25 October 2006, 5:40 AM
Good Evening
I'm the Nut Job behind the lurkers, I'll come in do my Special Forces kind of thing bring the place back from the Dead then disapear again out into the unknown... if I ever dispear for an unknown leght of Time, I got killed durring Airsoft... What a way to go.... The deparment of defense, regerts to inform you that your Son was Stupid and led his team in a full Ambush. His Surving team members punch his corpse to high noon for his action and they still didn't bother to bring him back.....
I'm the Nut Job behind the lurkers, I'll come in do my Special Forces kind of thing bring the place back from the Dead then disapear again out into the unknown... if I ever dispear for an unknown leght of Time, I got killed durring Airsoft... What a way to go.... The deparment of defense, regerts to inform you that your Son was Stupid and led his team in a full Ambush. His Surving team members punch his corpse to high noon for his action and they still didn't bother to bring him back.....
I am a Member, Not a Number!!!