The Bubblegum Crisis Center > Extras > Fan Fiction

Bubblegum Crisis 40,000 Part 1

Written by UltraMarine5

"Priss! Hurry up and crush its core, damnit!" Sylia's voice rang out over the intercom. The rogue boomer charged blindly at the bluish-white figure before it, letting the world know its hatred for mankind. Sylia responded to the giant robot's assault with a swift kick to its enlarged cranium. The boomer stumbled; giving another figure, this one a deep blue color, time to land on the thing's monstrous back, and drive her fist deep into its body and crush the fragile core tissue, leaving it completely lifeless.
"Good job, Priss! Now, you help Nene!" shouted Sylia urgently. "We may have time to save them." The two women rushed over to their fallen partners. Slumped against the wall lay an unconscious Nene, wearing her red and pink hardsuit, with blood gushing from several holes in her armor.
"Good God! I don't think she's going to make it, Sylia!" Priss cried out to the team leader, who was bending over examining the horrible wound inflicted on another figure. Linna, in the green hardsuit, had been hit in the gut by the towering monstrosity and was barley still alive when it was defeated. "How bad is Linna Hurt?" Without responding, Sylia tried to slow the bleeding, fearing the worst for this poor girl.
"Priss, we can't do anything for them." Sylia exclaimed sadly, "They're losing far too much blood, and the hospital is on the other side of Tokyo!"
"So what, then! We don't just leave them here, do we?" Priss protested angrily.
"Well what the hell do you want me to do? I'm no doctor!" Sylia screamed tears streaming down her cheek.
Before Priss could answer, there was a sudden noise behind them. It sounded like crackling lighting and the low rumble of a space shuttle. The two women spun on their feet to meet the origin of the noise. What they saw before them was like nothing they, or anyone had seen before. It was a swirling black hole with blue lightning bolts blazing around it.
"What in hell is that thing?" Priss shouted
"It looks like some kind of..."
Before she could finish, a figure appeared inside it. There was a flash and then suddenly, the figure in the portal was in Tokyo. A series of flashes followed, with each one, another figure appeared.
These men were like no one they had ever seen. They had to have been at least seven feet tall and, except for two figures wearing white, were donned in gleaming light blue armor. Their expressionless blue helmets brought chills down Sylia's spine and she look from the faces to the emblems emplaced on their shoulder and gigantic guns. How strange, Sylia thought, two headed eagles? Big U's? Who are these people? Are they even people at all? Thoughts raced through her head as she stood in awe at the awesome figures before them.
One of the men must have sensed their confusion, for he stepped forward and spoke through the helmet "Greetings Knight Sabers, I am Captain Casius, leader of the second company of the Ultramarines Chapter." His voice sounded human, but Sylia still could not tell if these were really men, or some kind of new boomer technology. "We have come from the far future, the year forty thousand, in search of the vigilante group the Knight sabers."
"Well, you found us, so now what?" Snapped an unbelieving Priss
"Whatever it is, it'll have to wait, you see, our comrades are dying and we need to get them some help." Sylia stated almost completely calm, much to the bewilderment of Priss.
"Understood!" Captain Casius whispered something through the communicators in some strange tongue. The two white figures advanced on Nene and Linna. Priss and Sylia filled the gap between them, trying to protect the girls.
"Do not be afraid," Casius stated, "these are Apothecary Lysonis, and Apothecary Marcados. In your terms, they're doctors!" At these words, Sylia and Priss backed off and the Apothecaries got to work. A few moments later, the Apothecaries rose to their feet and walked back to the squad. The two young women had stopped bleeding, but beyond that, neither Sylia nor Priss could tell.
They waited, staring at the seemingly lifeless forms before them, until a familiar voice could be heard over the Knight Sabers' comm.-frequency, "Syilia? What happened? Where am I?" Linna's voice questioned. "My hardsuit won't move, I must be out of power!"
Sylia ran towards her, tears of joy streaming down her cheeks. "You're still alive, I can't believe it!" she managed to say while giving her a large embrace.
"Where am I?" The voice of young Nene rang out over the communicator, "I thought for sure that I was dead! Dang, my battery is out! SYLIA!!! Could you give me a bit of a hand?"
Sylia started for Nene, but yet another colossal figure beat her there. This one, though, had a large metal claw coming out of the large backpack. The giant claw came to life, and all Sylia could see were the sparks emitting from it when it touched Nene's suit.
At last the sparks ceased and the Ultramarine stood up and walked away, leaving behind, a fully powered hardsuit.
"Wow," Nene sang excitedly, "that is some amazing repairing equipment!" Sylia gazed in astonishment, barely noticing the marine advancing towards Linna's suit.
It was Captain Casius who broke the silence, "Well, ladies, back to business. As I have said, we are from the year forty thousand, and we have expanded human civilization across the stars. But all is not well in the Universe. There are different races of aliens who strive to wipe out mankind."
"And this has to do with us, how?" Priss stated, daring to question someone so much larger than she.
"The Emperor, our God, has sent our chief Librarian, or Psychic to you people, Tigurius, a vision that the Knight Sabers from the year twenty forty could aid us in our fight for humanity. We were sent to retrieve you."
"Wow! You're from the future? That's so cool!" Nene shrieked annoyingly.
"Correct. Now, are you coming or not?"
"Sure what else would we do?" Priss explained.
With that, they walked through the time rift and into the future.


