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3 November 2007, 10:20 AM
Flynt Wrote:Finished the second season of Ah My Goddess, now watching Death Note and Mushi-Shi
I'm watching Death Note on US TV here. Its an interesting start and premise to say the least...
Improving Engineering daily through the incorporation of Meta Advanced Anime Physics Studies.
Impossible is Nothing to an Anime Engineer!
Analog Wrote:I'm watching Death Note on US TV here. Its an interesting start and premise to say the least...
You won't be disappointed, its brilliant
9 November 2007, 10:13 AM
I read the manga. Thought the first half was good, but hated the second half (*spoiler avoidance*)......anime is animated nice enough and I might watch it......in fact I need something to watch after DearS so I guess it's decided XD
Time for the simple task of writing somebodies name to be blown out of proportion  ......also, L
I'm watching AMG season 2, Darker than Black, Onegai Twins and Ginban Kaliedscope oh I almost forgot I just watched Genshiken for the first time, The tittle of the episodes rocks.
24 November 2007, 8:38 AM
Finished watching Karin last night, quite funny and enjoyable. Currently watching Mushi-shi. on episode 7. This is very different to anything I have seen before. Very good.
25 November 2007, 3:30 AM
.hack//roots, .hack//sign currently on episode 7, season 1 of D-grayman just finised it. I my me strawberry eggs done. School days I was suprised by the ending but that damned protagonist deserved much more than that. Ouran high school host club, season 1 of amanaedaiyo. Zero no tsukaima season 1 and 2, shakugan no shana season 1 and that's about it for this week.
25 November 2007, 7:08 AM
(This post was last modified: 25 November 2007, 7:18 AM by Chimasterwang.)
Ive seen 2 episodes of Wolfs Rain now XD
Tsume=Leon? XD
25 November 2007, 5:24 PM
Watching Gundam Seed Destiny on Comcast On Demand.
I also watched an episode of Air Gear. Not a bad series.
25 November 2007, 5:32 PM
Ah yes, On Demand and cable internet = All the anime and digital manga I could ever want. Currently watching Gun Sword and Air Gear. Ikky.
26 November 2007, 3:32 PM
lets c, i started watchign duel a month or 2 ago, then i watched evagelion, full metal panic, and love hina. duel seems interesting, evagelion is fun but shingi is too emo for me. and love hina is just funny to watch
its not porn it anime theres a difference ............................the bewbs bounce more
27 November 2007, 2:36 AM
Emo Eva *has idea* Duel = Emo Eva light edition. Even the endings are kinda similar.
28 November 2007, 8:13 PM
Just finished watching elfen lied, umm and I just also finished the season 2 of d gray-man
29 November 2007, 2:11 PM
I like elfen lied too good  as for me this days i have watched the full episode of haruhi and got pretty much inlove with the main character girl(mean to draw).
29 November 2007, 11:34 PM
I'm looking forward to it. Damn i want the second season!!!
30 November 2007, 4:09 AM
I saw an episode of Elfen Lied the other day. But I walked in after it had already started so I didn't know what I was watching till afterwards.
30 November 2007, 5:27 AM
Something about the clothes ripping fight scenes just didn't sit well with me for some reason in Lied. However everything else I loved, and the ending is one of my favorites.
30 November 2007, 3:26 PM
Well i had to admit the ending is very nice.
Still watching Mushi-shi. I recommend this. Also about to watch Shinigami no Ballad. A very short series, only 6 episodes, but this also looks very good.
I'm watching absolutely nothing! Haven't watched any anime in so damn long XD It's a wonder why I have an anime site at the moment.
You've read it! You can't unread it!
1 December 2007, 10:15 PM
Meh I think the last Anime I watched was Guyver
"That's just as stupid as what you said was stupid." - Lynk Former
"Temporal Mechanics are a damn pain in the Ass!!" - Jack O'Neill (SG1)
1 December 2007, 11:50 PM
Watching Kaze no Stigma and He is my master.
