Has your sister got a bigger penis than you too? XP
Chimasterwang Wrote:Has your sister got a bigger penis than you too? XP Look out, Kim's penis senses are tingling.
You've read it! You can't unread it!
Jeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeez, Chimmy!
<.< No...
 ~ You're gonna die screaming but you won't be heard. ~
saw this in the navigation office onboard.
hard to keep my sides from splitting
@ Lynk: My penis senses knew the current length and girth of their penises long before you even thought about them. I'm just waiting for the word to violate their asses.
@ Kim: Firstly, no, and secondly... What, you're still waiting? Been there, done that, several times. Catch up, Kim.
You've read it! You can't unread it!
Hey, catch up is a game I don't mind playing if it means I can dip my woman stick in a nice pot of cutie goo.
Avast! Looketh at the, do not worry, for thy hair be free and wild. Yet, howl for my true face cannot be shown for I must be presentable to thoust eyes and for thy inner eye as well.
Hey look... it's me... don't mind my hair, it does what it wants to and I let it... I would post up a proper pic of me but I haven't shaved in a few days and I don't really feel like me when I'm unshaven... well I can accept light stubble, I'm told I look very manly with light stubble, but other than that I like to keep a clean shaven face.
Bold rhythms of Nine Inch Nails - We're In This Together echo through the halls of my loveth nest as thes fine paintings be painted. Through act of sorcery, thy music be played through surround soundeth system. Ye eyes see center speaker and silently next to, a pair of Wiimote straps, thy never useth.
Listening to Nine Inch Nails - We're In This Together as I take these pics. Got my PC hooked upto my surround sound system as you can probably guess by the fact that it says "PC AUDIO" on there lol. That's the center speaker up the top and in the corner next to it are two Wiimote wrist straps which I never use lol.
Thou eyes cast upon a Red Blade Liger standing proudly atop a towering left speaker, thoust should notice a peculiar metal rail. Once ye rail served as a closet, however thy home entertainment system now resides within its hollowed out bricketh bosom.
That's a Red Blade Liger standing atop the left speaker. If you notice that metal rail at the top, it's actually where you hang clothes from... I took out the doors from my closet and put my home entertainment center in there lol. And yeah, brick wall.
Hark, Valkyrie! Verily I jest, though to my sorrow for it be a Veritech piloted by lady Miriya of Robotech. Even so, I must stand true to thy soul, it is Macross that I loveth and cherish.
Fuck yeah, Valkyrie! Well kind..., this is Milia... Miriya's Veritech... I found a Robotech masterpiece toy at an EB Games so I bought it as soon as I could... I just pretend it's not that and that I bought a Valkyrie and that's it's pure 100% Macross lol.
Hurrah, DVDs. In haste I found room atop this shelf, yet clever methods still must be used to fit thy Stargate DVDs. Part 1 of 2...
Woot, DVDs. I had to find somewhere to put them so up they went. Notice the space saving method I used for the Stargate DVDs lol. This is part 1 of 2...
...part 2 of 2. Ye may recognise thy DVDs as Star Trek, ye must not judge me harshly for I have reason to own such things. In thy possession are The Next Gen, DS9, Voyager and 10 movies, true. Thy hast no time for thoust original series and thy proclaim Sir Patrick Stewart and Sir Brent Spiner to be champs. In haste I must mention thy legacy consoles hidden darkly in thy corner.
...part 2 of 2. Someone's gonna recognise them so I might as well say it. Yup, those are Star Trek DVDs. I have the entire series of The Next Gen, DS9 and Voyager as well as the 10 movies. I don't bother with the original series or anything though. All I have to say is that Patrick Stewart and Brent Spiner are both champs. And there, packed in the corner are my legacy consoles and such.
Thine eyes see true at thy TV, surround sound system, Wii and thy DVD player hidden in the depths below thou view. Thou should also notice 2 subwoofers of poor quality, though thy payment of thus merchandise be clever. All is well and in harmony with thy Wii and thy money has been spared.
A good look at my TV, surround sound system and Wii... and my DVD player is down the bottom, it's the black thing you can hardly make out... and yeah, 2 subwoofers... that doesn't mean it's better, it just means that it's cheap therefore to get a decent bass they needed to pack the system with 2 crappy ones instead of 1 really good one. But that's okay cause I paid hardly any money for the TV and surround system, they were both really cheap. In the end they work PERFECTLY with my Wii so I made the smart choice rather than just buying the best of the best just for the sake of it, and I could've, I had the money to.
