The Bubblegum Crisis Center > Extras > Fan Fiction

Instrumantatum Vocalle 2040 - Cornered

Written by Christopher J Turley

"Is Natasha in?"

Sam scratched the back of his neck and thought, than shook his head.
"No, I think she's at the station."
"On a Saturday? I thought she had the day off?"
Sam shrugged apologetically.

Linna sighed and thanked him. She hopped on her scooter and made her way over to the station and made it as far as the receptionist's desk before she was stopped, even though the officer on duty recognized her.
"I'm sorry ma'am, but I can't let you up there right now."
"Well, can't you call and see?" She asked.
The officer sighed and relented.
"Okay, hold on."
A few moments later she hung up the phone and shook her head.
"I'm sorry, but no one is allowed in the CIC right now."
"But why?" Linna asked. She was beginning to get a little frustrated. She hadn't seen Tasha since she'd left for Washington D.C., sure she'd called a few times, but the conversation never lasted any more than five minutes. Sure she'd picked her up at the airport, but after that Tasha had gone to ground, calling only twice over the last week. And than all the news about the American military taking over two of Genom's towers in the states. Things were getting scary.
The officer shrugged her shoulders at her question.
"Sorry ma'am, I don't know."
"Yeah, I guess." Linna pouted. "Could I leave a message?"
"That I can help you with." The receptionist replied.
So, she left a message to call her when she was finished doing whatever it was she was doing. She left dejected and went a few blocks to a small eatery and waited, not wanting to go home and knowing that she'd be doing the same thing at the HiC, just sitting and waiting. Well, maybe she could go shooting, that might make her feel better. She slumped her shoulders, looking at her reflection in her water.
"God, I'm like a love struck puppy." She sighed.
"I mean look at me, waiting like some obsessed groupie."
She looked over and could see the ADP building rising above a smaller building in the foreground and sighed.
"Well, at least I know she's worth it." She mused. Paying for her drink she gathered her things and headed to the HiC, Rico and Karl had been right when they said that there was nothing more stress relieving than shooting things, well, there was that, but she'd have to wait.
She recognized the man at the counter as a moonlighting cop from the station, Tasha had told her about it during dinner on Wednesday, the only time this week she'd been able to spend a good amount of time with her, even though it wasn't alone. She'd figured that when she'd come back that she'd take some time off. Well she had, but not as much as she'd expected, or hoped. Retrieving her pistols and actually having to pay for her ammo this time around she made her way to the range and set herself up at an open lane. She looked around uneasily; this was the first time she'd shot without Tasha around and the first time she'd seen others aside from her inner circle shooting. She also noticed that she was the only woman on the range, a fact that didn't go unnoticed by those around. So, as she sent her target downrange some of the shooting stopped; waiting to see how well she did she supposed.
Luckily her first few shots were above average and that 'scared' the majority of her onlookers into resuming fire again.
She looked at the clock a while later and was amazed to see that almost two hours had passed. Shooting really did make time fly, and she noticed that she was becoming more consistent, that her groupings were getting smaller. She had just returned her guns and safety equipment when her Navi rang.
"Linna Yamazaki here."
"Hey Linna. How's it going?"
"About time you call me back." She retorted, miffed that it had taken her this long, but happy she had.
"Sorry; busy."
"It's okay. Are you done for the day?"
"Um...not really. Where are you?"
"The HiC, I'm just leaving the range."
"Oh? Great! How'd you do? Getting better?" Tasha replied enthusiastically.
"Yeah, a little."
"Well keep at it."
"I will. Um, so can I see you today?"
There was a pause, and on the other end Tasha was smiling as she rubbed her temples.
"Yeah. How about after two, I should be done by then?"
Linna looked at her watch: 12:15.
"Okay. Where?"
"I dunno, your choice."
"My place?"
On the other end Tasha bristled, she knew she chose her place because she wanted to be alone with her and that meant being close. As if sensing her reservations, Linna added.
"Please, I haven't seen you in forever. I miss you."
"All right. I'll be there."
Linna giggled and hopped in joy.
"I'll see you at two then?"
"Well, sure." Tasha relented, she'd intended to shower and change but she could do that there she supposed.
"Okay. Love you."
Hanging up the phone Tasha smiled, her face a little red, than pushed it and the smile aside and looked back to the stack of paper works and plans, Tony, and Karl sitting patiently in front of her desk.
"Okay, where were we?"

