18 February 2006, 11:32 PM
I just notice we didn't have one of these topics yet.
Well, since people's favorite anime changes from time to time, you might have new favorites now than you did a few months ago or a year ago. Basically, just post anime(s) that are your favorites right now.
Well, Bubblegum Crisis: Tokyo 2040 is still one of my favorite animes, even though I really can't watch it anymore and know it's not the greatest anime in the world, but it's still special anime to me, so can't forget about it. Then we got Naruto and Bleach. I just like shousen animes. What else can I say?
I also love Cardcaptor Sakura. How can you not like Sakura and Syaoran being a cute little couple? I will still admit I was being killed by the cuteness at the end of final movie where Sakura kept telling him she loved him over and over again. Never seen such a disgustly cute scene in my life than that one.
Might be lame of me, but I also liked Gundam Seed, not Gundam Seed Destiny. The original and orignal cast were great and I just loved the storyline and characters of the first one. Kira was not a complete robotic god he turned into Destiny. The first season of Seed was excellent and I still remember killing that 50 episodes series in two days.
Too many animes I can call my favorite like Green Green, Honey & Clover, Shuffle!, School Rumble, and a many more. A ton of series just starting out that I really like, one being TYPE MOON Fate/Stay Night. I totally into that anime recently.
Anyway, I know we all have animes we really like above the others, so post them.
19 February 2006, 12:40 AM
(This post was last modified: 19 February 2006, 12:43 AM by darktruth.)
When I define "favourite anime" for me, it's usually series that I can rewatch over and over again without getting bored with it each time. So with that term my favourites are...
His & Her Circumstances - just a wonderful and awesome series on slice of life, romance, school and teenager issues. Some of the scenes were also very touching like the scene between Yukino's father & mother in the snow. The only drawback is the overboard of recaps but given the circumstances between Gainax and the manga author, it couldn't be helped.
Samurai X Reflection - it really gets me depressed (in a good way lol) every time I watch it, probably because of the background music and the events Kaoru goes through.
Full Metal Panic! Fumoffu? - hilarious, absolutely hilarious XD especially the Hamburger Hill of Art & last episode of this crazy spin-off. The music is also another part of the reasons why I really like this anime, easy to listen to and songs you just wanna sing along to or play in your car.
Chobits - I never get bored with this series ever, though it is perverted in many ways the story and characters are what appeals to me. I bought the Character Song Collection sometime after finishing the series because it had alot of great musical melodies and songs such as I Hear You Everywhere and the magnificent Beyond track.
I notice that when I have a favourite anime, the majority of them would usually have music that I enjoy listening to, so I guess music is an important part of a series if I want to classify it as a favourite. There are a number of other series that I enjoy watching but not as much as the ones above, hence why I didn't add them as my favourites but they should get a mention as well. They are...
Midori no Hibi
Lunar Legend Tsukihime (Shingetsutan Tsukihime)
Bubblegum Crash! (yes I do like this even though it doesn't live up to the original OVA's)
Samurai Champloo
Mizuiro OVA 2003
Onegai Twins
19 February 2006, 6:37 AM
Probably my favorie is Samurai Champloo.
19 February 2006, 6:49 AM
Azumanga Daioh, hands down. There are plenty that come close, like FMP: Fumoffu, Mai-HiME, Paradise Kiss, Futakoi Alternative and GitS, but in the end, Azumanga Daioh still takes the cake home for me.
darktruth Wrote:Onegai Twins Please tell me you're kidding. I beg of you.
19 February 2006, 8:16 AM
Quote:Lunar Legend Tsukihime (Shingetsutan Tsukihime)
Just a question, but are you aware there's a fighting game called Melty Blood for Tsukihime, which includes a lot more characters you never see in the anime, which is also quite disappointing. So far, Fate/Stay Night, another TYPE MOON anime like Tsukihime, is going to include all the characters from the original visual h-game, which Tsukihime didn't do.
Anyway, you should try out Melty Blood. It's a fun 2-D Fighting game.
Quote:Onegai Twins
Good OP and ED, but the general concept of Onegai Twins was bad.
Incest, anyone?
19 February 2006, 8:20 AM
Eva Wrote:Good OP and ED, but the general concept of Onegai Twins was bad.