Do not avert thou eyes from thy mouse, also notice thy empty glass, devoid of the sweet, bubbly nectar that is Coca-Cola. Thy must fill this glass and sweeten thy lips.
Look, it's my mouse... and in the top corner an empty glass that would usually be filled with Coca-Cola but isn't for some reason... *goes to fill it up now*
They fragrance, verily I find most pleasing.
I thought I'd snap this one just for laughs... Calvin Klein... be... rwar.
Hark, thy reason for this painting is unbeknownst to thy self.
Lookie, I have no idea why I took a pic of the draw, I think I'm running out of things to take pictures of lol.
What? Fuck that, I'm not typing anymore of this crap...
Look, Wii and DS games, and some GCN games in the frame too as well as some DVDs which mostly appear to be Transformers, but also a few animes in there too.
Maaaaaaacuuuuuuurroooooosss!!... XD
Oh hey, weyhey! Welcome to my backyard. Well, that's just a small part of it in that pic. If you're wondering where I'm standing, it's on the deck overlooking a part of my backyard. And look the neighbours house in the background.
Here's another shot of the backyard, you can see the edge of the trampoline which no one in our family uses but my parents friends have kids who like to jump on it whenever they come 'round. Oh and enjoy your little view of Australia there with the gumtrees and that kinda jazz lol.
I just thought I'd take this one for the hell of it, it's still the backyard, I think i've only really shown you half of it.
My parents have had this statue for such a long time. I can remember it from since I was a baby. I've always liked this statue, it's very pleasing...
The front door is right to the right hand side of me as I take this pic and as you look into my house this is what you see. The front of my house looks pretty good too but I'm not gonna take pics of it so XP
And there ya go. I got and took pics.
You've read it! You can't unread it!
12 January 2008, 1:05 AM
(This post was last modified: 12 January 2008, 1:07 AM by Chimasterwang.)
Lol you actually thought about taking a proper picture of you  Lol at stubble thing XD
Nice on the whole mass pictures thing and different talking style thing XP
So you do have room what happened to needing some more DVD racks or something? XD
I think you said about the CK stuff being the only fragrance type thing you like the smell of and that one of your female friends likes it maybe XP
I see some flammable warning signs in the draw of yours 
Nice house/garden XD That bit by your front door looks alright XP
I could go take a picture of my room and stuff sometime maybe XD
Aha, the elusive hair makes its appearance! Nice digs, btw, enough technology and DVDs to make any nerd splooge happiness  Kinda reminds me of that *can't remember what it was called but people posted pics of their room* thread once.
Just because it's in the thesaurus doesn't mean it's a good idea.
And why isn't 'dethesaurisation' in the dictionary?
I remember that one and ive thought about making a "Forum Members Room" topic before/ages ago on this version of the forums maybe XD
12 January 2008, 11:45 AM
w00 my first ever picture post in this forum
Drunk at Christmas.
12 January 2008, 12:26 PM
For some reason I can imagine you wearing a top hat and monocle...
You've read it! You can't unread it!
I can think of Anime-Lynk with Gendo hands/glasses pose maybe  XD
12 January 2008, 10:00 PM
I've been known to do the Gendo thing when I have a table to wrest my elbows on....
You've read it! You can't unread it!
12 January 2008, 11:39 PM
Lynk Former Wrote:I've been known to do the Gendo thing when I have a table to wrest my elbows on....
So who's your Deputy Commander Kōzō? Ehh Lynk?
I am a Member, Not a Number!!!
![[Image: banner4.gif]](http://tacc.lynkformer.com/forums/images/signature/banner4.gif)
Hmmmmrf... quite...
You've read it! You can't unread it!
When i saw you say about the top hat/monocle thing i thought something like "Shooping Time" maybe  XD
13 January 2008, 10:58 PM
I lol'd.
13 January 2008, 11:21 PM
And suddenly, an overwhelming urge to address Pho3nix in a pretentious English accent!
Great shop
Just because it's in the thesaurus doesn't mean it's a good idea.
And why isn't 'dethesaurisation' in the dictionary?
14 January 2008, 12:04 AM
Quite right, lady Blue, quite right indeed. Verily I anticipate the chance to speak in such a manner, for one can only express certain things through a, shall we say, more florid approach.
You've read it! You can't unread it!
You're a level ten risk of going straight through florid to floral. And when that happens, I bring in the weedwhackers to cut back those curling vines of superfluous nouns and unctuous adjectives and spreading green leaves of wasted ascending tricolons.
