. No use worrying them right?" Priss added.
Natasha nodded solemnly.
"I...I'm not really good at this." Tasha went on. "But, I wanted to tell you that I appreciate everything you've done, for Linna, and me; us. Th...thank you." She finished, with a slight sob, as a tear rolled down her cheek.
"H...hey, what are friends for?" Karl smiled. His voice upbeat in an effort to stave off a potential crying fit.
"You'd be there for us." Priss noted.
As Tasha caressed Linna's brow the tears came anyway.
"I miss you." She wept, her voice steady, only wavering slightly. She took a deep breath and stood, walking over to the nearby sink and poured herself a glass of water. She motioned to Priss and Karl with the glass.
"No thanks." Priss said.
"I'll take one." Karl said.
Tasha sank back into her chair, handing Karl his glass and sipped.

"M...may I have some water? I'm so thirsty."
The faint voice broke the silence as sharply as a gunshot. It took a second or two for Tasha and her guests to react.
"L...Linna!?" Natasha stammered.
Linna's eyes were half open, and a slight smile crossed her lips, more to reassure her friend that she was okay then for any other reason. With great effort she raised her hand and point to the glass Tasha was holding and then pointed to her lips.
"I'm parched."
Natasha couldn't speak, breaking out in tears of joy and relief as she gently, ever so tenderly, lifted Linna's head, holding the glass to her lips.
"Oh my god." Priss blurted, covering her mouth as her eyes welled over and hugged Karl. She let go a few seconds later; blushing.
"S...sorry." She smiled sheepishly.
Karl, nodded and smiled, stood, and after squeezing Tasha's shoulder supportively, then went to the call box and beckoned the doctor.

"She seems fine to me." The doctor finally said. He'd given Linna a battery of tests and she'd passed them all, some with flying colors, some just barely.
"You're going to need a lot of rest young lady." He told Linna. "No exerting yourself."
"She won't doctor." Tasha affirmed, holding Linna's hand tightly.
"I'll prescribe some meds for the headaches and dizziness you'll be having. It's a good chance you'll have nosebleeds, irritability and blurred vision occasionally, if that happens just lie down and try to relax. I'll want to keep you here for a few days of observation, and if you're still progressing well after that I'll release you, okay."
Tasha nodded as did Linna, albeit slower, more cautiously.
Priss, still weepy handed her cell phone to Linna. It was Nene. Priss had called her to tell her the great news. Within a half hour everyone who needed to be had been informed that Linna was awake and well. Despite having slept for a week, Linna was exhausted, and an hour later, apologetically notified her friends that she was going to go back to sleep.
Tasha joined Priss and Karl in the passageway after tucking Linna in, taking them up on their offer to go above decks for a bit of fresh air.
Looking over Tokyo in the evening, with its ever-present haze illuminated from below by the orange and yellow flickers of flame and the flash of weapons fire Tasha sighed, and then turned her back to the city, facing her friends.
"Thank you, for everything." She said, her lower lip quivering.
Karl held his arm out and Tasha hugged him, with Priss joining in. Priss was surprised, she'd thought for sure she'd feel awkward, as before, and justified hugging them both as the proper thing to do, but for some reason she felt good, warm even, as if this was the right place to be, and the right thing to do. She was right on both counts.
