Lynk Former Wrote:And now this one...Awww, thanks so much Lynk !! I'm gonna admit the aesthetics are a huge reason why I love CLAMP... but I know exactly what you mean about availability of art. Designing without it can get frustrating really fast. I've even had to tone down on how much I use the art, because the site gets an unbearable loading time xD
Clow Legacy has a clear advantage since the animes in which its dedicated to have a beautiful selection of art to work from in the first place. I've tried to create a similar thing for BGCC but can't... simply cause BGC has a lack of this kind of art. It would be nice if it had valid code though XD but it still looks great.
and omg don't blame me for the invalid code. ;_;'s associate links have oodles of "&" in them, so I easily get a bunch of errors from them! I still write my code validly, regardless
Now, let me contribute >D
The Crisis Center Yup. I saw this site and said oooh, I must have it as my own! And then Lynk agreed to be my affiliate without really knowing what he got himself into... lalaa, anyway, I really admire the organization, and the CSS is to die for.
AnimePaper This site just blows me away... it's so functionable I don't even know what to do with myself. The whole alt + g stuff for the gallery, etc, makes me giddy. It's really geared toward Firefox users, but that's okay because I use Firefox. I also got my Yotsubato! wallpaper here, which I absolutely adore!!
I don't know why, but I can't think of any others... :[...
ねえ ふたりは 同じなのかな?