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Bubblegum Advocatus Custodes - Hell's Fury - Chapter 1

Written by Hawkeye


Bubblegum Crisis 2032 is copyrighted and owned By Artmic Inc. and Youmex ltd. and used without their permission, I do not make any money out of this and just did it for the fun of it.

ADP OVA is copyrighted and owned by Artmic Inc and Manga Video Entertainment I think..

Bubblegum Crash is copyrighted and owned by Manga Video entertainment.

Bubblegum Crisis 2040 is copyrighted and owned A.I.C by & ADV Films US & UK, Madman Entertainment Australia.

AD Police TV To Protect & Serve is copyrighted and owned by A.I.C & ADV films.

Each show is owned by their respected owner, this fan fiction is for entertainment purpose only, no money is too be made from this story. This story cannot be copied with out the author written permission. That all be all.

Thanks go out to the following people,

Suzuki Toshimichi, who created the original story that is known as Bubblegum Crisis, which that this is all based on; with out this guy we wouldn't be here right now.

Kenichi Sonda, the guy who designed those whacked out suits better known as Hardsuits and gave it to us twice both in the OVA episodes and the 2040 shows,

Artmic, JVC & AIC with out these guys as well, there would be no world that we know as Mega Tokyo.

Sky Knight or Bert Van Vliet as he is really known as, who I would say is the best SI author I seen out there in the WWW; if there was an award for BGC FF he would have my vote. It was his work that made me want to have a go, so you know who to blame. He he he.

This one is important; I would like to thank Craig Reed Jr or Shadow Knight, for his Kind permission to use his ideas of the Guardians of the universe and the defenders known only as Avatar who protect their assigned universe from the forces of the dark side, because with out this there would be no story for me to work on.

Also like to thank Sky Sabre, who ever he really is, with out him and his crazy plot suggestions there wouldn't be a re-write here. His input and proof-reading has been of great help and look forward to his re-view of this story.

The web site because with out them, I wouldn't be able to post my stories anywhere.

That about it.. Wow long list.


Based on the Work of Craig Reed

Scope Production's



Bubblegum Crisis Fan-fiction

Bubblegum Advocatus Custodes - Hell's Fury


Jonathan Robert 'Hawkeye' Howard


'"If all the world's a stage and all the people players, who in bloody hell hired the director?" - Charles L Grant'



Location = Red Dragon Gym, London, England.

Date = 22nd February 2004

Time = 16:43

TimeLine = PX-21-OR3-12A

*Wham* was the sound when the body of Robert 'Hawkeye' Howard hit the mat on the floor of the Red Dragon Gym.

"That a wrap ladies. I'd like to thank my friend here and I hope to see you ladies next week," came a deep Russian accent from the man whose moves put Robert down onto the mat. After several seconds of silence in which the female students of the martial art self defence club filed out of the large gym training room Robert was still lying on his back on the ground. The Russian instructor walked over and looked at him.

"Give me a minute Dimitry." Robert moaned as he was still seeing stars.

"If I let you stay there Robert, you will be trampled on by the stampede from the weight watching club." His friend chuckled, Robert eye's flashed open upon reflecting on this. With a swift movement Robert was on his feet.

"Oh god, now that's a scary thought," Robert muttered.

"You're telling me? The ground shakes every time. Come on let's hit the shower. Man, you worked up quite a sweat." The Russian rumbled on.


*Slam* was the sound as the locker door was thrown open.

"There is nothing like a shower after a good workout." Dimitry said as he dried off his hair with a towel.

"Good workout? Man, my muscles feel like they've gone through a wringer." Robert showed off his bruised arms.

"Come on, you were one of the best in unarmed combat back at the squadron, what happened to you?" Dimitry scoffed.

"Come on, Dimitry, that was 4 years ago." Robert finished towelling off and grabbed a clean t-shirt from inside the locker. "I really haven't practiced in years."

"Well, it's good having you here. I didn't know what I would do if you hadn't agreed to help." Dimitry rumbled his deep-voiced gratitude.

"So what happened, man?" Robert asked as he pulled the t-shirt over his head.

"Flu by the look of things. It seems everyone working here came down with it." The Russian growled while throwing his damp towel at the bin by the wall.

"Well, least it pays." Robert sighed, pulling out his jeans and slipping them on.

"Any luck with your job hunting?" Dimitry asked pulling out one of his tops from his locker.

"Nope. What's with this world? I study for two years to get my qualifications and no one wants to hire an out of college photography student." Robert vented his frustrated on the locker next to his with a large *Thump* and a dent.

