You're right most of these shows were heavily edited but not as heavily editted as Card Captor Sakura was so the overall feel of the shows remain the same.
It's like with the TV edit version of One Piece, a lot of it is edited, but yet I and many other anime fans still seem to enjoy watching it. Of course we're all hoping to get out uncut version some day soon though
You've read it! You can't unread it!
I liked tenchi, esp tenchi in space. but liking certain anime isnt what this thread is about, so my 'likeness' is invalid.
Lynk Former Wrote:You're right most of these shows were heavily edited but not as heavily editted as Card Captor Sakura was so the overall feel of the shows remain the same.
It's like with the TV edit version of One Piece, a lot of it is edited, but yet I and many other anime fans still seem to enjoy watching it. Of course we're all hoping to get out uncut version some day soon though  Lol, let's not get started on Card Captor Sakura.
We all know what they did do that series.
I understand what you're saying. With movies, an un-rated DVD will be released, but people still go to the movies to watch the movie even though it's un-rated. You can edit some stuff, but don't edit stuff out to make a movie or anime ridiculous. Like I said in my previous post, you really can't except Keith to threaten Pegasus with his finger. Oh, did I forget to mention the big gap seperating Pegasus and Keith since Pegasus was on a balcony.
I've never really cared they edit the names since I've still have a diffcult time pronounce some of these japanese names, but man, don't remove stuff like I mention which makes the entire scene seem kinda ridiculous. Censorship laws and what people want to show kids. I still remember they remove smoking from anime since childrens' minds are so subjective.
10 April 2006, 4:55 AM
(This post was last modified: 10 April 2006, 4:59 AM by kyubichan.)
Crap = Fushigi Yuugi
Kill = Miaka
Dis'member' = Tamahome
Yes. I admit to having watched this horror. And yes. I admit to having liked it until about that episode when they found out Nuriko was a he. And yes, I watched the ending, and I thought it was the best thing to ever have happened for that anime. And yes, I get cold stares from my fellow female students that FY is crap. Judge me.
~ You're gonna die screaming but you won't be heard. ~
I dislike a lot of anime, so I'm sure there is some popular stuff in there somewhere.
i can't stand crayon shin-chan ><
![[Image: class.jpg]](
Hey! Are you paying attention to class?
Quote:i can't stand crayon shin-chan ><
ME NEITHER! Who ever invented that shit?
Also, lots of older stuff is not my biz at all, including Sailor Moon and Dragonball.
Sailor Moon is actually aright, the original Japanese version that is lol
Quote:crayon shin-chan
It took me a while to realise what the hell that actually was but then I googled it. I've never actually watched it but I caught about 5 seconds of it and thought "eh?" and moved on. Usually me going "eh?" would make me stay on to find out exactly what it was, but it was on Cartoon Network so my natural reaction was to disregard it. To be honest I didn't even think it was Japanese lol.
Oh and I still have nightmares about Transformers Armada... what were they thinking?!
You've read it! You can't unread it!
Ah, Crayon Shin-chan.. I have a shin-chan game for my GameBoy, and boy was it just like Mario. The only difference was that it was dumb. But I find the artwork, err...interesting. Even funny. As for the anime, boy was there a lot of things wrong with THAT thing. The "elephant" game? WTF? Only saving grace was the dog. What a cute, deformed puppy!
~ You're gonna die screaming but you won't be heard. ~
Thanks for the tip. I'll make sure and avoid Crayon Shin-chan at all costs!
Improving Engineering daily through the incorporation of Meta Advanced Anime Physics Studies.
Impossible is Nothing to an Anime Engineer!
Uhh, hmm... popular series I can't stand...
Inuyasha - I really hate the style of this artist person (I don't care enough to know her name.) It's so simple... and yes, I've watched a few episodes, and didn't laugh once. GRR, so mad.
Full Metal Alchemist - Okay, so I think the opening and ending themes are really, really catchy, but the show itself just irks me. I can't get into it. I just sit there thinking, "Yeah, okay, I'm watching a show about a 12-year-old who likes alchemy and all I can think about is Ragnarok (not that I play/read/watch) and how it's really, really lame that one character has the last name 'Mustang'," etc. etc.
Naruto - I hated it when it was called Dragonball Z. Sakura is also the fugliest anime girl I've ever seen. (Though granted, it's a lot better in the manga. She's actually quite cute in the manga.)
maybe I'll think of more later
![[Image: sig.jpg]](
ねえ ふたりは 同じなのかな?
FMA is a good story once you watch enough of it, I admit the first few episodes are like "yeah aright, so what?" but as it progresses it gets VERY good and everything just ties in together very nicely.
And Mustang, Hughs, Hawkeye, Havoc, Fury, etc are all named after 20th century military aircraft.
You've read it! You can't unread it!
Lynk Former Wrote:And Mustang, Hughs, Hawkeye, Havoc, Fury, etc are all named after 20th century military aircraft. How have I never noticed this?
Well anyways yeah I like FMA pretty well as well, it's one of my favs.
I don't particularly care for InuYasha but I'll watch it sometimes.