We've been on this ship for days and I still haven't seen it all! Sylia acknowledged to herself. Her hardsuit was in maintenance, she didn't know what they were doing, but, strangely, she trusted them. She walked around the cavernous hallways, Blue hair gleaming in the artificial light.
"Hey Sylia! There you are! We've been looking for you!" Nene squealed excitedly. Priss and Linna walked up behind the 18 year old girl before her.
"I'm thinking we should stick together around her." Linna stated, "All of these armored men kind of creep me out! And where exactly are all of the women?"
"Linna, do you really think a woman would like to altar their bodies like that? I mean, come on, you'd be an outcast if you were a seven-foot-tall female." Priss pointed out.
"I can't believe this place! It's like a place all hackers dream about, all these computers, new technology to master. It's amazing!" Nene said dreamily, completely ignoring her partners. "I think I'm gonna go find the bridge!"
Before she had time to exit the room, a voice came over the speaker, "This is your captain speaking, we are now entering warp space, so to you new people, this will feel kind of strange." The ship gave a sudden lurch and then the walls started to creek, as if under extreme pressure. The girls started to feel suffocated, there seemed to be some lack of air.
"This definitely feels weird." Linna complained.
"Well, thanks for pointing out the obvious!" Priss muttered, clutching the railing on the wall.
"Don't worry, women," a voice behind them made them turn, "your body will adjust to warp space. Just give it some time." The origin of the voice came from an old marine, but without his sacred armor on, he looked almost as frail as the Knight Sabers. He was wearing an elaborately decorated robe made out of some cloth that seemed to be more like a liquid than a solid. His eyes were cloudy, but he seemed to see more than any human, for Sylia could feel his presence inside her brain. "My name is Tigurius. I'm sure you know that I'm a psychic.
"Stay the hell out of my brain!" snapped Priss warningly.
"Yeah!" responded Linna and Nene, but Sylia remained silent, peering cautiously at the figures eyes.
Ignoring her glare, the Librarian excused himself and left the room.
"That guy's creepy!" muttered Nene, who was evidently very creeped out by the man's appearance.
"W-well, he was right!" Sylia stuttered, "My body is getting used to the pressure."


That night, Sylia woke suddenly to the sound of a high-pitched scream. She sat up and looked around. She discovered Nene curled up in the corner of the sleeping chamber sobbing quietly into her crossed arms.
"Nene," Sylia whispered, "what's wrong?"
"I had a nightmare" Nene managed to say between sobs, "There was this beast with many arms, trying to persuade me to kill everyone. The thing was so horrible I..." She broke off and started crying again.
Normally, Sylia would scold her for acting so childish, but Sylia had experienced the same kind of dream, and it was horrible. She looked around, Priss and Linna must be very sound sleepers, she thought, for they were still asleep. I think this place may be too much for Nene to handle! Maybe I should tell them to send her back to our time.
No, you mustn't do that! A very familiar voice sounded in her brain. It was Tigurius, to break up the Knight Sabers would be catastrophic! I would permit the use of my time portal! I know it seems harsh, but humanity's survival is at steak here. Luckily, we will be leaving warp space tomorrow morning. So just hang in there! His voice sounded almost sympathetic, but Sylia didn't notice, who gave him permit ion to enter my brain she thought angrily, and then went back to sleep.