"Come on, it can't be that bad."

"You have no idea. I am considering just taking a year out, if my application for the Metropolitan police force doesn't go through" Robert sighed as sat down on the locker room bench and pulled on his socks.

"You in the police force? God help us." Dimitry laughed.

"Not funny man" Robert grinned as he leaned forward and pulled his trainers out of his locker.

"Ok man," Dimitry answered back, after Robert finished tying his shoe laces he grabbed his rucksack from inside the locker.

"I see you outside," he said after swinging the bag over his shoulder.

"Be with you in a minute." Dimitry answered, and with that Robert walked out of the changing room into the hallway. While walking down the hallway something started to bug Robert. Something strange was going on, but he couldn't place it so he made his way towards the small café area at the front of the building. After digging some change out of his pocket, Robert selected a coke from the vending machine. Then he went and dumped himself on a chair while he waited for Dimitry to finish up.

He was taking a sip of his Coke when this odd looking gentleman walked into the building, Robert was giving him the once over. It was strange the guy's white suit reminded him of something, but he couldn't remember for the love of god what it was.

But then surprisingly the gentleman walked up to Robert and pulled the chair out from the other side of the table Robert was sitting at and sat down.

"Can I help you?" Robert asked with an emotionless tone, he hated the fact that this man just sat down at his table with out asking.

"Yes" the man said reassuringly,

"And you are?" Robert asked him again, before he took a sip of his Coke.

"My name is Nemo. I believe you are aware of my superior, he goes by the name Ishmael White" The being now known as Nemo said quite jovially. The can of Coke almost slipped out of Robert hand as he heard the last name, then he remembered why it was so familiar.

"You're a Guardian of the Dimensions and like that?" was all that Robert said after hearing the name of 'Ishmael'. But that brought a smile to the other man's face

"I see you have been reading certain fan fictions," the being dressed up as a business man said. "Interesting how the reflections cast ripple outward, don't you think? Oh, but then you are not quite up to speed on quantum physics and temporal mechanics. My apologies"

"Ok, what can I do for you then?" Robert was desperately trying not to pee in his pants in front of the Guardian.

"Putting it bluntly, I'm looking for someone to protect some ladies" Nemo summed up quite calmly.

"You're after Avatar?" It wasn't much of a leap. This was a being that could walk between dimensions with the same ease most people walk down the street. "I'm guessing it's to be the Knight Sabres, right?"

"Correct. Nemo casually poked a hole in reality and pulled out a box of chocolates. Taking one, he asked, "Are you interested?"

"When do I start?" Robert replied confidently and grinning, his hear beating faster then humming birds

"Right now." Nemo smiled as the room started fading white.

"Hey! You're not going to dump me in front of Sylia's car like Ishmael did to Craig?" Robert flailed about with his arms, trying to gain a grip on reality as the gym faded out like a scene change in a bad movie.

"No, I wouldn't do anything like that." Nemo replied with another smile.

'I don't trust this guy' Robert thought as he saw Nemo smile. In a moment he was going to be proven right, but first he because nauseous.


To be continued

Hope your ready for the next chapter, five to one you won't guess what written there, Big Surprised for you all. Also like to thanks Sky Saber again with his reading and editing of this story in it original state, I've copied and paste as much as I can to save time and effort. The next chapter is an original piece of work, so enjoy.



Based on Craig Reed's BGC Avatar, Scope Production's presents a Bubblegum Crisis

Fan-fiction Called Bubblegum Avatar - Hell's Fury. Written by Jonathan Robert 'Hawkeye' Howard.

Copyright Bubblegum Advocatus Custodes Hell's Fury 2004 By J.R. 'Hawkeye' Howard

Disclaimer = Please Read Prologue for full disclaimer and Credit.


Chapter One

Location = Exact location unknown,

Date = 22nd November 2031

Time = 20:43

TimeLine = CA-21-O8U-12A

Robert head was dizzily and he couldn't focus his vision after he had suddenly been transported by a high advanced being known as a Guardian. As his vision began to clear, he noticed that the small room that he was in seemed to be a police interrogation room and that it and all of his clothing where all white.

"God, it liked that episode of Battlestar Galatia" he muttered under his breath, then he suddenly realised that he wasn't the only one in the room. He turned to face the two other men in the room, one he recognised as the guardian who had just recruited him known as Nemo standing to the side of a small table. The other man was sitting he was older, but he had a gut feeling that he knew who this guy was.

