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Bubblegum Crisis 40,000 Part 2

Written by UltraMarine5

The Battlefield fizzled from view and they were back on their ship. Nene fell to the floor whimpering, while the rest of them quickly unlocked their hardsuits. As Nene lay on the steel ground, the three newly naked ladies walked away to get dressed.
Eventually, Nene rose and unlocked her hardsuit. She stepped out, legs soaked in, sweat she hoped. She didn't dare look in her hardsuit, so she strode away to get changed.
Priss walked in and peered into Nene's suit, "Good God! Somebody call a priest, this suit needs purifying!" Linna giggled silently, trying not to offend poor little Nene, but she found it harder and harder to hold it in. Sylia however, pretended to ignore the offensive statement. She turned to speak with Casius, but before she could speak Nene walked in and Linna and Priss broke out laughing. She was soon yelling over boisterous laughter and Screams of rage from Nene.
"How long until we must go into battle?" She screamed over the background volume.
"We will be departing tomorrow morning at 0700 hours. We have successfully wiped out the remaining fleet, and we are giving chase to the mother ship. In the meantime, your hardsuits will undergo repairs, and your group should get some rest. The battle today is nothing compared to what you'll experience tomorrow." Casius replied loudly.
"Yes, they're tired, and they scare me more than rouge boomers when they're cranky." Sylia chuckled. She spun around, "Ladies! Maybe it would be better if we got something to eat and then got some rest!" she yelled. They immediately stopped bickering; the thought of another exquisite meal was enough to silence them.
They left the teleporter room and left to find the dining hall. Nene skulked by the passing Tech-priests, having to suffer through another wave of laughter. "Come on piss-leg, we're just messing with you," Priss commented. "We wouldn't want to soil your reputation back in Tokyo, so we would tell anyone." They giggled loudly.
"Stop making fun of me!" Nene shrieked.
"Don' wet yourself," Linna said, and then muttered, "again." She took her normal tone again and stated, "Like Piss, I mean Priss said, we were just messing around, just not in our hardsuits."
"Stop picking on her," Sylia demanded, protecting Nene from further anguish. "We should get some rest after dinner; we will be leaving for the mission at 7:00 tomorrow morning."
"Right!" they said abruptly stopping picking on Nene.
They reached the dining hall to be met by yet another feast. This time, however, the remaining Marines accompanied them. They didn't seem to eat much, so they must have been there just to celebrate.
Casius rose from his seat, "My brethren, we have won a vicious battle against the hordes of the Tyranids, but we must not forget our own who have fallen in this great mêlée, we shall take a moment of silence," They bowed their heads, offering a silent prayer to the Emperor. "We must also send our praise to the omnipotent power of the Machine-God for the conquest we hope to face tomorrow. For the Emperor!" He chanted raising his chalice; the others mimicked this movement, offering their prayer to their God.
They women stacked their plates with whatever they could reach and went to sit down at the tables. They succumbed to their appetite and stuffed their faces, not bothering to speak to one another through their vast mouthfuls of food. As they neared the end of the feast, Casius rose once again, "My brothers, as we depart here tonight, I must remind you... If you die tomorrow, you die in defense of the Emperor, and there's no shame in that!" his words brought cheers to the men. "Another thing you must remember... The Knight Sabers must be defended, the great Librarian, Tigurius, has told me that they will be the ones to defeat the hive mind! I bid you ado!" He bowed and left the room.
Sylia stood after her comrades had completed stuffing their faces and shouted, "Knight Sabers! It is now time for rest. Tomorrow will be a big day. If we succeed, we will go home! Let's go." Her words comforted the girls as they rose. They left for their bedchambers.

In the bedroom, Sylia walked up to Nene, "Nene, do not worry, we are not going to be in warp-drive, you wont have any of those ghastly dreams."
"That's definitely a good thing, Sylia. Thanks for telling me this; I wasn't scheduling to sleep tonight otherwise." Without another word, she tucked herself in and instantaneously became dead to her perception.
"So, little Nene had one of those chaotic dreams, eh?" Priss whispered to Sylia, "I had one of those the other night too, but I expect she woke you up with a salvo of whimpering?"
"Well, yes, but can you blame her? I mean, she isn't exactly as unwavering as we are. I don't think you should cite any of this to her; It would significantly upset her." Sylia sighed.
"Right," Priss spun around and went to her bed and went into a deep slumber.