2 December 2007, 12:23 AM
I bought the limited edition tin + volume 1 of School Rumble last week and managed to watch all first 5 episodes of it throughout this week. I had already seen a few eps of it about a year ago at my anime club screenings but never picked up on the series. From what I've seen so far, it's okay...the humor is usually a hit or miss most of the times but the story could do with some touching up. For some reason, I find Eiri (the blonde-haired girl) funny.
Lynk Former Wrote:I'm watching absolutely nothing! Haven't watched any anime in so damn long XD It's a wonder why I have an anime site at the moment. Buy Haruhi with your tax return.
Death Note continues on TV. In the middle of Fate/Stay Night on Netflix.
Improving Engineering daily through the incorporation of Meta Advanced Anime Physics Studies.
Impossible is Nothing to an Anime Engineer!
So how many people in Death Note think they are smart?
Chimasterwang Wrote:So how many people in Death Note think they are smart? 
Heh, lots!
What I did enjoy is the mental battles between Light and L. The pair are too smart for their own good, with their opposing plans and counterplans. It odes make for great viewing though.
4 December 2007, 11:04 PM
Ai yori aoshi sesaon 1 and mai hime.
Yo flynt what do you think about the conflick about Near and Light?
Flynt Wrote:You won't be disappointed, its brilliant
I just hope they don't mess up on "Just as planned!" Or else /a/ will be in an uproar.
Oh Mushishi! EXCELENT STUFF! I was always jaw drop when ever an episode finished or had a feeling of serene calm. I watched the first season already.
DelRey is releasing the manga and it already has a second season. I highly recommend the manga as a companion, mainly because the anime does not deviate from it, only the sequence of stories, which are capable of stand alones.
rougefate Wrote:Ai yori aoshi sesaon 1 and mai hime.
Yo flynt what do you think about the conflick about Near and Light?
I didn't like Near that much really, I found him irritating, but as far as the story went between him and Light, there was still enough tension to keep things interesting.
Hey if your watching Mai Hime, make sure you also watch Mai Otome and Mai Otome Zwei. Same characters, but set in an alternate reality. IMO the Mai Otome versions were better
I just message you about that. hehehe just ignore that. Sure I'll be hunti9ng that tittle soon. Is the story the same?
Ai yori aoshi season 2
Just started Death Note last night, got through the first 3 eps. Good so far. I didn't really know what to expect since all I knew about the series was the concept of the Death Note and that Aya Hirano is in it. But I like the way its going.
10 December 2007, 1:56 PM
@Moelman: I wish I had that power, then a whole lot a people'd be jumpin out in front a them buses that go by my house.
currently watching: Darkstalkers: Revenge.
11 December 2007, 12:06 AM
Green green and Mushi Uta.
I like bugs... ( i think lol)
11 December 2007, 4:52 AM
Also I finished Paradise Kiss yesterday. I went "awwww" at the end but it was a good series.
11 December 2007, 8:28 AM
watching love hina yet again so funny XD
11 December 2007, 10:16 AM
I'm running out of tittles to hunt please suggest some tittles that i should hunt.
it's almost Christmas vacation, I should reserve some tittle for me to watch during the vacation .
11 December 2007, 12:53 PM
Azumanga Daioh, Burn Up (any of the series), Burst Angel, Daphne In The Brilliant Blue, Desert Punk, Divergence Eve, Elfen Lied (yes its a good one), Eureka 7 (Better one), Full Metal Panic, Geneshaft... Those are the ones I've seen recently. Enjoy your vacation!
11 December 2007, 6:18 PM
(This post was last modified: 11 December 2007, 6:24 PM by Tacx.)
Thank you miss kiai, but I'm afraid that will not be sufficient need more. And thank you again miss kiai, actually I'm very afraid to say that only Daphne, Desert punks, divengence eve and geneshaft will be included in my list.
Thank you again. I will surely enjoy my vacation after this hellish part of my school year.
12 December 2007, 8:34 PM
You HAVE to watch Kanon (2006 Kyoto Animation version), it has a really touching story and the music is exceptionally wonderful. I also recommend Lovely Complex, funny romance series that kinda reminds me a lot about His & Her Circumstances.