11 January 2006, 11:40 AM
I suppose, I would say that at the very least ANYTHING from japan, no matter how badly dubbed, edited or renamed, is an anime. Of course all "anime" is is slang for animation.
So what your really asking is where's the line between good, and bad animation. I would probly say that any show that has a good plot, good characters, and is animated well for it's time constitutes a good "anime".
Due to the power of CG these days, I would say good animation or at least unique animation is a requirement and no longer just a bonus to a show. Along with this, I also put forth that good music, fitting music, or unique music, stuff that dosent sound like it's off a Gameboy(the old one) is also required.
Transformers, Totally Spies, Martin Mystery(the last two mind you are French) already have good animation(though the CG Transformers is iffy soemtimes). So, do they have good plots? Totally Spies is a rehash of Charlie's Angels. Martin Mystery is a rehash of classic shows like Scooby Doo. And Transformers is about as immortal as Gundam(and about as Japanese).
None of them have good plots, they're all leftovers or remakes of classic cartoons everyone already loves. They seem good because we love that plot already. But they're really not good because we only like them for the plot they're based on, not on their own merit.
The music in these shows is definately not memorable. In fact I dont recall much music aside from remixes of the intro theme.
So, these shows, animes made outside of japan and transformers, a cartoon turned into an anime(yes, the original was made in the US). already fail at music and plot, their characters are nifty and entertaining to say the least, and their animation is only up to par, but not something to shout about. The Animation of the latter two transformers series was rather depressing.
So in the end, I think "anime" is just a word people attach to shows form japan, be them good or bad. And you really shouldnt use it as a title to eb awarded. IMO, it's all animation, lets just give them the labels of "good" or "bad" on their own merit.
btw: your one of the first people I've seen using the word "yank" or "yanks" I'd always assumed it was an insult.
So what your really asking is where's the line between good, and bad animation. I would probly say that any show that has a good plot, good characters, and is animated well for it's time constitutes a good "anime".
Due to the power of CG these days, I would say good animation or at least unique animation is a requirement and no longer just a bonus to a show. Along with this, I also put forth that good music, fitting music, or unique music, stuff that dosent sound like it's off a Gameboy(the old one) is also required.
Transformers, Totally Spies, Martin Mystery(the last two mind you are French) already have good animation(though the CG Transformers is iffy soemtimes). So, do they have good plots? Totally Spies is a rehash of Charlie's Angels. Martin Mystery is a rehash of classic shows like Scooby Doo. And Transformers is about as immortal as Gundam(and about as Japanese).
None of them have good plots, they're all leftovers or remakes of classic cartoons everyone already loves. They seem good because we love that plot already. But they're really not good because we only like them for the plot they're based on, not on their own merit.
The music in these shows is definately not memorable. In fact I dont recall much music aside from remixes of the intro theme.
So, these shows, animes made outside of japan and transformers, a cartoon turned into an anime(yes, the original was made in the US). already fail at music and plot, their characters are nifty and entertaining to say the least, and their animation is only up to par, but not something to shout about. The Animation of the latter two transformers series was rather depressing.
So in the end, I think "anime" is just a word people attach to shows form japan, be them good or bad. And you really shouldnt use it as a title to eb awarded. IMO, it's all animation, lets just give them the labels of "good" or "bad" on their own merit.
btw: your one of the first people I've seen using the word "yank" or "yanks" I'd always assumed it was an insult.
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"Transhumanism is about how technology will solve the problems inherent in the human condition. Cyberpunk is about how it won't."
"Transhumanism is about how technology will solve the problems inherent in the human condition. Cyberpunk is about how it won't."