Sylia awoke to a loud siren above her head. She looked around and saw her comrades reluctantly crawling out of bed. "It's time now!" Sylia realized. They hurried through the steel labyrinth to the suit up room. They hurried into their newly repaired hardsuits and reported once again to the launch pad.
They arrived to see the entire Space Marine chapter already suited up, but they were surprised to see Tigurius in his armor as well. "I can see your ready to go. I will be helping you get past the psychic wall they will certainly have around the core of the ship. In case you haven't noticed, I'm not the only Librarian on board, my ten apprentices will be aiding me." He stated calmly. "As long as you can get to the core, we have nothing to worry about."
He walked into one of the drop pods along with his brethren. They followed suite and entered one of the colossal ships. It was another fifteen minutes before they were ready to launch, but the sadistic shuddering told them they were approaching their objective. They crashed straight through the hull of the foul craft as if it were made of living tissue. The women stepped out onto the floor of the vile ship only to realize that it wasn't a ship at all, it was just one gargantuan creature!
The walls bulged and contracted continually, as a human organ would. They walked through the oozing web of slime and body tissue the Marines marching on all sides of them so they couldn't easily be attacked. They entered a large room, where they met the first pack of the wretched devils. The Ultramarines opened fire, shredding their opponents apart with a salvo of explosive fire. Sylia saw a bullet pass straight through the head of one evil alien, and lodging itself in another's face before exploding, instantly killing them both. The bullets started ricocheting into the walls; the fragile tissue ruptured and blood rained down upon them. The dead tyranids seemed to be dissolving into the floor, while the hole in the wall slowly but surely healed itself.
It's using its own dead as a healing solution! She felt Tigurius say. The barrage of fire subsided and the fowl aliens had been vanquished, for now!
The proceeded along the path, disintegrating any aliens that got in their way. They had suffered no fatalities so far, but that would soon alter. A squadron of Warriors at the front met the marines, and a Carnifex stepped in from the back. The Ultramarines at the rear twisted to face the deadly adversary. It charged and grabbed one of the marines, and ripped it in four with its sickle-arms. They opened fire, but the bullets just ricocheted off its thick carapace. It just returned the fire by ripping apart another marine. One of the men charged bravely forward, hoping to find a way to kill the creature, and by the Emperor's grace, he did. He jumped into the air, straight toward the claws of death itself. It caught him with its claws, but his sudden appearance had confused it, giving him time to fire into its open mouth, vaporizing its brain. The Marine slumped to the floor, deep holes tunneled into his armor, and his lifeblood seeped away from him. Their hero had died.
The Knight Sabers were told to stay out of the battle for fear of being killed, so they had to stand aside and watch their new friends charge to their death. The Warriors in front of them had charged and cut through the frontlines like a hot knife through butter. They had suffered many fatalities before the Warriors had been destroyed. The blood of their brothers seeped through the ground, and the, apothecaries went to work removing the proganoid glands. (The proganoid gland is basically a seed that is inserted into Space Marines to allow them to accept all of their mutations. To loose a gland would mean they could not get new troops, gradually leading to the death of the Chapter.) They continued on. The defenses became heavier, so they knew they were approaching the brain.
They constantly met the bestial warriors, and sporadically a Carnifex or two. They entered the last chamber with about three fourths of their original number. They waited for their apothecaries to return; their gland packs were full and had to empty them at the drop ships before continuing. The door at the end of the chamber opened, and they could only make out five blurs spurt from it, but they were far to big and fast to be a hormagaunt.
"No! It can't be!" Casius gasped, "It's the fabled Tyranid Raveners! They move with the speed of two hormagaunts, the armor of a carnifax, and the armor of a Warrior! No one ever thought of them to be real!" The agile beasts circled the diminished army, firing their deadly guns into the mass. The Marines returned fire, and luckily, the noticed long trails of blood spurting out from the whirlwind of evil. Eventually, they started dying out, the first to come into definite view was instantly shredded apart and the others were eliminated in the same manner. But this had been no easy triumph, they had lost at least twenty good Marines, and numerous injured. They entered where the Raveners had been unleashed and ran into an undetectable wall at the end of another great room. "Ahhhh, the psychic wall!" Tigurius remarked. "It is now our turn to help! As soon as the wall has opened you must go, we shall wait for you here."
"Affirmative," Sylia gasped uncertainly, astonished at how calm he is after losing all of those men.
"Do not worry. We shall all be praying for your victory over the hive mind. We have faith in you!" Casius sighed. "Now prepare for the final battle!"
Tigurius and his apprentices raised their hands; blue lightning cascaded around their fingers. There was a great flash of light and cyan colored beams now protruded from their palms into the wall. GO! Go now! I don't know how long we can hold it! They obeyed Tigurius' thoughts and rushed by. They sprinted into the next and final area.
No matter how they were trained, nothing could have prepared them for what they witnessed inside this chamber. Along the walls were the bodies of thousands of men and women, some even wearing the armor of a Space Marine, but in different colors. The bodies seemed to be fused with the wall, and their faces were riddled with pain and horror. An empty spot on the horrid wall started to pulse. Within seconds, a new torso was added to the decor: an Ultramarine soldier.
"I guess this is where the dead of their enemies gather, so their valuable information can be transmitted into its cerebellum. No wonder they knew how to kill the Marines so easily!" Sylia spat, "But they're not getting us!" She yelled twisting her head toward the large brain-like figure in the center of the room. "Knight Sabers attack!"
They charged forward. The brain began to pulse severely; it was processing its thoughts and preparing for the attack. Stupid humans! It stated psychically, you cannot harm me. You will not get near ME! It screamed. The floor began to shake, and four forms erupted from the pulsating ground. They began to take the shape of the hardsuits the ladies had donned. They were to fight themselves. You are in my presence, so I can sneak into your brain and copy your personalities and skills! Prepare to die knight sabers!
The alien-Sylia released both of its blades and jumped into the air, as did the real Sylia. The real Nene strafed right while firing the rail guns on her arms; the Alien-Nene dodged the attack and fired back. The real Linna and Alien-Linna charged at each other, ribbons released, in a sort of jousting competition. The alien-Priss jumped forward and attempted to crush Priss with its Claw bomber. She jumped to the side, boosted forward and kicked it square in the face with her Ankle Bomb.
The Sylias were an even match, but the evil creature has been deprived of its creativity, giving Sylia the edge she needed to overcome it. It slashed and she parried the blow. It slashed again in the same manner; she dodged to the side and severed its legs from its body. The remains fell to ground like it was water; it went right through the ground sending ripples through the floor.
Linna continued to charge back and forth, hoping to kill her opponent. The sprinted towards it, but this time, she ducked under the enemy ribbon, and used her boosters to spin on her heals, acting like a blender to vegetables. The few remaining particles were instantly absorbed into the floor. "You can copy our skills, but you can't copy our creativity, you bastard!" She shrieked at the brain.
Nene dodged the incoming salvo of fire by performing a perfect cartwheel. As soon and she was back on her feat, she leapt into the air and over her adversary, rapidly firing a rain of thin metal projectiles into the armor of her reflection. It melted into the ground, unable to fight on. "Does anyone else find it weird that they are fighting themselves?" she asked ignorantly,
Impossible! How could mere human females obliterate my enhanced copies of themselves? It's Impossible! The brain shrieked.
"What's the matter? Getting worried?" Priss taunted.
"Attack now!" Sylia ordered. They leapt forward.
No! Stay back! A warn you! Stay back!
Sylia's blades ruptured the brittle tissue surrounding the brain, leaving it open to assault. Linna cut deep into the brains muscle, severing many nerves. Nene kept it stunned with a constant wave of pain as her bolts ripped through the central nervous center. It was Priss, though, who dealt the finishing blow. She struck hard with both knuckle bombers, causing the frontal lobe to burst, leaking green, slimy blood.
"Its finally dead!" Priss realized.
"Yes, and its all thanks to you Priss, good job!" Sylia acknowledged. I guess its time to go home, lets get back to the marines." They returned to where the army awaited them. Casius looked worried, Sylia ran up to him.
"I just got a call from the ship, minutes before you won, it sent a drop pod into our own vessel and the aliens are running amuck. The crew was able to get rid of most of them, but the savage beasts may still be lurking around there somewhere. Quickly, we must get back to the drop ships!"

