10 July 2007, 12:40 PM
(This post was last modified: 17 December 2007, 1:45 AM by darktruth.)
Before the Transformers movie began, I saw this really wierd trailer for a godzilla-style movie coming out on 1-18-08.
So far, the trailer doesn't seem to make much sense. But the loud roar that you hear in trailer made my hair stand up.
Here's a link to the trailer in HD.
Edit: I've heard rumors on youtube that this might be an "end of the world," kind of movie.
Here's the teaser if you're too lazy to download it like me.
Looks intriguing.
It does look very interesting. When I first saw the teaser I thought Godzilla but I've heard otherwise now.
Curious, very curious.
The Voltron idea came straight out of left field though. Is someone really making a live action movie about Voltron???
Improving Engineering daily through the incorporation of Meta Advanced Anime Physics Studies.
Impossible is Nothing to an Anime Engineer!
25 November 2007, 5:46 PM
(This post was last modified: 15 December 2007, 7:31 PM by Stormfalcon.)
25 November 2007, 6:12 PM
IIRC, that's a fan art rendition of the monster. The words "deviant" and "art" floated round its last posting...
Gonna have to see this movie, just because of its date if nothing else
Just because it's in the thesaurus doesn't mean it's a good idea.
And why isn't 'dethesaurisation' in the dictionary?
27 November 2007, 6:53 AM
What I should have said in my last post was, "Some people are saying that this is fan art, and some people are saying that it isn't."
I don't know, but this art, to me and a couple of my friends, looks professional enough to convince us that it could be the actual creature.
But, then again, there are professional artists on DA, right? So, *shrugs* who knows?
As for the movie itself, it has a mysterious feel to it like the movie Signs.
A second trailer has come out which has revealed the movie's title.
Cloverfield Trailer
27 November 2007, 11:44 AM
It's called "viral marketing"
You've read it! You can't unread it!
27 November 2007, 2:26 PM
I saw the full trailer the other day. Definitely something I'll be interested in seeing. I'm just curious what the monster will be if that picture is just fanart.
28 November 2007, 12:08 AM
It's the Godzilla movie from first person point of view, 120 min of people screaming and running, and you never see the monster, cuz the cameraman is unable to run and film propertly at the same time.
*shrugs* It could be a piece of crap for all we know.
Military Intelligence are two contradictory words
28 November 2007, 12:33 AM
(This post was last modified: 28 November 2007, 12:55 AM by darktruth.)
OMG! So it was THIS film that I had been searching for information! The trailer was played a few months ago back during one of my multimedia lectures and I was pretty curious on it but I never actually remembered or bothered to get the title of the film off the lecturer.
I only remembered the trailer a few days ago so I searched high and low for the title of the film by typing in descriptions of the film. For some reason "Claymore" came up as the title for me but I must've gotten it confused with "Cloverfield" XD.
It was the picture of the statue of liberty that falcon posted that made realise this was the film I had been searching for XD.
BTW, here is the brand new trailer for the film with some new footages.
28 November 2007, 2:36 AM
Is the entire film shot from a hand held camera style? That might be kind of interesting. "I" tried that with a college project and it didn't turn out so well. But this looked alright maybe, makes it feel like maybe a news report at the scene?
I might see it when its out, just to see how the camera work is done.
28 November 2007, 11:07 AM
Yeah, people thought the Blair Witch Project would be interesting since it was shot that way... I didn't so I didn't go to see it... I felt good about myself because of that XD
You've read it! You can't unread it!
15 December 2007, 7:39 PM
I find this way of filming to be quite clever because, with a first perspective, it makes you feel like you're actually there.
16 December 2007, 2:15 AM
Not if you dont immerse yourself much and concentrate on eating maybe
16 December 2007, 6:28 PM
True, but if there's enough drama going on, you might spill your popcorn... XP
16 December 2007, 7:30 PM
I'll wait for the DVD release... I find I get a better experience from a movie watching it on DVD rather than going to the cinema's to watch it... these days you can get superior movie presentation at home for the right price.
That said, if I happen to randomly go to the movies sometime I'll probably go see it.
You've read it! You can't unread it!
17 December 2007, 1:49 AM
(This post was last modified: 17 December 2007, 1:51 AM by darktruth.)
Australia gets this film one day before the US does lol. At the moment, I'm more curious on what scenes shown in the trailers WON'T make it to the final cut cos you know trailers tend to have scenes you see that end up being cut out in the theatrical version. My guess would probably be the house-party scenes early in the film.
17 December 2007, 7:06 PM
Lynk Former Wrote:It's called "viral marketing"
Heheh, yes, and so is the religious connections to the passage in the bible some people are speculating it of over.
I just hope the military is shown as ineffective like in "War of the Worlds", then I would enjoy the movie.
17 January 2008, 11:32 PM
So the movie came out in Australia today. I thought about seeing it at the cinemas but my friends weren't really interested in it so I ended up not going. Instead, I searched up spoilers for it (XD I always do that for films I'm interested in seeing) and the ending was really what I thought would happen.
I'm only gonna put up a spoiler warning here ONCE for those who plan to see it soon so DO NOT highlight the detailed spoiler below if you don't want to be ruined of the ending.
Detailed spoiler link
The film begins with a message from the U.S. Government, saying that the following footage was recovered from the site formerly known as Central Park. The rest of the film is shown through handheld video footage.
