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BGC: Two Knights - part 1: "The Break-in"

Written by W.S.

(c) COPYRIGHT W.S. 2002

english translation, rev 1.1
April 28th, 2000

Bored, that was the word for it. Leon McNichol was bored. He stared out through the large, rectangular windows of the café he was sitting in, searching with his eyes for her. On the round table in front of him stood a cup of coffee (which, half an hour ago, had been nice and warm) and a plate with a lonely bun sitting in the middle. Leon, now close to giving up, grabbed the bun, looked disinterestedly at it, and took a bite. "Dry." he thought. "Tastes good, though. Just like they usually do in cafés." Leon was just about to start an internal discussion with himself about whether or not the cafées used to make better buns but his concentration was shredded by the low-pitched roaring of a motorcycle revving down. He turned to the window, where a young woman had just parked a massive motorbike. She got off, looked around and then walked into the café, carrying her helmet in her hand.

Priscilla S. Asagiri, by her few friends and aquaintances known as Priss, had never visited a café before in her entire life. A strange thing, perhaps, but she'd never felt right in cafés. Today was different, though, as she had a good reason to be there. Still, she felt like she was in the wrong place. "You're late." Leon grunted as she sat down at the table. "I've been waiting forever, damnit." Priss did not reply, but watched him silently. He was tall, had dark hair, probably in his twenties. She was almost a full foot shorter, but with nearly the same hair color. "Do you have what I asked you to bring?" she finally asked in a chilly voice. "Yes," Leon replied. "The code is N-3-X-2. Not that I think you'll actually make it that far." Priss' eyes thinned. "Don't you worry!" she snapped. Then she looked up and smiled impishly. "If you're so worried, why don't you come with us." Leon looked away. "You've got Nene, don't you?" he then replied with a touch of hesitation in his voice. "I'm sure you guys will take care of it." Priss sighed deeply. "Nene ... she's smart and all, but still a poor fighter. I was planning on going myself this time." She swallowed and continued, again with a faint smile, "But, I'll need her at the computer." Leon nodded and rose. "Be careful." he growled. "GENOM isn't just any corporation." He opened the door and walked away. Priss waited for a minute, deep in her own thoughts, and then left as well.

Nene Romanova sat at her gunmetal-grey console in the Police communications centre. The cute young blonde yawned silently. It had been a slow day, as usual, nothing but mundane tasks to keep her busy. Her hunger was growing and she threw a quick look at the wall-mounted clock: 11:30. "Rules are meant to be broken..." she though to herself. "I'll just leave now even though I've got half an hour left, and make up some excuse for it later." She was just about to get up and leave when the cellphone in her pocket gave off a tell-tale beeping sound. She pulled the phone out of the pocket, and hit the answer button. "Nene, are you there?" Priss' unmistakeable voice came through the miniature speaker. "In the flesh!" Nene replied, happy that something was finally happening. "Did you get what you wanted from lil' Leon?" "Yup" Priss replied dryly. "How long?" Nene asked. "We'll meet outside your place in 30 minutes." Nene frowned. "But I haven't had time for lunch yet!" Priss sighed. Working with an 18-year old had its disadvantages, lack of discipline being the one that currently displayed itself. "Grab a sandwich or something!" she growled, clearly annoyed. She then hung up. "No manners at all..." Nene said to herself as she put the cellphone back into her pocket. 29 minutes later, she stood on the sidewalk waiting. Priss was punctual, which came as a surprise to Nene. "Sugoi!" she cried. "It's not every day that you're on time." Priss frowned, so much it was obvious despite her helmet. "Are you coming, or what?" she growled. Nene got on the bike behind Priss, and they left at a speed which, if detected by a police control, would have left Priss very much without money or driving license. Assuming the Police been able to catch her, of course.