"Ishmael White, I presume" Robert spoke out, taking a step towards the table that the senior Guardian was sitting at. A smile slowly crossed the old man face and he broke into a small laugh.

"It seems that my identity proceed me, I really have to thank Craig Reed about that piece of fiction that he has written" the old man had finally said "Yes Mr Howard, I am the man you know as Ishmael, and this wise guy to my side his my new assistant" he said while pointing to Nemo, who had a cheesy grin on his face.

"So what can I do for you" Robert replied, as he pulled the chair out from the other side of the table to which Ishmael was sitting at and sat himself down.

"Your, very to the point ehh...? Mister Howard" was the Guardian reply to his question.

"I've learnt from reading certain Fan-fictions, that there are certain beings with great power, and it isn't wise to mess around with them or piss them off" Robert replied with a smile, "And some how, I've got a gut feeling I'm going to get the bum end of a deal here"

"Very well" Ishmael Said, while holding out his hand towards Nemo, who handed him what, looked like a plain brown folder. Ishmael placed the folder down on the table in front of him and opened it up. He began to browse through the details on the paper, "let's see, Your Name Jonathan Robert Thornton Howard, but every one call's you Robert or Hawkeye, Right?" Ishmael asked looking up from the paper, Robert simple nodded that he was correct.

"Do you know why we selected you?" The younger Guardian spoke out as he leaned on the edge of the table.

"Nope, not really" He answered back, He remembered that Nemo had mention the Knight Sabres when he was recruiting him, but he handed explained it. "Maybe you can fill me in, to why I'm here" he said with an every so slightly accent with a sarcastic taste in it.

"You're here because we need an Avatar" Ishmael clearly replied.

"Let me guess you got another foot solider of the dark side going around causing destruction and mayhem" he said showing a sarcastic smile on his face.

"Not even close" The young guardian shouted out, turning away from the table with his hands behind his back,

"Okay then" and Robert raised his hand in a gesture of please enlighten me.

"At the moment there is no direct action by either side in this trouble zone" the senior guardian said out right, as he flicked the page over and pulled out a single page, Robert accepted the page and had a glance, it took him a good few seconds to ingest the information on the page. It was basically a timeline of four very important people; it other words the Knight Sabres.

"This can't be right" he said out loud as he read through, because he soon realised that Sylia hadn't formed the Knight Sabres. But why, he raced through scanning through the timeline for details to find out why.

"I see you have discovered the problem" Ishmael spoke out.

"What happen" the young mortal asked back.

"Due to force's unknown, key elements that was supposed to have happen didn't and we are a lost to as why" the senior guardian replied, pointing to a certain paragraph in the list. "It started here, the night that Sylia Stingray tired to recruit Priss Asagiri"

"Then what happened"

"The night in question, I'm sure you seen the Hurricane live video correct" the Guardian asked him.

"Yes I've seen it" he answered back.

"Well the police men in the clip, managed to piss off Priss a little too much and she ended up kneeing him in the family jewels" As Ishmael finished, Nemo who had been silent let out a wolf whistle.

"That couldn't have been good" Robert commented back.

"That quite correct, Miss Asagiri actions cost her a night in jail. Making it impossible for Sylia Stingray to recruit the hot headed singer" Ishmael finished and gave Robert a few seconds to take it all in.

"Wait, what stopped Sylia from recruiting the others and then recruit Priss later" Robert stammers out.

"Well things didn't go to well, at Miss Yamasaki dance tryouts as well" Ishmael finally said after a tantalising seconds.

"Okay what happened" Robert said as he scratched his forehead in frustration.

"During the final round of try out's for some unknown reason, Linna tripped and broke her ankle" as Ishmael recounted the story of what happen, Robert couldn't believe his ears to what he was hearing.

"Okay that would explain why Linna wasn't in the group, but what about Nene. Shouldn't have Sylia at lest have recruited her."

"She would have, but with the problems of recruiting her two primly members. Sylia had put the building of the Knight Sabres on hold" Robert kept on staring at the Guardian after he had finished explaining it.

"Okay so that would have put them behind a few months, but then why haven't they still formed the team" he blurted out.

"Well we believed that Sylia would have tired again, but she became a victim of Genom when they got wind of Miss Stingray little operation" the younger guardian finally said after leaning onto the table, Robert leaned back in to his chair.

"So what happened" he asked, throwing the piece of paper back which had the timeline on to the pile of paper in Ishmael folder on the table.

