The Bubblegum Crisis Center > Extras > Fan Fiction

Enlistment of Lies - part 2

Written by Danika Kenn

What has happened thus far...

Lt. Renee Miyako was called in as back up, on her day off no less, to help with an incident that Daley was in charge of. When she arrived on the scene, she was informed that the Boomer was acting odd and took hostages. Miyako went in with a small team to disable the Boomer. The plan worked and the hostages were saved. Only one problem, the Boomer was not taking out completely. It killed an officer and wounded Miyako gravely. Out of bullets, the Boomer charged Reisan and they went crashing through the store window. As Reisan felt the life being crushed out of him by the Boomer, Miyako showed up in the knick of time, blowing the Boomer away.

Unbeknownst to the officers on the scene, the Knight Sabers, minus Nene who was at ADP HQ, were already in the area watching the entire operation. Priss and Linna were confused with Sylia's orders to not get involved and Priss almost left because of it. After the incident was over, Sylia finally told her team that everything would be explained back at her apartment. This left Priss on edge and Linna wondering how the injured officer would fare.

With part II, I set up each scene with the time and setting to get across that things are happening close to the same time. I also thought it would be fun to do. I also had to laugh while writing this since it reminded me of Double Vision where it kept saying, "The Next Day", "The Next Day" etc. with the date no less! Like you couldn't tell it was the next

Legal type stuff: The Knight Sabers and ADPolice are created and owned by Artmic and Youmex, as well as all characters and basic concepts. This storyline and the character of Renee Miyako were created by myself. Don't sue me for having fun!

And of course C&C are welcomed and appreciated and can be sent to Arigato!

Another Story of the Knight Sabers: MegaTokyo 2032...

ADPolice Headquarters: 10:21 PM

The hum of the elevator heading to its destination was the only company for Detective NcNichol. He leaned on the side of the car as he flipped through the information on tonight's bust. It was a pretty routine one and the sting was simple. The poor idiot that was arrested didn't see what was coming. Leon sent in an officer pretending to buy illegal recycled goods, caught him in the act and brought him back to Headquarters to book him. He smiled to himself as he thought about all the evidence piling up at this moment. Busting guys like that help make the ADPolice's job easier. Leon found out the hard way, when he was still a rookie ADP officer, that illegal recycling was one of the major contributors of Boomer's going berserk. That incident in 2027 almost cost him his life. Catching those creeps early saves potential problems in the future. Not only that, it shows that the ADPolice is doing its job.

Lifting up his sunglasses, Leon yawned as he rubbed his eyes and felt the weariness course throughout his body. There were many late nights being up surveying the store and it was finally catching up to him. It will be good to check in with Daley to see how his incident went and then go home to bed. Stretching out his arms to shake some of the tiredness settling in, Leon was happy to finally be through with this case. He could go back to his normal second shift patrol with his partner and take a more active role in Boomer crimes. A high-speed pursuit after Boomers, or suiting up in a K-11 to do one on one battle was more his forte. Being a pencil pusher and sitting around by his desk to do filing wasted his time. Finally, the elevator chime rang and Leon stepped off onto his floor.

Considering how long he has been an officer for the ADPolice, Leon could walk to his desk blindfolded. Keeping his attention focused on the file he was reading, Leon could not see the small figure that was moving in his direction, and gaining quickly. His ears finally picked up the sound of fast footsteps approaching him and looked up, but it was too late. Bodies tumbled to the floor and became entangled, as papers flew up into the air and fell calmly down. Leon was able to get his bearings straight once the sea of papers parted and noticed a familiar red-haired officer staring face to face at him with bewildered look. The confusion faded away within seconds as her eyes widened in realization as to whom she ran into.

"Detective McNichol! I am SO sorry!" Nene said as her cheeks reddened in embarrassment as she shrunk down. "I guess I was not paying attention to where I was going."

"It's alright Nene-Chan. Nothing damaged, I think." A sly grin formed on his face as Leon's eyes narrowed. "Of course this isn't the sort of place I would want to wrestle with you."

