1 May 2006, 5:44 AM
The thing about Macross Plus and Zero is that you appreciate the intricacies of it more if you've seen the original TV series and Do You Remember Love? I mean there is a lot more going on in Plus than you realise if you're someone who hasn't seen the original TV series, and same applies for Zero. They do a lot of things that mirror what they did back in 1982 with the TV series and the movie in 84... it's that oldskool charm that really makes Macross special. It's also the fact that as the animation techniques get more advanced and varied, you get more intense scenes with the Valkyries with Zero being the most intense, though Plus, DYRL and even the TV series still had their pwnage moments.
But yeah, Zero is by far the most kickass when it comes to Valkyrie action. Gundam's ain't got nothin on the Valkyries
But yeah, Zero is by far the most kickass when it comes to Valkyrie action. Gundam's ain't got nothin on the Valkyries
You've read it! You can't unread it!