27 February 2007, 12:14 AM
The American Anime Awards finalists at the New York Comic Con have been announced. Check them out here:
Most of the series you would expect to get something did. Fullmetal Alchemist got a lot along with Naruto, FLCL, Ghost in the Shell, and InuYasha.
27 February 2007, 12:20 AM
I hate the fact that Rurouni Kenshin is listed in the best long series list, but Trust and Betrayal is nowhere to be seen in the best short series list.
As nice as FLCL was, Fullmetal Alchemist has the FAR MORE SUPERIOR cast than FLCL by a gazillion miles!
Etc, etc, etc...
You've read it! You can't unread it!
27 February 2007, 12:24 AM
They are the American Anime Awards Lynk-sama. Cutting edge anime that's actually good is overlooked alot these days by the demographic still clutching their old mead notebooks and crossing their fingers for more Naruto episodes. IT CAN'T BE HELPED!
27 February 2007, 12:29 AM
I weep for those who haven't seen Trust and Betrayal.
Damn mainstream taking up peoples attention so they don't notice what is far better just around the corner.
(XD this DBZ avatar I have at the moment makes me look like a complete hypocrite when I say that)
You've read it! You can't unread it!
27 February 2007, 2:14 AM
(This post was last modified: 27 February 2007, 2:25 AM by Chimasterwang.)
I was thinking Lynk with a DBZ avatar but i know why you put it there =P
Also those cell shading gfx are alright =P
Anyway i havnt seen Trust and Betrayel but i would prefer to watch them because they are based on Kenshins past and more on true facts =P
I havnt seen the Kenshin series but ive seen the "Ishin Shishi he no Requiem" hence Gentatsu as my avatar XD
27 February 2007, 6:58 AM
FLCL was just funny. and short.
besides lynk. you can get away with that. that's video game screenie 
i keed. DBZ went down the crapper half way in the freeza saga.
at least the garlic jr saga that was after it was ok
28 February 2007, 7:01 AM
How come Advent Children won best anime feature? It's not really anime. I would have thought FMA would have won that.
28 February 2007, 11:29 PM
Those lists are so painful to read. It's sad to see "InuYasha" in almost all the categories... it's not the worst anime out there, but definitely not worth any awards either. The theme category caught my attention almost immediately, since I love all the songs on that list. Yay for Rewrite XD
And... holy shit, Fruits Basket? Best manga? I like cats, and mice as well, but c'mon...
I think AC is still anime since it was made by Square, and in Japan, right? - too lazy to do a search -
~ You're gonna die screaming but you won't be heard. ~
ok i'm talking now...
...you know what i say? Dont ever pay fucking any attention to that crap. US is filled with stupid competitions and magazines and movies and other bullshit that deal with shit , and i mean SHIT like low quality BS, that people can easily focus on because the general consensus on what a particular group likes/dislikes is so blantenly obvious that the results are more opinionated rather then an actual down-to-earth study/vote/whatever.
in summery; its basically this award deal here means nothing because people have to first get the shit right first and THEN get a non-biased opinion to say what is better then another.
personally, i would never count AC as anime. YES its came from japan made by squareenix. But its computer gen to look surreal, its more of a normal movie then its anime. which racks it right next to 'the spirits within'
1 March 2007, 12:59 PM
(This post was last modified: 1 March 2007, 1:08 PM by Scar da Kookee.)
is that me for what?
Lynk Former Wrote:I
Damn mainstream taking up peoples attention so they don't notice what is far better just around the corner.
Thats the trouble with mainstream and thats why there is so much crap out there that is supposedly popular.
I feel the general populace just wants to be spoon-fed their entertaiment and not think about
Sh!t, Scar. You're too scary
~ You're gonna die screaming but you won't be heard. ~
*falls over*
want me to be Kookee again? XD
Scar da Kookee Wrote:!
*falls over*
want me to be Kookee again? XD
Your avy looks awesum, but not too huggable
~ You're gonna die screaming but you won't be heard. ~
took me like 3 minutes to search and edit for both.
I've seen what Scar da Kookee really looks like, just cause he's got Scar from FMA as his av and sig won't make me forget that he's just a goofy internet guy XD
@ Flynt: Yeah, that's pretty much it, it's the reason why I really don't like BGC2040, I find that everything is spoonfed to me, yada, yada...
@ everyone else: Generally, I don't listen to any top whatever's from anywhere about anime, not even from Japan.
You've read it! You can't unread it!
I just tend to watch what i like where its mainstream or not, to hell whateverone else thinks
On the side-topic of my DBZ av. Yes, it's for Dragonball Z Budokai Tenkaichi 2 which is coming out for Wii some time in March.
Personally, I hate Dragonball Z, but there are small things about it I do like. For one thing, it has pretty good art and sometimes it can have some pretty cool action, other than that... unk!
You've read it! You can't unread it!
As a fighting game it works because it dosnt involve powering up for 2hours XD
Well unless you want to recreate scenes from the show in the game XD