The Bubblegum Crisis Center > Extras > Fan Fiction

A One Knight Stand

Written by Alex

In the mind's eye there are many different forms of reality, many different paths that one can take, this is just one of them....

"Nene!! Look out you klutz!!" Priss screamed as her hardsuit's thrusters screamed in protest at what she demanded of them.

"Wha... YAHHAA!" Nene screamed as the debris from the explosion overhead fell directly at her. Terror overcame her limbs, and she could not even move as dumbly she watched the twisted metal girders fall towards her.

"NENE!!" Priss screamed and prayed her suicidal dive would reach the 18 year old before the girders did. Luck, God or whatever, must have heard her. Priss managed to grab the pink hardsuited figure just moments before the twisted metal blasted into the construction gantry where Nene had just been standing. However, that was where her luck ended. Her suit's thrusters, pushed far beyond anything that they had been designed for, decided that that was it and with a tortured sound they died.

"FUCK!! FUCK!!!" Priss screamed, as she and the figure she was carrying slammed at breakneck speed into the already collapsing gantry. Priss screamed in both pain and terror as her suit came into contact with the metal mess. She hear a faint ripping sound and then the impact exploded the air from her lungs. Instinctively she tried to scream, but it was too late, she had no breath left. A faint red haze was the last thing she saw as the dark blackness greedily claimed her.

The sound of the impact of the hardsuits against the flexisteel was sickening. Only the fact that the gantry was already breaking apart saved the two from being instantaneously killed. The loose metal was able to absorb most the impact of the human missiles as with a great roar the whole gantry tore itself loose. Slowly, majestically, the girders of metal tore through the glass side of the long abandoned building, shredding through a number of floors before finally coming to rest.

A dull pain was the first thing that Priss noticed when some form of sense finally came back to her. The pain, and the fact that she could not move.

I'm alive... was her first thought - that was a beginning at least. This was quickly followed by the axiom - "don't panic" - as slowly she began to evaluate her situation. As her mind began to work, other sensations began to filter through. The dull pain she hoped to God was nothing more than a result from the initial impact. She opened her eyes and looked around as best as she could without moving. It was dark, too dark, and all she could make out was that she was trapped in a very small enclosed space. On all sides of her, and directly above all she could see was the shredded remains of various kinds of building material.

Oh brilliant.... she thought. Buried alive under possibly tons of rubble, what an absolutely fuckin' wonder situation. She had the great choice of either being crushed to death if the rubble shifted, or if it didn't... She didn't even want to think about that! Biting the bullet she slowly began to try moving her fingers, then her feet. It was difficult within the constraints of the suit but somehow she managed it. The movement, and the sensations of pain as her skin came into contact with the battered metal of her hardsuit made her sigh with relief. At least she was not paralysed or anything like that. Sylia's almost miraculous hardsuit seemed to have taken most of the damage into itself and spared her. Slowly, cautiously, she sat up as far as the battered ruins of her suit would let her. From this position she could see the still form of Nene's pink hardsuit lying a short distance away.

"Nene..." Priss tried to say, but her voice barely came out in a whisper. She inhaled a couple of deep breaths and tried again. "Nene!" The hardsuit remained completely still, and Priss began to panic. She tried to move over to the other girl, but the condition of her suit made it virtually impossible.

"Shit!" she swore, and reaching up threw aside the remains of her helmet. It clattered as it bounced against the ground. As quickly as she dared she began to remove as much of the suit as she could. She winced at the bruising she had, but at least the pain focused her mind. When she had removed the last of the suit she was able to move more freely. For a moment she stared at the still figure of Nene. A single dreadful thought past through her mind - what if the teenager was dead? That thought alone was almost enough to stop her from moving. Nene was annoying, but she was also one of the only friends that Priss had, and the possibility of losing her made Priss feel cold.

A slight groan sounded, and the very battered pink hardsuit slowly moved as it's occupant began to wake up. Priss's heart leapt with joy at the sight, Nene was alive!

"NENE!" she cried out, and as quickly she could she moved over to her friend. The shards of fractured metal meant that she had to move very carefully as the flimsy, skin tight inner suit offered absolutely no protection whatsoever.

Finally, she reached the pink hardsuit and gently removed the battered but intact helmet. Hesitantly, Priss touched Nene's face. For a moment she was surprised at how soft and smooth the skin felt... and how warm it was... The soft caresses to her face were what bought Nene back to reality. She opened her eyes and found herself looking up at the concerned puppy brown eyes of Priss.