Nene flushed a deeper shade of red and started to look for a way out of this predicament. She was already late, and Leon was practically on top of her. Looking away from him, Nene busted out with a nervous laugh, "You're so funny when you are playing around Detective! Umm...Don't you think you should be cleaning up these papers?" Nene prayed that this would distract him enough so she could get away.

Leon sighed as he saw all his papers scattered around the hallway. "Well, it does looks like it will take some time putting this folder back together, and I will be doing it all alone it seems." With a charming smile he added, "Unless -you- can help me?"

Nene had no choice but to untangle herself quickly, otherwise Leon's incessant flirting would continue to keep her here if she did not get away now. Nene's sudden movement to stand up took Leon by surprise. He barely managed to stay sitting upright as his legs were shifted from under him. Before he could say anything, Nene was already backing away slowly down the hall. "I would like to, really, but I can't right now. My shift just ended and I am already late getting home. My mom just has to be so worried about me. I have to get going." Turning around, Nene ran off towards the elevators unaware of a crunching sound beneath her feet. "I will make it up to you. PROMISE!"

Leon ignored the amused snickers from some of the on lookers as he stood up and heard the last echo of Nene's promise fading away. Straightening out his leather jacket, Leon looked to where he should start cleaning up the mess. He began putting some of the papers into a pile when his eyes found a piece of broken plastic on the floor. He was confused as to wear it came from so he bent down to further inspect it. As Leon was moving away the papers on top of it, he found the item that the small piece went to. His shock expression turned into disbelief when he found his favorite sunglasses broken beyond repair. Leon lifted the glasses up gently by the twisted arm and stared at the swaying frames with sadness. The glass was missing on one side, crack on the other, and the other arm was twisted in a position that made no sense for it to do. There was no way he could replace his lucky shades.

Leon finally noticed that there were more officers in the hallway then before, looking at him with bemused expressions. Rather annoyed at the whole situation, Leon was in no mood for any amusement at his expense. "I don't suppose any of you like to help clean this mess up huh?" Silence was his answer as his fellow smiling officers started to disperse quickly. "Thought so," Leon said with an irate scowl, as he looked down the hall where Nene departed.


Genom Tower: 10:28 PM

He sat behind his desk, tapping his index finger absently on the leather bound appointment book. His dark eyes were focused on the giant monitor set into the wall directly above and ahead of him. Displayed upon the monitor, six different screens showed various Boomer incidents that had happen in the last twelve hours. One scene was the aftermath of two construction Boomers that went out of control. Concrete sidewalks were torn out and thrown across the street, as the camera then panes to what was a car flattened by sheets of metal grating. Another news station covered a Boomer in a garbage truck that drove its vehicle right into an apartment complex. Each scene was the same situation of Boomers going berserk reeking havoc by their own means. Chairman Quincy laid his eyes upon each locale as if he were a hawk. Every detail was noted and pushed to the side to be mulled over later. Right now he was searching for something specific.

A young woman of Scottish decent stood across from the chairman's desk calmly, watching the monitors as well. She wore a maroon business suit that offset her well-kept long purple hair. Unlike Quincy, Madigan stared at the screens in triumph over Genom's new toy. It was her self-control that stopped her from smiling in front of the Chairman, but inwardly she was celebrating a successful field test. Turing her head, she looked upon her superior trying to gauge a reaction. His face showed nothing but the calm reserve Madigan has come to glean about him since receiving her promotion a few months ago. Her surprise transfer from the Chicago Tower to the main tower in Tokyo paled when Quincy gave her Mason's job and the secrets that went with it. Even with the Chairman's new found favor, her professionalism was always placed before ambition. Katherine Madigan will not risk her life for money and power at the expense of loyalty to Genom and Quincy.

Finally, as Madigan was going to turn her attention back to the news on the monitors, Quincy reacted to something that he was viewing. A thin smile etched into his face, as he punched a button that was set into a panel on his desk. Madigan quickly moved her head to see what caught his notice. Five displays vanished and the sixth one was enlarged to encompass the whole monitor. The setting was the shopping district in downtown MegaTokyo. The camera focused on the group of ADPolice officers through a broken store window. Some officers were standing around apparently securing the area as the forensics team started to dismantle a headless Boomer. A woman's voice narrated the scene. "The stand-off that lasted for about thirty minutes ended earlier this evening in the Akihabara district. The ADPolice were held up longer then expected since the crazed Boomer took hostages. Witnesses reported..."