Exactly one hour and forty-five minutes later Tasha knocked on Linna's door. Hearing a virtual stampede coming down the stairs she smiled as she hefted her duffle over her shoulder and slung her rifle over the other. She'd decided that it would be easier to spend the night, seeing as the operation was going to kick off tomorrow afternoon, no use wasting most of her time driving to and from here, work and home. By the sounds coming from inside the apartment it seemed as if Linna had raced downstairs and ran into the door in her haste, unlocking it as fast as she could. The door swung open and she was about to lunge when she noticed she had all her TA-50 gear plus weapons and armor over her shoulders. Instead she playfully grabbed her by the front of her BDU blouse and pulled her inside than kicked the door shut with her foot. Tasha regained her balance by shucking off her gear and took stock of the situation. By all accounts it looked as if she wasn't going to be able to hold back any longer, her eyes bright and her face flushed bright red. Before she could say yes Linna closed the distance and in one fluid motion, removed her BDU cap, wrapped her arms around her neck and pressed her lips to hers, pushing her up against the door in the process, attacking her with passionate abandon.
Finally stepping back, Linna ran her hand over her shoulders and looked her up and down and giggled.
Tasha straightened up her wobbly knees, and laughed nervously, imagining she was pretty red herself; Linna was a great kisser of that there was no doubt.
"Hi to you too." She managed.
Linna was still looking at her with a smile.
"So. May I sit, or are you gonna keep me up against the door all night."
"It's okay."
"I missed you." Linna informed her.
Tasha had knelt down and was untying her boots and set them near the door. Linna led her to the couch by the hand. Tasha was a little nervous, and would be damned if she wasn't feeling a little awkward. I mean it was cute and all but hardly, well, she couldn't even call it manly, she wasn't a man. Releasing her hand Linna sat and patted the cushion next to her. Torn between love and fear she sat but not as close as she could have. Linna didn't seem to notice or if she did dismissed it and reached over and pulled Tasha's arm over her shoulder and leaned up against her.
"How was Washington?" She asked, curling her legs up onto the couch.
"Not bad, cold; but nice."
"You know what I mean." She replied punching her playfully in the side.
"You got the DDS right?" Linna pressed.
Tasha smiled, she wasn't one to talk about herself, including kudos she'd received.
"Yes, I did." Tasha confirmed.
"Well, come on, tell me about it. Was it fun? Was it scary?"
"A little of both actually." Tasha admitted.
Linna nestled in, getting comfy. Tasha snorted with a sardonic smile.
"Well, I don't even know where to start, I arrived at the Pentagon a little after ten and I visited Brad, than I got debriefed by the Army, and the Air Force. Then lunch, and then at two the Secretary of Defense arrived and that was scary, I'd never met him before and well, you know, even my superiors call him sir."
Linna hadn't taken her eyes off of her and was listening intently with a proud smile on her face.
"So than what happened?"
"Well he said it was a pleasure to meet me and congratulated me and the guys for what we'd done, and than he gave a little speech, and then presented me with the award."
"Can I see it?"
"Well, I left it at home but sure, I'll bring it with me next time."
Linna smiled.
"Are you hungry?"
"Oh god no, I just ate."
A pouty look crossed her face and Tasha took notice. Pulling her closer she brought her face to hers, nose to nose.
"But I am thirsty."
Linna laughed and Tasha joined her than kissed her on the forehead. Standing, Linna smiled and padded to the kitchenette and Tasha followed, perching herself on a stool.
"So where did you eat?" Linna asked, curious still, but no longer jealous about it.
"Detachment party."
"Oh wow, what was the occasion?" She said as she pulled a few cups down from the cupboard.
"There's a heavy arrest kicking off tomorrow that we're spearheading..." Her answer was cut short by a glass falling from Linna's hand, shattering on the counter. Tasha was up and off the stool and looked over to Linna and the broken glass.
"You all right?"
Linna took a deep breath, set the other glass down and nodded. Tasha, relieved, sat back down. Linna walked over and picked up a waste bin and with a towel whisked the glass fragments into it and then set about gathering the pieces on the floor. Tasha was about to continue when she heard a sniffle and a sob from behind the counter top.
"Are you crying?" She asked.
Linna stood back up and set the trashcan aside and wiped a tear away. Tasha grimaced and sighed as a forlorn look washed over her. Both women remained motionless and aside from a few sniffles from Linna, mute. Finally Tasha looked back over with a puzzled look on her face.
"Um...I uh, I don't get it? Why are you crying?" She honestly didn't understand.
Linna looked exasperated and walked to the counter and rested her hands on.
"Why? You can't be serious?"
Tasha looked around as if the answer was hiding somewhere in the room and then looked back at Linna.
"No really, I don't. I just said we're spearheading a heavy arrest and you dropped the glass; look, it's only a glass, I can get you a new one." She offered.
"It's not about the glass baka!" Linna railed. "It's about you!"
Tasha paused and blinked a few times.
"What about me?"
"God you really don't get it do you?"
"Well duh! I just said I didn't." Tasha spat back, unsure where this was going.
"Dammit Tasha! I'm crying because I'm worried that, I'm worried about you! I mean, do you even care what happens to you?"
"I try not to." She answered.
"Well I do!" She said, pounding her fists on the counter for emphasis. "I..."
"Stop right there." Tasha interrupted sternly. "Linna, look, I, god I don't even know how to put this. Okay, you 're worried about me, all right, but don't cry about it. I mean I've been doing this my entire adult life, I know the risks involved, and I know you'd rather me sit at my desk and be safe and let someone else do the fighting but it's just not gonna happen. I don't lead from the rear, I just don't."
Linna was taken aback by that, she'd expected a similer message, but hadn't expected it to be as direct as it was. She'd even hit the nail square on the head as to why she was sad.
"But...but you don't need to..."
"How do you know what I need?" Tasha bit. She loved Linna, a lot, although she hardly ever showed it, though to be honest she didn't really know how, so she knew she was only saying what she was saying because she loved her back, but despite that there was no way she was going to let anyone hold her down, not when there was so much yet to do.
Linna froze in shock, taken by surprise at her rebuttal.
"I...I, I just..." She couldn't finish her sentence, instead breaking into tears.
At first Tasha thought it was a ruse, a way to make her do what she wanted her to, after all, she'd heard, a women's weapons are her tears. But Linna wasn't like that; Nene maybe, Mitaka most defiantly, but not Linna.
"Linna, come here" She instructed gently and with compassion. "Come here." Slowly in between sobs Linna made her way around the counter top and stood in front of her.
Tasha took her hands in hers and squeezed. Linna's sobs stopped and although she was still tearing she looked into her eyes, waiting.
"Look, just put yourself into my shoes and ask yourself how you would react if I asked you to sit at your desk while Nene and the others did all the fighting. You wouldn't, plain and simple."
"I would if it was you."
"Which will never happen because I know you'd hate it, and hate me for making you. Maybe not now, but you would. Remember when I told you I didn't want to make you choose between them and me, it's the same. You're asking me to choose between you or the ADP. I can't do that; I won't do that. If you truly want me to be in your life you have to accept, like I've accepted, with you, that I will keep working and taking risks and doing dangerous things."
"But I worry..."
"And I don't? Sweetie, I worry every time you go out, I just accept that as part of the deal. It's tough, trust me I know, but that's just the way it is."
"That still doesn't mean I have to like it." Linna replied.
Tasha nodded and squeezed her hands again supportively.
"I don't suppose you'll talk about it?" Linna asked.
"You're right. I won't, maybe after."
Linna sighed and wiped the rest of her tears away.
"God you're a hard ass you know that."
Tasha nodded in agreement.
"And you're right, I woulda hated you for it."
Linna hopped up and sat on the counter and slumped down, her hands in her lap.
"So, what are the bad guys doing? Boomer fencing? Theft?"
"I'm not sure you'd want to know." Tasha admitted.
Linna thought about that, she wouldn't call herself naive, sheltered maybe, unaware perhaps. She remembered how awful she'd felt after watching what she'd thought was poetic license in a war movie, and Tasha had remarked how real it was. She knew that horrible things happened everyday, but that didn't mean she wanted to know about it.
"That bad huh?"
Tasha nodded and patted her hands.
"I guess I'll have to wait to see it on TV too?"
"No, I'll tell you all about it on Monday. Which reminds me. Is it okay if I spend the night?"
If she weren't already sitting she would've after that.
"Yeah. I mean, yeah. Sure, all right. Cool." She stammered crossing her legs at the ankle, a smile beaming across her face.
"Thanks. I appreciate it."
"So, what do you want to do?" Linna asked.
"I dunno, relax I guess, try to take my mind off of things."
"I know what would do that." Linna said smiling.
"I bet you do." Came a sarcastic reply, complete with a snort.
Linna blushed and laughed nervously.
"Yeah, well, that would work to, but I was going to suggest some snuggle time and a movie. I mean unless..."
"Snuggling and a movie sounds fine."
Linna made a pouty look and snapped her fingers.
Hopping off the counter she made her way to the TV and sat Indian-style in front of the hutch.
"Okay, we got action, comedy, drama, and..." She turned her head a batted her eyes playfully "romance."

The movie, they'd decided on drama, was fun and at the very least interesting. They'd pulled the coffee table closer to the couch so they could put their feet up and had sat one arm around each other the entire time. Linna was in seventh heaven, just tickled pink spending the time this close. Tasha, well, she was antsy, but the longer she sat, the easier it was to hold her. So, by the end of it she was enjoying the warmth of Linna's company and was giving her a one-handed neck rub.
"So. What do you want for dinner?" She asked, thoroughly enjoying the attention.
"I dunno, whatever you want. I'm easy."
Linna gave her a playful look of 'yeah right' and snorted. A slight pinch on her neck in retaliation caused her to squeal in laughter and pull away with a broad grin on her face.
"Bitch!" She laughed.
"You and me both huh?" Tasha deadpanned.
"Something like that. Anyway, dinner, you sure you don't mind?"
"Yeah, I mean so long as it isn't anything strange."
"You wanna order in or go out?"
"How bout we order in."
Linna smiled and all but skipped to the kitchen and retrieved a few menus. Walking back she perused them.
"Chinese, Pizza, or Thai?"
"Thai." Tasha said. Linna pursed her lips in approval and about faced and set the other menu's aside.
She ordered and was told it would arrive in thirty to forty-five minutes and that was that. Tasha unbuttoned her BDU blouse and hung it over the back of the couch and stretched, than pulled off her socks and wadding them up into neat rolls stuffed them into her boots. A little while later the food showed up and they sat around and ate.
"You're pretty good with chop-sticks." Linna observed and Tasha smiled.
"Thanks, still can't catch a fly though."
Linna snickered as she finished her meal.
Later after everything had been cleaned and put away Tasha exited the bathroom and slipped into a clean set of sweats. Linna was already in her PJ's and was sitting in bed.
"I'll see you tomorrow." Tasha said as she finished drying her hair.
She walked over and gave her a kiss on the cheek and started to go down stairs. Linna cleared her throat and Tasha turned to see her kneeling on the bed, she also noticed that the covers were folded back in invitation.
"Linna I can't, I'll be fine on the couch."
"Please, not even to try it on for size?"
"I...I don't think it would be a good idea."
Linna hung her head and sighed.
"I guess I understand. I'm sorry."
"Don't worry about it, I'm sure I will sooner or later."
"Sooner I hope."
"Me too." Tasha affirmed with a smile.
"Well, I guess, good night huh?"
"Good night."