"Wha..." she tried to say, but Priss put a finger against Nene's lips.

"Don't say anything until I have checked you over, okay?" Priss looked deep into Nene's questioning sapphire blue eyes. "You may have broken something in the fall..." she finished softly. Nene's eyes widen at the implication and she tried to smile. Priss felt a surge of protective warmth and friendship flood through her at Nene's attempt at bravery, but those sapphire eyes showed how scared the girl really was.

"Good girl," she said and patted that soft, pale, grimy face. Then, slowly, she began to examine the pink hardsuit. Again, like hers, it appeared to have absorbed the majority of the impact, but in places the metal had been ripped away and the inner suit was exposed to the cold air. Priss began in these areas, first checking that the flesh was intact and then gently removing the broken parts.

"Can you feel or move here?" Priss would ask as she discarded each piece of the ruined suit.
"Oww...." Nene finally complained as she moved her bruised legs. Priss smiled as Nene's cute button like face screwed up in a grimace.
"Bloody right I can feel it," she stated. "Owww..."
"It's alright, I am almost finished... There!" Priss removed the last manual catch on the chest plate and pulled it off. She looked down at Nene's short, stocky, but well proportioned form. To her relief, the skin tight inner suit was unbroken. Priss reached down and touched Nene's chest giving it a light poke. Under her hand she could feel the girl's rapidly beating heart and... Nene's chest suddenly expanded as the girl took in a deep breath.

"What is it Nene?" Priss asked suddenly concerned. "Does that hurt?"
"No..." Nene replied with a slight smile on her face. "It's just that your hands are cold."
"You..." Priss could not help but smile in return and she sat back on her knees. "You look fine. Here, give me your hand."
"Why?" Nene asked and her face became curious.
"You want to lie in that open suit forever, like a little princess?"
"Oh," Nene blushed. "Stupid, of course. Here." She held her arms trustingly out to Priss.
"You need to lose some weight," Priss commented as she put her arms under Nene's and slowly pulled the teenager out of the remains of her suit.
"I do not!" Nene said indignantly as Priss suddenly straighten pulling her all the way out. The jolt of the completed move pulled Nene up tight against Priss's chest. Nene felt the soft, rounded breasts of Priss press against her back. She felt a strange jolt of excitement rush down her spine as the flimsy material of their suits did little to hide the well developed contours of the older woman's body. She squirmed slightly as her embarrassment grew. Priss did not seem to be in any hurry to let her go.

Priss held the very warm form of Nene against her, and for a moment was lost in the strange feelings that the squirming nubile form bought out in her. Nene smelled slightly of spices, and yet her short blond hair seemed to smell differently. Odd, Priss thought. She had never noticed that before. She bought her head down and took a deeper smell. Oil, that was it. The blond hair was mattered in places with oil. She took a deeper inhale...

"Ah, Priss..." Nene's uncertain voice broke her revery. "You can let me go now..."
"Oh, right," Priss came to her senses and let Nene down. "Sorry."
"Where are we?" Nene asked looking around. Priss suddenly understood that Nene had not yet realised what the hell had happened to them.
"Nene," she said as she put her arms on the other girl's shoulders and gently broke the news. "We are trapped, can't you see? We have been buried beneath the rubble."

Nene's blue eyes blinked. "What?" she said stupidly.
Priss took a breath and slowly repeated her words. "We are trapped, ben..."
"No..." Nene suddenly realised what Priss was saying, and the nature of the enclosed space surrounding them became dreadfully clear.
"NO! NOOOO!!!" she panicked, and suddenly she could feel the tons of rubble pressing down on her.

"Nene!" Priss pulled the terrified girl hard against her. Nene fought her against Priss's embrace as the crushing weight of the rubble pushed against her mind.

"NONONO!!!" she whimpered trying to force her way out of Priss's tight embrace.

"Nene! Stop it!!" Priss cried out as she held the panicked girl in an embrace which would not break. Slowly, ever so slowly, the girl's terror began to subside and Priss gently rocked the crying form. "Shhhh," Priss whispered as her stroked the mattered blond hair. "Shhh..."

Slowly the trembling teenager began to recover as her panic attack subsided. Priss continued to hold Nene, as she could still feel the sobs that shook the younger girl's form.