They woke late in the morning the following day. They would have slept later, had it not been for the sudden change of atmosphere. Their bodies seemed lighter than normal, mostly because they had been in that warp space thing.
Nene still seemed pale and nervous from the other night, but she tried her best to look strong as they got themselves dressed and ready for the coming day. About an hour later, Captain Casius came to escort them down to breakfast at Deck C. As they were walking, Sylia, almost running to keep up with Casius' long strides, asked him about those visions in Warp space. "The warp dreams are very dangerous things, ma'am. They're like a sort of propaganda to kill all human's you meet. You're lucky we were only in warp space for one night, for most normal people go crazy from extended exposure to the warp creatures' influence."
"These warp creatures," Sylia panted, still trying to keep up, "are they real?"
"They are," Casius replied grimly, "they exist in the dark planets of Chaos. It is the job of the Ultramarines to eliminate these foul creatures."
"And we're hear to help you with that?" Sylia gasped nervously.
"No, there is another race that the tenth chapter must take care of: the Tyranids! You have been called to us to help fight Hive Fleet Cerebrum, the largest Hive fleet in the galaxy. It has been thought that if we can take out the brain of the Tyranid race, they will become disorganized and thereby, easily disposed of."
"So, all we got to do is kill the mother Ship?" Priss asked, now also trying to keep up.
"If only it were that simple, this hive fleet is made up of millions of Tyranid war vessels, but, yes, the reason you're hear is to help eliminate that core." He replied gravely.
They were silent the rest of the way down to Deck C, which took another ten minutes. They made their way over to the enormous line of tables, all completely covered in food. But, strangely enough, there was almost no one in the room, except maybe a few normal crewmembers. While helping themselves to the food, Sylia asked Casius, who didn't grab anything himself, where everyone was.
"Space Marines do not need food every day; our many implants allow us to circulate that energy for months on end. To put it simply, we don't need to eat for a couple of months." He replied.
At the tables, Linna and Priss conversed quietly while eating their meal, while Nene and Sylia sat quietly, Nene was obviously still afraid of the warp creatures. Sylia opened her mouth to comfort her, but the Captain's voice rang out over the inter-comm, "Hive Fleet Cerebrum is now in sight. All gunners to battle stations! All units, don your armor, report to the drop ships and prepare for planet fall!"
"Sylia turned towards Casius and aasked, "I thought you said we were fighting against the mother ship! Why are we landing on this planet?"
He replied hastily, "Octanus II, the planet we are landing on, has great strategical value to the Imperium and cannot afford to be desolated! We must first protect it."
"Desolated? What does that mean?" Sylia argued, annoyed that he had kept this information from them.
"The Tyranid race sweep through the galaxy searching for inhabitable planets, they descend, and then suck the planet of all of it's life." Casius started moving towards the mechanics bay, "Come on, your hardsuits are in here."
They went into the room and discovered their hardsuits. They looked exactly the same, but Casius pointed out that they had installed an unlimited power supply, and a more powerful thruster. They Knight Sabers donned their suits and followed Casius to the Drop Pods.