When Linna awoke the next morning sometime around ten she heard the clickity-click of a laptop and Tasha's voice, apparently talking to someone. Rubbing the sleep from her eyes she padded to the railing and looked down into the living room. Tasha was sitting on the couch leaning forward, the laptop on the coffee table and her cell wedged between her cheek and shoulder. A stack of papers lay nearby and she saw what she thought was a blueprint of some sort. In all, she'd turned a small section of her apartment into an ad hoc command post. Meandering down the steps she yawned.
Tasha heard her and turned her head, smiling, and continued her conversation with the other end. Padding past her to the kitchen Linna stretched and scratched the back of her neck. She'd just put the milk back into the fridge when Tasha finished with her phone call.
Linna walked over with two glasses only to see that Tasha already had a glass near her.
Shrugging her shoulders she gave Tasha the second glass and all but collapsed into the easy chair across from her.
"Sleep well." Tasha asked, bright and chipper.
"How do you do it?" Linna remarked with a grumble.
"Do what?"
"This. Don't you ever quit, or sleep?"
Tasha smiled.
"Maybe it's because I love it so much."
Linna narrowed one eye and regarded her. She wasn't so sure that this was the kind of thing one should admit to loving.
"You're kidding right?"
"About what?"
She sighed and stood and leaning over the coffee table pushed her laptop closed with a satisfying click. Than she sat back and nursed her drink, all without taking her eyes off of Natasha.
"Uh uh, don't you dare!" Linna said when Tasha reached for her computer.
Suddenly the fact that she'd stopped, her hand withdrawn and herself motionless struck Tasha as odd. This is interesting, she thought, normally I'd just open the laptop and finish, but she asked me to stop and I did, despite the work I know I need to finish. Okay, want to finish. She felt conflicted, no one ever acted this way with her, aside from Karl but he had his own way of doing things and as near as she could figure, would never have closed her machine like that. When the look of 'now what am I supposed to do' crept over her face Linna smiled behind her drink.
"So. Whatcha doin?" Linna asked, almost playful.
Tasha put her arms akimbo and huffed as if to say, 'nothing, thanks a lot.'
Slowly, as if to test the waters she moved her hand closer to the Laptop. Linna's eyes opened wider and she set the glass aside. Tasha's hand went closer and Linna leaned forward. She touched it and Linna came partway out of her seat, looking intently from the laptop to her and back again. Tasha was almost panicky, she knew that if she opened it Linna would do, something, but if she didn't she wouldn't be able to finish what she was doing.
Deciding to call her bluff she popped the thing open. Linna stood and walked over and closed the laptop again and this time picked it up and turned to run. She'd made it only two steps before Tasha grabbed the waistband on her pants, which slowed Linna down and pulled Tasha off the couch.
"Linna! Give it back!"
"No! Mine!"
Pulling her towards the stairs Tasha lunged forward and grabbed her around the waist and lifted her up and turned around so the were both facing the living room instead of the stairs. No sooner had her feet touched the floor than Linna twisted away and back peddled holding the laptop to her chest, a ridiculous smile across her face.
"Come on Linna, this isn't funny." She said as she walked towards her, her arm out.
"If you want it, you have to come and get it." Linna said, sticking her tongue out for emphasis.
Tasha couldn't believe what she was seeing and hearing.
"I mean it."
"So do I, nya!"
"Oh this is mature." Tasha chided.
"I'm twenty, what do you want?" Linna replied as she danced out of Tasha's reach.
"I want my laptop back." She replied, exasperated.
"Nope, not gonna happen."
Tasha paused, mulling over the possible solutions to this. She could employ any number of hand-to-hand techniques to retrieve the laptop, but that would hurt her. She could try more diplomacy but Linna was being unreasonable. So, she decided to fight fire with fire, if she wants to act like a kid, so be it. The problem was, was that she'd never been and as such knew nothing on how to react. So she searched for similer situations that she'd witnessed, and the first to come to mind were Trish and Sonya.
Taking a chapter from their playbook she lunged again and wrapped her arms around her waist again, clasping her wrists so she couldn't escape. Linna squealed and broke into laughter all the while squirming about trying to break free. Pulling her down to her knees Linna twisted again to land on the floor in a ball covering the laptop with her body, still laughing. Kneeling behind her Tasha released her grip and began to tickle her sides.
It worked better than she'd anticipated with Linna roiling and howling in delight.
"Cut it out!" She laughed.
"Not until I get my lap top back."
"Never!" Came her defiant response amid laughter.
Linna had rolled onto her back and Tasha continued her assault, straddling her.
Slowly she stopped her tickling when she noticed that the laptop wasn't being held by her anymore, instead it was laying off to the side and Linna's arms were off to her side steadying herself. Her face was red and there were tears of joy from the tickle assault.
Suddenly Tasha realized what had happened and stood. She reached down and picked up her computer and walked back to the couch and set it down, than turned to Linna who was now sitting Indian-style on the floor looking at her, concerned.
"That wasn't very nice."
Linna stood and scowled.
"Oh please! And what about you, doing paperwork all day."
"That's my job!" Tasha replied defensively.
"Bull shit! You only do all that because you make yourself do it."
"Duh, I know."
Linna sighed; she wasn't getting through.
"Look, do you have to do all this work?"
"Well, yes, I need to..."
"No. Do you have to do this? Is it specifically your job to do all of this, this, whatever it is?"
"Look I know where you're going with this, but I need to do this okay. This isn't about work or no work, this is about losing my men in a botched raid."
Linna was about to counter but paused. Lives were at stake; that she hadn't known.
She walked over and sat down putting her hand on her shoulder, resting her chin over both.
"Sorry, all you had to do was say so."
"I didn't really think I needed to."
Linna sighed and let her forehead replace her chin.
"You're right. I'm sorry."
Tasha nodded and typed in a few more words than saved and closed the laptop.
"That was it? That's all you had to do?"
"Yeah. Why?"
"You put up all that struggle just to finish a sentence?"
"Well, yeah."
Linna guided her down onto the couch and wrapped her arms around her waist
"Remind me never to do that when it's really, really important."
Tasha wasn't listing; she was putting an arm behind her to keep from being forced into a reclined position and with her other hand she pushed Linna back.
"Stop it."
"Off, get off! Please." Her voice was steady and stern but Linna could see fear boiling up in her eyes.
"Oh shit! I'm sorry!"
She pushed herself back onto her haunches.
"Don't worry about it. It's okay, I, I just wasn't expecting that."
Linna sniffled, she was very angry with herself right now, having forced herself on her like that, she knew better. And here she was forgiving her just like that, twice.
"I guess you hate me now huh?"
"No, of course not." Tasha soothed. "Don't you ever say that."
"But, but I, god I mean I tricked you and then..."
Tasha swung her legs down sat sidesaddle on the couch.
"Look, don't worry about it, you just went a little to fast a little to soon is all. No harm done."
Linna nodded still not convinced.
"Hey, it's okay, really. You just startled me is all."
It was only when Tasha leaned in tentatively, and kissed her that she began to believe her.
"See, if I hated you right now I wouldn't have done that." Tasha explained.
Linna laughed.
"Yeah, I guess not."
"I tell you what. I'll make a deal with you."
"What kind of deal?"
"A physical deal."
"Okay, and tell me if this sounds stupid cause I'm just making this up as I go along all right."
Linna nodded and Tasha continued.
"Instead of fooling around, which is what you really want to do..."
Linna blushed and turned away ashamed, but turned back again because Tasha was talking about it.
"...I suggest something else."
"O...okay. I guess that makes sense. what?"
"I dunno, does a massage sound good?" Tasha asked.
"Yeah. Yeah, it does. But what about, you know..." She looked at Tasha's chest and hers.
Tasha smiled and waggled a finger at her playfully.
"Hey, I said massage, not sensual massage. There is a difference."
"So, pretty much everything outside the bra and panty line is okay then?" Linna clarified.
"Sounds good to me."
"Can we do it I weird positions?"
"What do you mean by that?"
"Well, you know, not always on a massage bed or laying down, you know."
When Tasha looked confused Linna smiled.
"How 'bout I just show you."
Tasha was wondering where this was going to go but it was her idea and she was curious as to what she meant.
"All right."
Linna slid over and sat on her lap, Tasha was taken aback and had her arms out slightly and pushed back into the couch as Linna scooted her butt all the way back until it was flush with her tummy. Than, taking her shirt off she put her hands on Tasha's knees. Looking over her shoulder she smiled.
"Like that."
God she's got a firm ass Tasha thought as she nodded.
"Oh. I get it. Um...well I guess so, but lets take every 'weird position' on a case by case basis okay."
Linna laughed again, Tasha was willing but still reluctant, besides it was kind of fun, trying to see how far she could go without frightening or offending her, she was learning that if she tried to surprise her with a hug here or a kiss there that she would usually balk, but if she knew about it, had time to prepare and think about it she would more often than not agree or go with it. True she'd declined a few ideas, or rather advances, but for every advance denied she made two more. It was all a matter of finding her comfort zone.
"Okay." Linna agreed.
When a few seconds went by and nothing new happened Linna cleared her throat.
"What?" Tasha asked.
"Aren't you gonna do it?"
Tasha smiled and laughed when Linna looked back again, red as a beet.
Reaching up she placed her hands on Linna's back and could feel the goose bumps form as she shivered. For the next half hour Linna moaned and shuddered under Tasha's skilled and unbelievable strong touch. She knew what she was doing that was for sure and she could feel the tension in her back rubbed away, every stroke brought her closer to complete relaxation. For something that she had hoped would turn into an erotic experience had turned into a truly cathartic event. When she was done Linna straightened up and blinked in surprise. Tasha reattached her bra-strap, which she'd undone earlier and patted her on the back letting her know she was finished.
"Holy shit Tasha! I don't know what you did but Jesus!"
Sliding off her lap she stood and walked around the coffee table stretching and twisting, checking out her new range of motion. The surprised smile on her face spoke volumes.
"Where'd you learn how to do that? That was fantastic!"
She flopped back onto the couch next to her and sighed aloud.
"Ahh! I feel like I could tackle the world right now."
Tasha smiled and mussed her hair. She loved to see her smile, she didn't know why but whenever Linna was happy, smiling, or otherwise in a good mood it lifted her spirits. A light tugging at her tee shirt brought her attention back to the present. Tasha smiled agreeably and pushed herself up and onto Linna's lap.
Linna hadn't expected that, she'd though she'd lie down on her stomach, in a more 'protective' position. She hoped that she didn't weigh as much either but figured she did. It didn't matter what someone said they weighed, when they sat on your lap; that was the moment of truth. Tasha removed her shirt without having to be asked and set it aside. Linna flushed when she noticed that Tasha wasn't wearing a bra, than realized why, her back still had the final traces of the burns she'd received a month and a half ago.
She felt Tasha's hands on her knees and her butt scoot back onto her belly.
She could feel herself harden and there was tightness in her belly. She swallowed, hard and leaned to one side. Tasha looked behind her and snorted, Linna was trying to sneak a peek. When her hand covered her bare breast Linna knew she'd been caught looking, or trying to anyway.
"Eh heh. Sorry. Couldn't resist."
"Humph! I guess I should be flattered huh?" Tasha bit, playfully.
"Jeez, I said I was sorry."
"Well, apologize already."
"I did, twice."
Tasha reached her arm back and patted her back.
"Oh!" Linna laughed.
"God you're cute."
Tasha shuddered much like Linna had when her hands touched her flesh. Luckily she had skilled and strong hands as well and only needed a minimal of coaching to get it right. Mainly she needed to squeeze a little harder, but she figured she was going easy because she was afraid to aggravate the burns. Soon, she was moaning and clawing at her knees, her fingers digging into the fabric of Linna's pajamas. She needed work, her technique was lacking but it didn't matter, it still felt damn good. Linna only lasted ten or so minutes before her hands started to ache and she had to stop. But she'd done a good enough job and Tasha did feel more relaxed.
"You're still stiff as a board." She lamented.
Tasha laughed and stood, turned towards her, one arm covering her breasts and with the other caressed her cheek.
"You still did well, it felt good, honest."
"Good but not great." She pouted.
"Hey, come on, don't be so hard on yourself, that's my job."
Linna laughed.
"Yeah, I guess, still. Hey, you'll teach me how to do it right won't you?"
"Of course I will." Tasha said as she turned around and slid her shirt back on.
"After all, practice makes perfect." She concluded.
Linna smiled, than frowned as a thought entered her mind.
"When do you have to go?"
"I've got a few hours before noon." Tasha replied without thinking.
"Oh. I guess there's not much we can do before then huh?"
Tasha took the hint and sighed putting her arms akimbo while a smile crossed her face.
"You wanna practice is that it?"
Linna's head shot up in surprise and an enthusiastic smile etched her face punctuated by a few swift nods.
"Okay, I'll make it easy this time."
Linna wasn't sure what she meant by that but continued to smile none-the-less.
Tasha sat on the floor in front of her Indian style.
"Maybe if I'm lower it'll be easier to do." She offered.
Linna swung a leg over her head and scooted forward so she straddled her shoulders with her legs and rested her hands on the nape of her neck. Tasha leaned forward as Linna began. As she massaged she instructed her, more to the left here, squeeze harder there, little things. Soon she ran out of corrections and closed her eyes and let her hands fall into her lap. Linna lasted longer this time and Tasha was like putty. When she was done she slid off the couch and sat next to her friend, her arm around her waist. Tasha turned and smiled at her but when she was going to look back at her lap Linna's outstretched and delicate fingers turned her chin back towards her.
"Uh huh?"
"Wanna make out?"
Tasha snorted with a smile and blushed.
Her smile was all the answer Linna needed and she leaned in and joined their lips, softly at first than with more passion and energy. Tasha wrapped her arms around her best friend and let her-self fall backwards onto the floor, letting Linna take the top.
"I love kissing you." Linna whispered.
Tasha knew she was fishing, and smiled.
"I, I love kissing you too." She replied meekly.
Linna crossed her arms over Tasha's chest and propped her chin up on her hands.
"I wonder when we're going to move out of this puppy love phase."
"Well don't look at me, you're the one who can't stop pawing at me." Tasha replied good-naturedly.
"And you're just playing along is it?"
Tasha smiled and snorted.
"No. I guess we're just new to all of this."
Linna's arms snaked underneath her back and she rested her head on her chest.
"I hope this never gets old."
"It won't." Tasha reassured, matter-of-factly.
Linna's head came up and she had a wild sparkle in her eyes.
"Are you gonna show me the ropes?"
"Linna, dear, I'll show you how to make your own rope."
Linna giggled and blushed.
"Yes, really."
She bit her lip in gleeful anticipation and smiled.
"What are you doing on Monday?" Tasha asked.
Linna's eyes bulged.
"No, no, I 'm sorry. Wait, you know better than that silly." Tasha said, bonking her on the head playfully.
Linna cringed with an embarrassed smile.
"Sorry, I got excited. Um...nothing really."
"Well, I should be off early, do you think you could get off work, maybe we could spend the day together, get reacquainted."
"I'd love too." She replied, pushing herself up onto all fours. Beneath her Tasha propped herself up on her elbows.
"But..." Linna sighed. "I don't know if my boss will let me. I don't wanna get fired."
Tasha nodded. They made out for a little while longer before Tasha switched over to work mode. While she showered Linna made a little snack for her and was waiting downstairs for her when she walked down the stairs, buttoning up her BDU's. Linna held out the paper bag.
"What's this?"
"A little something to munch on later."
"Thanks." She replied and opened it, looking inside.
Rolling the top closed again she set it on the table and zipped open her duffle, pulling out the segments of her armor.
"Can I?"
"You're armor, can I, you know, help you with it?"
Tasha gave her a side wards glance than shrugged.
Like a squire Linna handed Tasha the segments she needed and once on she lovingly tightened every strap and latch, making sure she was protected. Tasha understood the psychological reason behind it, and knew that Linna wasn't doing this out of pity, or because she was still wounded. She did it because she loved her and wanted to have, at least in some small way, a hand in making her a little safer.