Madigan was quite confused as to why this particular incident found the attention of Quincy. All of the Boomers that went out of control held no merit, and this was the third time that he wanted to listen to the news about the shopping distract. In the grand scheme of things, this one Boomer was nothing to Genom and to focus on it seemed illogical. Looking over to Quincy, she could tell that there was something more to this, but Madigan could not fathom what it was. She turned towards her superior. "Sir? May I speak frankly?"

"Of course, Madigan. That is why I hired you," he answered, still watching the monitor.

"I don't understand the point in watching this again. Sir, this is the third time that we've seen this."

Quincy folder his hands in front of him and leaned back in his chair. "I am not satisfied with how the incident is being covered on the news yet. I am waiting for more information. As you know, we could not have any of our people in the area."

She shifted her weight to stand more comfortably as she felt her left leg starting to fall asleep. "I understand that. You didn't want our agents in any of the areas if the Knight Sabers showed up at the incidences. Strange that they didn't. Seems that the ADPolice were left to clean up the mess."

"The Knight Sabers were not really a concern to me. That decision was more to keep the Board happy." It looked as if he was finished speaking for the moment. Madigan was going to comment further about the Knight Sabers when Quincy took her by surprise. "Katherine?"

It took her a few seconds to respond, as she was stunned that he used her first name for the first time. "Sir?"

"Please, do sit down. You look rather uncomfortable standing there."

Madigan was continually surprised by how observant Quincy could be. Nothing could get past him, not even the smallest detail. How he could split his attention between the news and her without the slightest hint that he was doing so was very unnerving. "Thank you sir." Madigan smoothed out her skirt, as she sat down crossed legged on the chair near Quincy's desk.

He nodded absently to her thanks as he was still listening intently to the news. "Now, as to your confusion in my interest in this particular scene being displayed before us. Just listen and figure out what it is I am looking for."

(Could he be testing me?) was her thought, as Madigan turned her attention back to the news.

The news was now showing earlier footage of the ambulances leaving the scene as the reporter continued to describe was happened. "...was taking to MegaTokyo General Hospital along with Lt. Renee Miyako who was credited with stopping the deranged Boomer without any of the hostages being killed. According to the ADPolice officers present, Miyako had already suffered a bullet wound to the shoulder, but was able to take down the Boomer before it killed her fellow officer Derrik Reisan." The footage then cut back to the reporter in front of the store. Her black curly hair was being tossed around in around wind but that did not take away from her professional manner. "It was also reported that afterwards, Lt. Miyako displayed uncharacteristic behaviors. We did try to get a comment from Detective Daley Wong, but all he said was Lt. Miyako was in shock due to the loss of blood she suffered. Even so, it seems that the ADPolice are starting to show this city that they deserve -some- of their paychecks. This is Samantha Parison, outside of Genji's Electronic Store, for Channel 3 nightly news."

The monitor blinked off and Madigan looked to Quincy. "Well, what could you glean from that report Madigan?"

She thought about all the information stated in the broadcast and from what little was stated from before on the other news. With what information Madigan had to go on, she could not conclude a great deal. Then another thought occurred. This was the only incident that the ADPolice successfully contained without any lost of civilian life, had little property damage, and only one reported officer killed. A slight smile formed when she responded, knowing that this had to be what Quincy wanted. "As the reporter said, the ADPolice did their job quite well in this instance." She sat back and rested a hand upon her chin as she continued, "The ADPolice had the usual problems with the other Boomers."

Quincy looked pleased with that answer. He pushed his chair out so that he could stand up. "Very good, but that is only part of what I was looking for. I did not expect you to guess everything correctly." Walking in front of his desk, he punched some keys to his personal computer. "Ah, here it is. Please read this over. You -might- find this of interest," Quincy said as he turned the screen around towards Madigan.