Incest, anyone?
I'll like to quote my fave Sci-fi author on this one...
Robert Bloch Wrote:"The family that stays together may be convicted of incest."
I am a Member, Not a Number!!!
![[Image: banner4.gif]](http://tacc.lynkformer.com/forums/images/signature/banner4.gif)
19 February 2006, 8:27 AM
The idea of Onegai Twins wouldn't be that bad. If they just made Miina and Karen long lost friends of Maiku, then maybe the idea won't have been that bad, but they decide to throw in the element of one of them being his lost sister, which brings us incest. Instead of being a cheesy romance series with perverted comdey here and there, this series end up being a incest center series with girls that knew they could have been Maiku's sister hitting on him and kissing him.
19 February 2006, 8:31 AM
Half of Onegai Twins is Karen and Miina soaking in the tub anywayz... and it almost feels wrong that this forum went this long without mentioning incest. As for my favourite animes, I'll post em up later... I'm hungry.
You've read it! You can't unread it!
19 February 2006, 8:49 AM
Lynk Former Wrote:Half of Onegai Twins is Karen and Miina soaking in the tub anywayz... and it almost feels wrong that this forum went this long without mentioning incest. As for my favourite animes, I'll post em up later... I'm hungry. The other half was spent Miina and Karen having condoms in their mouths trying to lure Maiku into their bed.
Why did it take this long for this forum to mention incest? To be honest, outside Onegai Twins, the only other anime that used incest as one of it's major theme was Angel Sanctuary. I don't recall watching many animes that use incest. You be surprised, there's not a lot of anime using the yuri or yaoi theme either, until this year where there's a bunch of yuri and yaoi animes being released in 2006.
19 February 2006, 9:15 AM
In order
AZUMANGA DAIOH! Brilliant. so brilliant.
FMP:F of course (I really, really, REALLY liked this one)
Samurai Champloo
Naruto (no more though :P)
Of course BGC 2040 will always remain dearest to my heart. 3rd anime I ever watched (if you include spirited away) and probably closest to an instant favourite I have ever gotten.
19 February 2006, 9:16 AM
Generally, without anime this forum would still mention incest there somewhere
Anywayz, favourite animes...
AD Police TV
 It's horribly flawed, but it's a good oldskool type cop drama with style so I have my reasons for liking it.
Azumanga Daioh
Cause who can't resist the antics of those girls? XD
Bubblegum Crisis OVA
Classics never die, the music rocks, the action is brilliant. I wish it was actually completed instead of laying in pieces.
Card Captor Sakura
XD What Eva said.
So well done, so deserving of praise.
Cowboy Bebop
It's very mainstream but most of the episodes in it are very well done that it deserves to be a favourite. The movie is very well done too.
Full Metal Panic? Fumoffu
Laughed my ass off
Ghost in the Shell
I like the first movie, but the first series of Stand Alone Complex is what really got me into GitS.
His and Her Circumstances
Kare Kano just has so much style and reminds me of some extremely fond memories of highschool.
Depressingly good.
Last Exile
I consider this series to be the Star Wars of anime, so naturally it's one of my all time favourites
Macross Plus
The rebirth of SDF Macross, what more do I need to say?
Midori no Hibi
XD There are a lot of romantic comedies out there but Midori no Hibi is the one that made me laugh the most.
Neon Genesis Evangelion
It's been one of my favourites for awhile now, but after seeing RahXephon it's gotten even better.
I love RahXephon because I love Evangelion, I can't imagine seeing one series without the other, it just seems wrong.
Read or Die and ROD the TV
You just can't help but love that cast and that spy movie theme.
Samurai Champloo
It's got style, nothing more needs to be said
Samurai X
Trust, Betrayal and Reflection... What more do I need to say, really?
Super Dimension Fortress Macross
Because the classics never die.
Voices of a Distant Star
Definately one of my favourites, because it just touched me that much...
You've read it! You can't unread it!
19 February 2006, 12:30 PM
umm i must admit my faves have changed alot since i was last here let's see though some of my old faves remain.
Shadow Skill: What can i say its not widely known and very underated, but it was one of the first anime shows i recall watching so it really cool in my opinion
Tenchi Muyo: What can i say i was laughing my head of at this for ages.