"Okay, back it up just a hair. All right. That's it, hold it there."
Sgt. Yamaguchi chocked the wheels of one of the refurbished carrier trucks for the old style Firebee's. They had two but the other wasn't completed yet. Just as well, they'd be leaving two of the K-12S's behind anyway. The C&C K-12 on the other hand was being loaded, they'd need it. After ensuring the crew chief had everything under control he annotated his paperwork and homed in on the nearest member of the command staff.
Finding Tony he trotted up.
"Sir. Section three's 12 is loaded and we've prepped the APC's, I'm having the maintainers do another PMI and it looks like we'll be ready ahead of schedule."
Antonio took the proffered PDA and perused he contents.
"Excellent. I want Sections 1,2, and 4 to finish up their equipment check before Karl has to head out, speaking of which, I need you to get him the updated crypto, Tasha's changed the frequencies again."
Handing back the PDA he pulled a disk from his BDU pocket.
"Here you go."
After exchanging salutes once again Sgt. Yamaguchi hustled off to find Karl.
Tony made his way to the zinc oxide hook and ladder they had 'borrowed' from the Tokyo Fire Department. A few members of Section 1 were milling about, performing last minute equipment checks on the rig; the 'conscripted' firemen watching them carefully, assisting, and making sure the cops didn't break anything. Dawn "Jail Bait" Marchenko noticed his approach and hopped off the cab and saluted.
"Area atten-hua!"
Tony smiled and returned the salute.
"At ease, as you were."
The rest of them relaxed and went back to work.
"How's than pintle mount coming along?" He asked her.
"Ready to rock and roll sir." Came her reply, her sprite seventeen-year-old face beaming.
The mount was fast welded to the side of the ladder, just off to the left and a M2HB .50 was already in place, its barrel pointing lazily towards the hardtop. Dawn would be manning it while he and his section made their assault, covering them. He was reluctant to put her on the gun but she was accurate, even though she saw it as a game sometimes, but there was no denying it, if she had to fire the target would not escape untouched.
Sgt. Yamaguchi found Karl talking to his pilots over the phone in the back of one of the APC's; they'd be deploying from the Totem Pole, and he'd meet them at the FARP (Forward Arming and Refueling Point) later.
"Sir. New codes from the boss." He said as he dropped his salute, handing the disk over.
Karl pocketed it.
"Thanks." Turning back to the phone he instructed his people to head out. The patrol schedule had already been altered to put the Firebee's in the area of the target so no one would think anything was out of the ordinary. The Detachments two Aero Pato's would deploy five minutes later, ostensibly on a practice drill. Before hanging up he made a quick call to the airport to see what Sergei's situation was. In broken Russian he was informed all green and already airborne.