The Naruto madness seems to have fizzled out right about the time they finally got it dubbed into English lol. Bigger than DBZ my ass lol.
You've read it! You can't unread it!
Lynk Former Wrote:The Naruto madness seems to have fizzled out right about the time they finally got it dubbed into English lol. Bigger than DBZ my ass lol. I don't hear much about Naruto. Though, I'm attending college, not middle or high school. Though, from what I can tell, there's not much hype for Naruto any longer. I think it's safe to say it's not bigger than DBZ and never will be. I thought kids would get into the ninja junk.
I hate hate hate Dragon ball-DBGT, and really any anime that has to do with the power of friendship pulls them through a half hour of getting slaughtered to winning, it just doesn't make sense! Inuyasha got really old very quickly. I didn't enjoy One Piece for a while either, but now it's an ok show.
Has to be DragonBall GT. I just thought the plot got annoying and the fight scenes extend themselves to no end with loads of episodes, why not just make them say their attacks faster... it might help.
Natsuki Wrote:the fight scenes extend themselves to no end with loads of episodes, why not just make them say their attacks faster... it might help. Reminds me of when He was fighting the Frieza person and they had 5 minutes which is aparently 10 eps, when earlier they pass 2 years in one ep, it makes so much sense
Eva Wrote:I don't hear much about Naruto. Though, I'm attending college, not middle or high school. Though, from what I can tell, there's not much hype for Naruto any longer. I think it's safe to say it's not bigger than DBZ and never will be. I thought kids would get into the ninja junk.
Actually Naruto is very popular with my kids, and none of them are even in high school yet. Must be a popular thing for kids on the playground...
"Hey, watch my clone jitsu!" XP
Improving Engineering daily through the incorporation of Meta Advanced Anime Physics Studies.
Impossible is Nothing to an Anime Engineer!
8 June 2006, 12:56 AM
(This post was last modified: 13 June 2006, 2:17 AM by tai.)
hrmm, my mother hates Excal Saga, Initial D and My Neighbours the yamadas. however i did just get her hooked on Chrono crusade and *possibly* ranma 1/2
EDIT: after watching the promo clip, i'm not really liking Demashitaa! PowerPuff Girls Z either...
Anything Yu-gi-oh must die. Especially that new spin-off one where everyone looks like they spent the last year of their life styling their hair.
I totally despize that anime/manga.
Basically any anime that's full of dragging out scenes and lots of useless not fun filler. DBz/DBGT (after Frieza saga, I have a soft spot for Frieza saga), Inuyasha (was alright at start, but now it drags), and YuGiOh (so blatant in dragging scenes out).. I probably forgot a few, but those are the ones I remember right now.
Dragonball Z and Yu-Gi-Oh are two that I absolutely dispise. Otherwise, the rest are okay.
I enjoyed Naruto for a little while, during my tenure at animation school. But it wasn't long before I realized that most episodes and story arcs either revolved around wondering who "this guy", "That guy", or "that man" was and how they may have to overcome them with "That technique".
Fullmetal Alchemist I still enjoy, though I occasionaly poke fun at a few things. Take for example, the main villains all looking like groupies for The Cure. Throw some Crow makeup on Envy...the mime from hell look probably suits him.
"Sanity is the playground of the unimaginative..."
16 September 2006, 6:22 PM
Well, Tench Muyo, meh.
The only parts of Tenchi muyo that I actually liked
were the relationship between Ryoko and Tenchi and the
space battles in the Original OAV series. Everything else in
the series is just, plain, annoying.
What lured me into the series was the idea of several alien
women being attracted to one ordinary guy. Now, I'll admit,
I like humanoid, female aliens, but why, in this series, do
they have to be whining b*****s? (I'm not trying to offend
anybody here, okay? I'm just trying to make a point).
If I had my own kind of anime like Tenchi Muyo, the alien
women would have kick-a** attitudes like those of Priss
Asagiri from BGC 2040 and have sexy, futuristic body armor.
And their hair wouldn't be too dang long.
As for starships, they would have metallic, black starships
that resemble Halo's starships and have a** kicking rail guns
on each side of their hulls.
Because a starship like Ryo-Oki? (No offense to Tenchi Muyo
fans, but...) Let me get in contact with my Stargate side for a
moment. Lynk, Hawkeye would understand what I'm about to say
Adios, Ryo-Oki. "Meeeyaa!!" *BOOM* XD
Okay, back on topic. I didn't like Tenchi Muyo, DBZ, POKEMON
I loved for a while then I eventually lost interest and now I view
it as Naruto for kids.
Whew! I'm done!
Pretty much any mainsteam stuff in teh US.
One Piece (Manga is okay)
School Rumble (I just get bad vibes, probably cause I'm all for Azumanga.)
12 October 2006, 10:59 PM
Falcon_06 Wrote:Well, Tench Muyo, meh.
The only parts of Tenchi muyo that I actually liked
were the relationship between Ryoko and Tenchi and the
space battles in the Original OAV series. Everything else in
the series is just, plain, annoying.