MegaTokyo General Hospital: 10:35 PM

The sterile setting of the hospital held no comfort for Daley as he retrieved his coffee from the vending machine. He blew the steam away to cool off his drink as he started to head back towards ICU. When he passed by the nurse's station, he looked to see what time it was. According to the clock it was a little past ten thirty p.m. "Any word from Det. McNichol yet?" he asked one of the nurses behind the desk.

She stopped typing at the computer and rolled her chair over to the other side of the counter. She flipped through some notes and shook her head. "I'm afraid not Detective. Sorry about that."

Eventhough Daley was tired as hell; he still managed to put on a pleasant smile. "That's alright. He should be here soon anyway. It's only been a short time since I called him." He placed the paper cup down and leaned over the side of counter to look down at the nurse. "Is it alright to go in and see Renee yet?"

"You keep asking that every five minutes," she nurse answered with an understanding tone. "Her condition was much more critical then the other officer that came in with her. She needs more observation."

"I understand that. I already saw Reisan, and I know that he will recover." Daley did not mention the fact that Reisan was a little on edge after the incident. Seemed that Renee put the scare in him more then the Boomer did. "I didn't have the chance to make sure that she will too. She's more then just a cop to me; Renee's a good friend. The same will go for Leon when he gets here too. Is it too much to ask to see her for a short time?"

"Yeah. I mean come on, don't you think you can break the rules a little for us officer's to see a wounded comrade."

Daley stood upright and smiled as he saw Leon just coming off the elevator from down the corridor. His partner looked extremely exhausted from working late, but Daley knew that Leon would kill him if he did not call and tell him about Renee. Daley was not sure, but it seemed that something was missing from Leon. Something that he was used to being around his partner a lot. He brushed that crazy thought aside. "I'm glad that you could come as soon as you did Leon. Renee was pretty messed up after the incident."

Leon walked over to his partner and grabbed his coffee cup. He took a swig and made a face. "You put -way- too much sugar in this."

"Well, what did you expect," Daley said with a wink.

"So," Leon turned his attention now towards the nurse, "What do ya say that we have some time with our friend in there?"

"You're just going to keep pestering me until I give in right?"

"Uh huh," he answered with a smile.

She sighed in defeat, but returned the smile. "Let me take a quick look at her chart and I'll see."

After the nurse walked into ICU, Daley started to fill Leon in on what happened. He went over in great detail the plan to go in to take out the Boomer and save the hostages, and how Renee acted afterwards. "It was strange Leon. I have not seen her act that way before. Renee was a completely different person, and she barely recognized me. I thought that it had to do more with the shock of blood loss then anything, but I think something else is going on. Speaking of which, it took her passing out from the loss in order for us to put her in the damn ambulance."

Inside, Leon knew that Daley was correct in thinking that the shock and blood loss was not the reasons behind Renee's strange behavior. "What did Reisan have to say?"

Daley shrugged, "He really didn't say much. Everything was fine in the store and Renee was her usual self. It was when she came out and saved him that she acted cold and distant. He also didn't want to talk about it much."

"Figures that this would have to happen," Leon mumbled to himself.

"What would happened?" Daley asked confused.

"It is rather complicated and I can't talk about it," he replied rather despondent.

"Can't or won't?"

Leon sighed and shook his head. Daley has never seen his partner, his friend, like this before. He never had such a sorrowful expression on his face like he did now, and Daley had no idea what he could say or do to cheer Leon up. He placed a reassuring hand on Leon's shoulder. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset you."

"Heh. It's alright. Don't worry about me so much."

"Ahem." Both officers turned around and saw the nurse waiting calmly by the sliding door that was the entrance into ICU. "I took a quick look in on her. Lt. Miyako is still sleeping but stable."

A relieved smile formed on both Leon and Daley's face. "Hey hey! I knew it would take more then a shoulder wound to take her out."

"She is lucky that the loss of blood didn't either." The nurse open up the file she was holding and flipped through the pages, "And it is not like she got through the wound unscathed. She was in surgery for about an hour. They had to replace her right clavicle with a cybernetic one since it was shattered, and she needed a couple pints of whole blood."

"Clavicle?" Leon asked.