They waited on the planet for about half an hour before, looking up, they saw the flashes of thousands of war ships engaged in battle just above the stratosphere. A moment later, enormous green pods could be seen descending through the atmosphere and penetrating the ground with an explosive impact. From the craters made by these pods, they could just make out the forms of small devilish creatures, but more than that, they could not tell.
The first wave came nearly ten minutes later. These aliens were small, about the size of a fully-grown Labrador retriever, with rows after rows of shining, razor-sharp teeth. They seemed to walk on to legs and in their front legs, they held primitive looking guns and swords made of bone. Their horrible screech could make the very bones shudder in fear if their appearance wasn't enough.
"Open fire!" Sylia heard Captain Casius bellow over the communicator. The Ultramarines opened fire, their bullets ripping through the swarm of Tyranids. As if just realizing what was going on, the horrible creatures returned fire, but not too much effect. Their guns spat little bug-like creatures that would burrow into a man's skin and then explode. Many of the insects die on impact with their armor, and any of those who survived, were swept away by the arm. Nene, being the only of the Knight sabers with a gun, returned fire, sending thin strands of metal through the heads of the coming nightmare.
At long last, the firing subsided and the alien menace had been destroyed. Sylia turned to Casius, "Is the battle over?" she asked.
"No, those were only the little grunts of the army, their called Termagaunts. The worst is yet to come." As if on cue, there was another series of explosions from the descending aircrafts. Once again, they were faced against the hideous Termagaunts, but Sylia knew better, "Hormagaunt units advancing from the rear, Terminator squads 5, 6, and 7 take care of them!" She heard the Captain's vice holler as thirty or so troop, more heavily armored than the others, and sporting enlarged fists, turned and ran towards the rear. Sylia, Linna, and Priss followed, leaving Nene to fight the Termagaunts.
The Hormagaunts seemed to be even more vicious than their cousins. They were about 5 feet in length with even larger glistening teeth. They used their six arms as weapons while sprinting at great speeds on their hind legs. Their largest pair of arms had large spikes and sickles at the end and the smaller arms had large claws, but very few had small pistols.
They watched as the Terminators advanced, their large hands, now covered in blue lightning bolts, and firing the machineguns mounted on their other arm. The Hormagaunts took on the assault with an ear shattering howl and a quick charge. Claw and fist met as the to forces collided, one Hormagaunt pierced one the Terminator's thick armor, and in return, got it's head crush to oblivion by the enormous fist. The Knight Sabers knew they had to help the men, they charged into battle. Sylia punched one of the abominations in the face and, at the same time, released the lock on the blade in her right arm, impaling the skull of the alien. Another approached her from behind, but she was too quick, she released her other shining swathe, and with one swift move, severed the things head from its body. Linna ran past them all, releasing the metal ribbon whip from the sides of her helmet. The sharpness of the ribbon cut through the aliens with relative ease, leaving behind only the bloody carcasses behind her. Priss jumped into the fray and put a nice, clean hole through the carapace of the closest alien with her knuckle bomb, and then, performing a perfect back flip, jumped over another abomination and vaporized its legs with her ankle bomb. The horrible creatures seemed undaunted by there own losses and charged blindly forward, eventually causing their demise, for the combination of power fist, explosives, swords, and ribbon had been far to great a challenge to overcome.
They reported back to base and Sylia immediately went to consult Captain Casius, who, predicting her question, said, "There will be one more invasion force before they ditch the planet, but this will be the toughest of all. They will send their Tyranid Warriors, which are roughly the size of two horses, their Carnifexes, which are lumbering monsters with four sickles for arms, Biovores, which are basically living support cannons, and Zonethroaps, the Psychics of the Tyranid Race. I've already had them beam down some heavy weaponry and tanks!" he roared over the sound of the explosions. To all sides of her, she could hear the same whirring noise that the time warp had created, sending in about twenty large tanks, four of which have gigantic missile launchers mounted on top of them. The bulk of the tanks had heavy machine guns and laser cannons, but there were a few in which the entire front of the chassis was one large cannon. There was one, though, that stood out the most, it was roughly the size of three of the missile tanks, with two laser cannons on each side of it and two heavy machine guns with exploding ammunition mounted on top. From the front poured troops holding the same kind of lasers and machine guns planted on the tanks, along with some weapons that shot super heated blasts of air, which were perfect for taking out tanks, and some that shot super heated plasma shots which exploded, killing mostly anything it touched.
Before long, the battle for the planet began. Casius was right, these bestial monsters were like nothing they'd ever seen, except maybe the warp dreams. Charging from the front was what Sylia assumed were the Tyranid Warriors, giant nightmares with four arms, each carrying a unique and deadly bone-weapon. There was a deafening explosion as the missile launchers atop the tanks buzzed to life and incinerated a few beasts. The fortress-tank fired every weapon attached and ripped through the armored exoskeleton of yet another monster. The large cannons of one of the smaller tanks created a large gap in the enemy forces by sending a projectile with about a fifty-yard blast radius. The Marines seemed to be losing almost no casualties, until one of the tanks was ripped to shreds by a monstrous combination of scythe and teeth from a Carnifex. Sylia could just make out the crew in their metal sarcophagus, face riddled in pain and blood. The lumbering giant made its way towards another tank, but a blast from the Plasma Cannon vaporized the horrendous beast before it could make it there.
To their rear, flying creatures zoomed towards them, "Banshees! Six- O'clock!" they heard somebody yell. The heavy support team fired their missile launchers at the winged fiends. At first, it seemed as though the rockets had missed their target, but the spirit inside flickered to life and gave chase. Within seconds, it was raining warm green blood. There was a yell of great pain coming from the rear, Sylia rushed forward to check it out. A marine, undoubtedly under the influence of the Zoanthropes, which could be seen off in the distance, had turned around and started slaughtering his own. He turned towards Nene, who backed away in fear of the enslaved human, he raised his elaborately decorated weapon to slay the enemy before him, but he failed to comprehend the bluish-white whirlwind of death that had come upon him. Sylia didn't care if he was a friend or foe, one of her own was in danger, and she couldn't stand that! She swiftly gave the Ultramarine a kick to the chest and then followed up with cut to the stomach, cutting through the strong armor and splitting the soft skin within. The marine slumped to the ground, internal organs spilling out of his devastating wound.
Sylia went to help her friend up, but where was Linna and Priss, she had lost contact with them awhile ago. She looked across the battle field, among the enemy ranks, she could just make out two human figures charging with the swarm, doing nothing to stop it! The Zoanthroap! Sylia realized as the recognized the figures as her two comrades. Without thinking much about the consequences, she jumped over the barricade and sprinted towards the bestial sorcerer off in the distance. As soon as she had reached the oncoming wave of enemies, she turned on her thrusters, jumping clear over the creatures. She land just behind the enemy position and was in a clear run for the psychic. With one small spurt of energy, she released her deadly swathe and went into combat. The Zoanthrope awaited her arrival and parried her blows with two pairs of massive claws. It was pure rage that drove Sylia, and it was pure rage that won the battle. With one swift move, she was able to behead the creature, freeing all under its influence, forever.