Eight hours later, both women stood below what was commonly known as the Genom Tower. Officially, it housed the administratory offices for every branch of Genom, from cars to toilet paper. In reality, there were other things going on, specifically nuclear weapon research, although this was actively and quite plausibly denied by everyone involved. "But tonight, the ones among the People who know the truth will get new proof," Priss thought. "if we're successful." She looked at Nene. Like Priss, Nene wore a skin-tight, black suit with several pockets along the arms and legs. But where Priss had a dartgun, Nene had a pocket computer of her own design, built on the chassis of a PDA but with far more sophisticated components, not to mention some special software.

"Let's go!" Priss whispered to Nene. "Back door?" Nene whispered back. Priss gave her a quick nod and then quickly climbed over the fence, avoiding the barbed wire with ease, and jumped down into the alley that led to the far side of the tower, making no noise as she hit the ground. Nene followed her, jumping just as silently. Even at this relatively early hour, the streets in this part of town where empty - the clubs and restaurants were on the other side of town. "Sssch," Priss hushed as they approached a door. "there's a guard over there." She lifted her dartgun and fired. The small dart shot through the air and hit the guard in the shoulder. He fell down to the ground, never knew what hit him. Priss walked over to the door. She felt the handle. "Damn, it's locked." she said angrily, but quietly. She was just about to turn to Nene for suggestions when the door gave of a short beep and opened automatically. There was no-one on the other side. She turned to face Nene, who was standing there smiling, the guard's passcard in her hand. "Isn't modern technology great?" she giggled. Priss gave her a icy but appreciative look and then walked through the open door. The short corridor lead to a stairwell. "Let's see..." Nene mumbled as she read the sign on the wall. "Computer central, sublevel two. That's two floors down." Two stairs later (and a guard, who was much to occupied with a porno magazine to notice their approach) they stood in front of a terminal. Nene punched in the code which Priss had previosly told her and the computer gave off a satisfying beep. Nene's face lit up as she put a rewriteable CD into one of the drives and started transferring data. "Search parameters ... nuclear, export ... " she mumbled to herself as the information flashed across the screen. "Haiaku!" Priss shouted. "They seem to know we're here!" A number of heavy footsteps could be heard in the distance. Nene swallowed anxiously, hit a few keys, and then ejected the CD. She stuck it into one of her pockets just as the first shots from Priss' dartgun went off, followed by the tell-tale sounds of bodies falling to the concrete floor. "All done!" Nene called to Priss. Priss nodded, but did not change her focus from the approaching guards. Three more shots went off. "I'm out of ammo soon!" Priss shouted. "Is there another way out?" Nene thought for a split-second before answering, "If I'm not mistaken there's an emergency door around the corner. But they've probably locked it so we won't escape! Oh wait, what am I thinking ..." she turned to the computer and tapped a couple of keys. Moments later, Priss heard the sound of an automatic door opening. Nene ran out into the corridor first, expertly dodging a bullet, and was followed by Priss. Both women practically flew out the exit and away to the motorcycle, which was conveniently parked in a nearby alley a few hundred metres away. In front of the tower there was now literally an ocean of blinking blue lights, but the motorcycle which revved up in the distance did not attract much attention.

Leon sighed again. He was absolutely sure about it now: He loathed cafés. Not only had was today's bun just as dry and boring as yesterdays', he had made the mistake of trying to drink his coffee before it got cold and ended up burning his tounge. Today, however, his waiting did not last for long. Priss was a mere five minutes late. She casually walked into the café and over to the table, than sat down and handed the CD over to Leon. "Thanks" he said. "I'll transfer your cash later today. 70-30 as usual?" "No," Priss said in a gentle voice. "Make it 50-50 this time. She did very well." Leon nodded. "As for this," he said, patting the pocket in which he had placed the CD, "I will make sure it falls into the right hands." Priss smiled, and walked out of the café. Leon looked after her in silence. He then took a sip from the coffee mug. "Cold." he thought. "But considering what this disc will do to Genom ... I can live with that."