"We cannot detect the presence of any more of the fowl creatures on board, but its very peculiar, just before we arrived, the ship experienced a great amount of energy, like when the time portal has been activated, but it shows no sign of this!" Casius reported, "It is now safe to return you to your home and time! We are forever grateful. Thanks to you, the Tyranid army has disbanded and we only need to clean up what's left. Farewell!"
"Thank you! We'll never forget you! Good bye!" Sylia said.
"Good bye!" The others said in unison. Tigurius activated the time portal machine and the same swirling portal they had seen back home, appeared before them. The said their last farewells and stepped into their own time.
They were home once again, just as they had left it. The boomer still lay slumped against the wall.
"Home, sweet, year 2040!" Priss yelled excitedly. And she marched off toward the mobile pit to be relieved of her hard suit. The others followed. With their crazy experience over, they got out of their hardsuits, got changed into casual clothes and drove away.

"In other news today, the AD Police, having arrived at the scene, where a boomer had gone rouge, late once again, made a startling discover! In the mud, they found numerous sets of tri-toed footprints leading in different directions. Scientists on the scene have never seen footprints such as these. A question is being asked 'Is this some kind of new species?' This Michelle Tachinawa with the Tokyo News Network saying, good night."
Somewhere in the back-alleys of Tokyo, something evil was being spawned, waiting to emerge...
