13 November 2006, 9:06 PM
In a forum I'm a member of, I openly expressed in my sig that I HATED emo people. It's because I don't want to make friends with them, they're usually illogical and depressed. I've been through a phase similar to that, but I did not make a fuss about it by wearing excessive eyeliner, looking glum all the time and ranting about the world. I didn't want to suddenly be added in MSN by an emo, especially noobie emo's.
Although emo started out as a branch of punk rock, it's become more of an expression now (no thanks to you, Simple Plan! FU!). Emo people: I won't get on their case if see them down the street, but I shall avoid them like the plague unless they agree to downsize their depressed aura.
So, what are your opinions about emo punk rock and emo people? I'm not putting this in Serious discussion because I find emo people ridiculously hilarious.
*equips shiny shield to ward off emo's*
~ You're gonna die screaming but you won't be heard. ~
13 November 2006, 9:21 PM
(This post was last modified: 13 November 2006, 10:12 PM by Chimasterwang.)
A sign of being depressed is the persons looks and hygiene start to get neglected. Now Emo people care about how they look if you where realy depressed why would you even go through all that time and effort to look like that.
Also they can be over dramatic and illogical cant they grow up and do something about their problems XD
Emo is basicly an attetion sorta thing but lots of people dont like emos so is there even a point XD
14 November 2006, 3:05 AM
Being emo is just a personification of a time in a persons life when they're stupid and immature. It's about being a teenager and being overly touchy feely about everything. Hell, its about being a teenager. My sister when through this phase, but not with the whole makeup and hair thing. Its just a normal part of growing up, although its one of the more anoying...
14 November 2006, 3:15 AM
WTF is a emo?
Goes off to research....
I am a Member, Not a Number!!!
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14 November 2006, 4:35 AM
OMG you dont know where are you XD
Now that some people have posted i can say something else XD
If your from Britain youll know about chavs.
Now chavs are worse than emos atleast emos can be nice and dont realy insult you for not being like them XD
Also those fights between emos and chavs lol
14 November 2006, 5:22 AM
I don't like emo people. That is all.
14 November 2006, 6:20 AM
Chimasterwang Wrote:OMG you dont know where are you XD
Now that some people have posted i can say something else XD
If your from Britain youll know about chavs.
Now chavs are worse than emos atleast emos can be nice and dont realy insult you for not being like them XD
Also those fights between emos and chavs lol
Don't get me started on Chavs Wang!
Technically we are all emo...
Emo is short for emotional.
We have all cried at one time of our life.
We all have loved.
We have all hurt....
etc etc
But the Emos that go around around wearing tights jeans... Specifically the guys... UGH!
Emo women how ever... Definite Bow chika bow wow status.
A couple of months ago I did work at a concert called 'Give it a name'. It was a complete 150% EMOfest.
Tight jeans and make up everywhere...
And that was just on the guys!
I nearly threw up!
14 November 2006, 6:45 AM
The Author Wrote:Don't get me started on Chavs Wang!
Technically we are all emo...
Emo is short for emotional.
We have all cried at one time of our life.
We all have loved.
We have all hurt....
etc etc
But the Emos that go around around wearing tights jeans... Specifically the guys... UGH!
Emo women how ever... Definite Bow chika bow wow status.
A couple of months ago I did work at a concert called 'Give it a name'. It was a complete 150% EMOfest.
Tight jeans and make up everywhere...
And that was just on the guys!
I nearly threw up!
Sounds like Hell there Author XD
14 November 2006, 6:50 AM
Black Howling Wrote:Sounds like Hell there Author XD
Nah... It was fun really... Plus I got to see Atreyu (Awsome) and My Chemical Romance live (were pretty class)...
Oh and... OH THE EMO!!!!
14 November 2006, 8:06 AM
My chemical romance, really annoy me XD, i have more chavs than emos here in Northern Ireland though, Xd but the emos are jsut as bad here too XD
14 November 2006, 10:14 AM
Moelman Wrote:I don't like emo people. That is all.
Neither do I.
14 November 2006, 1:26 PM
I don't particularly care for emo people either. I'm rather apathetic about the whole thing. Then again, I'm apathetic about most things.
15 November 2006, 2:10 AM
I know emo rock, but in my day we called it "grunge rock". I wonder what it will be for the next generation? :P
15 November 2006, 2:24 AM
Chavs are people that run around dressed in tracksuits etc. they drive pimped up cars etc. Though they hate everyone thats not like them XD
15 November 2006, 2:33 AM
Black Howling Wrote:Chavs are people that run around dressed in tracksuits etc. they drive pimped up cars etc. Though they hate everyone thats not like them XD
Actually... I'll be a bit more specific...
Chavs wear Burberry, or for the ladies bright pink, tracksuits.
The girls are usually pregnant by 15/16.
They always own a vicious dog, most popular being the Bulldog.
They listen to stuff like The Streets, full blast in their 'pimped out' Vauxhall Corsas, with extra bass so they can shatter houses windows.
Mostly live in run down areas, especially ones with high rise flats!
Missed anything?
15 November 2006, 3:08 AM
They randomly shout insults do stupid things ect
15 November 2006, 3:32 AM
Chimasterwang Wrote:They randomly shout insults do stupid things ect Bugger... I knew I would forget something...
GAH! I'm soo depressed now I'm gonna go and listen to Linkin Park!
15 November 2006, 9:26 AM
I still don't know exactly what an emo person is...
You've read it! You can't unread it!
15 November 2006, 9:31 AM
It's someone constantly wallowing in their emotions--the sad, depressed kind.
15 November 2006, 9:32 AM
So if you're sad and depressed, you're immediately shunned by society? I can understand that it gets annoying hearing about how someone is sad and depressed and complaining about it all the time, but meh *shrugs* I don't really see the big deal.
