Go, Blaziken!!~ (click to view pic)
This pic is entirely vectored using Adobe Illustrator. The thing is that I started this pic back in 2005 and then stopped all of a sudden. It then sat on my hard drive for all this time cause I had completely forgotten about it. Only just half an hour ago did I discover it while I was snooping around in my less visited folders and I've gone back to work on it. So what do you all think so far? I suck at drawing up anything so there's probably a million things wrong with it. I'd appreciate it if people would point out all the faults so I can fix em XD
I'd like to try to finish this pic... I mean I haven't even finished doing the line art yet, I still feel that there are improvements to be made in it before I add the colour and effects, background, background effects, etc...
Oh and also note that this pic is actually scaled down from it's original size... it's actually twice as large as the preview you're seeing now XD I also plan to add that "inked" kinda lining to it once I'm done plotting all of the lines.
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Nice pic Lynk i cant even draw that good XD
Back to doing some drawing type things or just this picture?
I dunno, I think I'll try to finish this pic first before I actually attempt to do anything else XD
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i think i have seen that character before but i dunno where it is...more
geno, it's from Pokemon Sapphire/Ruby ^^
... nice work Lynk ^^ see~ you CAN draw.
~ You're gonna die screaming but you won't be heard. ~
lol i dont play pokemon XD
kyubichan Wrote:geno, it's from Pokemon Sapphire/Ruby ^^
... nice work Lynk ^^ see~ you CAN draw. You mean my version of Haruka/May... for those who don't know, this is what she looks like originally...
And no, I still can't draw, this is just one of those flukes I had a long time ago. Besides, this is HEAVILY modified from the original that I did. The best part about vector art is that you can modify every single plotted line and make it the way you want.
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how do you turn off the auto smooth thing?...i dont know what its called but when you try to make a sharp turn or pointed thing it converts your line to curve.How do i turn it off it bother me sometimes.
Try taking a look at all the options things around the program XD
Trying to think of constructive criticism and the only thing coming to mind is this: put some colour on it already!
Just because it's in the thesaurus doesn't mean it's a good idea.
And why isn't 'dethesaurisation' in the dictionary?
@ chim:as expected answer XD..somebody teach me how can i turn off those auto curve thing in adobe illus.
genosuke Wrote:how do you turn off the auto smooth thing?...i dont know what its called but when you try to make a sharp turn or pointed thing it converts your line to curve.How do i turn it off it bother me sometimes. Oh that's easy, when plotting lines in Illustrator you use the pen tool. You click on one spot and then click on another spot, but you don't let go of the mouse button on the second spot, you drag it so a curve forms. Now on the second spot you'll notice these two lines extending out of it. Hold alt on the end of the line right under your mouse cursor and then click, hold and drag that to a new location to get a a sharper corner. Then you simply let go, click on a new location to plot to and repeat if you want more sharp corners.
Blue Confusion Wrote:Trying to think of constructive criticism and the only thing coming to mind is this: put some colour on it already!   I will once I'm 100% fine with the line art XP And then even then I have to try to get that inked look happening with it first.
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thank you lynk i forgot to mention how about if your using a brush? since im using it alot insted of pen tool for drawing.
The brush is useless. Use the pen tool if you know what's good for you XD
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Nice Lynk. I've never done vector art but it looks good so far!
You're suck a Pokemaniac. xD
Go, Blaziken!!~ in colour (click to view pic)
Note: I haven't finished doing the shading for Haruka/May.
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Thats looks alright actualy 
Maybe Lynky should try to make more art
but im not tracing lynk i wanna do it like the way i do it on paint...any suggestions?
here is my sample of vector work with photoshop on it,notice the curves. I really wanna make a sharp angle or something.
my work
I'm not tracing either.
I'm using Adobe Illustrator CS to do this, not Photoshop so their are some slight differences in the way you do things. I use the pen tool because I have the maximum amount of control over it. I didn't trace May... but now that the issue has been brought up, it looks like this picture I did in 2005 was partially traced. Seems like the Blaziken in the picture isn't mine, it's an existing pic.
Which means.... I can't do anymore. I'm cancelling it, the Blaziken isn't my work so I can't go on with something that's not mine, even if I drew up May without tracing her from anything.
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You could just draw in a different pokemon or draw in a new Blaziken =P
Your prob not gonna do that though XD
No, I only restarted working on this cause it was near completion anywayz. The fact that I did trace the Blaziken is why I stopped working on it the first place.
The least I can do now is try to give some proof that I did not trace May and that she was done 100% by me drawing her using the pen tool in Illustrator...
I made this using some preview pics I took to do comparisons of the changes I had made. These are only some of the changes I made, I did a lot more editing on her breasts, hips, arms, hairstyle, etc, etc...
x.x this is a disaster.
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Fwee~ moving pics!!! XD
Lynk~ you should quit bugging me and Damatee and work on the comics yourself. Hehe.
~ You're gonna die screaming but you won't be heard. ~
Sorry, no I've given up on the pic after discovering that I really did trace that Blaziken. If I give Falcon and others crap about stuff like that then I really shouldn't be doing it myself.
The least I'll do is finish colouring May but I'm not sure if I'm gonna post up the final version or not. I've also cut out Blaziken from the pic too since it's not actually my work even if I did trace it and colour it.
All of this has really stressed me out x.x
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but its nice practice lynk,about the pen tool youre saying its possible then to make my own lines using the pen tool instead of brush in illus? forgive my questioning i dont know anything about illus cs.
I'm not an artist geno, this was just something I did spontaneously one day.
Try experimenting with all of the different tools. I like the pen but maybe the pencil would work best with your rough mouse draw style. I like the pen tool cause it's more precise and it allows me to modify anything by the smallest degree.
You know what, fuck that. Sure, the Blaziken isn't mine, but I've done traces before. I was just pissed off cause when I came back to this I thought I had drawn the Blaziken myself. Either way it still deserves to be completed. I drew May and I'm not gonna let that go to waste.
This'll be my last attempt at drawing anything (digitally and/or by hand) too so I should make the most of it.
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Yeah~ finish it and show it to us, Lynky ^^ Doesn't matter if it's traced or whatever. It looks good.
~ You're gonna die screaming but you won't be heard. ~
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I know, Lynk -_-"
Sheesh~ if it makes you happy...
*bleeds and dies*
~ You're gonna die screaming but you won't be heard. ~
lol, I was just joking around XD
Here have a present...
Still nowhere near complete and a work in progress...
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Blah XD I know~ you're good at shading...
~ You're gonna die screaming but you won't be heard. ~
The only reason it looks anywhere near normal is because I have almost 200 pictures of May that I'm using as a reference.
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*pokes joor eyes*
Lies!!! You have hax talents! XD
~ You're gonna die screaming but you won't be heard. ~
*points at pic*
And you claim you cant draw
"That's just as stupid as what you said was stupid." - Lynk Former
"Temporal Mechanics are a damn pain in the Ass!!" - Jack O'Neill (SG1)
Damatee Wrote:*points at pic*
And you claim you cant draw
*waves little Damatee flag*
Yeah! Damatee's right!
~ You're gonna die screaming but you won't be heard. ~
Damatee Wrote:*points at pic*
And you claim you cant draw I didn't draw it  I plotted lines on a computer program using the pen tool.
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hey lynk is the pen tool can be used on freehand?
If you mean like the way you use paint, then no, it's more about being slow and accurate. Like I said before, using the pencil tool is closer to what you do in paint.
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i would like to try illus sometime but those auto curve is bugging me if only i can turn it off then i can freely execute my lines. Hey can wait to see that finish too.