Chimasterwang Wrote:So Lynk likes Macross eh? Falcon_06 Wrote:Uh, YA THINK!!?? You have an uncanny ability of missing the point entirely, Falcon... something you seem to share with Hawk.
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Actually, it seems, to me, anyway, like we think differently on so many levels.
Edit: Simply put, I don't understand you at all...
*gets thread back on track*
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jesus christ, Lynk.
Anyway, I was just watching episode 1 of Frontier again. Personally, I think that a cliffhanger is one of the best ways to end the first episode.
Falcon_06 Wrote:Anyway, I was just watching episode 1 of Frontier again. Personally, I think that a cliffhanger is one of the best ways to end the first episode. It's the same kind of thing they did with the first episodes of SDF Macross.
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What does "Nyan-Nyan" mean? Is it a word or is it simply a name?
Nyan-Nyan is the name of the chinese restaurant that Minmay's uncle and aunt own... apparently after the rebuilding of Earth it became a franchise chain lol.
As for what it means, the only thing I can relate it to is the sound a cat makes...
Nekki Basara & Lynn Minmay - Angel Voice (Duet)
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14 February 2008, 1:55 PM
Improving Engineering daily through the incorporation of Meta Advanced Anime Physics Studies.
Impossible is Nothing to an Anime Engineer!
14 February 2008, 5:01 PM
Kick ass!!
Crap, my computer can't read Japanese.
Any idea how to install a character font (or whatever it is you need to read Japanese?)
*looks at Mechanic section*
I WANT AN EX-GEAR (X-GEAR)! (Or however it's translated)
15 February 2008, 3:49 AM
Control Panel --> Regional and Language Options --> Install files for East Asian Languages
15 February 2008, 5:03 AM
Why do they use English in the buttons, while everything else is in Japanese? do they like to brag that their population is mostly bilingual or they do it just for annoy me since I can't read the, clearly, INFORMATION topic?
Military Intelligence are two contradictory words
15 February 2008, 5:08 AM
I wouldn't say the Japanese are bilingual or even mostly bilingual... they are able to distinguish certain English words which they see commonly. For the most part you can recognise single words in languages if you see them enough in context and learn their meaning. English speaking people do the same thing with Japanese words, the big thing is trying to read full English sentences or full Japanese sentences if you don't actually know the language.
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15 February 2008, 8:47 AM
yes, I was just talking without knowing, but I still don't get why would they use two languages, the only kanji I can recognise is the "will continue" or "next" or whatever that sometimes shows at the end of an anime episode. I suppose that the average Japanese would be as puzzled with our symbols as we're with theirs.
Military Intelligence are two contradictory words
15 February 2008, 9:13 AM
Well the two most used languages in the world are Chinese and English.... and Japan uses both in written form in different ways and for different reasons. I guess in terms of English characters in Japan, it's a form of standardisation. It occurs more in videogames than anything else. When you play a videogame and you die, you'll see GAME OVER and CONTINUE written rather than than any Japanese text. No katakana, no hiragana and no kanji...
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16 February 2008, 10:10 AM
Moelman Wrote:Control Panel --> Regional and Language Options --> Install files for East Asian Languages
Done that, but the text still looks Japanese on the Macross Frontier page.
16 February 2008, 11:56 AM
Oh you mean you want it to display in English characters? I don't know if you can do that, I thought you meant it was all ????s.
16 February 2008, 12:13 PM
Yeah, that's what I meant. I was hoping I could change it into English letters...
maybe Lynk might know something about this...
'Cuz I'd really love to read the Frontier site in English.
16 February 2008, 5:07 PM
You're not going to magically turn Japanese into English, you'll need to use a translating program. The easiest one to use is the one found at Google... just don't expect it to translate the pictures because that's impossible. In fact, what you asked of windows to do in the first place is something it's not capable of in the first place.
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More news on the opening and ending songs for Macross "Battlestar Galatica" Frontier from ANN:
Improving Engineering daily through the incorporation of Meta Advanced Anime Physics Studies.
Impossible is Nothing to an Anime Engineer!
I hope they've still have a full version of that new mix of DYRL that was at the end of the preview ep... fuck that was so cool. They better have it on one of the OSTs *shakes fist*
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It's interesting how Macross Frontier reminds Analog of the new Battlestar Galactica.
When I first heard the name "Macross Frontier", I kept expecting to hear Jean-Luc Picard.
"Space, the Final Frontier..."
It's funny cause the new BSG reminds me of SDF Macross... lol
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Okay, a question.
In the 4th OVA of Macross Plus, what's the song that Sharon Apples is singing when Isamu is entering the Earth's atmosphere in the YF-19?
Information High
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Lynk Former Wrote:Information High
And what a great song it is =D
3 April 2008, 9:47 AM
(This post was last modified: 3 April 2008, 9:52 AM by Stormfalcon.)
I can't seem to find any site where I can download it as an Mp3 file without becoming a member of that particular site.
you could just download a vid from youtube with the song in it and convert it to *.MP3 format
Just ask Lynk on MSN he might have it XD
kin37ik Wrote:you could just download a vid from youtube with the song in it and convert it to *.MP3 format
How do I do that?
lol, I think he's too afraid to talk to me on msn, chim.
You've read it! You can't unread it!
And why would I be afraid, Lynk?
Hes the admin and owner of a forum and site! XD
@ Falcon: I just noticed that Chim made that suggestion and you went for the other suggestion which isn't as good... plus most people are afraid to talk to me on msn for the reasons chim said in his post above *points*
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Tutorial for getting videos of youtube (note: you will need a *.FLV converter, which can easily be found)
Ok, first things first, find your video on youtube, found it? ok, good, if you have a look on the page with the video on it, there will be a little tab that says "About this Video", click on that and a little menu type thing will drop down, down near the bottom there will be a URL box below the text "URL", in that box, you want to select all of the text, so for example in my box was this
Copied it? (ctrl + v), ok good, next thing to do is open notepad, and copy the URL link into it, just in case you accidently copy something else, ok, so the URL is copied into a notepad document, for the next step, you will have to visit this web address:
ok, youve opened this web address, when the page has finished loading, there will be a neat light green colored box near the top of the page with a text box inside the green box for entering text (xD), what you want to do is copy the URL into the text box, then hit the download butten beside the text box, when the page loads, you will get 2 options, you can download:
1. either the *.FLV file (this one will need to be converted)
2. or a *.MP4 (to watch the *.mp4, you will need to find a player that supports this format.
now, if you chose the *.FLV, you will need to convert it, you can find *.FLV converters on the internet.
or, if you chose the *.mp4, just find a media player that supports *.mp4 format and your ready to go
@Kin: Lol
@Firefox Users: Download the Download Helper plugin. After pressing play on a YouTube video right click the page and download the video XD
You can also use it to download stuff on other steaming sites like music on MySpace =P
just ask Lynk for the frigging file ...
Military Intelligence are two contradictory words
Chimasterwang Wrote:Hes the admin and owner of a forum and site! XD
Back to Macross,
The worst Macross ending in my opinion was the Zero ending.
Maverick Wrote:just ask Lynk for the frigging file ... I told you  he's too afraid to ask.
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May I have Information High as an mp3 file, please?
Now that I've asked it, for some reason, I can't think of anything else to say to myself other than,
Next time you're on msn, contact me and I'll send it.
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