24 April 2006, 3:33 AM
Well, I see that there's more response that post. I wanted to see if there's reason for mecha can work in some near future. But for mules, if the animal find a walking and climbing route to carry small arm ammo to the some poor shmuck's position on some mountainous frontline there. And that shmuck can't advance forward because his airpower can't blast the enemy's stronghold without any very targeting without his poor ash blasted away and any form of towed artillery short of 105 mm field gun is not possible due to difficulty of carrying and rapidly deploy it in the mountains. Also, light anti-tank rockets or recoilless guns are too light to do the job. Then neither we get to creating the Zentradi or make robots or mecha to carry that heavy field gun to blast that stronghold to pieces. As for battle powered armour, isn't that part of mecha?