"Brain J Mason, he organised a car accident, where a Genom Transporters truck, T-bone Sylia car while she was out driving" the older of the two said "He even had the gut's, to have Genom play all of Sylia Medical bill's"

"Sylia was so badly injured, that she only just returned from the hospital last month" The younger one also said to Robert.

"I just don't see a simple car accident from stopping Sylia Stingray from seeking revenge from Genom" The young mortal snapped out.

"You would, if you were paralysed from the back down" Ishmael replied, holding out Sylia Data sheet to him.

"What. can't, don't.. Don't they have a medical procedure that can correct that" he shouted under his breath, as he tired to understand it all.

"There would be several very highly experimental procedures that Sylia could try, but why do you think Genom footed the bill" the senior white guardian answered back to Robert's last out burst.

"That can not be good" Robert had said, as he leaned back in his chair as he studied the details on Sylia Chart. Because he knew that Sylia had been the heart and soul of the Knight Sabres, and the Knight Sabres Wouldn't be the same. They would easily be crushed by the Mega corps known as Genom. He shifted his weight forward and brought the chair down with a slam, and directly stared into the eyes of Ishmael, who if he might have been human might have been scared.

"So how can I help" Robert said outright, as Ishmael and Nemo heard these words, smiles broke out on both of their faces.

"What we need is someone to go in and first get Sylia to finish creating the Knight Sabres" the younger Guardian started.

"Not only that" the older one continued "But to also lead the team into the battlefield, because with her own injury's Sylia can't do that"

"Okay, so let me get this straight you want me to go up to Sylia Stingray and spill my guts about what I know about the Knight Sabres, is it me or won't that sound like a trap thought up by Genom" Robert said as he rubbed his chin.

"Mister Howard or Robert" Ishmael began "You don't understand if we don't do something about this now, Genom will be ruling the world in a year or two"

"You've really gotten it going on for protecting the universe" Robert joked,

"But you don't understand if you don't save this world, it not good for anyone" Nemo spoke out sharply.

"Okay, I get it, but I don't think Sylia Stingray will believe a 21 year old guy, who walks up to her and asks her to form a high tech vigilante group do you " he asked back, Ishmael just stare blindly as Robert as he consider something then he turned to face Nemo.

"You haven't told him, have you?" he asked his assistant, who didn't immediately didn't answer him.

"Well no, I thought it would be best coming from you" he finally answered his face full of shame.

"Didn't tell me what?" Robert immediately asked out right; as he feared that they hadn't been telling him the full truth.

"Well." Nemo began but was interrupted by Ishmael who raised his hand.

"We had prepared an identity for you in this dimension" he said.

"That doesn't seem bad" Robert answered back, his face showing a sign of relief.

"Well that not really it, the identity we created, it's for her." Nemo said as he began pointing to the other side of the room. Confused Robert turned to see who he had meant, and he saw this beautiful young woman staring right back at him. He had never seen anyone like her, the blond strawberry hair, and the crystal blue clear eyes of hers staring straight into his were mesmerising. But something slowly began to drawn on Robert; he was staring at the two-way mirror. He wasn't staring at someone else, he was staring at himself.

"FUCKING HELL NEMO, WHAT THE HELL HAVE YOU DONE TO ME!" Robert shouted at the top of his or her lungs; turning and looking at the Guardian standing in front of him with gleaming eyes. A blind uncontrollable rage took over as Robert tied to unhooked a right hook right at Nemo, What didn't surprise Robert was his hand had phased straight through Nemo's body like it wasn't there, but he had seen it all before in Craig's work, but what did surprise him and at the same time scare the hell out of him. Was the fact that the hand had embedded itself into the plaster wall behind. Robert pulled the hand free and noticed the fact it didn't hurt at all.

"Mister Howard, Please remain calm" Ishmael tired to defuse the situation, with out much success. As Robert turned to face Ishmael, his eye's still holding that gleaming power within them staring straight at Ishmael with such force.

"You had better start explaining, right now or you're." Robert began, but with a simple wave of his hand Ishmael had frozen Robert to the spot.

"I have been trying to explain the situation to you Mister Howard, now if you're allowed me. I will explain to you, the reason for this" the senior guardian explained.

"Okaayy" Robert mumbled in his frozen position, and Ishmael released him from his position with another wave of his hand.

"Sit" he said pointing to the chair that Robert had thrown to the floor in his quick fit of rage. Before Robert picked it up, he just stared at his own body or he, she should say her body.