"Hush, hush," she continued to whisper as she stroked the blond hair. Finally, after what seemed an age, the sobbing stilled and died away. Nene simply let herself be held in Priss's warm, protective embrace. Her head rested against the older woman's soft breasts, but for some reason, it was not embarrassing this time. It felt... different. Nene took a couple of deep breaths.

"Nene..." Priss spoke softly. "Are you okay now?"
"Sorry..." Nene lifted her wet face to look at Priss.

Priss smiled and she shook her head, "forget it, I understand..."
"I..." Nene's lips quivered. "I... I'm afraid of dying Priss... Oh Gods... I don't want to die... Priss.." Her voice broke, and fresh tears streamed down her face.

"Oh, Nene-chan..." Priss pulled the girl to her. "It's alright," she muttered. "It's alright, nothing will happen. Sylia will find us. Hush now..." Finally the second set of crying subsided and Nene pulled herself out of Priss's arms.

"I'm okay," she smiled and rubbed her tears from her face. "You're right - Sylia will find us." Saying that she sat down on the ground and wrapped her arms around her knees. "Sylia will find us," she repeated.

Sylia was worried. It had been over 2 hours since Priss or Nene had reported in. At their last communication they had been in Syoku-chu closing in on the battle boomer that had taken refuge there. Syoku-chu was a region that had been completely devastated when the 2nd Great Kanto Quake struck. Only now was Genom putting some of its resources into reclaiming the region for commercial development. It was literally a wasteland. An area of half demolished, or have constructed buildings, that was like a rabbits warren. Sylia had tried to raise the two girls, but had had no success. What was even more worrying too her was that the hardsuit beacons, that Sylia used to track the location of her Knights, had suddenly just vanished about 25 minutes after that last communication, and since then - nothing. She had to assume that something had happened to the two of them, and somehow Sylia had to find them.

"No," Sylia corrected. "Not just find them, but save them."

Priss rolled over once more and tried to get some sleep. It was virtually impossible. She was cold, uncomfortable, and scared. It was a difficult thing to admit, but yes, she was frightened. Not so much for herself, but more for the smaller form who lay shivering with cold only a small distance away. Nene did not look well, and Priss was getting increasingly worried about her. Nene's normally bubbly attitude to any situation that life threw at her had vanished, and in its place was a deepening black depression. Nene had been silent for almost more than an hour now, and all of Priss's attempts to try to get her to talk had met with absolutely no success. The longer the other girl remained silent, the more worried Priss was getting.

"Nene," Priss tried again. "Are you cold?" The question was daft as of course the girl must be cold, but Priss had to start somewhere.
Nene did not answer, for all the attention she gave the question Priss might not have even spoken.
"Nene, please talk to me," Priss begged, but the other girl just remained stubbornly silent.
"Shit!" Priss swore. This was getting nowhere! Either the girl was going into some form of shock or she was just... Priss shook her head and sighed. She had no idea what the fuck was up with the girl, or what she could do about it. Her body shivered as Priss felt the cold begin to bite. She guessed that it must be late night outside now. She doubted that anyone even knew they were here. This part of Syoku-chu was totally deserted, not even the boomer construction crews came here. Priss almost smiled at the irony. She would be more than happy if even a boomer was to find them and rescue them, but somehow she doubted that even that would happen. They were completely alone out here and that was that. Priss looked once more at the shivering form of Nene and her lips tightened. Slowly she got up and crossed over to the other girl. Sitting down she gently pulled the cold form closely to her. For a moment Nene seemed to resist, but Priss was stronger. Finally the girl relented and curled up like a cat against the offered warmth.

"Priss..." Nene's soft voice sounded loud in the deadly silence of their shared tomb.
"What is it Nene-chan?" Priss pulled the shivering girl closer.
"Sylia isn't coming is she? We're going to die here aren't we?"
"Of course not..." Priss began.
"Don't lie to me Priss!" Nene snapped. "I'm not a child, I want the truth!"
Priss sighed. "I don't know Nene, I really don't know..."
"Oh..." Nene fell silent. Priss waited to see if there was any more.
"Priss," Nene muttered. "Can I ask you a personal question?"
"Of course, you can," Priss said.
"What's... what's it like to... make love?"
"Ouch," Priss said. "That is a bit of a personal question isn't it?"
"Well?" Nene raised her head and looked Priss in the eyes.
"So you are a virgin after all," Priss said with a grin.

Nene's face went a deep red and she looked away. Priss chuckled to herself. This was not exactly how she had planned to get Nene talking but at least it was working.

