Just now I came across a very funny post from someone in the Madman forum who got all defensive about HDTVs, Bluray and all that kind of jazz...
The_Ultimate_Saiyan Wrote:more preachers of mediocrity
im allergic to ur BS
being shoved down our throats? its coz its an advancement in technology...
A Digital TV signal is better than an analogue signal for more than reason
"big wigs making money"?? everyone is out to make money...u should think about it too
i would love original film reels in my home theater.
i never knocked CRTs mind you. stuff them being efficient because they still offer the best image quality and anyone who knows anything will agree with that.
anyone who says "trust me" is NOT to be trusted.
you honestly have the opinion of being satisfied with SD TV? i think you should only share it with ppl who don't know about this stuff...so keep it with the over 60s who don't understand...
So I was wondering, how important is HD for you? Do you care about it now? Do you see yourself caring in the future or does it make absolutely do difference for you?
Of course HD is better, but does it really matter? I wanna see what you guys think XD
You've read it! You can't unread it!
HD is nice, crap, C&C3 all the FMA's are high def DVD qual. very nice
although a good classic shouldnt be touched.
if i ever see anyone attempting to make HD and colorise(colourise) the B&W parts of Wizard of OZ, i'll dismember them.
HD isn't a necessity to me right now. I have the Wii so I don't need HD for that and for watching tv its just not that big of a deal to me. Perhaps in the future I'll be more interested in it when its more commonplace.
If I had loads of cash to burn of course HD would matter to me.
But I don't. ;_;
I dont realy care im alright with watching stuff on my TV thats smaller than this 1024x768 comp screen XD
10 April 2007, 2:36 AM
(This post was last modified: 10 April 2007, 2:38 AM by Blue Confusion.)
I don't have a TV, so HD isn't an issue for me. Although I quite like the neighbours with their enormous HDTV in their living room... nothing beats watching TV from all the way across the street for free XP
(plus the picture's crystal clear)
Just because it's in the thesaurus doesn't mean it's a good idea.
And why isn't 'dethesaurisation' in the dictionary?
I'll most likey will in the future, but at the moment I just don't care
While All Answers Are Replies, Not All Replies Are Answers
I'm convertin' to HD. I have an HD component cable for my Wii. I have an HD TV. And I might be going as far as getting the Xbox Elite which comes with an HDMI cable. So, I think it' starting to become more important to me.
I'll pass on HD. WAAAYYYY too expensive.
HD makes about this much difference in my life:
Yup, the space between these two lines is about how much HD will make or break me. I like high quality, who dosent? But Most of the technology is very expensive, and personally, the improvment is minimal. Technology is to a point right now that the next "improvment" needs to be so vast and so astounding, that there's no way your gonna miss it.
But if I play "Happy Feet" on my TV in regular DVD, and then play it again in HDDVD or Blu-Ray, am I going to notice the difference? no. I'd need a TV the size of my house to really notice it. And at that point, it's pretty meaningless.
Maybe when people stop pushing LCD monitors and TV's I'll think about HD. But currently, those screens only make stuff look worse IMO.
Gigantic Unilateral Numerous Dominating Ammuntion Fortress
"Transhumanism is about how technology will solve the problems inherent in the human condition. Cyberpunk is about how it won't."
Yup you can see all the little faults and bits 
Well i think thats what Lynk said somewhere XD
It's really a matter of money to me. It doesn't have to be right now, but I like big screens and I could imagine that HDTV is a lot crisper especially for video games. But before getting HDTV, I'd first get digital cable TV on my CRT.
In the mall around here they've got a really big widescreen HDTV setup with movie trailers running. Even when you get close to the screen, you can't see any pixels. It's amazing!
I don't think such thing exists over here...well maybe it does but I don't notice it
Military Intelligence are two contradictory words
Until the resolution of the TV I watch is as high as as the computer screens we use, or the pixel size consistan with all units, im not moving anywhere, besides, bigscreen CRTs are pretty cheap now.
And I am staying clear away from front or rear projection systems, they have this annoying sweet spot that you have to sit in in order to recieve the best looking picture. I preffer to view my TV without having to sit in an akward position and have the same brightness at all angles of viewing.
Besides, I think the only think worth watching HD in is that Discovery series, "Planet Earth" Sports in HD? I'll go to a game thanks.
Dont mind one way or another really. We picked up a 32" LCD Widescreen TV a couple months back,its HD ready and its pretty good for the most part. I have noticed artefacts sometimes on the images,especially on older TV programs, and it is pretty cruel at picking out flaws I wouldn't normally seen previously on a regular TV. But I can live with that
Become shortsighted for added blurring/smoothing out of images XD
I think another thing that people are forgetting when it comes to trying to display High-Definition media is that most displays out there are inadequate. The top two choices for us are LCD TVs and Plasma TVs... but both suffer from a lack of true colour ability and crappy refresh rates. I know that in some years into the future I will have to upgrade, but damn, I so hope that when that day comes we have more capable TVs to choose from.
But the quote I posted originally is from a Dragonball Z thread. They were talking about the remastered release of DBZ, this guy was ranting about how a 1080p version of DBZ should be released and how much better it would be. Unfortunately for him, no one else agreed with him at all for obvious reasons.
You've read it! You can't unread it!
Personally, I don't care. It's better, like every person state, but it's not a need. Though, in my case, I would love to have it since watching sporting event, like baseball, which I'm big fan of, just awesome on HDTV. It's only reason I want HDTV badly at the moment, but for my gaming and regular TV, I don't feel I want it that badly compare to watching baseball in HD.