24 June 2006, 5:53 AM
Mdnyte Wrote:They could've pulled a "DOA movie tactic" & completely change the styling. That would've probably made it a lot more interesting. I remember the live action series on cable Tv. It was incredible disappointing. Especially since they completely changed her armor... -_-' I stopped watching it a long time ago. I wouldn't be surprised if the animated series doesn't get any further than the live action...
I agree the Live action witchblade sucked, the problem was they wernt allowed to go as far as the comic would, the anime version... from what clips ive seen of it does.
as for the armour in the Live... Im guessing they couldn't pull off doing the classic armour in the first place without blowing their budget on the effects needed to do it each time.
"That's just as stupid as what you said was stupid." - Lynk Former
"Temporal Mechanics are a damn pain in the Ass!!" - Jack O'Neill (SG1)