Across the bay, within the depths of the Tower, Brian J. Mason received notification that all of Detachment 3's aerial assets were now currently deployed. He snorted, just another round of drills; more saber rattling from that gaijin bitch and her troublemaking toadies. One of these days, he vowed, one of these days he was going to take care of them.

"Where's Tasha?" Karl asked Yamaguchi.
"I think with Section three and five." He said, pointing off to the Command Van.

Tasha was going over some last minute details, more to keep from thinking about the waiting than for any other reason.
"I got the new codes." He said as he hopped up into the van. Nene and Elise were at their stations running systems checks on the Probe Bot's and they turned and smiled as he came in, than it was back to work. The new girl, Monica, was helping out, mainly as a runner but still on the ground floor. Tasha turned towards him.
"Good, when you upload them give us a radio check and I think that should cover it."
"Hmm, I'm not sure if that makes me feel any better."
"I always worry before an op Karl, but if it makes you feel better, I'm confident that we'll come out on top."
"It does, and I'm sure we will. Well, I better head out, I'll touch net with you guys in a half hour tops."
"Rodger that, we should be ready to roll by then."
Karl smiled and two-finger saluted, than jogged off to the waiting HEMMT and empty Firebee carrier.

"These guys aren't gonna have a clue what hit them." Nene exalted.
Elise, sitting next to her smiled.
"That's the idea." She added, joining Nene in a conspiratorial laugh at the expense of the bad guys. An incoming message tore Elise away from the fun and she nodded as she took in the call.
"Rodger that, good to have you." She turned to Natasha. "Ma'am, Osaka SWAT's Osprey is enroute, ETA ten minutes, they're requesting an LZ."
"Relay the coordinates of the FARP and let Karl know they're early. Nene, tell Sec. 2 to move out, they'll have to take the final brief over the net."
As her protégés got down to business she hopped out and walked towards the door.

Stepping out into the cold night air she looked over what she could of the city and took a deep breath. She watched as Section 2's APC drove past and saluted them as they passed. She checked her watch and looked back into the old warehouse they were working out of and smiled as she saw a Mini Pato with the roof top sniper teams leave. Satisfied she made her way back inside and gathered the remaining troops.

The echoing sounds of work slowly ceased as they all took a knee and listened up.
There were a few murmurs when she informed them that no one outside of their immediate chain of command knew where they were going to hit, but that had quieted down some as the details of the operation and the nature of their targets was explained to them. By the end of it all Det. 3 was pumped up and looking for blood. Before she mounted up she sent a delayed E-mail to the Chief, outlining the particulars of the assault. She knew Leon, being the lead investigator for the case would fill him in, but she wanted to do him the courtesy of giving him a heads up, she owed him that much, besides, it would look pretty bad when all the calls started to come in if he didn't know why. He'd receive it at about five minutes to zero hour. The oversight committee and the Commissioner would get their copies at 10:30 on the nose, well past the point of no return.
At 10:00 on the nose a convoy of two APC's, the C&C van, the hook and ladder, the K-12 carrier and three commandeered school busses moved out. Part way to the target, the Corner Club in northern Shinjuku, the convoy split. The Hook and Ladder and the three school busses broke off and headed towards the area the back way while the ADP vehicles continued on.