"Well, it's difficult to explain... it's sort of... well..." Priss found her usual silvery tongue stumbling. "It's not something that you can really explain.... You have to... Well, experience it... I...."
"Priss," Nene's voice was thick. "I... I..."
"What Nene?" Priss asked.
"I.." Nene swallowed, hard. "I don't want to die a virgin."
"Wha... What??" Priss's voice squeaked.
"I said I don't want to die a virgin... Priss, I..." Nene's voiced faded into an awkward silent.
Priss was stunned. "But... but..." she stuttered.
"Priss," Nene raised her head and her deep blue eyes looked shyly into the exotic brown eyes of the other woman. "Please... I... want to..."
Priss did not know what to say. She was completely stunned by what Nene had...
"Please Priss," Nene begged with an earnest expression on her face.

Priss's eyes widened and she flinched. Nene's earnest face faltered and dropped. "Do you really hate me that much??" she sobbed, and burst into tears. Priss tried to reach out to Nene, but the other girl broke away and fled to the other side of the small enclosure.

"Oh fuck," Priss swore softly. She looked at the crouched form of the sobbing girl and took a deep breath. Slowly she got to her feet. She cared for Nene, the girl was almost like a little sister to her, almost... How could she... She swallowed, and slowly reached for the clips that held the skin tight suit in place. Her fingers trembled as one by one she unfastened them. Then shivering, but determined she pulled the suit down off her shoulders. Her breasts hardened almost instantly at the cold air. Priss pushed the tight fabric down over her hips and lifting her legs she took off one side of the suit and then the other. She straightened before throwing the suit to one side. She stood naked and cold, a warrior and yet a woman.

"Nene..." she spoke firmly. "Come, and I will show you." The sound of Priss's voice caused Nene to turn. Her eyes widened as she caught sight of the full, dusky skinned beauty of the warrior standing opposite.

"Priss..." she whispered. "You're..." The words did not come.
"Come love," Priss held out her arms, and Nene was entranced. Slowly, as if in a dream, she walked over to the open embrace. Priss looked down at that cute button like face, and she smiled. "Pretty one," she said. Her hands touched Nene's face and then moved slowly down to the girl's shoulders. With sure movements she unfastened the clips that held Nene's suit in place. She took hold of the fabric and slowly she pulled it down off the girls shoulders, down her chest, down off her hips and finally lifting Nene's feet threw it into the corner with her own.

Priss's eyes travelled slowly over Nene's naked form. The little minx was a stocky, but well developed beauty. Her pale legs curved up to a full set of hips and the blond dusty cleft of her sex. Above her hips, a flat and muscular stomach stretched to a well defined set of soft breasts. The nubs of those breasts where already hard, like Priss, but whether from passion or the cold Priss could not tell. "Pretty one," Priss repeated in a husky voice that caused Nene to blush. Priss wrapped her arms around Nene and pulled her into a gentle embrace. She did not want to take this too fast. She remembered her first time, and she wanted Nene's to be... special.

Nene felt strangely light headed as Priss's dark, mature body pressed against her's. The woman's full breasts pressed against hers and the sensation was almost painful. She did not know what to do so she let Priss take the upper hand. Priss felt Nene's uncertainty and smiled. She lowered her head and kissed Nene full on the girl's moist, slightly salty lips. Nene melted into Priss's arms as her senses where overwhelmed. She felt Priss's tongue enter her mouth and gently probe her. A hot flush, and desire rushed up and down her spine as she began to fell more assured of herself. She ran her hands up and down the silky smooth expanse of Priss's back. As Priss continued to explore the insides of Nene's mouth, Nene ran her hands gently over Priss's firm, round buttocks. She marvelled at the hard muscular nature of them. Priss did not have a ounce of fat anywhere. Priss felt Nene's hands and a rush of pleasure began to build. She pulled back form Nene's mouth and gently guided the other girl to the ground. She looked at Nene's wide blue eyes, and then turned her attention to Nene's hard breasts. She placed her mouth around Nene's left out thrust nipple and gently ran her tongue teasingly over it. Nene drew in a sharp rush of air as Priss licked and sucked at the cold but hard breast. Priss clamped her mouth fully apon the nibble and biting playfully on it, sucked hard. Nene's eyes widened and she moaned as the pleasure began to rush all through her. When Priss had finished with the left nipple, she switched her attention to the right one, and did exactly the same thing. Nene was lost in bliss, and her hands dug into Priss's smooth back.