Priss and Linna snapped too in the middle of the Tyranid forces. Without thinking, they set forth to complete their mission, the Warriors still seemed to think they were under psychic influence. Linna released hear ribbons in an attempt to make it back to the barricade. She sprinted as fast as she could toward base, severing many of the creature's limbs. Priss followed suit, believing that she could fight while not surrounded on all sides by evil beasts. They broke away from the swarm and jumped over the barricade into a much safer area. They located Nene and brought her to the rear to help guard there, but where was Sylia.
"Incoming Spore Mines!" The three women heard someone shout, "Brace yourselves for impact. Priss looked up and saw small green spores with purple and blue tentacles flying through the air and colliding with the barricade with a deafening BOOM!
They looked off in the distance in the direction the mines were originating. Linna was the first to see the clash. Sylia and a squad of Terminators were engaged in combat with fat ugly creatures with cannons emplaced on their back. Linna was so engrossed in the battle; she refused to see the alien warrior charging straight at her. Luckily, Priss was able to blast a hole through its body and stop its pulse once and for all.
"Get it together!" She yelled, bringing Linna's mind back to her battle zone. She had realized what had happened, but was too frightened to say anything. They heard a scream from behind them, and they turned to see a Carnifex towering over little Nene, numerous metal slits stuck to its body. "Nene! Get out of there you moron!" Priss shrieked running towards the beast, Linna followed closely. Priss tried her knuckle bomb on the creature, but she could not crack its thick carapace, not even Linna's ribbon could leave a crack in its armor. Try as they might, they couldn't kill the thing, and they couldn't even scathe the damn thing. It brought up a large hook-like claw to disembowel the young woman before it. Nene's shriek in terror must have alerted some of the Space Marines, for just as it swung towards the earth with one mighty blow, an enormous jewel encrusted power fist parried the blow. It was Casius! His experience on the battlefield greatly surpassed the skill of any terminator, so he didn't crumble under the immense weight of the sickle-arm. He allowed Nene time to get away, and then dodged to the side, and with one fatal blow slammed his power fist into the jaws of the Carnifex, disintegrating its skull instantly.


After Sylia and the Terminators had eliminated the Biovores, they assaulted the army from behind, hoping to confuse their opponents and give them swift death. The forces from the barricade advanced, chainsaw-like swords humming into action as the advanced on the enemy, attempted put the enemy into a pincer hold and destroy the menace once and for all. Sword met cartilage as the teeth of the chainswords bit into their victims, cutting them clean in two. Sylia struck quickly from behind instantly severing the spine of one Warrior and then proceeding to slice it from shoulder to hip. The terminators jumped on top of the Warriors to be able to crush its head with their shimmering fists of power.
The plan seemed to be working, until the warriors figured out what was going on. They turned and struck down the winds of death, which had befallen them. They attacked with even more strength than even the terminators could stand. Sylia dodged to one side and butchered the beast and went to assist one of the Terminators, but before she could get there, the Warrior struck a heavy blow, severing the power fist from his arm, leaving him utterly defenseless, and then came back around to cut him cleanly into four pieces.
After Sylia had slain the bestial nightmare, she turned to face another opponent, only to see one towering over her not two feet away. It brought up all four arms and was winding up to strike a fatal blow. Sylia closed her eyes, awaiting the inevitable, when she heard a cutting noise and then four distinct thuds. She opened her eyes and say Linna's green hardsuit standing between her and a now armless Tyranid. She jumped over the monster; She released her ribbons, and cut it into three more pieces. Sylia looked around, there was no longer any threat to be seen. Linna and Sylia ran past the ranks of blood soaked Ultramarines to find the rest of the group. They located Priss and Nene at the rear of the blockade perfectly unharmed, but extremely exhausted.
"Are you all alright?" Sylia asked quickly, tears of relief streaming down her cheek.
"Yeah, but I think I wet my hardsuit" Nene squealed uncomfortly.
"Yeah, she's ok, and so am I." Priss stated quietly.
"Quickly! Use the teleporter beacons to return to the ship!" Casius stated hastily, throwing them each a small black device. They pressed the button and left the world to enter the jaws of an even more terrifying foe. The Hive Fleet mother ship.
