I've taken a little time to create a little page over at BGCC called [link=http://bgcc.thecrisiscenter.net/extras/sitememories/]Site Memories[/link]. For those of you who have been a part of this place for a very long time, you'll find some nice things in there. For those who are new to the site, be prepared to see some scary things from our past. Oh and I've also been doing a few stealth updates over at BGCC but can't be bothered going through all of the stuff I've added so you may as well find it all yourself.
You've read it! You can't unread it!
pity the lost of the old forums...
it's missing that "still rocking" celebration picture, Sadi must have it if she shows up.
Military Intelligence are two contradictory words
Ah, the memories. I remember checking out the BGCC version 10 site.
Nothing like an old trip down memory lane eh?
@Lynk...I should still have that Xmas pic archived somewhere on my discs, I'll have a dig through if you can't find it.
Good times back then. Back when I was all over Bubblegum Crisis: Tokyo 2040.
I joined about half a year or so after the forums first became active I think. I remember bgcc version 6, but nothing before that... strange. Quite a little trip down memory lane Lynk. Appreciate it.
Ahh the memories... i think I remember V8, may have been before I joined tho...
still I miss the old site... the layout and design were fantastic
"That's just as stupid as what you said was stupid." - Lynk Former
"Temporal Mechanics are a damn pain in the Ass!!" - Jack O'Neill (SG1)
I got no Idea what your talikng about.
please enlighten me.
wow that all really takes me back. good stuff