Three blocks from the Corner Club the APC's and Command van pulled over and waited. The first units to check in were the sniper teams; they had infiltrated the buildings on either side of the Corner club and had taken firing positions on the roof. They reported in that there was more heat on the roof than prior surveillance had indicated. Next was Section 6; Karl's unit. Osaka's Osprey had arrived and had loaded up the assault element of Section 2 while two medium lift choppers would each drop off one K-11 on the terrace on either side of the second floor. Section 1 reported in that they had saddled up to the rear of the building and that Tony had set the breaching charges.
During the study of the blueprints they had found a alcove stairway that led to the third floor, where the hostages were bunked, this alcove shared a wall with the street and that was were Section 1 was going to enter, cutting off escape and presenting a third flank, the first being the main floor and the second was Section 2's airmobile contingent that would fast rope down and secure the roof and the top floor. Sections from two other Detachments were on scene to handle the underground garage and the few boltholes that had been found, features that had not appeared on the plans at city hall. Of course they didn't know why they were here but Elise and Nene filled them in and connected them to the net. Within five minutes the assembled troops were in their jump off positions and those troops, such as the snipers, who could move into their assigned posts without being noticed had already done so.

Meanwhile back at the ADP HQ, Chief Roland was wondering where the heck all his Frontline troops had disappeared off to. He knew that Detachment 3 was off doing some sort of training, but now he was informed that Detachment 1 and 4 had left the building. A call to Natasha revealed nothing, because she wasn't there.

Tony looked at his watch, 10:29 and counting. He turned to his people and held up his hand and mouthed 'Five seconds!'
"1 to 3 charges set. Gimme a three count."
Tasha keyed the net and replied.
"Rodger that, go loud on three; two; one!"

Inside the Corner club patrons and staff alike were engrossed in the party atmosphere, girls dancing on laps, booze, drugs, and all sorts of decadence were afoot and all were enjoying it. A patron, feeling lonely, asked the head bouncer for a little companionship and he'd nodded. Sending one of his staff to bring down a girl.
"Hey Kenji, how's it going?" A coworker asked as the passed in the hall.
"Not bad, just grabbing a trick for the guy at table eight."
"Oh, Matsui?"
"That's the one, he better not get rough."
"What do you care, it's not like they can complain."
"True, Seeya in a few."
Turning the corner into the alcove stairway he made it two steps up before his world came crashing down around him. In an instant the alcove was filled with fire, smoke and flying debris. A chunk of concrete impacted him in the back bending him in two, and a piece of rebar mercifully severed his head from his body. When the smoke cleared and Tony's armored boot stepped inside he was gone, a broken piece of gutted flesh, rotting on what remained of the stairs.

The building shook; that was the signal. On the rooftops adjacent the sniper teams went into action, two swift cracks and there were two dead bodyguards, one was hit in the chest, throwing him to the ground, the other, hit in the face, toppled backwards off the roof and onto the terrace below. Seconds later the Firebee's arrived over the scene followed closely by the troop choppers.

"Tango flight, be advised, we have six targets on the roof top, stepping into...HOLY SHIT! We've got a boomer!"

"I've got him, Tango flight flush the rest of the roof clean!"

Tango flight dropped altitude so that they were level with the rooftop, it would do no good to fire down, seeing as the armor piercing 20mm would easily pass through the multiple floors. No sooner had they reached firing level than a second person on the roof shed their skin revealing the combat boomer underneath.

"Tango low lead, make that two boomers! Going hot!"

The multi-barreled guns of the Firebee's' spun up and within a second were hammering away at the rooftop. The snipers had eliminated one more guard and the Osprey had made its turn giving the ramp gunner an angle. Ropes had already been kicked out the side hatches and the first elements of Section 2 were making there way down. The second boomer took a shot at one of the Firebee's and came up wide and was drilled by both 20mm and .50 fire from the Osprey. Unlike previous missions, the pilots had been instructed to keep firing until they were sure that the target had been eliminated and for three full seconds round after round slammed into the hapless boomer. Seeing this the first boomer grabbed his charge and bolted.

"Tango lead, Tango one, we have a bolter, heading south!"

"I have him, maintain CAP." Karl yelled as he swung his Aero Pato in behind the fleeing duo.

Throughout the building the patrons and staff were quickly recovering from the explosion and some made there way to the exits only to run, panicked, back inside as the two APC's from Section 4 ran up onto the side walk and blocked the entrances. The side doors on the APC's slid open and disgorged their troops just as the two K-11's from Section 2 landed on the terrace, driving the patrons there inside, herding them.
On the second floor Tony and his group turned the corner to see two armed staff trying to formulate a battle plan. Popping out from the alcove he fired, sending a burst of flachettes from his G11 throwing him up and back, his chest shredded by the attack. The other guy, further down the hall managed to duck inside a nearby room, narrowly avoiding a burst from Tony's number two man.
"Go! Go! Go!" Tony urged and his team took positions along the walls securing the T intersection. Tapping two troopers on the arm he pointed with his hand to the three doors at the end of the hall. Nodding, his men bolted across the access-way that lead to the second floor common area. The first door was locked, the fleeing perp behind it. One troop pulled a grenade and signaled to his companion, who, with a swift kick knocked the door open. As soon as he was able the other tossed the grenade in and both hunkered down.
There was a hollow BOMF, and debris and hamburger was blown out into the hall. Rushing back into the room they swept left and right, clearing it, what remained of the bad guy was smeared over the desk and walls, some of him dripping from the ceiling as well.
"Nice overkill."
"Oh shut up."
A shrill whistle from Tony snapped them out of it.
"Two more doors, Move!"

On the first floor most of the patrons had hit the deck, screaming and trying to find cover. A few that had been nearest the doors had already been bound and thrown through the APC's which were serving as impromptu airlocks. Off towards the back were six Triad toughs that had picked the wrong place to have some fun that night. Overturning a table they pulled their weapons and set about defending their position, escape seemed futile and to do so would require crossing a killing zone. Behind the bar the tender and his assistant broke out an AKM and AK-74.

On the roof Section 2 was down and had taken the remaining, living, suspects into custody and made their way to the roof access. No sooner had they opened the door than a beam of hot energy slashed into the lead man, severing his arm below the elbow. The rest of Section 2 pulled him back and laid down covering fire.

In the hall Tony and his men prepared to move into the main room when the double doors burst open. Three folks ran into the hall, two armed, one a patron. Raising his G11 Tony stitched the man off to the right with a well-placed burst to the chest hurling him back. The other one grabbed the patron and held his gun to her head. Making a come here gesture to his number four man he kept his laser sight on the guy's forehead.
Rolling out from behind him number four raised one of the new EMP guns and fired. Both criminal and patron dropped, unconscious. Suddenly a scream from inside the ladies room caught their attention.
"Three, grenade, stun, not frag."
His number three man pushed the door open from the side and rolled a flash bang into the room than took cover. There was a muffled pop and number three and four moved in.
"Clear, two down."

"Section 2 to Section 1! We're pinned; two wounded, there's something in the stairwell, we can't move!"