You've read it! You can't unread it!
15 November 2006, 11:05 AM
Its more over the top, listening to screamy type bands and wearing makeup and stuff. Its like goth but more ooo look at me i slit my wrists where as goth is more hidden i think XD
15 November 2006, 3:45 PM
@ Lynk
Try Wiki, search for "emo". I said in my post that it is based on emo rock (I think grunge is different), and that branch of punk rock was popularized by bands like Simple Plan, and the recent releases of Green Day. It is no big deal if they're just, you know, THERE. But times come when they stain a perfectly fun conversation/atmosphere with hate and "the world hates me" outlook. It gets rather annoying. It's become more of a trend now, meaning those people might not actually be depressed, but wear tons of eyeliner and walk around with that dark atmosphere just to be "in".
Not always screamy bands XD The emo posers listen to loser punk rock bands. Goths are cute, emos are just, well, much more annoying.
~ You're gonna die screaming but you won't be heard. ~
15 November 2006, 4:01 PM
Green Day and Good Charlotte, I understand as Emo music, but why when I walk into a music store is The Living End classified as Emo?
While All Answers Are Replies, Not All Replies Are Answers
15 November 2006, 4:11 PM
I haven't heard their music, but sometimes people classify bands as emo just 'coz of how they look (i.e. 'ze eyeliner and makeup). Meh, I dunno. *Oh Green Day, what happened to you?! sobs*
~ You're gonna die screaming but you won't be heard. ~
15 November 2006, 6:31 PM
I don't classify Greenday as Emo...
They're more punk rock... But now commercial rock! My brother went to their St. Jimmy concert in Milton Keynes last year, and said there were soo many people there that you could tell have NEVER listened to Greenday before their latest album.
Bands I consider emo:
My Chemical Romance... Although I really like their new cd, which doesn't sound emo at all.
Bullet for my Valentine... I suppose it kinda helps since Kerrang put a review on the front saying 'Best emo band this year'.
Taking back sunday
Panic at the disco... who were crap live! and the main singers a wimp... Got knocked out by a empty bottle that hit him on the shoulder!
Good Charlotte
Angels and Airwaves
There are loads more, but it's kinda hard to think at 7.30 in the morning!
15 November 2006, 7:03 PM
No XD most of those arnt emo like emocore or something XD
The proper Emo bands arnt as well known i think but emo isnt all that new you know XD
But then even some of the "emos" mite not know what proper emo is XD
15 November 2006, 11:15 PM
Does anyone know what proper emo is? I just see people go "That's Emo", in the same way people used to "That's Gay" at anything they don't like.
While All Answers Are Replies, Not All Replies Are Answers
15 November 2006, 11:42 PM
Yeah, that's the same thing I'm wondering there Gabe...
You've read it! You can't unread it!
16 November 2006, 12:03 AM
Check out Thursday - Standing On The Edge Of Summer 
Thursday is like a proper emo band i think XD
16 November 2006, 12:50 AM
Fact is Emo actually died out in the 80's...
Now-a-days Emo is actually Emo wannabes... But worse!
16 November 2006, 4:26 AM
Quote:Now-a-days Emo is actually Emo wannabes... But worse!
True. Thus my annoyance.
~ You're gonna die screaming but you won't be heard. ~
16 November 2006, 4:43 AM
kyubichan Wrote:True. Thus my annoyance.
It just depends on what Emos you meet...
I know several types of Emo...
One is a complete dick. Say's he isn't Emo, but we all know he is. He goes around listening to Bullet for my Valentine, wearing the typical red and black striped Emo hoody, tight jeans and pink socks. He's always complaining about how his lifes shit, so I tell him to commit suicide like Emos should.
The other is a class guy. He listens to the same shit I do too. Has the fringe going over his face, like me. He does complain about his life too, but I allow that from him since he is close to death anyway... He has a heart problem, so anyday could be his last. All in all a class bloke.
16 November 2006, 4:58 AM
Quote:It just depends on what Emos you meet...
I meet emos mostly on the 'net, most are probably faking it ('ze wannabes). Emos in the Phil, uhm, they're in the bigger cities, hang out at the malls, hoodies and depressed aura included ... An emo would have to be absolutely dumb to come to our city, or if he does, he's completely suicidal if he announces his presence. Even if he doesn't want to die, he will. LOLz
~ You're gonna die screaming but you won't be heard. ~
16 November 2006, 5:06 AM
kyubichan Wrote:he's completely suicidal if he announces his presence. Even if he doesn't want to die, he will. LOLz
Erm... So you get lot's of Emos then?
16 November 2006, 5:11 AM
Hmm... not the hoodie-wearing ones, but rather groups (READ: GANGS) of angsty teenagers who hate their parents and the world, go out after curfew, get drunk and have sex... and hate on every authority figure you can think of. They go out during the night because then the cops are too sleepy to take them in XD
~ You're gonna die screaming but you won't be heard. ~
16 November 2006, 5:21 AM
Sounds like a typical goth party here XD
16 November 2006, 6:01 AM
Lets change some words around =P
Hmm... not the hoodie-wearing ones, but rather groups (READ: GANGS) of angsty teenagers who sex their drunk parents and the world, go out after curfew.
16 November 2006, 6:07 AM
Lets change some words around =P
Hmm... not the sex drunk ones, but rather groups (READ: GANGS) of angsty parents who wear their hoody teenagers and the world, go out after curfew.
Heh heh heh... This is fun! Better than Linkin Park and slit wrists anyday!
16 November 2006, 6:09 AM
Brilliant XD
16 November 2006, 10:37 AM
I was a kind of an emo guy, but I've changed recently. Two
years ago, I felt suicidal, but I came around. I've
become less emotional by a huge margin.