What lured me into the series was the idea of several alien
women being attracted to one ordinary guy. Now, I'll admit,
I like humanoid, female aliens, but why, in this series, do
they have to be whining b*****s? (I'm not trying to offend
anybody here, okay? I'm just trying to make a point).
If I had my own kind of anime like Tenchi Muyo, the alien
women would have kick-a** attitudes like those of Priss
Asagiri from BGC 2040 and have sexy, futuristic body armor.
And their hair wouldn't be too dang long.
As for starships, they would have metallic, black starships
that resemble Halo's starships and have a** kicking rail guns
on each side of their hulls.
Because a starship like Ryo-Oki? (No offense to Tenchi Muyo
fans, but...) Let me get in contact with my Stargate side for a
moment. Lynk, Hawkeye would understand what I'm about to say
Adios, Ryo-Oki. "Meeeyaa!!" *BOOM* XD
Okay, back on topic. I didn't like Tenchi Muyo, DBZ, POKEMON
I loved for a while then I eventually lost interest and now I view
it as Naruto for kids.
Whew! I'm done!
Must admit you damn picky, to be honest thats what i liked about Tenchi Muyo everything was so different.
But the shows i have grown to hate would be Last Exile, Naruto, Saliormoon and Aquarian age all of them i just didnt get into.
13 October 2006, 12:00 AM
I have a real dislike for all of the Gundam series'.
Don't ask me why, but they all just bore me, putting me to sleep! My mate lent me the 1st Gundam Seed dvd, I watched the 1st 15 minutes of it, and when my mum woke me up, all the episodes had finished!
I also dislike Naruto. It just seems like a poor mans version of DBZ to me!
The Author Wrote:I have a real dislike for all of the Gundam series'.
Don't ask me why, but they all just bore me, putting me to sleep! My mate lent me the 1st Gundam Seed dvd, I watched the 1st 15 minutes of it, and when my mum woke me up, all the episodes had finished!
I also dislike Naruto. It just seems like a poor mans version of DBZ to me!
Interesting, because I actually, somewhat, like Naruto.
I don't know why. Maybe it's because Naruto is this
"beast" called the "Nine-tailed Fox" in the body
of a innocent-looking kid. It'd be cool to see a group of
villagers use a catapult to heave a flaming rock down upon
Naruto, but Naruto, Terminator style, with his eyes glowing red,
emerges from the flames, UNHARMED!!!
17 October 2006, 7:36 AM
(This post was last modified: 17 October 2006, 7:38 AM by kyubichan.)
Quote:Maybe it's because Naruto is this
"beast" called the "Nine-tailed Fox" in the body
of a innocent-looking kid.
<< "Nine-tailed fox" reporting for duty.
I see lots of hate for Yu-Gi-Oh. I'm not defending the anime, but the manga was okay. The anime, like most other anime, deviated from the manga just to extend it.
Quote:Now, I'll admit,
I like humanoid, female aliens, but why, in this series, do
they have to be whining b*****s?
I second that. I'm a 'female', and I don't see myself as ever being THAT whiny, or bitchy.
~ You're gonna die screaming but you won't be heard. ~
17 October 2006, 11:08 AM
I was referring to these ficticious characters, not real people.
I'm sorry if I offended you.
The characters can be cool, especially in combat!
Quote:I was referring to these ficticious characters, not real people.
I'm sorry if I offended you.
^^ oh, sorry if you got it the wrong way. I was referring to myself as an example. I wasn't offended in any way by what you said.
~ You're gonna die screaming but you won't be heard. ~
kyubichan Wrote:I see lots of hate for Yu-Gi-Oh. I'm not defending the anime, but the manga was okay. The anime, like most other anime, deviated from the manga just to extend it.
The anime ruined the manga... completely ruined it!
In the 1st set of books, Yami Yugi was evil... He killed people in his games... And it wasn't all set round the cards either... I think they were mentioned about twice...
But then the anime appeared, and the books tamed... Yami became a good guy, and the cards became the main story line...
That's why I hate Yu Gi Oh the tv series!
17 October 2006, 10:37 PM
Quote:The anime ruined the manga... completely ruined it!
I watched the anime before I read the manga. I always wondered why he was called "Yami Yugi", and the manga explained that. I hate the changes they made, like when they flew off to Egypt to find the stone thing; in the manga it was right there in the city ><
Damn you whoever-you-are-who-changed-the-original-story!
~ You're gonna die screaming but you won't be heard. ~
18 October 2006, 12:05 AM
lol even worse was that the original story was changed twice over for the English release.
You've read it! You can't unread it!
kyubichan Wrote:Damn you whoever-you-are-who-changed-the-original-story!
Kids... It was all kids...
And their stupid parents that won't let them watch people being set on fire over a game...
I just don't get it.
While All Answers Are Replies, Not All Replies Are Answers
Robots in disguise, what's not to get?
You've read it! You can't unread it!
18 October 2006, 10:00 PM
It just doesn't make sense to me
While All Answers Are Replies, Not All Replies Are Answers
18 October 2006, 10:40 PM
lol it was a show created to sell a line of transforming robot toys. The first Transformers series have their nostalgia value but overall, they weren't meant to make sense.
You've read it! You can't unread it!