Tony swore, mom had said there'd be days like this. Splitting his men in half, sending half into the main area to assist Section 4 he took the other half back to the alcove stairway and went up.

"Tango lead to Homeplate, this guys all over the place, I can't get a clean shot!" Came Karl's voice over the net, keeping the boss informed.

Having stepped out of the K-12, it was no longer needed and to big to use inside Tasha looked over her situation. She had five guys pinned behind a table at the northeast corner of the room, and two shooters behind the bar. Section 2 was in trouble but help was on the way.
"Rodger that, don't lose him!"

At the door to the third floor Tony cracked it open and blinked at what he saw. There were two Bu-K9's on the stairs; one was shooting up it, keeping Section 2 at bay while the second was hanging back, waiting. Making a hand gesture to get his men ready to move he looked back only to see the lower Bu-K9 turn it's head towards him, it's eyes glowing red.
Reaching for his heavy pistol just as the K9 leapt at him he was able to get a shot off but the momentum was to great and the steel maw clamped down around his forearm.
Gritting his teeth in pain he pulled his other pistol as a few of his men closest to him opened up on the boomer dog. Falling back into the stairwell it took round after round to finally kill it.
"Section 4 What's your status!" That was Tony, he was seething, but his implanted drug sacks were killing the pain, for now.
"Two behind the bar, five holed up towards the back."
"Can you send me some men?"
"Negative. Stand by."
"Shit. Fuck! All right, lets get that last one so we can get out of here."
In a well-coordinated advance he and his three available troops moved up the stairs and opened fire on the Boomer dog on the stair well. Turning towards them it leapt at one of his troops. Landing on top of him the officer was able to get his gun into the mouth and was struggling to keep the teeth at bay. Another officer in a better position opened fire only to have one of the lasers on its back target him and fire, tossing him back up against the wall. Tony switched hands and leveled his big gun and fired blowing the hindquarters off and away. Section 2, their way cleared, poured into the area and took up defensive positions.

On the first floor they had managed to suppress the Triad contingent with a few well-placed stun grenades. Ducking from overturned table to over turned table Tasha and a few others started to drag them to the door. As she started to pull one of them out one of the guys behind the bar popped up and sprayed the room with fire. Rolling over the Triad, and using her body as a shield she hunkered down as two rounds hit her square in the back throwing her forward.

"Section 4; say status over." Tony asked, as he wrapped up his chewed up arm.
"Under fire, two assault rifles behind the bar!"
"Well use grenades dammit!"
"We don't know if they have hostages back there."
"Shit! Okay, use a flash-bang. It's my call."
"Rodger that."

Tasha crawled forward towards her line and was helped the last few meters as two of her men popped up from different locations and tossed grenades.
"Fire in the hole!"

Below him the building shook and Tony looked over to his combined party and was about to move into the corridor leading deep into the third floor when the heard the pitter patter of metal feet.
"Christ! Another one!"
As if on cue another Bu-K9 skidded around the corner and started towards them.
In unison twelve guns from Section 2 and 1 opened up as it jumped. Against one or two guns its momentum would have carried it, but not against twelve. The incoming wall of lead halted its forward motion and pushed it back up against the wall and held it there until parts started to fly off of it.

In the air about fifteen miles away Karl had barely managed to keep his Pato airborne as he slammed the side of it into a building. Swearing, he recovered and continued his pursuit. The terrain was getting tight and this boomer was small enough to play while he had to walk on eggshells. Firing at the boomer he cursed as the shots went wide and slammed into the face of a building sending glass and debris onto the street below. The boomer ducked behind a building and following it Karl noticed it had gone under an overpass. Deciding discretion is the better part of valor Karl pulled up and prepared himself to swing about should the target make a U turn and head the other way, which is exactly what it did.
Pulling about, he clipped another building and poured on the coals, trying to catch up. As he turned the corner the boomer was in the middle of the street on the ground facing him. It fired. Karl tried to dodge but it was too late and he had nowhere to go. Depressing the fire button he put a burst into its chest just before the boomers mouth laser punched through the rotor disk, shredding the retaining ring from the body. His cockpit lit up like it was Christmas and alarms and indicators started flashing catastrophic failure. Reaching between his legs he pulled the eject ring up and punched out.
The seat's rockets ignited and propelled him up and away from the stricken craft and he watched as it continued earthward, slamming into the stunned boomer and exploded, filling the street with debris and burning JP8.

Back at the Corner Club Tony had his men positioned and ready to move up into the top floor. He counted to three silently and than bolted across the hall to take a covering position. One step in and he caught something in the corner of his eye, a bright flash, heading right towards him. Turning at the last second in an attempt to return fire he was hit center mass by a searing hot beam of energy. Despite not having any mass to create knock back the pain and flash boiling of his armor and chest threw him backwards past his men, down the stairwell onto the floor beyond. Skidding to a stop he shook his head to clear his vision and noticed that his head and upper shoulders were suspended out of the very hole he had blown into the building not more than five minutes ago.
Two of his people were next to him in seconds and he thought he could hear the sounds of automatic weapons fire from were he had been standing a second ago.
"Shit! Sir, are you all right? Homeplate we need a medic, 1 lead is hit!"
Sliding forward with help from his mates he was propped against the wall his ears still ringing from his unassisted flight. Waving his men off he struggled with the catches on his armor but was able to shuck it off.
"I'm fine, what the fuck is goin on up there?"
"Section 2 status?"

"Corridor clear, first three rooms clear, we've got two hostages, bringing them out now."
Tony nodded that he'd heard and looked up the stairs as two hysterical attractive young women were being lead down to the breach. He motioned to the two officers that had come to his aid to escort them down to the waiting buses and using his rifle as a cane, pushed himself to his feet.

As Karl descended to street level he could see the person the boomer had snatched up hiding behind a car, pulling a revolver. Swinging his pistol out the bad guy fired twice, missing once and hitting him high and right on the second shot. Taking aim Karl fired. He'd intended to fire at the guy, but a snap shot from a parachute didn't help aim any and his shots went into the rear of the car detonating the fuel tank. There was a bright flash than a rush of heat and flame. Landing he popped his chute and moved off to the left to get position. By now a crowd had gathered at the fracas but he was still trying to find his assailant. Finally, making his way up to the car, it's fires dying down he saw the charred remains.
"God dammit." He swore, holstering his weapon.
"Tango lead to Homeplate, target down." He sighed.
"Say status Tango Lead."
"Down as well, on the corner of, Toshiro and McFadden." He replied, looking at the street signs closest to him.
Tasha felt deflated, well, ever op has a SNAFU, and this was it.
"What's the collateral look like?"
"Shit I dunno, bad! I've got my Pato spread across half the street."
"Secure the location, I'm sending a car."
"Rodger that." He muttered, and surveyed the area, right, secure what.

Below her and a little off to the right she head gunfire.
"Homeplate, Det 1. We've got bolters! Two SUV's, they've got hostages!"
Great, she thought, the parking structure.
"Tango two, you've got two SUV's going to be heading out, follow them and watch your fire."

Above her Tango two acknowledged and swung his bird over the street as the SUV's blew thru the cordon. The officers on the ground held their fire, not wanting to hit the hostages. Pushing the cyclic forward Tango Two gave chase.
"Tango three, head to Tango Leads last know and swap birds."
"Rodger that, enroute."
"Elise, get me Sergei."
"You're on."
Her orders for him came out in rapid fire Russian and he acknowledged.
"Tango lead."
"Yes Homeplate." Karl answered, sitting atop a car hood.
"Three's on the way to pick you up. Rendezvous with Two, he's tailing some escapee's, Sergei's enroute and will provide ground support."
"Got it."