Just letting you know
Just because it's in the thesaurus doesn't mean it's a good idea.
And why isn't 'dethesaurisation' in the dictionary?
I went snooping around some old boxes full of stuff we had and look at what I found, a Sony DVD Player lol... so, it's mine now XD
On some DVD players, when you press stop, the DVD player will display an image stored on the disc. I thought I'd check that out since I've never actually seen it in action and discovered that the Sony DVD player I found could display it.
I got bored so I counted my DVD collection (this is only a part of it in this pic) and the count came upto 730 discs, not including games.
Hooray for remotes lol.
Oh look, it's a Wii Zapper lol.
Here's a pretty stupid thing, the Event Horizon DVD case...
Open it up and that's what's inside... it takes up so much space and it's shape is awkward and doesn't really fit with the other DVDs...
A closer look at all of the legacy consoles and stuff I have packed away in the corner.
Valkyrie close up.
Red Blade Liger close up.
You've read it! You can't unread it!
everything looks so tidy, it contrasts with my room a lot. Currently my mouse under a pile of papers and stuff. *tries to find it*
Military Intelligence are two contradictory words
I got bored so I snapped a pic of my avatar in Pokemon Battle Revolution for Jeff...
You've read it! You can't unread it!
Lol nice XD
Something like this "Cool Trainer Lynk wants to battle!"? XD
I didnt know you could make your own avatars on it
@ Chim: Actually, the trainer title I use in PBR at the moment is "Advanced Trainer Lynk"... but I wish they'd allow it so that you could make you own title cause then I'd be "C3F Admin Lynk" XD
You've read it! You can't unread it!
Perks of bieng in the medical field.
What does this reminds you of?
*Checks Tax profile age* XD
Hollow Ichigo? XD
@ Tacx: For some odd reason the first thing that popped into my mind was this...
You've read it! You can't unread it!
What's that?!
That's one odd reason you got there Lynk.
King of the Red Lions... The Legend of Zelda The Wind Waker
You've read it! You can't unread it!
now now cant you pop something cooler than that lynk?
@chim: nice one thanks, it was worth the risk of playing with the equipment.
Oh yes, I'm terribly sorry... here have some Master Chief instead cause he's so cool. You're not cool if you don't like Master Chief. If you don't like Master Chief you should be shot for being so uncool. I totally forgot that The Legend of Zelda isn't cool, how stupid of me.
You've read it! You can't unread it!
14 March 2008, 1:08 AM
(This post was last modified: 14 March 2008, 1:10 AM by Tacx.)
you know lynk i want to believe what you're saying but something tells me that i must not or it's just me? oh well thank you lynk this much better.
wait this the picture thread of doom rigth? or it was a surprise attack pictre thread?
*i didnt say the Legend of Zelda is not cool, just loves thoose pionted ears. I Just dont have the resources to play them*
I think I broke something when I was being sarcastic in that last post x.x ouch.
Damn I hate Master Chief *shakes head*
You've read it! You can't unread it!
![[Image: haloyw4.jpg]](http://img297.imageshack.us/img297/732/haloyw4.jpg)
"i think halo is a pretty cool guy. eh kills aleins and doesnt afraid of anything."
Tacx is now cell shaded? XD
Hey isnt the thing in my face is a jaw? how come halo dude is connected to me? hmmm.... just wondering.
@chim:i dont know chim, maybe? But i like killing aliens and being not afraid of anything. +.+
Here's how it all happened.
You posted a pic of yourself wearing the jaw. I said it reminded me of King of the Red Lions because he has an exaggerated jaw, However you didn't think that was very cool.
So, then I decided to be overly sarcastic because I've heard so many people say that The Legend of Zelda is lame because you don't get to kill things like in Halo and therefore Master Chief is cooler because of this reason. What you said reminded me of this which is why I said what I said.
So to answer your question: Master Chief has no relation to you at all.
You've read it! You can't unread it!
Lynk Former Wrote:Here's how it all happened.
You posted a pic of yourself wearing the jaw. I said it reminded me of King of the Red Lions because he has an exaggerated jaw, However you didn't think that was very cool.
So, then I decided to be overly sarcastic because I've heard so many people say that The Legend of Zelda is lame because you don't get to kill things like in Halo and therefore Master Chief is cooler because of this reason. What you said reminded me of this which is why I said what I said.
So to answer your question: Master Chief has no relation to you at all.
No to mention he sucks and Samus is better :P