"Oh god" she mumbled as she stared down at her chest, now with breasts. She almost fainted at the thought of seeing her own naked body. 'Must think un-sexy thoughts' had raced through her mind, but it had only made things worse. As soon as she sat down her face was as red as a cherry, she spotted a giggle crossing Nemo face, and she shot him a glare which would put any normal human in fear.

"Are you ready?" Ishmael asked getting Robert attention, all he got was a simple nod of the head. "Okay, the reason for this is simple. As we explained to you, with Sylia unable to lead the Knight Sabres. We need someone to fill her place in leading the team, with out you there no chance for these people to live a decent life. Because if Genom gets the chance they will take over the world, then it all goes to hell"

"But why does this plan need me to be female!" Robert said still trying to get a full answer.

"Well there are a number of reasons" Ishmael began "first off the teams interaction works best as you seen it, mainly four members who are all female."

"Err am I missing something, or can I bring up a certain red headed male goes by the name of Bert." Robert tired to point out but she was soon shot down by Nemo.

"He seems to get by on pure luck, we're not even sure how he does it" the younger guardian replied scratching his forehead in frustration.

"Not only that, but this is more of a long term operation with preparation" Ishmael stated "with Craig, we had to go with what we had at the time"

"Okay now you two are beginning to make sense here, but just too yet you know I am not 100 percent happy with this"

"Why not?" Ishmael had asked back. And Robert had a simple answer.

"Well I'm not use to these!" she said and pointed to her chest.

"God, Mortals" Nemo mumbled shaking your head.

"Well you try living your life as a male and then by some bodies plan you get turned into the opposite sex" she said back. Nemo was about to flick his fingers, when a stare from Ishmael stopped him dead in his track.

"Okay now that we're passed all that, I had better explain your new identity to you" The senior guardian Ishmael answered as he pulled out another sheet of paper, from that brown folder of his on the table. He set in front of Robert, who looked down at it.

"We've done all the necessary paperwork, identity, job, accommodation and funds" Nemo had said from his perch to the side.

"So who am I now?" she asked looked towards the sheet of paper that Ishmael was holding in front of himself.

"The section department of Avatar's hasn't really been created this past 5000 years" he started to say "here we go himm. let's see Name; Rebecca Tiffany Howard, Age; 23, Female"

"Rebecca? That it, that all this department could come up with" Robert said as she learned her new name. "Okay so now I got to go by Rebecca, well at lest it'll be easy to remember. So what about this job then" she asked outright wanting to learn more.

"You're be working within the ADP" Rebecca as she was now trying to call herself, started coughing at this. "Is there a problem with this?" Ishmael asked, noticing Rebecca coughing fit.

"Not really, just how can I be a cop, if I haven't had any of the training that needed" she pointed out, because she figured that it would be hard to fake all that.

"Nothing to worry about after waking up, it will all be inside your memory" he said while tapping the side of his head.

"Does this included the Japanese language as well as certain other aspects needed for this job"

"Yes" was all that he replied to her question. "As a precaution, we set you up with someone to share your accommodation with"

"What?" She barked out.

"Don't worry it all shorted out" Nemo replied before he could give Ishmael a chance to speak out, he had a huge grin on his faced. This led Rebecca to question him, by raising an eyebrow of hers.

"So am I going to learn who I'm roomed up with" she asked as she rested her chin on the fist of her hand.

"Nooo!" Both of the guardians answered back in unionises, with this outburst Rebecca was taken aback 'Okay what are these guys hiding?" she thought as she stared at them.

"It nothing really, but we can't tell you yet" Ishmael said, reading Rebecca mind literately.

"You guys are starting to scare me here" she mumbled out, as she shook her head. 'Just who have they roomed me up with' she began to think. "All right is there any thing else that I need to know"

"We set up appropriate cash funding for you, as well as a number of resource at your despoil, which should come to you when you wake up" Ishmael explained to her.

"What if I need to contact you for some reason?"

"This should do it" he said as he produced a small black cell phone from one of his pockets and sent it down in front of Rebecca.

"Is that all?" she asked as she picked up the cell phone.

"That's all" Ishmael replied as he raised his right hand and snapped his fingers together, then suddenly Rebecca felt very sleepy and she fell into a deep sleep.

To Be Continued

Author's Rant;

Well it finally done, god it good to have it done. I would again like to Thank Jared A.k.a. Sky Sabre for his help and advice in the making of this fan-fiction. With out him this would be a half wit operation.

