The Bubblegum Crisis Center > Extras > Fan Fiction

Got to Smoke 'em All

Written by Lowen Sodium

This fanfic is the first one that I have written, so please do not judge it to harshly. This is a Bubblegum Crisis crossover. If you can't figure out what it is a crossover of from the title, I am not going to tell you. You can scroll to the bottom of this page and read the disclaimer information to find out. I would love to hear any comments you have for this. You can reach me at

Down in the dark bowls of Mega-Tokyo, in a dark, run down bar know as the Cest Lavie pool and bar, sat a woman. Dressed in a neo-contemporary red dress, she sat at the bar, smoking a cigarette and drinking a glass of red wine. It was Cloudy Bay from New Zealand, year 2031, and quite frankly it lived up to its rating of cat's piss on blackberries. She preferred something from the Chap Pellet Winery, around the year 2020... But, it was the best that they had. It was not her choice of meeting places, but it was better than some of the other places she had been. She set her glass down, and took a look at her watch. 11:35 it read. She had been there for over an hour. Just as she was about to pay her bill and leave, a figure walked in to the bar. She turned from her drink to look, and sighed.

"Your late, Fargo..."

Normally, Fargo wouldn't have been able to get to a meeting with Sylia fast enough, but this night had been a different experience for him.

"Sorry about that, Sylia, but I was meeting with our clients."
"What are the details of the assignment?"

Fargo, took a moment to gather him self at the bar next to her. He then reached in to his inner jacket pocket and produced a single cigarette, taking a moment longer to light it. He sat in his normal position, hunched over the bar, but this time he sat with his hat on, pulled low so you could barely make out his face. He then reached in to the other side of his jacket to retrieve a small data-disc, which he placed on the bar in front of Sylia.

"Our clients are... well, different" he said while exhaling smoke.
"They prefer to be known only as T.R."
"T.R.?" she said as she picked up the disk.
"T.R. seems to stand for Team Rocket, for what reason, I do not know. They want the Knight Sabers to dispose of a rival faction of theirs."
"What is so different about them?'
"Team Rocket is composed of three members. James, Jesse and the third member who preferred to go by the name 'Mr. M'. Mr. M seems to run the show for the most part. Make the big decisions, and tells the other two what to do."
"Mr. M is a cat."
"I see. So our clients are a little... wrong in the head?"
"You could say that."
"So Mr. M is not really telling them what to do."
"I didn't say that."

Sylia put her cigarette down on the ashtray, and turned to look a Fargo.
He turned his face away slightly, but to no avail.

"What happed to your face, Fargo?

No use trying to hide it now, he thought to him self. He then took off his hat, displaying what looked to be claw marks on his face.

"Fargo... Are you ok?" asked Sylia, displaying more compassion than usual, especially to Fargo.
"Why Sylia, I wasn't aware that you cared for me..." he said as he motioned to the bartender with one finger. The bartender reluctantly sat down his magazine and made Fargo his usual wet scotch.

Sylia paused for a moment, taken back by his remark. "Is it inhuman to display concern when someone maybe hurt?" she said in her normal, unemotional voice. "Well, this will be a strange job, I am sure. I will contact you later."

Fargo, about to take his first drink, stopped and turned to look at Sylia as she left the bar. She had no interest in him, and he knew it. But the fact that he couldn't have her, made him want her all the more. He sighed, and downed his drink. In a poorly lit arena, that somewhat resembled a basketball court with out the goals, walked two teenage boys, a teenage girl (who was carrying a small animal that was living in what appeared to be a broken Easter egg), and a rather large, yellow mouse.

"I am not sure if I like this, Ash," said the girl.
"Me neither, Misty. We get an invitation to a training battle, only to find that there is no one here. What do you think we should do Brock?" said Ash.
"I don't know. It could be a trap set by Gary, or some other trainer. Or maybe Team Rocket," answered Brock.
"BRRREEE!!" complained the small animal in the Easter egg.
"Yea, me too, Togepi," replied Misty.

Off in the shadows of the sports arena, were three figures in waiting.

"Were are they? We paid good money for this, and there still ain't here," complained the shortest of the three.
"Maybe they are stuck in traffic, Meowth," suggested James.
"Call me Mr. M!" shouted the cat-like creature, almost loud enough to alert Ash and the others of their presence.
"Shhh..." Jesse hushed the other. "I am sure that they will be here. We did pay them enough."
"They had better, or I will teach `em a lesson or two," Mr. M said in his usual annoying voice.
"Hey, look... I think that's them," James said.

Ash stood in front of friend as if he wasn't afraid of armored figure that stood before them.

"Wha... Wha... What do you want?" Ash asked with a shaky voice.
"I challenge you, Ash of Pallet Town," calmly stated the blue Knight Saber who had stepped forward to represent the team. Behind her were three more Sabers, an unmarked van, and a few motorcycles.

"Ok," Ash answered unsure what to do next. He thought what would be the best mode of attack against this unknown person. He reached in to his blue and white jacket to reveal a red and white ball. "I choose you, Squirtle!" he yelled as he let loose the ball on the field. It bounced once then opened to fill the arena with light, which faded to show a turtle-like creature.

Priss smiled inside her armor. The data that Sylia had showed them had led her to believe that this was going to be easy, but this was almost a joke. "Heh. Ok, I choose you, Typhoon II!" she yelled as she pointed forward.

From behind the blue Saber, from the mist of their equipment, a very large robotic form flew over to land directly on top of the turtle. The only thing that it said before it was crushed was, "Squirtle?" in a low raspy voice.