Before the nurse responded, Daley chimed in, "The collarbone."


The nurse chuckled, "Please don't be too long, she does need her rest. She's in bed eight on the right side."

"Thank you."

She nodded to both officers and then went back behind the nursing station to continue her computer work.

Daley gallantly bowed as he motioned to the door, "After you."

"Oh thanks a lot," Leon said sarcastically as the door slid open.

Daley just grinned and followed him into the ward. As they both headed towards Renee's bed, it hit him what was missing from before. "Wow, I can't believe you forgot them. This is a first."

Leon narrowed his eyes towards Daley, not sure what he was getting at. Daley pointed to Leon's leather vest pocket. "I don't see your sunglasses. I thought you were married to them."

A long sigh was followed up by embarrassed flush of Leon's cheeks. "Are you determined to publicly make my life miserable today?"

"It was that bad?"

"Worse then you think," he replied as he opened the curtain leading into Renee's hospital bed.

Renee was still asleep as both men came in quietly and took a seat next to her bed on either side. Her bed was raised so that she was sitting close to an upright position and look comfortable. Daley noticed that her color was back to normal and not the two shades under pale when Renee passed out. Her right wrist still had the IV needle in it, but it looked like she stopped receiving blood not too long ago since her arm was recently bandaged. Renee's hospital gown was opened so that there could be easy access to her right shoulder. It was bandaged up thoroughly from her lower neck down past where the blankets covered her. Leon gently picked up Renee's hand and placed it between both of his and frowned. Her hand was so cold to the touch that Leon unconsciously started rubbing his hands to warm hers. They both sat there in silence listening to the rhythmic beeping of the heart monitor, hoping that their presence would comfort the placid form of Renee.

"This shouldn't have happened. Renee has been through too much already," Leon finally said, breaking the silence.

Daley nodded in agreement knowing that his partner was talking more to himself then to him. Leon swallowed and continued, "I wish there was something I could do, but there isn't."

"I know that you two were once close Leon, but she'll be alright. She just needs time to heal."

Leon did not look convinced of that. "I hope that you're right, but some scars take longer to heal then others." He lowered his head and brought Renee's hand to his brow, "Dammit! I thought we were through with that."

Before Daley could question what Leon meant, he saw Renee's eyes slowly start to open. She moved her head towards his direction and groaned softly. Leon lifted his head and felt rather uneasy that Renee was coming to, and there was no telling what mood she would be in. He silently prayed that Renee would wake up and see Daley first. Luck was on his side as Leon's prayer was answered. As her eyes opened wide to shake off the grogginess that came with being unconscious for hours, they did indeed rest on his partner.

Renee tried to say something, but her throat and mouth were so dry that her voice was hoarse. She smacked her lips to try and get some moisture back in her mouth to try and speak again. Looking past Daley, Renee realized that her surroundings were not familiar just as her head started to spin. She moaned as the vertigo took hold and shut her eyes tightly to stop the swirling blackness from setting in. Leon felt helpless seeing Renee like this, but he tightened his grip on her hand for support.

The room stopped moving and she waited for the queasiness to go away before she opened her eyes. Finally, the nausea passed and Renee tried to open her eyes again, and this time with better luck. Hoping that was the last side effect of the anesthetic, she tried to speak again. "Please tell me...that I'm a hospital," she asked, already knowing the answer.

Daley chuckled, "Where did you think you were gonna go? Back to Headquarters?"

"I -hate-...being a patient." The words were too much of a strain for her as Renee started coughing. After a few moments the coughing spell wore off, leaving Renee weak from the strain. "I really...could use some...water."

Daley smiled and gently ran his hand over her cheek. "I will be back shortly," he said standing up. He looked upon his quiet partner and gave him a supportive smile and walked out, closing the curtains behind him.

It seemed that Renee didn't notice Leon's presence in the room, nor his hands holding hers. Her head was still facing the direction to where Daley sat and Leon knew that he should say something, say anything, but was afraid of upsetting Renee. She was already off to a good start in waking up, and she was aware of her surroundings and knew who Daley was. Leon decided it was best to wait until Renee realized he was there.