Bubblegum Crisis Tokyo 2040: I love this just one of those shows i love alot.
Sakura Wars: 1920's with japan being attacked by demons and only five woman can save the day, good show would recommend it.
Ghost in the shell SAC: Well what i can i say nuff said!
El Hazard: Just picked it up recently really funny, and its a good show
RahXephon: It is just realy good i can't discribe why i like it its just real awesome.
Full Metal Panic: the laughter nearlly killed me and is superbly done.
Full Metal Panic Fumoffu: More of the above
there is more but these are the ones i haved mainly as off late
19 February 2006, 4:35 PM
I dont think I actually have a favorite anime right now, I've got a while bunch I really like, which consist of various Gundam's, FMA and GITS 2nd Gig, among others. I think I've seen them often or too much and they've lost my "favness" I need to watch some new animes to find a fav or something.
Gigantic Unilateral Numerous Dominating Ammuntion Fortress
"Transhumanism is about how technology will solve the problems inherent in the human condition. Cyberpunk is about how it won't."
19 February 2006, 8:12 PM
@Niner - no I'm not kidding and I stick by what I said, though I haven't seen Teacher fully it's not like a student/teacher relationship is the best either. The incest didn't really faze me that much, yes it sounds wrong but once you block out that element the story the anime wasn't that bad, or you could just laugh at the situation being shown just as you would with Teacher. The music was also part of the reason why I liked the anime.
@Eva - yes I am aware of Melty Blood, played it myself at my local anime club. Yes it is disappointing that it didn't fully follow the full concept of the story but EACH character (minus Arihiko since he's not in the original story) had a story that was quite stretched which would've dragged it unless it was done tastefully. The anime mainly focused on the main story between Arcueid & Shiki and was satisfying enough for me regardless of the characters left off, but I have to say the ending was kind of sad (not about the characters left off but about the story between Arcueid & Shiki). I took the anime for what was shown and to enjoy it and I did rather than be thinking of why there are characters left off, why they didn't follow so and so character's story arc etc.
As for yaoi and yuri animes...there were many even way before anime hit the big market, it was just that it was never licensed and are the really old ones in the early 90's.
19 February 2006, 8:24 PM
There wasn't any incest, unless there's a version of Onegai Twins where Karen and Mike get down and jiggy with it that I'm not aware of. In which case, dammit I wanna see
You've read it! You can't unread it!
19 February 2006, 8:33 PM
Wait til you hear about Onegai Friends...even though it's only an audio drama, it's between two chicks and is supposedly to be lesbians, now that ain't new really or surprising considering the Onegai series usually deal with "forbidden" relationships lol.
19 February 2006, 8:41 PM
Yeah I've heard of it, what's next? Onegai Furry? Can a man and his dog fall in love? Or will the girl and her cat have a better chance?
You've read it! You can't unread it!
20 February 2006, 4:55 AM
You haven't seen Onegai Teacher? Geez. Go and see it now. At least Kei and Mizuho aren't related. And Mizuho isn't some underdeveloped angsty attention-whoring little girl.
20 February 2006, 6:13 AM
Niner is right. Mizuho is a develop attention-whoring woman.
There wasn't any incest loving in Twins, but there was incest love between Karen and Maiku. I believe Karen did go out and kissed Maiku when she was aware she was his sister, I believe. Teacher might be student love, but they really didn't focus on it all that much. Just Kei love for the older Mizuho from outer space.
Onegai Friends? They'll have Onegai Sister next.
Yaoi and yuri animes? Don't see many back then outside Utena and a few other yuri and yaoi genre animes back in the 90's. Only notice a bunch of yuri and yaoi animes being released this year.
20 February 2006, 9:11 AM
Kei annoyed the hell outta me compared to Mike. IMO, both Teacher and Twins were just as good/bad as eachother.
You've read it! You can't unread it!