Tony made his way down stairs picking a bottle of Jack of a table as he went.
Entering the main floor he saw bedlam. Det. 3 had the area secured and were pulling folks out in zip ties one at a time. A few wounded officers were nearby and a few bodies had been covered up with tarps. Tasha walked up to him and inspected his wounds, or rather, his dressings. She pointed to the bottle.
"Lose that."
He set it down and snorted.
"You're no fun."
"How bad is it?"
"I'll be sore for a while, nothing I can't handle."
"I see." She replied as he wobbled, using the counter has a support.
He reluctantly did so, and was secretly glad he did.
"Elise, get Tony to a hospital fast."
"Yes Ma'am." She replied, than ran outside and found an unused Cruiser.
In minutes he was in the passenger seat with her at the helm, tearing off.
"Head to Yokasuka darlin." He breathed out.
"You sure?"
"Yeah, you know the drill."
"Okay, but if you die before we get there I'm breaking up with you."
He smiled and set the seat back.

Leon pulled up to Karl just as the second Aero Pato; the ELINT, unarmed, version hovered into view.
"Oh great, I thought you needed a ride." He bit.
"Hey don't worry Leon, he will." Karl remarked as the Pato settled and the cockpit opened, and the pilot hopped out.
Leon waited as they traded positions and the pilot walked up to him.
"Having fun yet." Leon asked.
"Oh loads."
"Yeah, well I hope he doesn't crash that one too."
The pilot nodded but stayed silent; as appropriate as Leon's concern was, Karl was still his boss.

Minutes later and Karl was over the scene, the Firebee, Tango Two was maintaining a safe distance, well out of weapons range, and notified him that they appeared to be heading towards the coast.
"Rodger that, I want you to head further east and cut them off, turn them onto Ebisu Dori and keep them from taking the Harumi off ramp."
"Got it."
He waited a second or two than called his name again.
"Da! Vat iz?"
God help me, he thought.
"I want you to drop on Ebisu Dori, at the Harumi ramp. Got that?"
"Da, da, Ebisu, before Harumi, da."
Taking the trail slot behind the SUV's he looked up and could see the dark form of the Be-12 as it stepped into drop position.

In broken English Sergei got the troops in the back ready and opened the bomb bay doors. The loadmaster checked and double checked the mounts and moved aft and opened the troop doors. The K-suits would fall out of the bomb bay, two of them, and eight troopers would static jump after them. Looking out his the observation window the co-pilot relayed the range and called the drop.
Behind him the two K-suits detached and fell like stones from the bay, immediately the plane climbed and he pushed the nose down to maintain altitude. The loadmaster calling back told him the troops had exited safely. Pulling up he closed the bay doors and set the plane into a lazy orbit around the road.

In the SUV's the lead driver noticed the Firebee hovering at the off ramp. He gunned it, in the hopes of spoiling his shot but was distracted by a bright light in front and above him. No, wait, it was coming right at him.
The first K-suit hurtled towards the street, and the pilot could see cars everywhere. He spotted the SUV's and altered his decent and kicked on his braking thrusters. The SUV veered to the right and rear-ended a sedan. Landing with a roar of jets amidst a whirlwind he moved forward. The second SUV's hit the breaks and put it into reverse. Karl swooped low and landed the Pato behind the 2 K-suits as the troopers landed a good twenty meters ahead of them. A few had to dodge the rear SUV and one officer fired a shotgun, decimating the rear tire. The blow out caused the driver to overcompensate and the SUV rolled over.
Inside the first SUV the passenger staggered out but the driver wasn't so lucky, the K-suit punched thru the glass and pulled him out onto the pavement as Karl ran up, gun drawn as the passenger, whose head had cleared pulled his weapon. Karl was ready, and fired dropping him, his hand still on his gun, halfway out his rig. Inside the second SUV hands and weapons were put out the windows as the second K-suit and four troopers surrounded it.
Rolling the vehicle back onto it's wheels the K-suit pilot tore the rear doors off when he was done, two troopers flanking him, assault rifles at the ready. The criminals inside had had it and gave up. Fighting Metro was one thing, heck even tackling ADP front liners they could stomach, but not a K-11 Jaeger. Only Borgs, boomers and the suicidal took them on.
"Tango lead to Homeplate, both SUV's secured, two dead, two down, no hostage fatalities."
"Excellent work. Remain on station until Metro clears the scene, than RTB."
"Rodger that."

Tasha sighed in relief and sank down onto a nearby barstool. Sgt. Yamaguchi noticed.
"Everything all right Ma'am?"
"Yeah, how are we here?"
"Wrapping it up now, Det 1 and 4've been rotated out and Metro has their positions. The wounded have all been evacuated."
"None on our end, although we've got some in critical condition."
"Hostile fatalities?"
"Fifteen right now, we should know for certain pretty soon."
"Light to moderate wounds, I guess the only good thing about the mods they received, made them a bit more durable."
"Good, good. Where's Leon?"
"Top floor, with Daley."

Leon was taking some pictures, and Daley was watching the forensics teams remove the Bu-K9's.
He turned and saw Tasha walk up, her helmet under her arm.
"How's it going up here?"
"Not bad, we're searching their rooms now, looks like they didn't give them that much in the way of amenities. Check this out." He pointed into one of the nearby rooms.
"I've seen it." Tasha remarked softly, not looking.
Daley looked over and saw that her face was a mask; right now he couldn't tell what she was feeling.
"Right." Leon blinked.
"Do you need Det. 3 on station any longer?"
"They've taken over for 1 and 4. I've got them waiting to be dismissed."
"Leave Det 1, I don't think we need more than that."
Tasha nodded and turned on her heel. Daley followed her to the stairwell, kicking a chunk of concrete out the hole.
"Sure did a number on this place didn't you?"
Tasha regarded him.
"Prying again?"
He blinked than smiled.
She patted him on the shoulder.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to snap at you. If you need me I'm on my way to Yokasuka."
"Yeah, he got shot up pretty bad."
He nodded.
"Well, tell him good job."
"He knows." She smiled and he snorted.
"Yeah, yeah, I'm sure he does."

On the way downstairs a Metro lieutenant was picking his way up. aghast at the damage.
"Watch out for the hole on two." She offered as she passed him.
God I'm glad I'm not the case officer for this one she mused.
Later, at Yokasuka, she'd hopped a ride in the Osprey and they'd picked up Karl at the station, they were in Tony's room with Elise by his bed. When the doctor and nurse had left Tasha knelt by the bed and Tony could feel and hear rustling by the mattress springs.
"Now what are you doing?"
She smiled and made a trigger pulling motion with her finger.
"Just returning the favor, it's set to full auto, just how you like it."
He snorted and winched, recovered than nodded.
"You're welcome, now get better. Elise, hang out. I'm going to head back with the cruiser."
Elise dug into her pocket and tossed her the keys.
"Um...I'm gonna stay for a little while as well." Karl said.
"Okay, I'll send a car for you guys."

In the hall she ran onto Tony's doctor.
"Ah, Natasha, how are you?"
"Fine Colonel, you?"
"S squared D squared."
Tasha smiled.
"You hit?" He asked, pointing to the damage to the back of her armor.
"Didn't penetrate."
"Ah, well I suggest an analgesic, they're gonna puff up on you."
"Thanks, I will."

"Oh, one more thing?" He said after a few steps.
"Should I warn the nurse about the gun under his bed?"
She smiled and shrugged, and instantly regretted it. He nodded and walked back into the room.