Leon started to nervously shake his leg when the silence really started getting to him. He poked his head through the curtain to see if Daley was heading back. The empty hall inbetween the two rows of ICU beds were all that he could see. From this angle, Leon could not see the entrance, (Come on Daley. It can't take this long to get a glass of water.)

"I -know- you're there Leon," Renee whispered.

He was not really surprised that she finally spoke. "Yeah," he replied. "I wanted to see how you were doing."

"I'll be fine...once you let go of my hand." Eventhough she was speaking softly, Leon could hear the anger that was in her voice. "I would've done it myself, but I am too -weak- to do it."

His heart sank as he let go of her hand. "I was only trying to help."

"You've done enough, thank you."

"Renee...please, we don't have to go through this again."

Renee rolled her head to look at Leon. He could trace the lines on her face where the silent tears fell as he started to choke up himself. "Tonight...tonight took me back two years ago."

Leon tried to interrupt, but Renee wouldn't let him. "NO!" The force of her statement took him aback. "I don't want to hear your apologies and excuses anymore. It's just the same circle every time. Just go and leave me alone." Renee closed her eyes and turned her head dismissing Leon.

He wanted to yell at her saying that she was wrong. They have danced around each other for so long that Leon was started to think that everything was back to normal. Tonight was the last nail in the coffin to prove that the distance between them were still miles long, no matter how hard they tried pretending that it wasn't. He knew that he was to blame for what happened, but two years should have been enough time to heal.

Leon pushed the chair out and stood to leave. "When you are well, we will talk about this again." He received no response.

He sighed and walked out through the curtains. So many conflicting emotions were going through his heart that it almost made his head spin. It felt as if the weight of Renee's words were strapped to his heels helping Leon drag his guilt across the floor.


Sylia's Apartment: 10:39 PM

The neon glow of the MegaTokyo skyline revealed the life emanating from the city. Eventhough the sounds of the city could not be heard from her apartment, Sylia could feel its life pulsing through the streets and highways that interconnected the city's soul. Looking out across the vast landscape of MegaTokyo helped in her musings for future plans, and tonight was one of those nights. Sylia's neutral expression betrayed the inner conflict inside. Her thoughts weighed heavily in her mind like the thick cigarette smoke that hung in the air. Sylia calculated every detail of her decision and now it was time to let Priss and Linna know why they were called to duty earlier. Also, she could not shake this sense of dread in her decision as well. Was she doing the right thing? Could she handle the consequences if she was wrong? The sensation of the cigarette burning close to her hand caused Sylia to come back to the present, not to mention the fact that Priss was being rather vocal in getting Sylia's attention.

"-Yo- Sylia!!! Don't you think we've been sitting around waiting long enough?" The annoyance in Priss' voice was sharp. "I don't think me staring at your back is gonna give me any answers."

Sylia turned around without looking at Priss. Instead, she slowly put out the cigarette in the astray on her desk. When the last embers turned black, she finally acknowledged Priss' question, "I told you that I wanted to wait until Nene arrived."

"She's late and we can catch her up later. You owe an explanation for what the hell we were doing there tonight."

Sylia wanted to refute Priss, but she knew that stalling any longer would only upset Priss further. The small amount of patience that Priss chose to have was gone. It was not imperative for Nene to be here for the meeting anyway. Nene already knew everything about what was going to be said, and it was just an excuse to put off telling her two teammates the truth. Why did Sylia feel like she was walking on eggshells recently with her team? It seemed that her confidence was waning and it was quite disconcerting. She pushed those thoughts away quickly. There was no reason that she should be feeling this way.

Sylia sighed as sat on the side of the desk. "Is it possible that you could at -least- wait for Linna to come out of the kitchen first?"

Priss felt that something was out of place in the way Sylia responded. Either she was joking, which is not like her, or Sylia was possibly sick of Priss' complaining. Either way, both behaviors were uncharacteristic for Sylia or what Priss actually knew about Sylia. Priss shrugged and answered with a casual smile, "Hey, sure thing." It was kind of nice to be able to push Sylia's buttons finally after the last year and a half. Priss knew that Sylia became frustrated with her and her actions, but she never got Sylia to the point where they fought. Well, unless you count the time Sylia ran Priss down in her Benz the first time they met and the quick scuffle that ensued afterwards.