"Now, my beauty," Priss's voice barely whispered. "Now you will learn just how far it is possible to go." She nibbled at the girl's ear before her finger gently touched Nene's dusky blond sex. Nene moaned as Priss's fingers gently caressed playfully at the crease of her virgin lips. Then slowly, ever so slowly, those fingers began to push against the entrance. Nene moaned even louder and a rush of warm fluid erupted from her virgin lips. Priss's fingers pushed through the tight entrance to Nene and slowly began to push deeper inside.

"Fuck! Ohhhh... Fuck!" Nene cried out in pleasure and pain as the fullness of Priss's fingers caused her to buck slightly. Another eruption of hot fluids streamed from her lips and her hands dug into the back of the woman whose fingers where working their perverted magic apon her flesh. Priss pushed her fingers as far into Nene as she could and then slowly she began to move them. Nene moaned and thrashed like a wild animal as Priss explored Nene's sex from the inside. At the same time she bought her other hand up and started to massage one of Nene's breasts. She knew that Nene was fast approaching her first true release as the girl was groaning and jerking with increasing desperation. Priss pulled her fingers out and then jabbed them back in - hard. That was it.

"YAAAAHHHHAAA!!!" Nene screamed with animal pleasure as the orgasm took her full on. She bucked and Priss's hand was covered in Nene's cum. Priss pulled her fingers out and pushed them in again, and then again. Nene's cries filled the chamber as she came yet again. Finally, she spasmed and then with a moan was still. "Oh love..." Priss said with genuine feeling in her voice. "It isn't over yet..." She took her cum covered fingers and wiped the fluid over Nene's body and then slowly began to lick her. Nene moaned again as the wet licking got her excited once more. She raised her right hand and sought out Priss's own moist, dusty slit of mystery. Priss gasped in a deep breath and her eyes widened as she felt Nene touch her most sensitive place.

"Yes.." she moaned as Nene's fingers probed at her body, first cautiously and then boldly. Priss hissed with pleasure as her lover's slender fingers pushed their way inside her suddenly wet and leaking entrance.

"AHHH!!" she cried out in a desperate need as those fingers explored, deeper and deeper. "YES! YES!" she yelled as she felt her own release only moments away. The thrusting fingers raised her higher, higher, higher and then suddenly she broke. She screamed out her desires as a rush of hot cum exploded from her soaking Nene's hand.. Priss collapsed onto Nene's chest as she warrior's strength left her. "Oh Nene..." she whispered. "That was... wonderful..."

"You... weren't bad... either..." Nene panted in exhausted pleasure. "But fuck am I... tired.." Priss laughed out long and hard. Oh Gods... she thought as she slumped down onto Nene, how long had it been since she had felt such... simple joy... and with that she fell asleep.

How Sylia found them or rescued them, Priss and Nene never found out. All they knew was that when they next awakened they were lying next to each other on the same bed in the comfortable and familiar surroundings of "Silky Dolls". For a moment the two of them simply stared at each other. A shy expression of joy flashed across Nene's face and an equal expression of happiness flowed across Priss's. Slowly they embraced one another and drifted one more off into sleep.

From her darkened computer room Sylia watched the two lovers as they fell into a healing sleep, secure in each others presence. "So," a soft voice spoke from the darkness. "Is the bargain agreed? You are I trust satisfied with my side of the agreement."

"Yes," Sylia said in a small voice. "I am." She tried to control the cold trembling that passed through her. "Good," the soft voice spoke again. "Then you are willing to pay the price for my help?"
"Yes," Sylia whispered in growing fear as the soft, ancient, velvet darkness moved with the presence of alien... things...
"Excellent," the voice said brightly, and within the moving darkness _something_ twittered insanely.

Sylia closed her eyes and waited, but nothing happened. Cold sweat dripped off her face as sounds of faint, insane giggling drifted across the room, but still nothing happened. With a courage she never knew she had she opened her eyes and blinked as the light shone brightly in the room.

"Life long my dear," the invisible soft voice giggled. "The three of you have more than enough work to do without my Games. I too can be merciful... when it suits me...." the voice faded and Sylia slumped to the floor as the faint overcame her. "Onwards and upwards..." the voice commented merrily. "Ain't eternity a bitch..." and with that the voice faded completely, as its owner sought out more interesting subjects for its Games.