20 February 2006, 10:00 PM
Lynk Former Wrote:There wasn't any incest, unless there's a version of Onegai Twins where Karen and Mike get down and jiggy with it that I'm not aware of. In which case, dammit I wanna see  The manga version has the sister being the other one, i don't know if that counts
Anyway favorite anime are:
Cowboy Bebop
Neon Genesis Evangelion
Ruroni Kenshin
King of Bandit Jing
Ghost In The Shell: Stand Alone Complex
Read Or Die
Parasite Dolls
Samurai X: Trust
King of Bandit Jing in Seventh Heaven
End of Evangelion
Bebop movie
Vampire Hunter D Bloodlust
Porco Rosso
Spirited Away
Ninja Scroll
While All Answers Are Replies, Not All Replies Are Answers
21 February 2006, 6:58 AM
(This post was last modified: 21 February 2006, 7:02 AM by Rebel.)
You know what I think one of my current fav series is? It's imitation anime but wth, I love it all the same, it's Avatar: The Last Airbender. that series rocks. Blows the socks off some anime's I've seen.
Gigantic Unilateral Numerous Dominating Ammuntion Fortress
"Transhumanism is about how technology will solve the problems inherent in the human condition. Cyberpunk is about how it won't."
21 February 2006, 7:03 AM
Rebel Wrote:You know what I think one of my current fav series is? It's imitation anime but wth, I love it all the same, it's Avatar: The Last Airbender. that series rocks. Blows the socks off some anime's I've seen.
Yes, that show is awesome!
... just wanted to say that.  I'll edit some anime into this later.
21 February 2006, 11:21 AM
I really liked His and Her Circumstances, too bad it was so short lived. Azumanga Daioh was good , and so was Samurai Champloo and Fumoffu. But, I'd have to say that my favourite of all time would have to be Gun Smith Cats. That blew my mind away. It took a couple of hours for me to retrieve my mind, but it was totally worth it!!!
King of Bandit Jing in Seventh Heaven was pretty good as well. Probably some of the best animation I've seen for a while. Advent Children was good, the animation, not the plot. I also like one scene that stuck to me after watching Puni Puni Poemi. It was the scene of the three year old girl stuck in the cage. That was hilarious!!! Hahaha.
21 February 2006, 2:09 PM
Probably Macross. Right there with it is GitS and Champloo...
21 February 2006, 4:13 PM
I think I'm probly going to have to go with GITS:SAC or SAC 2nd gig. For A: it has a main character with a big rack without making the show revolve around her fake boobs. yes fanboys, they are very much fake. Second, nobody can deny the awesomeness that is the laughing man. A serious plot about a kid who sitcks a smiley face on peoples heads. Not to mention the action, mmm, action, good, balanced action that lacks Amuro.
Any show without an "amuro" ex: a god like little kid who hates the world, has a pissy attitude and never dies even when hit with a nuclear weapon, thrown into space without a helmet, wailed on by plasma cannons and kicked in the nuts by the badguys but still gets up and whoops the enemy; will instantly rank higher than the original Mobile Suit Gundam.
but! Avatar STILL rocks. ^_^ I will SO have to buy it on DVD now.
Gigantic Unilateral Numerous Dominating Ammuntion Fortress
"Transhumanism is about how technology will solve the problems inherent in the human condition. Cyberpunk is about how it won't."
21 February 2006, 4:17 PM
The Major as a character is great, I love how everything about her body is fake, her tits, ass, hips, thighs, the cut lil bit behind the knee... and everyone knows it lol.
You've read it! You can't unread it!
22 February 2006, 1:01 AM
The Wolf Wrote:I also like one scene that stuck to me after watching Puni Puni Poemi. It was the scene of the three year old girl stuck in the cage. That was hilarious!!! Hahaha.
You forgot to mention the memorable "moaning" scene including a shot of that little girl crying with this floppy stick thing or so in the background lol. Imagine if they did that for shichigosan festival J/K LOL.
NOTE: shichi (7) go (5) san (3) is a children's festival in Japan celebrating the children of ages 3, 5 and 7.
I do remember the 'moaning' part. It was so weird. Why would they do that for the shichigosan fest?
Lynk Former Wrote:The Major as a character is great, I love how everything about her body is fake, her tits, ass, hips, thighs, the cut lil bit behind the knee... and everyone knows it lol. That's because her wardrobe makes no attempts to hide it.
@ Prime:  Eheheheh.
I've been rewatching a few animes lately... like the original Bubblegum Crisis. FUCK DAMN the BGC OVA rocks. Every time I watch it my opinion of BGC2040 lowers even further.
You've read it! You can't unread it!