"It looks like round one goes to the Knight Sabers!" exclaimed Mr. M.
"At this rate, Ash and the others won't be a threat to use ever again," stated Jesse.
"And Team Rocket will be able to rule all the pokémon in the world," added James

Ash was more than shocked. He had never lost so badly before. And what about poor Squirtle? There were Poké-guts all over the floor. Brock was busy with his Poké-dex looking up some information.

"Typhoon II isn't in the Poké-dex. It must be a rare one," said Brock.
"No, Pikachu, I am not going to let them get away with this," answered Ash to the yellow mouse.

Ash, nearly in tears, reached in his jacket, once more. "I choose you Bulbasaur!"
He threw the ball forward and let loose a frog-like animal this time. This one looked as if it had a fern growing out of it back. Priss made a jester to her motor-slave to retreat. Not because she thought that the frog had any chance of scratching the Typhoon II, let alone defeat it, but because it wouldn't be very sporting of her to take all the fun from her colleagues.

"I choose you Linna!" she yelled almost laughing at the thought of the whole thing. The green Saber ran forward. Bulbasaur looked up at her with a sour look.

"Bul... Ba... Saur!" It exclaimed.

The thought of getting toad guts on her armor was less than pleasing, as Sylia would make her clean it off. So, rather than stepping on it or using her ankle bomber to end the match, she went with a slightly different attack. With a quick flick and twist of her head, the monomolecular ribbons that adorn her helmet whipped forward and through the frog sending a spray of crimson through the air and on to the Pokémon's owner.

Ash was having a bad day. He was loosing his Pokémon and fast. He wiped Bulbasaur's blood and his own tears off his face. He only had one more Pokémon with him. He looked down at Pikachu, and frowned. He didn't like the idea of loosing Pokémon, but he really didn't want to loose Pikachu.

"Can you handle this?"
"Pika pika!"
"Are you sure?"
"Pika Pikachu."
"Well, only if you are sure."

Misty walked up to Ash, and put her hand on his shoulder.

"Why are you letting Pikachu fight them?"
"Because, I have to get even for Bulbasaur and Squirtle. And I know that Pikachu want to too. I choose you, Pikachu!"

"Linna, fall back. Your up, Nene!"
The green Saber turned around and started back to where she started.

As she passed the red Saber, they gave each other five.

"This shouldn't be a problem. Even for you, Nene," smirked Linna.
"Hummff" Nene retorted. She walked to the center of the ring were she met a large yellow rodent.

It was kind of like a deformed cat of sorts. Nene thought that it was kind of cute.

"Ahhh.... Aren't you neat," Nene cooed as she knelled down to pet it.
"Pikachu, Thunder Shock Now!!!" Ash shouted at the top of his lungs.

Pikachu was more than happy to oblige.

"Pikachu!!!" the rodent shouted as he discharged a few thousand volts through Nene's armor.
"AAAAHHHHHH!!!" Nene screamed. She nearly passed out from the shock, but her armor was able to open the electrical vents on her back to direct the flow of current away from her.

Sylia walked forward to were Priss was standing. Priss started to go to Nene, but Sylia stopped her. Nene stumbled back away from the electric mouse, catching her breath. She straightened herself out and looked to the animal. Pikachu was staring right back at her with a rather mean face. He was also trying to catch his breath. Apparently, his thunder shock attack took a lot out of him.

"Why, you... you... you... ahh, the heck with it." She miffed as she pointed her gauntlet arm at the evil mouse.

A shot at that close a range practically turned the Pokémon inside out. Ash fell to his knees. Brock and Misty started to walk closer to their friend, but then saw that one of the armored figures was approaching them, and then decide to let Ash talk to them. Sylia walked up to the boy. He looked up to her and simply said: "I surrender." Sylia explained the terms that Mr. M wanted, which included that Ash never train Pokémon ever again. This wasn't really a problem, because Ash had no more Pokémon left. Meanwhile, as the Knight Saber dispersed, a small celebration was breaking out.

"That was gruesome!" exclaimed Mr. M.
"I'll say," agreed Jesse. "And now that Ash is out of the way, no one can stop us!"
"Team Rocket forever! Right Meowth?"
"I told you, call me Mr. M!" yelled the cat as he scratched James face.

"Hey, Sylia." The Knight Sabers were at their base 'ungearing' themselves. They were pretty good and getting in and out of their skin suits quickly, but it was nice to not have to rush it.

"Yes, Priss?"
"We could stand to have some more jobs that are that easy."
"Easy? That Pika-thing almost had me," complained Nene.
"It's your own fault for trying to pet it. I would love to see to try to do that with a rampaging boomer," teased Linna.
"Ohh..." whined Nene.
"We are here to defend justice and rid the world of evil. I think that we are one step closer to ridding the world of evil tonight," Sylia said was she finished with clothing her self.

"Amen," agreed Priss.

Pokémon and all Pokémon characters are property of Nintendo and are used in this story without Nintendo's knowledge or consent. Bubblegum Crisis and all Bubblegum Crisis characters are the property of AIC and are also used in this story with out AIC's knowledge or consent. I would like to inform you that this fanfic is a joke. If you can't see it as one, you problem don't need to read any fanfics. I don't know a lot about Pokemon. Most of the info I have, I got from I have seen maybe 2 episodes of it, and the last 15 mins of the movie (We had do something while waiting for Deuce Bigalow) so please don't email me with my mistakes with the Pokemon characters. I really don't care. I think pokemon are evil, and so do you. So there.