Coming from around the corner where the hallway led to the kitchen, Linna came out carrying a tray with four cups and a teapot. She stopped as she entered the room when the lack of noise registered. Linna saw the rather pleased expression on Priss' face and the grim one on Sylia's. She did not want to know what was said at all. Best to play dumb she thought. "Hi. I brought us some tea." Linna walked over to the coffee table between the couch and loveseat, placed the tray down, and began to pour everyone a cup.

"Thank you Linna," Sylia said as she stood up to retrieve her cup.

"Yeah thanks," was Priss' reply to the offered cup. "Now let's get on with this."

Linna took her spot next to Priss and sat down. She took a sip of her drink, and the warm liquid tasted good. It had just the right hint of lemon and tea always helped Linna relax after a mission. "So Sylia, what was the purpose of tonight?"

Sylia place the cup down and folded her arms, "At the site, I did say to observe and not get involved. We should start with that. Linna, Priss, your thoughts on how the ADPolice handled their task?"

Linna cocked her head to the side in thought, remembering how tonight's scene played out over in her mind. "Well, the police were actually caught off-guard since the Boomer took hostages. That has never happened before. So, they called for back-up and when that officer came, she went in and took care of the problem."

Sylia nodded and look to Priss, "Anything that you would like to add to what Linna said?"

Priss looked into the dark eyes of Sylia with disinterest. Reaching over the couch's arm, she pulled up her red helmet and absently started to flip the visor open and close. "-Nope-," she answered, paying more attention to the AIC logo on her helmet now.

Linna was quite uncomfortable with the tension brewing between the two. Sitting this close to Priss, Linna could feel the agitation and anger swelling from her teammate. She had to stop herself from starting to unconsciously slide away from Priss.

On the other hand, Sylia did not seem bothered by the biker's lack of affect. "I see. I guess we shall move on. What did you think of that officer's ability to handle the incident?"

"Well, let me think," Linna raised an eyebrow and pursed her lips in thought. "I think she did quite well considering the lack of weaponry the ADPolice has available. She is quite skilled, that is for sure."

Sylia looked back at Priss, but she was still seemingly ignoring the conversation. "Priss. It would do you some good that you contribute to this conversation. It only ben-."

Priss stood up and thrusted the helmet out towards Sylia with such force that it even took the older woman by surprise. "This is a crock of shit! What the hell does this have to do with anything huh? All you're doing is avoiding what the fuck we were doing there!"

"Priss...calm down first. It won't do any good to fight like this," Linna said, trying to dissolve the situation.

Priss brushed what Linna said aside, "Whatever Linna. Quit trying to not take sides all the time. Tell me that you are not fed up with this crap? Tell me that you weren't confused about tonight, then -maybe- I might calm down."

Linna looked over at Sylia. She tried to gauge anything from her leader's expression, but she got nothing. The only thing that she could read off of her was a coldness and uneasiness that Linna noticed a little while back. She lowered her head in resignation, "I can't tell you that I'm not. I didn't say anything tonight, but I have to agree with Priss. I really don't understand what was going on tonight."

"There! So it's not only me." Priss focused returned to Sylia, her frustration seeping through her words. "What's going -on- and be straight with us without all this bullshit!"

Sylia jaw clenched tightly to fight off the anger that started to emanate from somewhere deep inside, but she stood her ground against Priss. "I wanted to hear input from you and Linna about what you observed first, and then I was going to propose an option for the Knight Sabers. I do not..."

"'...have to explain my ways to you'. I've heard that line of bullshit before and if this was the way that you were going to treat us, I never would've joined this outfit! Later!" Priss spun on her heel and walked straight for the door ignoring Linna's protests to stay.

(I have no idea why the fuck I stayed tonight. I knew I should've just left.) Priss reached into her pocket and pulled out her keys. She was fumbling for the motorcycle one when what she heard next caused her to pause and reflect if she heard right.

"I am expanding the Knight Sabers to include a new member."

To be continued...