Jason Hawkins (Mike Vogel) and his girlfriend, Lily (Jessica Lucas), plan a surprise going away party for Jason's brother, Rob (Michael Stahl-David), who has accepted a business position in Japan. Jason entrusts Rob?s best friend, Hud (T.J. Miller), with the video camera, so he can tape the party and document Rob?s last night in America. The party at Rob?s Manhattan apartment begins and all is well, though Hud has no luck flirting with his crush, Marlena (Lizzy Caplan), from behind the camera.
Rob arrives and is happy to see all his friends. Things get complicated quickly, though, as it?s revealed that Rob recently slept with Beth (Odette Yustman), making their longtime friendship more complicated just before he leaves the country. Beth arrives at the party - but with a date. When Rob confronts her about the date, she claims they haven?t spoken in weeks (presumably since right around their sexual encounter). Beth leaves with her date, and Rob hints to his brother that he cares for Beth, although he never told her this.
The building?s power temporarily fails, and partygoers watch a news report saying that an oil tanker near the Statue of Liberty has capsized. Dozens of people head to the roof to get a look, only to witness a huge explosion in the distance. Down on the street, everyone witnesses more explosions and a gigantic moving form in the distance. Rob, Jason, Lily, Marlena and Hud all head for the Brooklyn Bridge. While on the bridge, Rob gets a call from Beth, who is now injured and trapped in her Midtown apartment after an explosion. Just then, a giant tail comes out of the water and destroys the bridge, killing Jason among many others. Rob and his friends head back to Manhattan.
Rob says that he is heading to Midtown to save Beth. After unsuccessfully pleading with him not to do so, his friends follow. Meanwhile, everyone starts to learn more about what exactly is attacking the city. Marlena says that she saw something huge ?eating people? while a TV newscast shows the giant moving creature dropping countless spider-like beasts onto the ground, which immediately attack nearby humans. The foursome?s journey into Midtown brings them to a battle between the monster and military forces. Rob and his friends descend into the subway for safety and decide to walk the tracks to Beth?s building. In the darkened tunnel, they are ambushed by several spider creatures and Marlena is bitten badly. They escape and, fortunately, rendezvous with military officers. One officer informs them of an evacuation helicopter site, and reveals that the situation in the city is so out of control that it won?t be long before the government authorizes a plan to destroy all of Manhattan in an attempt to kill the creature. Marlena dies gruesomely from her spider bite?something that deeply affects Hud (she seems to become inflated and then explode).
The remaining three arrive at Beth?s building, but must access it through another building and dangerously cross damaged rooftops high above Manhattan. They discover Beth, who has fallen and impaled her shoulder. After freeing her, they escape the buildings and board evacuation helicopters just as the giant creature attacks nearby. Lily is separated during the evacuation, with her escaping in a different helicopter. Flying above Manhattan as day breaks, Rob, Beth and Hud witness military planes attacking, and seemingly killing, the giant creature. The creature leaps out of the smoke plumes and grabs the helicopter, causing it to crash in Central Park. Hud, Rob and Beth survive the crash, only to look up and see the creature towering over them. After the creature kills Hud, Rob grabs Beth and the camera and hides underneath a bridge. He gives a final testimonial to the camera and tells Beth that he loves her. An explosion rocks all of Manhattan and kills them both.
At the end of the credits, a small sound clip is played. Filled with static, 'Help us' can be heard faintly.
And for those who want to know what the monster looks like...
Here it is
17 January 2008, 11:59 PM
It's not coming out until 1st February here. So much for 1-18-08... 2-01-08 just doesn't sound the same *shakes head at the stupidity of this country*
Just because it's in the thesaurus doesn't mean it's a good idea.
And why isn't 'dethesaurisation' in the dictionary?
The film begins with a message from the U.S. Government eh? XP
Oh noes! XD
I'll definitely go watch this at the cinema.
so in short...
monster attacks city.
everyone dies.
end of movie.
Military Intelligence are two contradictory words
hehe yeah, I saw it tonight, I thought it was great. I went with 4 other people and only one of them and myself knew that the movie was shot with a home video camera so they were a little put off at the beginning. But I just thought it was a great twist on the default monster attacks NY kind of movie.
20 January 2008, 11:27 PM
![[Image: bowserattackjf2.png]](http://img105.imageshack.us/img105/3976/bowserattackjf2.png) ![[Image: bowserattack2wa0.png]](http://img151.imageshack.us/img151/2628/bowserattack2wa0.png)
Screens taken by me XP
Was it a bit like that Jeff? XP
Me and one of my friend are still planning to watch the movie this Tuesday even though we both already know what happens at the end XD. Funny that.
We're mainly gonna see this for the all the explosions and action scenes. I just hope I don't get motion sick from the constant shaking and wobbly view of the camera in this film.
@Moel - did you feel sick at any point in the film?
I didn't feel sick but I think one of my friends had to get up and walk around for a bit during the movie because of all the motion.
21 January 2008, 9:47 AM
(This post was last modified: 21 January 2008, 9:49 AM by Stormfalcon.)
I felt sick for a while because I had too many gummy worms. Can't believe I ate that shit. XD
I went to see it last night. I enjoyed it. It's got plenty of suspense and moments that will make you jump and even a couple of funny lines. I actually did feel scared at one point during the film.
In this movie, it seems like you can actually get away with not explaining where the creature came from.
I'd give the film a 3/5.
Final thoughts: Worth seeing, but it didn't live up to the hype that it built.